Jul 15, 2021


What you have depends on how you see it. It depends on how you feel about it. What is big can become small if you don't appreciate it, what is small can become very big if you will feel good about it and be thankful. There's no small or big, it all depends on the level of your appreciation, if you are appreciative enough of what you have then you will never get jealous with other people who have more than you. Practice being appreciative everyday, focus on what you have and not on what you don't have. It's ok to want more but don't ever feel bad if you can't have what you're dreaming of. Dream about it, work for it and relax, don't feel needy, don't ever feel less because if you have a state of abundance then more things will manifest into your life, as simple as that. 


Look at your life, there are plenty of things to be thankful of. What you have is enough, most people are dying to have what you have. You're too blessed to complain, look at the people who have lesser than you so that you will feel blessed. Count your blessings and you will realize how lucky you are. Complaining is the game of victim, do you have a victim mentality or a winning mindset? it's up to you how you react on different things. Open your eyes and never fall into the trap of lacking, elevate your mindset, count your blessings now and treat them all like the precious things on earth. 


Focus on gratitude, put your energy on a space of thankfulness and appreciation. Never think about the things and people that you don't want to attract. Never entertain thoughts that makes you feel bad. Focus on being great. It's a 24 hour activity, focus on what you want and stop looking at the things that's not motivating at all. Because focusing on the negative will give you a negative life, that's the worst thing to do. 


Comparing, this is the worst mortal sin that you should avoid. You will always feel the lack if you count other people's bread. Why compare? it doesn't matter if they're richer or more beautiful than you. You have your own path and timing, you have your own life, what you have is enough. Not comparing yourself to others is the real abundance, not envying other people's success is the real confidence. Be happy of what you have, that's the key. Comparing is for the losers, why will you compare if you can simple appreciate all the things you have in your life. Comparing is the number one game of bitter people, they can't stop themselves comparing because they were so insecure and doesn't believe in their own capabilities. 


There is an opportunity everyday, a blessing is knocking on your door everyday. It's either you see it or you miss it. Get excited because you will never live forever, everyday is a chance to become happy, everyday is a chance to experience a new type of experience, devour every second, never take anything for granted. The chance to become happy is now, never lose the opportunity. Look for the smallest thing you can appreciate and focus on it. The appreciation will keep getting better as you move forward. 


To find abundance on anything you see, make it a game to appreciate your life everyday, make a game to find something to be thankful of everyday instead of choosing to become bitter and envy. Be aware if you're getting jealous with other people. If you lost today, look for some other areas in your life where you are winning. If you didn't like what happened, try to find something that is still good in your life. There are plenty of things to be thankful of. You're suffering because you're always focused on what you don't have. Real abundant mindset is always looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. What's missing in your life is not the only thing that can make you happy. Never think that what you don't have defines you or completes you. You can look at some other things and focus on it, your focus is your reality. If you can't hear what you don't want to hear, if you can't see what you don't want to see then you will attract the things that makes you feel happier. It's hard to do it but it's possible, it's just a matter of repetition and conditioning your mind everyday. 


Be proud of what you have, what you have is all you have. Even if it's small, even if it's cheap... be proud of it. If your mama bought you a fake Air Jordan wear it, if you only have a small house be proud of it. If you can only take your girlfriend to a cheap motel, take her. If you can only do little things... do it, if you can only afford to buy cheap clothes so be it. Be proud of what you have and never mind what people say or think of you. Let them judge you, let them make fun of you but don't ever feel inferior, always be on a state of abundance. What you have is enough, don't complain, don't blame your parents, don't blame your misfortune... be appreciative, feel good about everything you have. 


How do you feel when you're treating what you have so small? how do you feel when you're always criticizing yourself? how do you feel when you're counting yourself out instead of giving yourself a chance to win? But how do you feel when you think you can do it? how do you feel when you think you can get it? Pick what feels much better, always give yourself a chance to become triumphant, always think that you are deserving. 

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