Aug 11, 2022


The universe will help you if you will help yourself, you need to focus on what you really want and work really hard to get it. Nobody will help you if you keep on doing the same bad habits over and over again. It's your habit that will determine where you will go. It's not your skills, not your support, not luck that will define your legacy, it's your character. So if you keep on using your bad habits even if you already knew that it's only screwing you up... you're in big trouble. You need to force yourself to stop it. Remember that pleasure is not happiness, it's a trap, it's making you feel good now but will make you feel worse in the in the end. Weakness is a choice, you get weaker and weaker every time you let laziness run your day. You get slower, rustier and negative every time you choose instant gratification. Yes it's fun, easy and making you feel better but just for a few seconds, wait for a moment and you will feel worse again. Choosing delayed gratification is uncomfortable, it is hard but will make your life very comfortable and in order for a long time. That's why broke people were stuck in a mud, it's because they're too addicted to consuming, buying, drinking, partying, gossiping, watching TV etc. They don't know that it will make their lives harder in the long run, they just want to feel good, they don't want to make sacrifices. 


Catch yourself if you are about to click a porn site, catch yourself if you are about to think negatively, catch yourself if you're gossiping and judging other people, catch yourself if you are doing something that is putting you on a terrible position. These little bad habits are dangerous, you think it's ok to just do it for now because you will never do it again tomorrow but the truth is you will do it again and again. If you are making negotiations for yourself and not following the strict rules then you will never go further. Disciplining yourself now, doing what is right now will create a very powerful momentum. Stop wasting your time and energy for useless subjects that doesn't even matter at all. What matters is your growth, you're going to a different level every time you discipline yourself. You really need to use a lot of willpower here but it's really worth it. Because the truth is you will feel much better if you're practicing delayed gratification, you get better every time you deprive yourself of useless entertainment. Stop thinking that you need to feel good all the time, looking for good feelings is weakness. Real strength, real glory is embracing what sucks and trying to get better from it. You will become happier if you are working on yourself and trying to improve or learn just a little bit. Trust me... you will feel more satisfied if you're trying to see what you are capable of instead of accepting what it is and just completely destroying your life with stupid activities and useless actions. 


Every time you practice delayed gratification and do what is needed but hard... you go to the next level. It's just a matter of disciplining yourself and not looking for comfort. Embrace the moment even if it is hard. Never look for shortcuts, never look for an easy way out, you have to feel every second of discomfort. Be mindful of your feelings, thoughts and actions. Never do something that is easy but will put you on a worst spot of your life. You know better, you know what is right or wrong, just appreciate the small progress that you've been getting, yes it is slow but it is rewarding. It is slow but you will become faster in the future, yo just need to struggle and face the pain now, once something clicks... everything will be a lot easier. You are building your life every second so ask yourself, is what you're doing now making you better? is what you're doing now putting you on the best position to succeed? are you gaining something from it? or are you getting worse and weaker? you need to trust the process, always believe in your actions, always believe that making sacrifices is making you stronger. Stop looking for an easy path, enjoy what is hard and get use to it, you have to fall in love with the harder path because it's making you stronger and better. You can level up every second, it's just a matter of helping yourself and believing that you are improving every time you choose the harder path.

Every time you car craving to smoke, drink alcohol, be lazy, simp or do something that is useless but fun... just paus for a few seconds or minutes. You have to understand that it's just an emotion, you wanted to feel good from those pleasures but the truth is... it's a trap, every time you bite the trap you get weaker and weaker, it's a poison, these useless entertainment is just trying to fool you. It's not solving the problem at all, the real solution is to don't do anything, don't consume anything, don't buy anything, don't use anything, just focus on the process, focus on trying to endure and discipline yourself because that's how to get stronger and better. 


Fight fire with fire. That's the only way to deal with it, you can't be lazy when you're struggling, you can't be relaxing when you're broke. You have to push yourself to the limits and never get discourage when things are really bad. Your situation will only change if you're working hard and making sacrifices. Maybe the reason why you're struggling is because you're too soft and slow, you have to be hard and just do what you need to do regardless of how you feel, push yourself, drag yourself, use all of your willpower to do something right. 


At the end of the day your luck will only run out if you stop pushing. If you decided to slow down and be lazy, if you become arrogant and got complacent then that's the time when your luck will run out. Your luck will keep coming if you're working harder every single day. That's the only requirement of success... hard work and dedication, this is not a complicated thing, you're the only one who is complicating it because of thinking too much and choosing laziness over hard work. With hard work anything is possible, you will become a winner for sure so why not choose it? hard work is the only solution to any problem, choose it and you will be rewarded. Don't waste your luck, it will run out one day if you don't take care of it. Don't relax if you're in a good situation right now, strike while the iron is hot and never let that momentum die, keep the fire burning, keep pushing until you can't push anymore. Don't waste your time for nonsense things, you have to value your time and use it only for meaningful activities and people.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...