Apr 9, 2021


Get ready to leave everything and watch yourself rise. You've been a bum for so long, you know longer know the meaning of being good, you're below the average, you're too near from being weak and useless. Now is the time to watch yourself rise, this is the best time to succeed. This is the right time, stop waiting for tomorrow, stop waiting for luck. If you have something to do that is urgent do it now, what are you waiting for? speed is the name of the game. Most successful people only use one thing... that is speed. You have to stay consistent, you have to devour every opportunity knocking on your door even if the chances of winning is very slim. It's like being an opportunistic gangster that is so fearless of losing. You have to take matters into your own hands, do everything in your power to win. 


Be patient because it will take time, you have to grind like hell, stop talking about greatness if all you do is whine all day long and make excuses. Stop talking about greatness if all you do is make excuses and complain that life is hard, of course it is hard, what do you expect? an easy life? if everything is easy then beggars would have been millionaires by now and lazy people would have been kings by now. Life is hard, chasing success is like chasing forever. But you can't quit, you can't give up just like that without giving a good fight. Keep going no matter what, keep pushing even if nothing is happening, that's what it is all about... not giving up while all people already given up. Never underestimate the small steps because it will pile up in the future, it will create greatness, don't worry if you didn't get anything today by taking a few small steps, stay consistent and you will reap your rewards in the future. 


Just believe and it will come, the great life will come, all you've got to do is keep pushing, keep believing in yourself and do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. There is no miracle needed here, you just nee to sacrifice and work as hard as you can. Target a goal and never stop chasing it, life will become really good by doing this. Don't be afraid to wait. Your time will come, maybe it will take longer than expected but it will come, that's why you can't quit now because it's game over if you quit. You've come this far so don't ever quit, don't waste the hard work and restless nights that you put in. 

All you have to do is believe and work hard, that's it, it's too simple and basic. It's coming, your life will change, you can do something spectacular. 


In order to win, in order to rise... you need to take a lot of actions, you need to work hard and have that feeling of invincibility, you need to feel you can do anything you can. To feel more powerful you need to detach from the outcome, you need to feel good about working hard and having no regrets if you fail despite of giving your all. You will only win if you're focus on the moment and not thinking about what's going to happen next. Enjoy taking actions, you will never win if you keep thinking about the future. Life is happening now, the journey is in the now, it's not tomorrow nor later, it's only happening now. To manifest success you must give your best every single second, always bring your A game to the table and never think about failing, don't be scared if you need to try again, don't feel frustrated if you need to  try a million times.


Upgrade your mentality, you need to have a new mind, a strong mind that can withstand any kind of storm. Don't be like others who were just good in starting but very poor in finishing. Create that killer instinct, it's not about talent, it's not about luck, it's about the level of your perseverance.

Be careful of what affirmations you are using everyday, if you keep saying "my life sucks" then your body will believe it, your reality will be shifted to problems and uncertainties but if you keep saying "my life is great" then you will really have a good life that is full of excitement and greatness. To create a stronger mind you need to be aware of what you're thinking and saying. Every words coming out from your mouth will affect your reality and mentality. Your mind is everything so take care of it, feed it with the right thoughts. 

Your mind can make your body strong, it can heal your wounds, it can cure your sickness, it can change your bum life. So forget about everything but not your mind, your mind is your strongest weapon, it can save you and protect you from anything. It can give you anything you want, so be careful of the thoughts you are letting in because it will harm you in the long run if it's negative. 


What you're focusing on will be your reality, and that's a fact now just a make believe quote. Watch yourself, ever time you focus on getting the money you will get some money, every time you focus on problems you will have more problems. Fix your mind to your goal and make yourself closer and closer from it, as simple as that. Watch yourself getting magnetized by your goal. It's easy to get distracted by a lot of things that's why you need to be mindful of your actions, be aware of what you're doing and detect all the time if an activity is derailing your success. Disregard all the things and subjects that are outside of your goal, focus on thing only and that is success. You will become faster, more skilled and powerful if you are focused and determined. 


You can fly, you have the wings, spread it and use it to soar. Don't be scared to fall, don't be scared to fail. It's all about taking risks, if you wanted to fly... take risks and don't be afraid of what might happen next. What will happen will happen, the beauty of life is taking all the opportunity being presented to you. Use all of your power, most of the time you're just using 30 percent of your power, you must go all in every single day and discover your full potential. Be an eagle that glides to the air, fly the highest, soar and never look down. 

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