Mar 30, 2022


What happening now is all you've got, your life is happening now, it's not happening in the past and it will not happen in the future. There is no such thing as future because you can never go there, you can only plan and expect your dreams to come true, you can only imagine your future but you can never get it now. You can become successful in the future but it all starts now, life is happening now and being in the present moment is the best way to enjoy life. It's not about planning for a vacation and going there, it's not about wishing to have a new house and living there, you can wish for all the things you want but when you get it all... you will wish for more. 

Life is hard because you're always looking to go back to the past or maybe go to your future desired life, but no matter how hard you try... you can never escape the now, so all you can do is live in the moment and devour what is in front of you. Never live in the past nor try to live in the future, enjoy what is happening now and create a better life little by little. 


Is because you're not in the moment, you're in a hurry, you're worrying too much. Just like looking for a lost key of your car, you can't see it because you're panicking and worrying, you're thinking about the future already. You're thinking about what will happen if you can't find it. You're thinking about the cost of replacing the key or somebody with bad intentions might find it and steal your car. You're thinking in advance instead of focusing on the now. What you need to have you already have, stop looking for what you can't get, never look too far ahead and just focus on getting better each day, be patient and take your time, enjoy what you have at the moment and never stop growing. Never stop evolving. Go all in with the present moment, confine yourself with the present moment and never stop taking the next step. It's all about the next one and the next one, simplify your life by going further as much as you can without rushing or feeling bad whenever things are not going your way. Stop comparing yourself, stop getting jealous of what other people have. Focus on what you have and do it your way, be the best that you can be and always focus on you own growth, focus on your own journey only. 


There's nothing to worry about, all you need to do is move forward and you will be alright. Stop being stuck in the past, stop living in fantasies like getting rich but not doing anything to get it. You have to life in the now. Thinking about the past is the worst thing that you could ever do, it will never do good to your life, it will only make you weak. Past is past, there is nothing you can do about it anymore. Confine yourself with the present moment and believe in the power of now. Just enjoy life, even if you're badly struggling or nothing good is happening with your life... learn how to enjoy it, learn how to appreciate every second of your life and have zero regrets. Leave everything in the past and just do what can make you happy. Even if you're not happy with the moment, just learn how to appreciate that you're still living, there is a big chance that you can still become happier in the future, all you have to do is never give up and hang in there. 


Hustle for what you want, make hustling as your entertainment. You go out there, you show up, you do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true. You take your goals seriously and you see yourself as your own hero, you enjoy yourself, you idolize yourself, you're so you, you're so fully present in the moment and trying to have fun in life s much as you can. Because you're the only one who can save yourself, you're the only one who can make your life better. Treat yourself as a hero, believe that you can do anything, believe that you can overcome anything and never give up when things gets rough, you have to sail and do the best you can to win in life. You are your only company, nobody is going to do it for you so stop acting like you're entitled of free handouts. Love yourself, praise yourself but don't be a narcissistic 


Don't worry about taking actions, worry about inactions because it will make you broke and useless. Most people are worried about moving not knowing that it's the only thing that will make their lives better. They were scared to solve a problem, they were so scared to try. Believe in the power of now, consider that your life is a journey and not a completion, don't ever forget to move forward and try to improve a little bit everyday. Whether it's about mentally, financially, physically or spiritually... keep getting better a little bit and have fun with the process, always look for the next step and get excited with it, never complain and always learn how to motivate yourself because life is simply about facing your fears and trying to get something positive from it. Whenever you feel overwhelmed with something always think that you're just enjoying life, take it slowly but don't ever stop, always do the next step and follow through. Have fun taking baby steps and learn how to feel your senses. Don't just do something without feeling something about it, being in the moment means learning how to enjoy even the most difficult situation by breathing and being totally aware and engaged of what's going on. 


Detach from the outcome, detach from what people are going to say, stop worrying about the future, stop thinking about the results because it will destroy your creativity, it will make you scared of trying. Detach from everything and set yourself free, express yourself to the fullest and always think that it's alright to make mistakes, it's alright to try something new. Just make a stand for what you believe and finish what you've started until the end. 

Mar 26, 2022


Even the millionaires are struggling, even the most popular person was struggling, even the presidents were struggling. Nobody was immune to struggling, it is part of life, you don't have the right to complain. Everyone has his own problem and you will only survive if you have the right thought process in your head. Everyone was having a hard time so who are you to complain and make excuses? who are you to think that the world was so unfair? There is no such thing as an easy life, you have to get rid of this idea and just be yourself. 


If you fail you fail so what? are you going to die after failing? are you going to get broke? failing is only in the mind, you're a failure if you give up. Try again and never give up. You should feel happy when you fail because that means you're trying. Failures will make you grow, if you wanted to win in life then keep failing as much as you can, it will mold your mentality, it will make you mentally stronger, so keep failing and never give up. Just try again whenever you fail, do it your way, never let anything stop you from trying. It's ok to look insane, it's ok to look weird because you don't give up, always remember that giving up is for losers, you're not a loser, you're a fighter, you have to give yourself a chance to succeed, never stop and just keep pushing forward. 


Every time you're scared you go forward, every time you fail you go forward, every time you're doubtful you go forward, every time you feel lazy you go forward, every time you're not passionate you go forward, every time you feel unmotivated you go forward, every time you're unfocused you go forward. That's how to win in life, you do something during the most uncomfortable moments, you embrace the fear and you never let it stop you. Just move forward and you will become unstoppable. Because the truth is nothing can stop you if you will just push and do whatever it takes to move forward. Your emotions will change if you will stay busy and active, don't ever waste your time complaining and wishing for things to change and get better. You have to force fate and take matters into your own hands, your situation will only get better if you will do something about it. So stop whining like a little bitch and keep moving forward, time is still on your side, no matter how worse the situation looks... you still have a chance. Never let your emotions ruin your day, never let feelings stop you from doing something great. 


If you want to make a comeback then don't ever think about making a comeback. Just take it slowly, do one positive thing at a time and never stop. Focus on taking baby steps, don't rush to make a strong comeback, don't wish for an easy win. That's what gamblers do, when they lose some money they will try to bet all of their remaining money and that's why they keep losing. You have to learn how to become patient, you have to learn how to weather the storm when luck is not on your side. Stop being too emotional and be technical, be smart, don't use your emotion, use your brain. Take it slowly, learn to wait and never give up. You will struggle every now and then but that's part of the process. You can rise from the ashes, you can become something greater than who you are right now, all it takes is hard work and dedication, all it takes is boldness and decisiveness, decide to just do it and never look at the future. Always feel like a winner already and never give up no matter what. Keep pushing forward, keep moving forward and just give everything you've got. Just don't waste time and you will be fine, stop spending most of your time to information that will not even help you at all, stop spending time to nonsense that will make you weak and slow. Be fast, just do something real quick and never look back.  


When you're having a hard time change your mindset, think that it's easy, think that's doable. When you're struggling change your mindset, think that soon it will be over, think that you're going to win no matter what. Most of the time your mindset was so weak that's why you're giving up so fast. You have to stay with the problem and never give up, enjoy life as much as you can even if you're struggling so badly, you have to take chances and always think that you can enjoy anytime, it's all about how you think, it's all about your perspective. Now is the time to win, now is the time to get better. Never waste a  single second complaining about how hard your life is, if your life is hard... make it harder by working hard and powering through. You will be able to make a breakthrough in just a matter of time, change your mindset and become very strong. 


Every time you fail, stand up and try again. Every time you got embarrassed or rejected go back and try again. Every time you're in pain, push forward and show then who you really are. Be tough as nails, never give up when things gets hard, you have to keep going and keep pushing forward. You can be tough as nails whenever you want or wherever you want, just don't give up and you will become a winner. Because it's on you if you will chose to become strong or weak, stop acting like a weak clown and be the best version of yourself. You have the power to move forward whenever you want to, you're in control of your life, stop acting like a victim, stop having that weak mindset and just do the very best thing you can do with your life. 

Mar 23, 2022


If you wanted to succeed then there should a game plan, if you don't know what game plan to follow or how to create your game plan then just don't waste time. This is the best game plan ever, look at yourself all the time and see if you're working hard or not. You have to operate consciously all the time. The reason why you're lazy and slow is because you're operating in an auto pilot mode. You've been controlled by your habits and it's hard for you to stop what you don't need to do because you've been doing it for a long time. 


Time is not just a gold, it's everything. You can do anything with your time, you can use it to achieve your dreams, you can use it to change your life, you can use it to become anything you want so don't ever squander it for nothing, don't ever waste it like you have unlimited of it. Stop wasting your time over thinking, stop thinking about problems that you will never benefit anything. You have to focus on sharpening whatever skill you have, you have to focus on your own belief and try to amplify it every single day. Think only about the things, situations and people that you want to attract and does really matters into your life. Look at yourself, you're wasting a lot of time that's why you can't evolve. You will only have a break through if you will use your time very well. Stop wasting it, stop throwing it away and use it to make your life so much better than yesterday. 


Stop judging yourself, if you wasted a lot of time in the past then let it go. Never think about it and just finish strong. Finish this day strong, go harder even if the day was almost over. Go hard as you can and have pride in working hard. Go back to your work and learn how to enjoy it, stop thinking about the mistakes that you did, forgive yourself for the nonsense decisions that you did and just focus on getting better now. All you have is now, you can change now, you can do something great now. Don't be scared to destroy your identity, don't be scared to go all out and fail big time. Keep pushing until the end of the day, make sure you're productive and aggressive. Never hesitate, always hit the green light. It's not how you start, it's how you finish, you will only be able to finish strong if you will push harder until it's done, forget the past because it's a complete waste of time, it's not giving you anything, just laugh at it and confine yourself to the present moment. 


Just go out there and work hard, work as hard as you can. Stop looking for rewards. Stop looking for ways to get the job faster than expected. You have to practice working harder each day and treat it as the reward itself. Not being afraid to push yourself to the limits, not being afraid to try, not being afraid to start all over again, not being afraid to any kind of very work. You just process what needs to be processed. Rewards will come if you already deserve it, if it's not coming yet then it means your effort wasn't enough. You have to keep working harder and get better. Keep pushing, keep creating and don't ever stop, test yourself how far can you go by hard work, belief and focus alone. Nothing is impossible if you will go all in. 


The number one key to become successful is to get excited for yourself, get excited for your life, get excited for your improvement. Because the truth is you love yourself, you don't want to get harmed, you don't want to fail, you don't want to get abused, you want to feel powerful, you wanted to win but the funny thing is you're not taking care of yourself. You're not focusing on your own life, you're more interested with other people's lives than your own life. You know what they're doing, you don't know yourself anymore. You know the story of their success instead of creating your own success story. If you want to become successful then all of your time should go for you only, never waste your time updating yourself about your favorite stupid celebrity. You don't need them, they won't help you when things get hard, they won't care for you if you're at the bottom, whey the hell will you spend so much time studying their stories? never watch any stupid celebrity and you will see a dramatic change in your life. The game plan was too simple... don't waste your time, use it for your growth only, never give any second or millisecond to something that won't help you to grow. Because the only way to grow and make a break through is to focus on yourself, be yourself and do whatever it takes to win. Stop giving time and energy to people that doesn't even help you to grow. 

Nothing is impossible if you will focus on trying to improve your skills, improve your mentality and believe that all of your efforts will come into fruition one day. It will take time that's why you have to be patient, don't rush the process, don't panic, don't feel needy of the results. Your time will come in just a matter of time, just relax and work hard while waiting. Be calm and never compare yourself to others, never get jealous with the success of others, keep going no matter what and always think that everything you're doing is right for as long as your intention is to succeed. 

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Mar 22, 2022


If you've been chasing success for a long time but you couldn't get it don't think about changing, don't think about what's wrong, there's nothing you need to change, you just need to work harder and stay dedicated. The reason why you can't make a progress is not the people or circumstances around you, it's you... you're not going all in, you're always being needy of results but you're not giving your all, you're not doing whatever it takes to succeed, you just want it but you're not doing everything for it. If you really believe it, if you really want it then you will go the extra mile, you will always push and look for possibilities to have a breakthrough, you will never complain, you will never compare yourself to others, you will start working hard to day and work harder and harder as the time goes on. Look at yourself, you're wasting a lot of time, you have an ugly attitude, you're inconsistent and doesn't believe in yourself, you don't have a philosophy, you don't believe in something, you want something but you're not pushing yourself to the limits to get it. You're the only reason for your failure, not other people, not the circumstances around you, you're the one who's doing the wrong here. Just work harder and believe in yourself more, believe in yourself more, do this for a year and let's see what you can get by having this kind of mentality. 


Be bolder, be faster, be more aggressive, don't waste any second, if you need to do something just do it and forget about making a mistake, forget about what could went wrong, just do it and live with it, make a stand for it. Be fast in making a decision, don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for the perfect timing, make the timing now, do something positive now and carry on. Impost your will, make a statement, never hesitate for a second, be like an assassin, pull the trigger no matter what, do something about it and never change your mind, it's simply about moving fast and trying over and over again until you succeed. Stop comparing yourself to others because it will only make you stuck, focus on your own journey and try to get better each day, as simple as that. The moment you consciously think that you need to work, work and just start, don't look for perfection, look for execution, stop trying to look cute all the time and force fate, drag yourself to work and never mind if you keep making the same mistakes, power through until you finally made a break through. Stop being too technical, stop being too perfect, stop being an overthinker. 


There should be no days off, hustle every second of your life, grind like hell and reap the fruits of your labor later, don't worry about the results because you will get it, it's only just a matter of time before you get it. Just work hard now and push yourself to the limits, don't worry about the future, don't worry about what might happen next. What will happen will happen but what you can't do is waste a lot of your time over thinking and trying to become perfect. Nothing can stop you, nothing should stop you if you will choose to become unstoppable. Never care about the results, never care about other people and you will feel very powerful. Don't waste time, get disgusted of yourself if you've been clowning around like a bum, you have to feel that it's an urgent to take actions. The truth is you can go all in but you always choose not to, that is a weak mentality, that is a weak piece of shit, you have to go all in now before it's too late, what's there left for you to lose? you have nothing to lose if you're taking actions so go hard all the time and do whatever it takes to succeed, never stop, never settle. 


Just guard yourself if you're working hard or not, guard yourself if you're wasting a lot of time and energy for nothing, as simple as that. You have to stop being complacent, lazy and predictable, do something different everyday, go as hard as you can, take massive actions and never be scared of repeating again or failing. Never be scared of getting tired because if you're too damn tired for working hard then it means you're growing. You have to slap yourself or punch yourself every time you do something that is not aligned to your goals, it is what it is, it's going to get harder but what can you do? 


Always think that you can do something, always feel that you are capable of doing something great, never back down to any challenge, never feel scared of anything that is about to come. Just do it, embrace every adversity, eat all the problems and uncertainties. Stop feeling weak and always push yourself to the limits. Just don't quit and that's it, perseverance is the key. Being fast, being dedicated and going all in all the time. You should accept what you are scared of, you should embrace what you are resisting all the time and start living the right way now. Life is simply about facing your fears, going hard and never giving up. Life is full of challenges, it is full of fun if you can have a right perspective. 


If it's not about money, if it's not about your goals then don't do it, why the hell will you do it? if its not making you healthy or strong, if it's making you broke then why the hell will you do it? it's just a waste of time. Get rid of the distractions, even if it's really hard to resist... never give it any attention or energy. It's just a waste of time and wasting time will make your life miserable and weak. 


If you really wanted to win then you will sacrifice everything that is fun but not helping you. There is no need to change because change will happen naturally. You will do everything that will take you closer to your goals. There is no right or wrong anymore, you will just take actions. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

Mar 19, 2022


The reason for your failure is you're only giving your 17 percent not 20 not 25 not 100, only 17 percent or maybe even lesser than that. You're playing the weak game, you're making a lot of dramas and excuses, you're not pushing yourself, you're not excited about taking actions, you're even allergic to moving. You're always tired, you're always complaining you're always acting like a bum, you're too lazy. You're not trying to reach your full potential, you're just happy surviving, you're not even trying. If you want more, if you want a new life then commit to giving your 100 percent or more, never settle for a weak effort, never be scared of working too damn hard because at the end of the day hard work will reward you, hard work pays off. 


Don't ever think that just because your mom is a police doesn't mean you don't need to work anymore. Don't ever feel like you don't need to study anymore because your teacher has a crush on you or your parents were rich, don't ever feel like you don't need to exert more effort anymore because you already knew a lot. You will fail every time you feel so entitled of having a free pass. Don't look for special treatment, don't try to look cute. You owe it to yourself to work hard, you need to test yourself how far you can go by being focus to getting better each day. It's ok to get overly fatigued, there's nothing wrong with that, you can rest anytime you want to but don't rest too much, rest for a bit an then work hard again, it's a grind, it's a hustle you really have to do whatever it takes to become successful, there's a price you have to pay if you're wishing for something big so don't ever feel like you've been treated unfairly because it's not real. 


The best lifestyle in the world is simply moving forward all the time. It's possible, it feels 100x better than being stagnant and over thinking, moving forward all the time will make you feel very confident and secured. You just knew that you have this thing called hustle and it will save your life from misery and being broke. The trick here is to just start, stop aiming for perfection, stop competing with others, stop trying to rush the process and simple enjoy every step of the way. Enjoy takin it one step at a time, this lifestyle will make you avoid wasting a lot of time. Whatever you need to do, just start it, don't aim to finish it fast, just do it, just enjoy every second of it and never worry about what you're going to do next, never be scared of what's going to happen next. Just keep moving forward, stop making excuses. Even if you are failing, even if nothing seems to look right, even if you're making a lot of mistakes, even if you're already late, even if your client was already mad at you, even if you're lost.... just keep moving forward and do what you need to do. You will feel invincible by having this kind of mindset, you will forget all of your problems, your worries will go away. Because you will believe in yourself more, you will think that it's ok if something is uncomfortable because you can still move forward and do something about it. The scariest thing is if you know what to do and you know you need to do it but you're not doing something about it, that's the scariest thing because it means you're already a lazy bum that has no future. This is the best mindset ever, it will take away stress in your life because you're just flowing, all the worries are gone because you're not afraid of time anymore, you're just focused on moving forward and that's it. Mistakes doesn't bother you anymore, failures doesn't make you scared anymore, you just do your thing and give your best. There's no pressure anymore, there's no feat that's trying to freeze you because you just knew at the end of the day you will still move forward. Having this kind of mentality will make you faster and more productive, the resistance will go away, you will forgive yourself if you're making mistakes and you're so excited to try again and do your next move. 


Forget about perfection, forget the result, forget about what's going to happen next and just be faster, do it now, never mind if you're doing it perfect, don't worry about failing and just do it now. Give everything you've got and push yourself to the limits. Never hesitate, when you're in doubt... take actions, that's how to become confident. Give your all, even if you're not feeling comfortable at all... still take actions because that's how to win in life, take chances and never take an opportunity for granted. Just do it without any form of attachment, fall in love with the process, take it one step at a time. There's no need to panic here, just start fast and finish strong. Just make sure your intention all the time is to finish and win, never complicate the process, make it as simple as it can be and simply do whatever it takes to win. Always remember that there are no mistakes if your intention is to win, every action is the right action if it's directed towards your goal. hard work pays off, hard work can get the job done, hard work alone can take you to places. Persevere when you're struggling, never give up when you can't see hope and always remind yourself to give your 100 percent or even more. 

Because the reason why you failed in the past is you only gave your 17 percent, you're not pushing, you're not dragging yourself to do more. There's no such thing as something for nothing, you have to fight for what you want, you have to struggle for it, you have to make sure you want it so bad more than anything else. 

Mar 18, 2022


It can be anything, it can be a belief, it can be sacrifices, it can be hard work, it can be deprivation, it can be motivation, it can be your son, it can be your girlfriend or a hot chick in the neighborhood, it can be a small success, it can be a food for christmas or a small money for your mom, it can be proving yourself to other people, it can be discipline. Something will help you to become successful, something will push you to win. It can be a technique or a simple process. Something that is making you do something, something that is helping you to do more and be effective. It can be an image, it can be a thought, it can be a small or big dream. There's a fuel for success and you have to find it. Most people's fuel is hard work, we've heard it from the most successful people in the world, they simply move and do whatever it takes to win. Some people's fuel is their habits, they develop a healthy habit and they let it take them to wherever they want. Some people's fuel is passion, they were so creative and having so much fun with their work that leads to success. Something will spark you, something will trigger you to take actions, look for it and focus on it. Anything that inspires you will work, keep thinking about it all day long, believe that you're little by little getting closer from it, believe that it will be yours one day and of course work as hard as you can, never get lazy, never stop, you have to go all in if you wanted to win. 


If you want to get it, if you really want it and you can't sleep without it then focus on your own story, focus on getting better everyday. Never mind what other people are doing, never mind other people's business and focus on your own life only. See yourself as a super hero that is trying to change, see yourself as someone who has a big purpose in life. Let your own story be something inspirational, learn to motivate yourself, learn to use all your might just to achieve something. Never care about what people say, reject an information that doesn't give you any confidence, remember that the only thing that matters is moving forward and nothing else, you have to check yourself all the time, check your thoughts, check your actions. Are you doing something positive and thinking positive? if the answer is yes then just carry on, there's nothing else to worry about. Focus on doing you, focus on being you, focus on what you really want and never let any subject mess up your mentality. If you really want to get something then you should be all in and never let any distraction stop you. Forget the past, forget the future and focus on the now, focus on what you can do today to make your life better. Keep pushing forward, keep hustling and grinding and just don't stop. Never quit when it's hard, never get discouraged every time you fail, you have to try again and have fun with failures. Eat failures and critics like it's nothing. 


Always think that you can do anything, think that you're the best and never change that mindset. It's all about what's going on inside of your head, if you really wanted to win then you should bet on yourself and always think that you can do something great. If you can't think that you're the best then you will never evolve, you will never raise your standards, your mind will stop thinking and you will never push anymore. But if you think you're the best then you will always do the impossible and do the extreme, you will go further and look for possibilities. Thinking that you're the best will give you an advantage, it will give you an edge, you have to think more and do more, you have to think that nothing can stop you. Because the truth is you can become unstoppable if you will reprogram your mind to success, you can become great if you will change all of you bad habits and turn them to good ones. It's too simple, dedicate yourself to greatness and never stop working. 


Give only attention to yourself and in everything that you do, use small progress as a motivation. The truth about chasing a goal is whenever you're taking actions you're already improving, there is nothing to lose here if all you do is work hard for your dreams. Don't be afraid to get your efforts wasted because it's part of the design, failing is part of the process. You should feel much better every time you're moving because it's honing your work ethic, it's making you better, it's putting you on a better position to succeed. 


The number one root of failure is jealousy, you want to have what other people have, you want to get success fast, you want to win right away without having to work hard for it. If you hear a news about someone becoming successful you want to become successful too, you don't want to get left behind, all you want is to get but you don't want to give, and that's why you keep on failing. If you want to win then be ready to take massive actions, be ready for extreme hard work, be ready to give everything you've got even your happiness and time because that's the only way, you can never win if you keep exerting a mediocre effort. You better elevate your game and push yourself to the next level, stop acting and living like a bum, stop being slow, be faster than yesterday, go harder than yesterday and try to break your own records. Focus on the small winnings and multiply it as much as you can. Just focus on the process, appreciate the slight improvement and never compete or compare yourself to anyone, just be yourself. If you fail you fail, if you win you win but just keep working harder every single day and never stop pushing. 


Life is really not fair and you have to get used to that. It's hard, it's not easy, you will never get anything you want it's always uncomfortable and uncertain. It is what it is, if it's not hard then it's not life, you have to deal with every uncertainty and discomfort, you have to adapt to any kind of situation or else your life will become miserable and depressing. The point here is... you can still move despite of obstacles and disturbances, you can still do something despite of imperfections and obstructions. Nothing can stop you from moving, it's you that is stopping yourself. 

Because of them I cannot work, because of him I feel mad, because of the noisy dogs I can't sleep, because of the rain I can't go out and do what I promise to my friend, because of the government I am poor, because of my parents I'm not successful, because of my wife I can't enjoy my life, because of my children I can't do what I love to do anymore, because of the recession I can't start a business... THESE ARE ALL EXCUSES. Enough of these nonsense complaints, you have the power to do what you wanted to do despite of these so called obstacles. It's your life you can do whatever you wanted with it, you can start now, it's all about facing the pain of starting. You can't start because you wanted everything to be perfect, you can't move because of thinking too much.     


You feel stuck in a mud, you feel like a weak and helpless human being because you're not moving, you're not taking matters into your own hands. But if you will just start and do it your way... you will feel so free. An old vendor who goes anywhere and sell his shit is more free than an employee who is being abused by his boss. You have to start now what you wanted to do, you have to do it no matter what, even if it's too impossible and comfortable. Start where you are with what you have and simply go further, the more you move the more you will become confident, you will feel so free and powerful, good things and opportunities will be attracted to you. People feel stuck and hopeless because they're not starting, they're stuck because of their mindset, they want to win right away without having to work so hard. It's not about your position that makes you feel stuck, you can be living on a mansion but still feel stuck, you can be a son of a zillionaire but still feel stuck. It's about your ability to just move and forget your surrounding or situation. Keep moving forward, even if you're lost at least you're not stuck.


Because of this, because of that, because of it, because of him... these are the lines of weak people. Catering your excuses will destroy success. You are ruining an opportunity every time you make excuses. Accept that you failed because of your wrong doings, you did it to yourself, you made yourself a bum now it's time to change your life and go back to your throne again, be like a king again. You can only do it by working hard, being relentless and not being afraid of any given moment. It's your time to shine, destroy your excuses now before it destroy you. Nothing should stop you from taking actions, you may be treated unfairly but you can still take actions and do something about your life, you can still move forward and do something positive. Stop making out of the world and lame excuses because it's only making you weak and stuck, you have to force fate, force yourself to work hard even if you're not getting anything, it's a better mindset, it has a higher chance of winning. You have to force yourself to do something whenever you feel lazy, stuck and scared. Never pamper your emotions, emotions were too overrated. Stop being too emotional and sensitive, stop stopping every time you feel something negative. Trust me, you will feel much better if you will drag yourself to taking actions, just take the first step and that's it, stop thinking too much, stop trying to become perfect, just do something so that you will gain your confidence back.

Always remind yourself that the only way to get on top is to keep moving forward, stay consistent and believe in yourself. Never doubt yourself for a second, quit over thinking, stop worrying about the future and focus on taking actions now, take it one step at a time, enjoy every second that is happening in your life. Go hard every single day and never stop, you have to enjoy working hard because that's the only way to avoid quitting. Always think that you're already progressing every time you're working hard. Always believe that you're already improving every time you pick taking actions over being lazy and unproductive. Hard work and dedication will take you further, you will go very far, just be patient because it will take time, don't rush the results, forget about it and focus on what is in front of you. 


It's only in the mind, what's stopping you is only in the mind, if you really want something then you will get it no matter what, you will force fate, you will defeat all the obstacles, you will weather any kind of storm, you will never care about what people say, you will never care if it is hard or easy... you will just do it. Because the reality is you're the only one who's stopping yourself. Your stupid excuses is freezing you, it's making you weak. Avoid the weak mentality and choose moving all day long, choose just doing something over thinking too much, stop wishing that things could have been better, you have to take matters into your own hands and take care of business. So what if you need to work extremely hard? it is what it is, accept that it's your fate so that you will feel zero resistance.


Create your own course, create your own theory, create your own philosophy, create your own process, create your own economy, create your own style, create your life. It's all about you setting up everything to your advantage, it's simply about the trial and error method. Just do it, allow yourself to believe in yourself, experiment with your life, experiment with your own vision using hard work and perseverance. This is the best way to live you life... doing it your way and creating your own lifestyle. Most leaders created an information that most of us are following, most leaders created their own rules that are not even right. Who are they to dictate how are you going to live, you can live your life your own way. 


People will criticize you, ridicule you, mock you, hate you if you are doing it your way and practicing your own belief that you built naturally. It's ok, just keep going and live your life like the way you wanted to live it. Create the life that you want, live the life you want to live and never let other people affect you or manipulate your mind. Just pick what you want to achieve in life and get it no matter what. Let the naysayers say what they wanted to say, let the critics have fun with you but never let them get into your head. Protect your mentality, protect your mindset. Let the talk while you do your own thing, let them say anything they want and never let it get inside of your head. Focus on your thing and never let anyone make you feel bad, just keep going, keep moving forward all the time and never mind what other people think of you. 


Every time you are hesitating of starting something because you're so afraid to get ridiculed or mocked... just start, start fast and forget the result, start even if your timing was so off. All you need is a little bit of courage and you will be able to create a miracle. There will be a lot of times when you will doubt yourself, you will be scared, you will think of a lot of things why you can't finish it. But that's ok, it's normal, just keep pushing forward and never give up. 


Just like I said... don't look for an advice and just do it your way. What they will say will affect your mentality, it will give you doubts and fears, you will be scared especially if you don't like what they say. You need to try and test it for yourself, you need to be brave and stop thinking about the future too much. Remember that it is your life, you are responsible for your success and failure, nobody can buy you groceries for free, nobody can give you money for free, why the hell will you listen to them? listen to your own gut instinct, listen to your heart because it can never go wrong. 


Nobody said it's going to be easy so stop complaining, stop crying like a bitch because it will never help. Of course it will be hard, you will have troubles, you will stumble and get lost. It is what it is, accept the fact that life is full of challenges especially if you're doing it your way. If you're creating your own theory then you will have a hard time proving that you are right. There's no easy in the world, there is no free handout, you have to go all the way and give everything you've got. You have to be faster, bolder, more aggressive, assertive and serious. 


Master the "switch", switch your mood right away, switch your state fast. If you're having a bad day, ignore all the bullshits and move forward. Once you caught yourself thinking or feeling the wrong way... immediately switch mode and get back your focus to winning. Always guard your thoughts and actions, every time you feel lazy work hard and start your tasks, every time you're thinking negatively stop that thought and think about positive things, every time you are mad look for some things that you can appreciate and focus on it. Switch your mood right away, make it as your skill so you can become very productive everyday. 


When you're about to give up, when you're about to quit... that's the time you should keep trying. That's the time you should keep moving forward. When you're about to give up you need to take it slowly, be in the moment and always think that you still have a chance if you will be ok with getting the smallest progress that you can get. The tiniest improvement will get the job done, remember that this is not a race, it's a marathon, you can do something great if you will be ok with being slow. Just take your time and give your very best, don't rush everything, your time will come, you will be able to find a way, you will experience a break through and once that happen you will have more control and grip on your life. 


If you want to become great then be willing work and do something during the hardest times. When you feel so tired and scared, when you feel hopeless and defeated... that's the time you need to work harder. that's the time you need to get stronger. keep pushing when it's hard, don't ever give up, don't submit, you have to enjoy the fire, enjoy the pressure and put a smile on your face. Always remember that hard times is the best opportunity to shine. So keep going and give everything you've got. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

Mar 16, 2022


There are lot of nonsense activities and thoughts that you've been catering for a long time but you're not aware that it's nonsense or maybe you are aware but you're so addicted to it. You have no idea how big you can become if you will just use your time wisely and avoid all the nonsense in your life. You are creating these nonsense pain and problems and you're pretending that it's ok to go with them, you are attaching them into your life and you're not doing something to avoid them, you're not trying to control yourself, you're not stopping yourself, you're letting yourself be like that and that's why you have a lot of problems, you will face a bitter consequence in the future if you don't stop it now, you better think the right way and do something to control your urge. You really have to replace those bad habits with good ones if you want to have a better life, if you want to stay in control then always do the right thing 24/7. 


The reason why you're so in love with those nonsense thing is because you love pleasures, pleasure doesn't mean happiness, pleasure is a temporary excitement but it will soon go away and you will have to suffer later if it's too much. Learn to stop all these things before it gets worse. Stop watching TV, stop gossiping in facebook, stop scrolling in your social media, stop wasting time, stop thinking about the past, stop daydreaming, stop associating yourself with people or activities that will not even help you to grow, you have to be strict on yourself. Pleases is instant gratification, it will never do anything good to you, it's just a temporary high that makes you addicted to it, it's just a waste of time, it's easy that's why it is fun but that fun will never stay forever, wait for a few days and these pleasure is already making your life harder. Don't look for comfort, don't look for pleasures, instead do something that is hard but will give you a reward in the future. Practice delayed gratification, practice doing what is hard but will make you better. It's all about mastering the process and not longing for results, learn how to control your emotion, stop being too emotional because it will never serve you. 


Stop now, define those bad habits and stop them now, never look at them, never think about them, never start them. Stop now because it's easier, if you keep on telling yourself that you will just stop later or tomorrow then you will never stop, you bad habits will get worse. Stop now while you still think about stopping, stop now while you still have the power. Because those bad habits will eat you in the future, it will consume you, it will take over of your life and you will lose control, do you want that? stop now even if it's too uncomfortable, the best time to stop is when you feel so hard to stop. The idea is this, if you know that it will not help you then never do it, why will you do it in the first place? if you want to change then you need to be mindful of what you're doing all the time, you have to admit to yourself that what you're doing will only make your life worse. Stay away from these nonsense things as much as possible and never feel bored with your new character, your new identity and personality will bring you to the top, it will make you achieve your goals. The old you is making you sick, slow and weak. It's making you stuck, you better build a new attitude now if you don't want to get the same poor results over and over again. The key to stop is once you realize that you're doing it again, stop right away, no attachments, no continuation even if you're having a lot of fun, stop it without saying any word. If you're playing video games with your small brother and you have an assignment to do... stop it right away without explaining yourself. If you're having sex with your co employee and you're already married, stop it right away, no explanation... wear your clothes and go back home. It's easier to stop if you will stop now, if you will say to yourself that it's the last time you're going to do it then you will do it again tomorrow. 


Habits that will put you on top, habits that will give you more money, habits that will heal you, habits that will make you stronger. It's all about training yourself everyday and being committed to the process. It's not going to be easy but it will help you a lot if you master these good habits very well. You will become very productive if you can master these power habits, your money will doubled, you will have more time for yourself and your family, your health will get better, your mental state will get stronger, it's a win win situation for you. All you have to do is pick the right habits that will reward you in the future and repeat them a million times, believe in the process, trust your own timing, trust the power of working hard and disciplining yourself. Good habits are your ticket to success, if you can just stop all the nonsense in your life and replace then with power habits then you will become unstoppable, sky is the limit for you, you will have a brand new life full of excitement and success. 


The mindset should be to stop procrastinating all the time. The power of now is real, you can do more things if you will start now, you will have more time later if you will start now. It's really hard to start but once you started, you will have a momentum and you've got to keep the ball rolling. The best time to start is when you feel lazy and uncomfortable, keep in mind that you have to do it now, not tomorrow, not later, finish it now. Even if you feel lazy and heavy... finish it now, start fast and go all the way. 

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Like a lion that hunts for his food, like a maniac that hunts the thrill, like a gold digger that hunts dirty old men, like a challenger that hunts the champion... this is what your attitude should be like if you want to become a winner... be a hunter, fall in love with hunting, make it your daily routine. Hunt that job, hunt that money, hunt that success, keep looking and do what ever it takes to succeed. Hunt that position, hunt that diploma, hunt that woman, hunt that love, hunt that greatness. You need to stay hungry all the time if you want to get what you want. It's all about moving forward and nothing else, if you're wondering what you need to do in your life in order to get better then just do something positive, work all day, keep hunting, keep chasing, keep getting better, never stop even if it is hard. Life will become too simple and easy if you will just move forward and try to win. 


You move all the time, you never settle, you never quit, it's in your heart, it's in your blood. It should be a nonstop commitment, it should be your number one form of entertainment. Hunt that momentum, hunt that progress, hunt that technique, hunt that skill, you should always look for it, always look for what makes you better. It's like madness, it's a lifestyle, you're like a madman trying to get something that is so hard to get but you have no plan of giving up. A hunter will have a boring life, he will keep moving forward all the time, he will keep hunting even if it's holiday, it's his business. It's not the money, not the fame, not success that defines him... it's hunting alone. It's trying, giving his best, not settling for mediocrity, not wasting time. You have to start fast and keep hunting, never give up until you get what you want. 


Is to simply don't give up, just keep going, keep looking keep trying. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to get zero. The idea here is to take massive actions so you will attract massive results. If you keep on pushing then you will get something, waiting game is the game of losers, you have to execute and take matters into your own hands, you have to go all in and never feel sorry for yourself every time you fail. If you're not afraid to get zero then it means you're in a state of abundance, it means you're willing to work as hard as you can and simply enjoy the process. You have nothing to lose here, it's just a matter of trying over and over again, you can do it if you will never feel bad after failure after failure. You can become successful if you want to, the only question is are you really determined to win? are you really willing to go all in? don't half ass it, if you're going to try go all the way so you won't have any regrets in life. DO as much as you can and never give up, when the going gets tough... keep going. 


Another secret to win is to never compare yourself to others. The more you compare yourself the more jealous you will be, if you really believe in yourself and the things that you do then you don't need to compete against others anymore. You must focus on your own journey and never let other people's journey affect you. Let them be who they are and let yourself do your own thing. Because at the end of the day if you really believe in yourself and in your work then you will focus on your own work because you just knew it's going to become successful. The reason why you always mind other people's business is because you don't believe in your work, you don't believe that you're going to win and that's why you're not fully committed and not fully interested with your own life. Just do something and never get satisfied with your work, always do more, always push for more. Never stop, never think that you have had enough, the only game plan is to work as hard as you can and never complain if you're not getting anything. Fall in love with hunting, fall in love with the process and success will be attracted to you. 


If you're not yet fall asleep... work, if you're not yet super exhausted... work. Your body was made for working not for resting or sleeping all day long. Your life was made for chasing success and victory not for taking it for granted. All day long chase and hunt your dreams, be an animal that never stop. Have that sharks mindset... if you stop you die. Think this way so you will never stop, always think that you will get weaker every time you stop so keep going and do whatever it takes to get to that next level. All day long chase that greatness, chase that goal and never stop, keep going even if your actions were already repetitive, keep trying even if you already tried a million times. Time will come and you will have a break through, it's just a matter of wanting it bad. Become a finisher, a strong finisher, finish your day with a bang, go hard during the last minute of your day, before you sleep make sure you give everything you've got, make sure you did everything you can to get better. 


Not the talent, not the help, not the dramas, not the complains, not the happy hours, not the breaks, not the help, not the wishing for it... it's the execution of the process.  Perform to the highest level, maximize your strength and skills, make sure you are giving everything you've got and not holding back. Stop playing the weak game, you have to push yourself and do whatever it takes to thrive in life. It is what it is, it's really going to get hard but what can you do? you can never complain in life, all you can do is power through and make things happen. Stop being a pussy, stop being a coward, pull the trigger now and do what you can do. 

Mar 15, 2022


Whatever you are trying to achieve can happen where you are, you can start where you are, you can start in your house. Your problem is looking too far not knowing that you already have everything you need, you're just complaining too much and wishing for more, you just want fast results and convenience. You can start a business in your house, you can exercise in your house, you can earn in your house, you can start your dream in your house. Don't look anywhere, you can start where you are, you can start anytime you want. It's just a matter of believing in yourself, believing in the power of hard work and using your will power to make something happen. Learn to adapt and improvise, stop looking for what is missing in your life. Stop looking for a fitness coach before you start to exercise, stop looking for a help before you chase your dream, stop looking for a break before you give your best, stop looking for something to motivate you or open your eyes, you have to force the results, you have to use everything you can use and use your time very well, it's too simple... start something and never stop doing it, stay consistent, stay focused and committed. 

All the complaining does is make you weak and unproductive, stop being too needy of something and just focus on what you have, appreciate what you can do and try to become big as you can be. Just like in growing a muscle, you can start in your house, you don't need a steroid, you don't need a coach, you don't need advance equipment... all you need is your willpower and drive to grow our muscles, you can do it by simply pushing up 1000 times a day, have no room for excuses because it will only stop you from winning. If you really want it then stop using your built in excuses and make it happen no matter what. Most people were acting like they need something before they start, the truth is they're just using it as an excuse, the truth is they're just too lazy and scared, they just have a weak mindset and that's why they couldn't even start. 


If you really want it then you will make it happen, the question is do you really want it or not? are you willing to die for it or not? because if you're obsessed with it then you will go to the extreme. If you wanted to become a swimmer and you have no money to buy swimming trunks you will use your brief. If you want to run and you don't have a nike shoes you will run barefoot, if you want to become a singer and your voice sucks you will punch you throat until the good voice comes out. If you want to become a UFC fighter but you don't have a popular team to train you you will train by yourself, you will train with bears and piranhas. If you wanted to become a writer but you don't know where to start you will just write whatever is in your head. If you wanted to become rich but you're uneducated you will do whatever it takes, you will wash the asses of the millionaires if you need too. If you love somebody but you think she can't love you back you will give her a love potion. You will do everything you can just to get what you want even if the actions you're going to take looks ridiculous and crazy, you will make no excuses, you will make sacrifices. The truth is you can make it happen if you will push yourself to make it happen, you will avoid excuses, you will never look for reasons why it can't be done and you will just focus on what you can do to get closer to what you want. You will never rely on luck, you will rely on your willpower and determination because that has a bigger chance of winning.


Your biggest problem is you're always looking for a validation before you even start, you're always looking for guarantee, you're always looking for assurance that you're going to succeed. You don't want to try, you don't want to do it your way, you don't believe in yourself. You will never succeed if you're always acting like a pussy, you better make a stand and just take matters into your own hands. Just start and never mind about what's going to happen next, just start and let go of attachment, you can make something happen, you can make a progress, it's simply about being patient and consistent. Always remember that it's much much better to be doing something than not moving at all, it's better to be making a mistake rather than over thinking and feeling stuck on the same place forever. Don't strive for perfection and just focus on the execution. Taking actions will get the job done, overthinking does not. So what if you fail? at least you learned something, the truth is you didn't fail after trying because you learned something. You already failed if you didn't take actions, playing safe will never give you a chance to succeed in life, as the old man once said "not taking risk is even riskier".

So don't look for a support, help, motivation, guarantee, edge, coach, advice before you start. Just start now and do whatever it takes to win. Just go all out, just do your best, just execute what's in your head and never hold yourself back, just don't stop, keep pushing, this game plan is too simple, if you push until the end then you will win, as simple as that. It doesn't matter how may times you fail, what matters is you give your all and you didn't waste any single second. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:


Oh keep praying that someone will help you, keep wishing that one day a good and kind man will help you about your situation, keep hoping that your boss one day is going to promote you, keep trusting that a person will save your ass and give you glory. If you have this kind of mentality then you will never win because the truth is nobody is going to save you other than yourself. You have to take matters into your own hands or else your life will be out of control. That person you are waiting for us bootless, he will never do anything for you, he will never save your ass, you have to decide now that you're going to use your brute strength to change your situation and have the life that you've been dreaming of for a very long time. Time will punish you one day if you keep on wasting it for nonsense stupid things. You need to think right, you need to discipline yourself and face boredom so that you can evolve. Do the hard things that has a potential to give you success one day. Being lazy is not an option anymore, you have to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking. If an activity or a though is not helping you to become better then you better get rid of it. Success is not about opportunities, it's about creating your own opportunity, it's about setting yourself up for success and building the right habits to get better, it's about execution and not procrastination, it's about building the right mindset so that you can take actions all the time. Focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions, never focus on what you can't control because that will be the start of your falter, you will become very weak if you're always hoping and wishing instead of acting. Do something now and go all the way, believe in the power of efforts, believe in hard work because it's the only thing that will save your ass. Laziness is going to kill you, if you think you need to do something now... go and do it. 


The best time to start is now, not later, not tomorrow, not next week. It's always now, believe in the power of now. Force yourself to take actions and never stop until you're done, you have to take it one step at a time, take baby steps, don't be shy, don't be conservative, work as hard as you can and never stop until you're finally done. Because all the waiting does is give you stress, you will feel much better if you will start now even if it is hard, face the discomfort, face the pain, the more you seek for uncomfortable situations the more you will become comfortable. It's just a matter of building a momentum, it's just a matter of doing it even if you feel lazy and scared. Because you will become scared even more if you keep on delaying it, you have to force yourself to take the first step and follow through until the end. Never wait for something to happen before you do it, just do it and have no regrets. Don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to work over time, you really have to enjoy the process if you wanted to win, it's that too simple. You can create something great with your life if you stay consistent and focus on the process. Detach from the outcome, never think about it all the time because it will only make you frustrated, focus on taking it one step at a time and just let everything happen. What will happen will happen, you don't have to worry about it anymore. 


If you keep on holding yourself back, if you need to do something but you're delaying it all the time then you will only feel stressed and worried, you will overthink and that will make you unproductive. But if you will push even if you don't feel like doing it then you will feel much better, you will get confident, you will feel motivated and energetic. The reason why you feel you're lacking the energy to do it is because you're not doing it, do it and you will have the energy to finish it. Start fast and never let your mind think, go all the way, keep pushing even if it is hard, always think that every action is the right action, always think that you're getting better every time you execute, even a small step will give you a momentum, even a small step will give you a progress. Never underestimate the power of small steps because it can create something big if you repeat it a million times. So look at yourself and everything that you do, what are you doing now? is it better than watching TV or scrolling on facebook? if yes then keep doing it but if you're just wasting time then you better change directions because you will regret it in the end. 


Don't rush the process, don't wish for fast ending. Enjoy every step because that's the only way to make any task faster, time will fly if you're enjoying what you're doing. Instead of feeling irritated because you need to work more... just enjoy every action, enjoy every step and try to become creative as you can be. Anything can become fun if you will change your attitude, anything can become very boring if you're always complaining. Making complaints is for the weak, it is what it is, if you need to undergo a difficult process so be it, don't open your mouth and complain all the day, never let something make you feel worse, just take actions and keep pushing further. You can finish anything, you can do anything so why complain? don't be afraid to wait, don't be afraid to do something that is boring because at the end of the day you will only waste your time once you are free, it's ok if you need to an extra effort or suffer more just to finish something, never think that you're spending more energy, you have to think that you're just getting better every time you practice patience and mindfulness. Go all in, stay committed to the task and never take mindless breaks. Sometimes you're taking a break for no reason, you're doing something to entertain yourself and that's delaying the process. You have to finish it even if you really feel tired, exhaustion is only in the mind, you don't want to continue anymore because you're seeking comfort. Don't seek for comfort and just embrace the discomfort because it's the r5ight path for a better life. 


Most people are not aware that what they're doing or thinking will make them worse, something they already knew it but they keep on doing it and that's why they keep on failing, that's why they can't make an improvement. You have to guard your actions and mind all the time, you have to be strict with your decisions even the small ones. Chasing greatness is too simple, just don't do what will eat your time, don't do what is not helping and focus on the process of getting better each day. 


It doesn't matter if you don't know this, it doesn't matter if you don't have that, it doesn't matter if you're getting bullied, it doesn't matter if you're an outcast, it doesn't matter if nobody loves you, it doesn't matter if you're struggling. The word "it doesn't matter is too powerful" it takes away the resistance, it takes away the pain, it will teach you how to let go, it will teach you how to become free and not take things personally. It will help you to move forward. Because at the end of the day suffering is only in the mind, the lack of something was caused by focusing on it, problems exist because we always look at it. But if you think that anything doesn't matter then you will feel free. The only thing that does matter is your love for yourself, it's you prioritizing your goals and wants, it's you taking care of yourself and appreciating the life that you have and everything that you have. It doesn't matter if you're in pain right now or being emotional right now, don't worry because it will go away too soon. Never care about anything that is lacking, never care about anything that doesn't want you, never care about everything that makes you suffer. What matters is you move forward and you get better everyday, you groom yourself, you love yourself and you do get everything that is possible for your life.


Being comfortable is so overrated, you will never feel comfortable all the time, actually you will feel more uncomfortable every time you seek for it. Don't ever feel suffocated with the circumstances in your life. Discomfort means growth, stress when embraced properly will make you evolve mentally. Don't be afraid of pain, don't be afraid to embrace what you don't want. It's your duty to focus on what you want and learn to feel life, learn to love life, learn to love everything that's part of your system. Your feelings were so overrated, you can feel good even if chaos is happening around you, you can still feel better even if people around you were so disrespectful, you can still feel at peace even if there is a war going on around you, you can still take actions even if there is a lot of obstacles along the way. It's really up to you, it's how you protect your mind, it's where you are focusing on that will dictate the outcome of your life. If you don't want to feel uncomfortable then just ignore the noise surrounding you, just focus on doing better, just focus on making your life great and ignore all the subjects and information that are not helping you to evolve. 


Stop looking for security, stop looking for a perfect life, stop looking for guarantees, you need to focus on the now, focus on getting better and appreciating the moment, this will make you feel much better, this will make you more powerful. Nothing can stop you if you will never take anything personally, nothing can bring you down if you will just move forward and focus on your own greatness. If you want to become productive, always think that you're not special, always think that you're not entitled of something, just take actions, execute and never think about perfection, never focus on the outcome, simply enjoy your work and never look back. Take it one step at a time, breathe, stay still and relaxed, stay confident and peaceful with your own actions. If you can just enjoy life and forget about perfection then you will have a really good life. 

Detach from everything and life will become easier, just give your best and have peace with it. Never let your idea of a perfect image, a perfect process, a perfect emotion and a perfect life make you hate your life. The more you're longing for perfection the more you will feel stuck and weak. It's time to cut the ties, detach from everything and do what you want.


Stop reacting to things, stop reacting to events and choose to become a creator instead. Stop being a watcher and be a doer. This kind of lifestyle will make you very busy minding your own business, it will give you freedom, it will give you power and control. If you keep on minding other people's business then you will feel weak and hopeless, you will feel powerless because you will just watch them grow and win, you will watch them moving and progressing while you feel stuck on the same place forever. Stop being too emotional and reacting to everything, stop feeling disrespected all the time, stop being too overly sensitive, stop being a diva. Be a tough person that creates everyday and looking for a small progress every now and then, get addicted with the process, if you can find a hobby that you can enjoy and will give you something in return then you will have a very good and enjoyable life. You will live a happier life if you choose to become creative and avoid watching other people's business. Their business is none of your business, you have to focus on your life, get better and stop getting jealous with other people's success. You will never become successful if you're always bitter and comparing. Stop comparing your life to other people's lives and focus on winning. 

The only thing that matters is are you chasing your own goal? are you focusing on your own life? are you doing whatever it takes to win? Everything outside of your goal doesn't matter and even your goal, it doesn't matter at all, what matters is you are enjoying every second of your life and you're doing everything you can to see what is possible for you. 

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Mar 14, 2022


It's almost 5pm rush hour is coming, you're scared of getting stuck in traffic again. You only have 2 days to finish your project before deadlines, you're so scared that your professor might fail you if you can't pass it on time. You're already 38 and you don't have a good business yet, your life was not yet stabled, you're so afraid of what people say. It's only 30 seconds remaining in the ball game, what are you going to do? you're so afraid of losing the game. It's only 5 days left and you will be kicked out from the apartment that you're living because you haven't paid the rent yet for 8 months. 15 more minutes before your mom go back home but your girlfriend hasn't leave yet, your mom will get mad at you and spank you little boy. It's almost 5 am and you haven't started your routine yet, you're thinking about just doing it tomorrow. You're stuck in traffic, 2 more seconds and you will be late at work, your boss will embarrass you again and will make fun of you, how bad was that? 

5 more hours of work, 1 more year before you see your husband, 10 more years before you get free from imprisonment, 2 more hours before another bus come. You're so afraid of waiting, you're so bored of waiting, you hate the time. You're so scared of time. 


Don't be afraid of what time it is, time is your best friend, don't feel any pressure because time is not running out. There's a lot of time, you have to feel happy if you're still breathing and know what time it is, it's a blessing to be living today because you don't know how much time left you have in this world, just enjoy your time. Take it one second at a time, take it day by day, live slowly and live in the moment. Move fast if you need to but don't get rattled with anything that you have no control with. Just don't waste time, treat it like an important thing probably the most important thing in your life, sop dealing with nonsense and you will become successful. Treat your time very well, be productive and you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. Time will either reward you or punish you, it depends on how you use it, it depends on where are you going to put it. Put it on useless information and your life will become useless too.  Time is your ally, just treat it right and never disrespect it, it will give you anything, it will make you great, it will give you everything you need if you're willing to put in the work and use all of your time for greatness only. 


The clock won't stop, don't worry about what day or what time it is, the clock will always run, even if it's the end of the world the clock will always run. Just do what you need to do even if you're already late or running out of time. Just do what you can do and never pressure yourself because it will only make things worse. You can never control the clock, it's better to stay calm and focus on what you can control. The more you look at the clock the more pressure you will feel. Just let it run while you move forward. You should be faster than time if you want to become successful, never let time eat you, never let it pressure you. You will have more time if you will make time, be disciplined, stay focused and do everything 100 days earlier. Never let a deadline make you crazy, never let pressure of running out of time stun you. The world will revolve, time will pass, don't look at the clock because it's only adding stress into your life. Stay focused on the grind and keep moving forward no matter what. Stop looking at the results, never mind the situation, stop caring about the time and just do what can make your life better. Do what is necessary even if you're already too late. It's all about moving forward and nothing else, the one who will win is the one who will move forward and will never stop until he gets the job done. So look at yourself, what are you doing now? are you thinking or are you taking actions? overthinking will lead to nowhere, remind yourself all the time about this. 


Don't worry because your  time will come, you will shine too, you will win too. Don't be afraid if you think you're just wasting a lot of time now by trying so hard and nothing is happening. Just keep going, stop being perfect and just evolve. Just do it. Just start and keep going even if it is hard, even if something is disturbing you... just push forward no matter what, fall in love with chaos, fall in love with casualties knowing that everything will be alright, knowing that you can overcome anything. Just keep pushing, fall in love with the process and never be scared of time. Never be scared that you're already too late, forgive yourself if you wasted a lot of time before and start changing your behavior now. Make sure you're productive as you can be. 

It doesn't matter if you're behind, old, last, running out of time or almost defeated.... just go out there and try, don't be scared of time. Don't look at the clock, don't look at the rime remaining, don't be afraid if you need to work extremely hard, just go hard and never look back. Don't be afraid of the time, you will have more time if you will use your willpower and focus on the things that you're trying to achieve. Always remember that victory belongs to the most persevering and you will only win if you don't quit. 

Mar 13, 2022


What you're doing now, what you're thinking now will be your future... as simple as that. You want to predict your future... look at what you're talking, doing, thinking, eating and planning. It will just continue, it will just grow, your habits will become stronger to remove, what you constantly repeat and think will be your life, it will be your reality. That's why it's hard to change, if the habit is so deep then it has a paired belief, that belief can either crush you or make you. That belief will dictate the outcome of your life, that's why it is necessary to build a strong and positive habit now so you will be able to attract the great things in life. If you have a strong belief and a very good habit then you will become very unstoppable, as simple as that. If your mentality is to win then you will win granted you do whatever it takes but you have to focus on the now, don't focus on the future don't focus on the past, focus on the now. Don't be afraid of anything, don't regret anything, just focus on the now and you will feel so powerful, you will be in control. 


Stop pretending that a big thing will happen if you're doing the same old stuff that doesn't work. Stop pretending that luck will come if you're just a lazy bum clowning around from time to time. Your hope is useless if you didn't do anything to get something. It's like wishing for the answers to come even if you didn't study your lessons. It's like wishing to pass your subject even if you didn't do your homework. If you're bumming around and acting like a clown then don't expect to win, don't expect to become successful. Hard work and enjoying the process is the only ticket to work and nothing else. Don't expect to win if all you do is wish for a fast victory, don't wish for fast results, don't expect someone to help you because it's the weakest move that you can ever do. So if you're always wishing for success or a change but you're not working as hard as you can then you're just fooling yourself. You already knew the outcome, nothing will happen to you if you keep repeating the same stupid stuffs everyday. 


The problem with you is you think that your life is not your life, you think that somebody owns your life. You think that way and that's why you can't make a decision, you think you need an approval, you think that your decision should be based on what other people say, you're to scared of what they think, you're too scared of what they're going to say against you and that's why you always feel stuck and frozen. You better stop caring if you want to feel free and creative. You have to decide now and make a stand for it, never change it never let your mind be affected by what people say, feel good about your decision and never let any challenge make you change your mind. What you decide should be executed and never let anything make you quit. That's how to win in life, decide on something and go all in for it. Remember that it's your life, you can do anything with it, you can make it better or worse but things will only get worse if you're stopping yourself from taking an action because you're too concerned about what people say. Let them speak, let them say nasty things a bout you but never stop moving forward, say calm and always believe in yourself even if the whole world is against you.


Welcome everything that is about to happen, that's how to make the resistance weak, that's how to feel free and good, that's how to change your life. Welcome everything and keep pushing forward no matter what. Every chaos, every adversity, every distraction.... welcome it but still focus on your goal, never let anything make you feel bad, never let anything make you feel disturbed. Let them be but focus on taking actions all the time and never stop until you finally succeed. Because the reason why you're always failing is because you always anticipate stress or disturbance and you're letting it stop you. You're letting small things affect your way of living, you have to keep pushing forward no matter what. What will happen will happen, there is nothing you can do about it, you will become weaker if you're trying to focus on what you can't control. Focus on what you can control because that is where your power resides. Stick with your own problems and solve it, never mind other people's problems because that's their problem, you have nothing to do with it. Let them do their thing and focus on doing your thing, as simple as that. 


It's much better if you don't know what's going to happen rather than repeating the same process or routine everyday that brings the same results. That's why it's better if you will always try something new, expose yourself to failure, don't be afraid of the unknown, do something you haven't done before. Focus on your goals and everything you can to become very close from it. Once you start something, finish it even if the whole world is melting. Never care about what other people are doing and mind your own business only. You can only create a better future for yourself if you're focused on doing something positive in your life now, forget about the mistakes you did, forget about the problems that are about to come and focus on grinding now. Life is full of surprises you can never predict what's really going to happen but if you focus on working hard and getting better each day then life will become very amazing. 

Mar 12, 2022


The greatest passion of all is the passion to simply move and make small progress. If you can move all the time without feel bad about it then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. It's not about talent, it's not about gifts, it's not about the skills, it's not about being smart... it's about having the willpower to move all the time and not wasting any second. It's simply about being fast and decisive, you don't have time for stupid things, you don't have time for nonsense activities. Just move without thinking, takeout the future from the equation and never hold back. Keep moving forward all the time and do whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. Just do it, regardless of how imperfect you feel... do it, taking actions should make you feel better, it should serve as your motivation and not some random videos from you tube. You should feel stronger every time you're doing something positive. 


Detach from the outcome because it will make you stuck. You just need to focus on the process, enjoy the moment, enjoy every work even if you're not getting something from it. Believe that one day all of your labor will be rewarded. Forget about the results because you have no control over it, the only thing you can control is your effort and mindset, make sure you have the right mindset and right approach towards your goal so you will achieve it. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you're making yourself closer and closer to your goal, what matters is you go all in and you never waste any single second. Wasting time is a mortal sin when it comes to chasing your goals, your time is the most important resources you have, you can do anything with it but you should not abuse it. Just focus on the process, feel better if you're doing something positive, feel proud of yourself if you're being productive and useful. The results will come on the right time, you just need to wait and be patient, you just need to focus on taking actions and stop being needy with the results. 


Make sacrifices for a better cause. Make sacrifices to become better and faster, make sacrifices to become more productive. Avoid the delaying tactics, if you can do something now... do it and never hesitate, do it as fast as you can, never stop until it's finally done, you have to keep going no matter what and always push yourself to the limits. Once you have the momentum never let it die, never exchange it for a temporary pleasure or instant gratification, just keep going, keep the ball rolling and never let the fire die. Once you have the momentum.. never let it go, use it to make your small success get bigger and bigger. Sacrifice is not a sacrifice if you will focus on your intention and enjoy every step of the way, it becomes sacrifice because you feel like you're losing something, you feel like there is something you're missing because you focus on hard work. But the truth is you're not missing anything if you will appreciate what you're doing. 

Don't worry because everything will get easier once you get use to it, it's only hard in the beginning. Once you have that momentum, once you figured out what's working... everything will flow fast and easy. Just focus on building a strong foundation now, focus on disciplining yourself to just do the important things and never waste your time doing something that is useless and destructive. It's simply about focusing on the basics, don't think too much, just focus on the simplest and easiest ste


Past is nothing but an experience, it will never help you if you're always thinking about what you could have done better. It's only making your life really difficult, let it go and focus on the present moment. The past will make you slow, it will poison your mind, it will make you useless, you have to focus on the moment and take it one day at a time, you have to stay present and never let your mind wander everywhere. Make sure you're living in the moment and forget all the mistakes you did in the past, what is done is done, you can never change what happened anymore, all you can do is let it go so you will feel free. You can have zero regrets in your life if you will accept what happened and forgive yourself for every bad things that you did. 

You are destroying the beauty of the present moment every time you think about the past, every time you make dramas about it you're getting weaker and weaker, you're throwing away your potential to become great every time you dwell on the past. I know it hurts, I know it's still bothering you but there is nothing you can do to go back to the past and change it, don't let yourself be stuck in the past forever, let it go and focus on becoming better today. Discipline your mind to think only about the present moment and do whatever it takes to have a better life. It's difficult but your power is only in the present moment, you will become weaker and weaker every time you focus on the past. 


Are you doing something? are you moving? are you forcing yourself to take actions? because if not then you're wasting your life, you have to let go of the activities that are not helping you to evolve. You have to be selective of your actions. Are you choosing the right steps? do you think what you're doing now will take you to the next level? because you are training yourself everyday to become something. It's either you're training yourself to become a failure or become a success. What you're doing now will be repeated again tomorrow and the next day and so on, you're building a habit everyday so be careful of what you're doing and thinking because it can either make you or break you. Move fast, whatever you can do today... do it, stop dealing with the nonsense subjects, stop giving time to useless activities that will derail your progress. You have to make a stand to just push everyday and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. If you already hate your life then you better be fast, never let a distraction eat your time because all you need to do is capitalize, use your time wisely and never waste it for something that will not even help you to get a little bit closer from your dreams. 

Mar 9, 2022


You wanted to be like your idols, you wanted to become rich, you wanted to become popular and flashy too. You wanted to become successful and powerful, you exactly wanted to be like them but the problem is you're not them so you won't be like them. You have your own path, you have to carve your own destiny. It's your duty to be yourself and never get jealous with other people's lives. The can be richer, smarter, look better than you but they can also never imitate your special traits, they can never think like you so don't feel sorry if you're not doing well, just focus on getting better everyday and you will have your own glory too, you will become a winner tool. All it takes is giving more time for yourself, stay committed, enjoy the process of mastering something about you. Don't try so hard changing yourself and imitating other people just because you want to become cool like them, you don't need it, all you need is to be yourself and give your very best every single day. 


Never disrespect yourself trying to become like them, stop imitating them. You are special in your own way, you maybe the ugliest or dumbest but you still have a gift that's not yet opened. You have to bet on yourself, what's the use of your life if you will not believe in yourself? you have to really think that you can become something special. It all starts in your mentality, you will never win if you're always focusing on other people. Let them be, let them do their thing and just focus on your own journey. You are what you are, don't disrespect yourself by giving other people a lot of time and not having time for yourself. You have no idea about your full potential, you have no idea how good your life can be if you will push yourself to the limits and do it your way, you ow it to yourself to see and find your own greatness, it will never happen if you keep on minding other people's lives, mind your own growth, focus on your own improvement and never get discourage if you can't make a huge progress right away. 


Your time will come, it may not be today nor tomorrow, it may not be next week nor next year but it will come for sure. Be patient and trust the process, don't ever compare yourself to others because you will lose your focus by doing that, you will feel unmotivated especially if you're not winning in life. The secret to success is to stop getting jealous all the time and just focus on the small success that you can get everyday. Finishing a small task was already a success. You will have your own time just be patient and learn to work extremely hard while waiting. Stop listening to other people that there is a shortcut to success, if there is then everybody would have been successful by now but most people are broke, the percentage if poor people is higher than the rich people. So if you want to become successful, stop copying those people on instagram showing how they did it fast without sweating. You have to sweat your balls, you have to cry blood if you really want it, there is no such thing as walk in the park and straight to the top. The path will be brutal, I'm not scaring you but this is the reality. 


Have fun being slow, it's ok if you're not getting it fast, success is not a race it's a marathon. Just keep pushing forward and stay consistent all the time. Don't mind other people's business, let them do their thing. Let them get richer, let them be faster than you, you have to focus on your own pace, focus on your own life. It's not the fastest person that wins, it's the one who never stop. So be ok if you're progress is slow, just make sure to stay consistent and hungry, make sure you don't stop and you never waste a single second. Success is very possible if you focus on the process and have not time for nonsense things. Just do something to make your life better and that's it, do it everyday, never stop, never take days off, be disciplined enough to push yourself even if you don't want to move. Stop thinking about other things that are not even related to making your life better, you have to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking. Always believe in the power of hard work, believe that you can prevail. 


Your comfort zone is the danger zone, there is no growth in there. If you always feel comfortable all the time then it means you're not growing, you have to take actions Go harder, make yourself feel uncomfortable and a little bit stressed. Always strive for more, always do more. Be faster than yesterday, do more than yesterday and find a way how to go to the next level. Never get satisfied with your life because you can always do more and become bigger than who you are, you just need to take matters into your own hands and give everything you've got. Leave your comfort zone now and do something you haven't done before. It's simply about stretching yourself and trying to break your limitations. Never believe that you are limited, never believe that you can't make a break through because you can always do something bigger than what you normally do. 


It's ok to fail by following your heart, never mind if you have to repeat again, it's ok, just be fast in taking actions and never get discouraged every time you have to repeat. Just move fast, try again and forget the past, never attached yourself to your past failures, you have the power to change your life today, welcome new opportunities, entertain every possibility. 


Everything on social media is fake, everything was just a marketing, everything was just trying to impress other people or make views for mo...