Apr 5, 2021



When you say I love you to a pretty sexy woman, you must have an intention to bring her home. When you apply for a job, you must have an intention of really working for the company you apply for a job. When you go to a school you must have an intention to learn and get high grades. When you chase a goal you must have the intention of really getting it, just like a lion who has an intention of really killing its prey. You must have that killer instinct. Because the question is do you really want it or not? don't try to look cute, don't be soft... go for it, give your all, give your heart and soul to get it. 

When you dream about something, you must have the intention of really getting it no matter what. You must get it even if you have to risk everything, that's how to become a winner. You must be focused, you must be bold, every action should be related to winning and nothing else. 

Just like in doin a simple task, you can never finish it if you don't have a strong intention of finishing it. You can never make a simple task amazing if your intention is weak. 

Don't just do something for the sake of having something to do. You must have a clear intention why are you doing it, this kind of mentality will make you a winner, it will make your life much much better. Always ask yourself before doing something... why am I doing this? can I get something from this? 

Make up your mind, do you really want it or not? if yes then make sacrifices, if not then stop thinking about it because you will never get it. You must exert a very strong effort, you must show that you really want it regardless of difficult circumstances. 

No drama will save you, no weak moves will give you advantage. You must show that you want it so bad and you're willing to die for it... that' the only way to win. Stop playing games, you must be serious here, you must do what most people can't do. 


Some NBA teams will join the league and will tank for a lottery pick, they will never try to win because they want to get the highest pick next season. What the hell did the join the league for? they don't have an intention to win, they just join the league to become a loser, I can't get it. And when the next season comes... they still didn't improve even if they get the lottery pick. 

Never join a competition if you don't have an intention to win, it will become your habit, it will become your culture. No matter how strong your opponent is... have that intention to win so that you will win. If you will think that you can't win now then you will never really win, as simple as that. You must have the baddest intention if you want to get more. 

You will never win if your one foot is thinking about winning but the other foot is not even moving, you can't be half hearted if you wanted to win. You should go all in, you should execute the first step fast and execute the remaining steps with power. Be aggressive and always look forward to win no matter what your position in life is, you must be hungry and decisive. 

It's not about how strong you are, it's not about how good the cards you hold on your hands, it's about how strong your intention is. Do you have the burning desire? are you willing to do the impossible? are you willing to work for it and do the things that not all people can do?


An intention crates progress, it creates direction, it creates something. Just like in playing a guitar, what's your intention for playing it? some people will just play it to show off, they will just hold it without even know why they are playing it. Every time you play you must have the intention to improve and play good music, you must have the intention to make your sound much better so that you will be able to play good music and make your skills better. Some people will just play the guitar or whatever instrument they are playing for nothing, they will just hold the instrument and play lazy or without any goal to improve or become better a little bit. And that's why they sound worse. 

You will become more disciplined if you have an intention, you will watch your actions and ask yourself why are you doing it? doing it for what? if you have an intention to become better then all of your actions will be related to upgrading your skills and life. You will never do stupid things, you will stay focused and consistent. 

If you're lost then it means you don't have an intention to win in life, it means you're just going with the flow that is wrong and has no direction. 


Believe that you can get it and you will get it. Believe that every action is making you closer and closer from what you want. Some people will want something but they're not going all out, they're intention is weak, all they want is to dream and think about it. If you have a strong intention then you will do the extreme, you will go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to win. If your intention is really strong then you will never notice the things that are outside of your goal, you're locked in to your goal, you don't care about some other things anymore. 

If you wanted to win in life you must know what you want and you must be willing to do whatever it takes to get it. You must be willing to do everything to position yourself on a better place to win. Don't ever think that some actions were useless. You must think that every action can contribute to your victory. 

#action #motivation

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