Mar 18, 2021


The prize itself is the process, no matter how much you deny it.. that's the reality. Because even if you made it in life you still need to move and do something or else you will go crazy. You still need to chase a goal or else you will become bored and depressed. Life and success is all about continuity, it's all about pushing forward whenever you can. It's no about resting, it's not about comfort... it's about facing your fears and overcoming all the obstacles along the way. 


Just try this method... work as hard as you can every single day, never stop, let your motor run forever, don't be afraid of getting tired, push yourself to the limits and see what you can get. If you have a different and stronger energy than yesterday then you will get more, you will attract success and opportunities. The dots will connect, they will notice you, money will come after you. You will not be denied if you are relentless, you will always get something, you will never get zero. 

It's all about the push, it's not about wins or losses, it's all about pushing yourself until you get what you want. So if you keep attracting failures and ugly circumstances it means you're lazy and unfocused, your desire is weak. You've got to have a burning desire and unparalleled will if you want to get something big, this is not going to be an easy thing, it's not a walk in the park, you will have to swallow bullets and color the air if you need to. 

Success is to be attracted, you can become a magnet of success if you're making hard work look like an easy work. Hard work should never feel hard for you, it should feel like an easy work... that's how to produce massive actions. You should feel like playing while doing it, it should make you feel good, you should feel weak whenever you're stopping or resting. 


And that's why they can't become successful, that's why it's really hard for them to make their lives better. They will never take risks, they will only do something if they're so sure that it will give them some money. They're not thinking about the long term, all they want is to have something now, they will never try to invest and believe that a bigger thing will come if they wait and work hard even if results were not showing yet. You will have a hard time figuring things out but you will figure it in just a matter of time, of course it is very challenging but the reward is so big. Whether success is guaranteed or not... focus on giving your all, that's how to become a winner. If you're always looking for the prize then you will lose concentration, you will become greedy and needy, you will stop if you can't get paid, the passion will go away, it's not the love for work anymore, you're already working for the love of money. 


Choose to believe, choose to move forward. You only have two choices in life... it's to move forward and do whatever it takes to win or move backwards and complain all the time. The choice is yours, you can work hard now even if you don't know what to do. Giving everything you can is the greatest feeling in the world, you will feel so powerful and in control, you will feel like a superhero that can conquer the world. Believing is free, you can believe in anything and make it happen but belief will become weaker if you're not moving, it only become stronger if you're taking actions and moving forward no matter what. So go all out and take what is yours, put yourself on the best place to succeed. Believing is free, pair it with relentless action and you will become super unstoppable. If you can believe it then you can get it, as simple as that. When I say believe you must have no doubts, you must be ruthless and bold, you must be single minded and never change directions even if it's too hard. Believe even if there's no reason to believe, be faithful to your dreams and it will come into fruition. 


You must have a laser like focus, your concentration must be solid and unbreakable. Discipline is the key to success. It's not about what you can't or what is missing in your life, it's what you do with what you have. Disregard all the crappy information and negativity, never look on what you don't want. Never feel anything about something that isn't pleasant to your ears, never give time to something or someone that doesn't help you grow. You have to be mindful of your actions and thoughts because every second is critical for your success. Never let a stupid subject control your mind, you have to be super disciplined here like a military. Be aware if something is not serving you and reject it immediately without second thinking, just reject it and focus on the grind. It's so simple right? just don't stop and that's it, there is nothing complicated about this approach, it's a simple and effective technique. Get rid of everything that is slowing you down, life is fast but you should be faster. Focus is a very powerful thing, what you keep on doing will be your reality, what you keep on thinking will come into your life. So focus on the right thoughts, never use your mind to create havoc or destruction in your life, use it to put yourself on the best position to become triumphant. 


It will solve all of your problem, it will put your mind on the right place, it will give you good emotions. If you're having troubles paying your debts just take action and you will solve it, as simple as that. You will feel more confident, your worries will go away and little by little you will be able to pay all of it. Just be patient, it takes time, there's no need to rush here, you don't need to solve all of your problems right away, take your time and just give your best, there's no need for panicking. Relax while working hard. Don't stop until you solve all of your problems. 


Your problem will only become bigger every time you procrastinate. The real problem is you being lazy and not doing anything at all even if you can do something. You feel so depressed because you want something to happen but you're not doing anything to make it happen, you're holding yourself back, you're so afraid of failing. Move and you will get your confidence back, move and you will feel much better. Regardless if there is a prize or not... work hard and don't stop. 

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