Jul 24, 2021


Your thoughts is what creates your life. The uglier your thoughts the uglier your life will be, destructive thoughts creates a destructive life, if your mind is always wandering then you will get lost. But if you're focused on what you want then you will achieve your goals faster. It's a necessity to entertain only the thoughts that empowers you. It's a must to think all the time about the reality that you want to manifest. One positive thought at a time, make a commitment, do this all day long and see the transformation in your life. It's not that easy but it's possible, always discipline yourself to ignore all the negativity may it be small or big, ignore the useless thoughts because it will never help you in your life. Trust the power of thinking big, trust the magic that it can bring into you life. 


Always be aware of what you're thinking, your thoughts will create actions, your thoughts will make your body work. So if you're thinking about negative thoughts then your body won't work the right away, you will become slow, a little bit sick and unproductive. But if you're thinking right then you will become more motivated, productive and energetic. So be aware all the time of what you are thinking, don't just live this day allowing unwanted thoughts to take over. Every time you think negative think about positive, every time you think about failing think about succeeding, every time you think about going down think about going up. It's too simple, just take time to master countering the negative thoughts and your life will change. Be aware 24/7, don't blink, don't stop, be mindful and always stay committed to entertaining the best thoughts that you can ever produce. Guard your thoughts, guard your actions and go to the opposite of negativity. Always contradict the negative thought, whenever your worried feel hopeful, whenever you're scared act like a brave man, think that you can't do it. Even if you really don't feel positive... just talk about positivity, think about positive thoughts until you finally believe it. 


Everything will become easy if you have a healthy mind. Resistance will go if you learn to trust and let go. Everything will be alright you don't need to worry anymore. It's too easy if you will entertain the right thoughts that will give you a motivation to keep going. It's not hard, just think positive all the time. Even if there is a crisis, even if you're struggling, even if you're losing... choose to think positive and everything will become easier. Because it's your mind, you can control it. Never let anything control it, you have to use your willpower to reprogram your thinking so that you will never go to a worse situation. Remind yourself that your thoughts are always in control of your reality so if your reality sucks right now it means you're not using the right thoughts. It's time to get rid of the negativity and focus on the thoughts that really empowers you.


If you're focus is to move forward no matter what then you will have no time for any negative thoughts. If it's not moving forward towards your goal then don't even bother to engage with it. You have to be aware of what's going on with your life. Most people were not aware of what's going on with their lives and that's why they automatically think negative. Once you caught yourself not moving forward... stop what you're doing immediately and do something that is positive and helpful. Don't waste your time because it will backfire at you in the end. The more time you waste the uglier your situation will become. Moving forward is already a direction, you don't need a well detailed or organized plan if your mindset it to just move forward. If you fail try again, if someone rejects you just move forward, if you didn't get what you want just move forward, if you're struggling just move forward. Moving forward will make you think positive, it will make you hopeful and will give you more energy. Always remember that for as long as you're moving forward... you will be alright, there's nothing else to worry about. This mindset will save you from any struggles you've been facing. 


Depression, insanity, mental disorder, paranoia, craziness... these mental diseases can be controlled if you're aware all the time. You can focus on the more positive thoughts, you can focus on images that will make your mental game stronger. Just don't think about failing, just don't think about your heart being broken, just don't think about loneliness... think about the thoughts that will make you feel a little better. negativity will create insanity, be aware of what's going on inside of your head, you can control your mind if you will stay present and disciplined. Your mental health will become stronger if you're aware of what's running inside of your mind and if you know the thoughts that you must entertain. It's all about using your willpower, never give up, keep pushing your mind to greatness, keep controlling your mind to avoid negativity. It's only hard in the beginning but once you get use to it... it will become very easy. 


It's not the lack of skill, time, help or money that makes you a failure. It's you doing a lot of useless and nonsense things. It's better to be grinding and getting small rewards than doing something that is fun but making your life worse. Damn the useless, ignore the things that has no rewards, you know what are these things, stop pretending that you're doing the right thing all the time. Just because it is fun, easy and comfortable doesn't mean you're on the right path. Be aware of the nonsense things, feel guilty if you're wasting your time and achieving nothing. Damn the useless, make yourself productive, make your life more meaningful, have a purpose. 


You are thinking every time you move, the question is are you thinking consciously or subconsciously? Are you on an auto pilot mode? because if you are then most of the time you don't like what you're doing, you're doing it because your mind is controlling you. But if you are thinking consciously then it means you are in control and you can stop what you are doing now if you need to. There is a thought attached for every action, make sure you are attaching the right thoughts for all of your actions. For example if you are procrastinating, you must think that you're killing yourself. Most of the time you're loving procrastinating because it's too easy, you are attaching the wrong thought every time you procrastinate, you think that it's alright, you think that you can do it tomorrow. But if you are attaching it with thoughts such as "I must move", "this is not right", "I am wasting a lot of time", "I will be in big trouble later if I don't move" then you will be force to move and do the right thing. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com 

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