Aug 8, 2022


If you want to become successful in life, if you want to become powerful with more money and more everything... don't look for the results, always focus on your mentality and attitude. You must keep going and have an attitude of not giving up. You have to push forward every now and then and give everything you've got, you must not think that you're going to fail, you must not worry about the future, just focus on pushing now and get better than yesterday. It's your mentality that matters the most not the results, forget the outcome and look for the smallest step that you can do. You don't control what will happen but you can control your effort. So focus on taking baby steps and follow through, that's how to become a beast. 


Don't think if you will do it or not... just do it, you have to stop overthinking because it will only make you weak and slow. Production should be the number one priority, never care if you're tired because your energy is renewable, don't care about what's going on outside of you, don't care if you're failing a lot, don't care if you have to repeat over and over again, make yourself a machine and just execute, focus on being fast, focus on taking massive actions. Nothing else matters other than moving and pushing, you can move anytime you want, you're just thinking about the finish line that's why you can't move, you're overwhelmed because you're too worried about being perfect and cute. Stop concerning yourself about your identity, stop worrying about how you look and just move forward. The power of not caring is real, it will make you free, it will make you more creative, it will make you faster and stronger, you can do more if you will not care. Make yourself a machine, just keep pushing and pushing even if nothing good is happening. If your intention is to win and you're not hurting anyone... you're right, you have to continue and never quit even if it is really so hard. 


Appreciate that you are moving, feel like you're progressing, believe that what you're doing is taking you to another level. Never judge yourself every time you fail or made a mistake, just continue and try again. There is no harm in trying, nobody will execute you if you're doing it your way. Enjoy every step be proud of yourself because you're working hard. Never care if you're working too hard but not getting any results, it's ok, the results will come in just a matter of time. You've got to try again and never let your confidence go down because of a rejection or a failure. You must be decided that you're going all in and will never quit no matter what. Don't be half ass committed, erase your plan B and just believe that one day is going to be your day, dedicate your life to the process and you will become a beast. It doesn't matter if the progress is slow, it doesn't matter if you can't see a small progress... what matters is you don't quit. 


Being a beast is not about being great, looking great or dominating any position, you are a beast if you don't give up, you are a beast if you're a doer and not a complainant, you are a beast if you're not complaining. It is what it is, it's rally not going to feel comfortable all the time. You will never win all the time but a real definition of a beast is someone who doesn't care what the situation is, he will force fate, he will do whatever it takes to put himself on a better position, he doesn't mind what is hard or easy... he will persevere until the end. Never care about where you will end up, never care about how people look at you, never care what your position is... just keep on moving forward and try to win, never complain if something is unfair... just do it, just try to win and never feel bad or needy if you didn't get what you deserve, try again tomorrow, this should be the cycle of your life... it's all about trying and taking actions, there is nothing else to think about. If you can have a mindset like this then you will have an outstanding life. The harder you work the more discipline you will be, the more disciplined you are the bigger opportunities will come. So stop feeling needy and acting like a victim if you're working hard and not getting what you want, your day will come, just keep believing in yourself, you have what it takes to win if you put it to the bottom of your heart. 


It's very easy to move if you will not strive for perfection or greatness. It's just an illusion, being perfect or great is just an illusion, you can never achieve it. Greatness means continuous process, there is no finish line, there is no real output, greatness means not stopping, you have to live with it every single day. Remind yourself that you have to take massive actions and believe no matter what, there is nothing else to worry about if you're a real hustler and a real believer. If you really believe in something then you will go to the extreme, you will do what most people can't do. You will break your own records, you will strive to get better than yesterday, you will push yourself to the limits and will never care about what's going to happen next.  

Do it now, do it while it's still early, and even if there is no time anymore... still do it, do it even if it's late. Never care about the time, never care about the uncertainty, being a beast means you don't care if it's comfortable or not, you don't care if it's useless or not... you just do it and you believe that it will somehow make an impact. Having this kind of mindset will make you unstoppable, it will take you to another level, you just need to stop caring and you will be alright, you just need to focus on moving and good things will happen to you. 

Keep taking actions as much as you can, never mind what other people are doing, never care what's going to happen next. Just focus on pushing forward and giving everything you've got... that's the only thing that matters, just do it, every time you find yourself thinking if you will do it or not... choose action over procrastination because it's the only way to make your life better. You could have been a different person by now, you could have been very successful by now but you choose to become lazy and act like a bum that's why your life is miserable. Just take actions and never hold yourself back, no regrets, no dramas... just pure movement. 

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