Jul 13, 2021


In life, it's not how talented you are, it's not how gifted or blessed you are... it's about your mindset. It's how strong your mind is, it's how you think correctly. How many people you know were so talented enough but didn't make it in life? how many strong potentials were crushed and didn't even see its full potential? I know you know someone who has a lot of hype behind him but didn't even make it close. I know you heard a lot of stories about could have been or should have been but these stories were all about regrets. It's not about ow good you are, it's about what you can prove. It's not about how lucky you are... it's about how hard you are willing to grind. It's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up. Are you willing to work hard even if you don't know how long you need to work? are you willing to give your all? most talented people thinks they deserve more but they are only willing to give less and that's why they always come up short. 


You have no other choice here, you can't choose an easier path if you will, you can't choose something that promises guaranteed success because it's not real. Your identity should be a man who does it all. Keep pushing even if nothing is working because eventually something will click in the long run. Your mindset should be all about looking for possibilities and taking chances, keep pushing until you can't push anymore and let's see what you can get. Because at the end of the day you have to outwork these bums if you want to win in life, you can't be lazy if there are no results showing, you have to push even more if you can't get what you want. Create an opportunity if there is no opportunity, have no time for nonsense and focus on your own work. It is what it is, it's really going to get harder especially if you're dreaming about lofty dreams. The ceiling is high so the work you put in must also be high. You can't be dreaming about big things but only willing to give a half ass effort. It's all about trying again for one more time, stop listening to what other people say and just push... there's no time for quitting, there's no time for whining... just push and never mind the results. Because if you will forget the outcome then you will become free, you will move faster, your mind will think sharper. The reason why there is a lot of resistance is because you're too focused on the outcome, forget what will happen and just give your all. 


Greatness was talked about by everyone all the time. They want to become great, they create a definition of greatness and most people were buying into the narrative that greatness has a specific definition. The truth is you can define your own greatness, you can become great today if you fit your own definition. To me greatness is simply focus, it's pushing forward no matter what and not stopping until you win. It doesn't matter if they tell you that you're not great, what matters is you don't stop and you keep on sacrificing to push your life to another level. For me greatness is simply not stopping, it's a life style, it's a way of life, it's what you do with what you have and trying to get more without comparing yourself to others. You do it your way, you don't care about what people say, you simply do whatever it takes to win even if it will make you super exhausted. So stop comparing yourself to others, stop getting jealous with what other people are getting and create your own definition of greatness, you will only become great if you keep going further, focus on yourself, focus on your actions. Every move will contribute to your greatness, every positive thought will help you so stop being negative and dare to become great. Give your all, you know if you're giving your all, you can lie to the people but your numbers won't. It will be seen through your work ethic. The big question is... is your work ethic enough to take you to the next level? 


You're not showing your heart that's why you can't win yet, you have to show then what you are made of, show them the heart of a lion, a heart that never give up, a heart that will push until the end. Show them what it's like to have a heart of a warrior. Don't ever think about quitting and focus on fighting, if you really want it then what the hell are you waiting for? you have to take massive actions now, be relentless as you can be. Focus on your own life, focus on doing something every second. Time is running, time will never wait for you. You will be left behind if you are slow. Go all out and never ever stop until you finally make it. Show them how big your heart is, dare to do the impossible because it's worth it. Test yourself how big you can be, test your heart, test your willpower. Is your hear big enough to take the beating? is your heart enough to endure defeats? is your heart big enough to try again after a huge disappointment? 


Sometimes you feel not progressing at all, sometimes you feel being stuck in a mud but you will move forward no matter what, you will be able to make some small progress. It's just a matter of pushing and forcing, you need to push even if your situation sucks, you need to force yourself to move even if it's too repetitive already. Just because you can't see a small result for now doesn't mean you will never get it. Of course you will get it, it's only just a matter of time. Every action is helping you, every movement is making you better. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there, you will experience a breakthrough, you will move forward no matter what. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com 

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