Aug 4, 2022


It's very simple and easy... forget about perfection and just start. Forget about the mistakes or sins you did on the past. Never mind if your client was too angry because you're not replying on his messages, reply anyway, never mind if you're already late in your class... go to class anyway, never mind if it's already 4 am and you haven't exercise yet... just do some drills, never mind if you can't do it... just do it. It's simply about taking the next step, the simplest step that you can take and never stop. Stop thinking that you are perfect, stop thinking about beauty or greatness and just focus on the process. Most people are thinking about the finish line already that's why they can't start, you will have a hard time moving your body if you're already thinking about the finish line, you have to feel the pain, feel the process and take it one step at a time. Just take one step now and then follow through, keep pushing until you finish. Laziness is very easy to overcome if you will just live in the present moment and learn to enjoy what's going on may it be hard or easy. 


Stay committed, stay focused, stay connected to your task. Go all in even if you're moving slow. Still take actions even if you're not getting any result, force yourself to move even if you're not feeling well. Stop making excuses because it will create weakness inside of your body. If you really wanted to change then stop making excuses now and force yourself to move, as simple as that. Your speed doesn't matter, your willpower is. If you can harness all of your willpower and push until the end then you will become successful. Just focus on taking the next step and never rush anything, enjoy every action you take and feel proud of yourself because you're pushing and fighting then you're already winning, you're getting better you just can't see it now because it is hard and you're struggling but if you don't give up on yourself, if you just do it even if there are lot of distractions and you choose to focus on what you want... miracles will happen. It's on the hardest situation that growth is much bigger, you can never grow and evolve if things were very easy. So go hard today and push yourself to the limits, it doesn't matter if you're not getting anything what matters is you keep pushing forward. 


This rule cannot be change and will never change, pleasures leads to failures. Look at those lazy bums who always choose instant gratification over sacrifices... they're ugly, they're failing, they're fat, they're weak, they're broke. I am not being harsh or mean here but it's the reality. If you're not making sacrifices, if you need to do something but you're not doing it then you will go down. If you need to stop something like eating too much chocolates or watching too much stupid Television but you're not stopping it then you will go down, your life will become miserable, you have to stop the madness now before it's too late. Pleasures will lead to failures, it will never give you anything, always think before you do something, ask yourself if it's making you better or making you worse, you always have the call, the power is in your hands. Just do it and you will have more energy to do it. 


You have the power to move whenever you want wherever you want, keep this line  in your mind all the time. You can move and nothing can stop you, it's you that's stopping yourself. You have to force yourself to just do it, be one with time, be one with the process. Remind yourself that you can still do something despite of feeling something bad or uncomfortable, if you can embrace discomfort then you will become unstoppable... as simple as that. People cant take actions because they're addicted to comfort, they want the easiest path, they're too addicted to convenience and that's making them stuck. Remind yourself that if you're feeling uncomfortable then it's time to grow, it's a great opportunity to evolve and make a progress. Grapes need to rot to make a good wine, diamonds needs pressure to shine, you can only get better if you're struggling and pushing despite of these ugly emotions. Stop getting overwhelmed, take it one step at a time and ignore the future. What will happen will happen but you need to move forward in order to win in life. 

Develop the ability to feel less resistance, it will only happen if you keep moving forward no matter what. Think positive even if it is hard, think that it is ok to struggle, think that there is going to be a breakthrough in just a matter of time. Nothing can stop you if you will just do one thing at the moment, do something positive. Overthinking will kill you, it's better to execute a mediocre step rather than waiting for the right timing, the right moment will never come, it's always going to feel uncomfortable. If you can manage to tame your emotions and stop feeling like a weak victim then you will be able to go further. Just keep going no matter what, keep doing something, always look for progress not perfection. A small progress is still a progress, trust the process and you will attract success. Always look for the next step, it doesn't matter if you are slow, it doesn't matter if you are wrong... if your intention is to win then you are still right in the end. 


You feel lazy, you are lazy because you don't believe that a small step can make an impact, you don't believe in the power of baby steps. You're stuck in a mud because you're always thinking about getting what you want instead of focusing on what you need to do. You can power through and force fate, you can use your willpower to change something in your life. Laziness is just a mindset, you make it your habit and now you're struggling to get out of it. You need to believe that being early, being a fast starter, being a doer is enough to get you ahead in life. Just do something, just create, don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to feel the pain because it's what you need. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...