Mar 24, 2021


It's not about the people who disrespects you, it's about you being soft and taking it all personally. It's not about the crowd booing you and making you perform at your lowest level, it's about you not digging deeper and not trusting yourself. It's not about the difficulties of life, it's about you submitting to every challenge along the way. It's not about the goal too impossible to achieve, it's about you not giving your all. It's not about the missed opportunities, it's about you not hungry enough to grab every bit of it. It's not about the girl who crushed your heart, it's about you not being able to move on and look for another girl to victimized. It's not about your coach stopping you from taking shots, it's about you stopping yourself. It's not about the world not giving you opportunities to shine, it's about you not looking for more opportunities. It's not about you being likeable, it's about you not liking yourself. The whole blame should be pointed at you, it's you that is creating your own results. It's you creating your world and not them. As silly as it sounds but it's the reality, if you can't accept that it's your fault and not theirs then your life will never change. 


If an opportunity gets away it means you don't want it bad enough, it means you're not so serious of getting it, it means you didn't work hard enough to secure your position. There is an opportunity infront of you everyday and it's your duty to devour it, get it or else it will go away. Get it now, as fast as you can, stop waiting because you will never get anything by having that kind of mentality. Be fast, if it's not for you then it's not for you, you will find something better. But the point here is you have to try now, you have to give yourself a chance to win and shine or else you will regret it in the end. Because you can get it if you want to, the reason why you miss a lot of opportunities is because you let fear distract you, you let fear freeze your body. The mindset should be every time you see an opportunity you should grab it and forget about failing or not making it perfect, you should stop overthinking all the time. 


Just like what I have said before... you have to enjoy yourself, study yourself and make your life all about you. Blame yourself, groom yourself, love yourself, educate yourself, make yourself as big as you can be. Be super interested with your own story and try to make it as epic as it can be. Because success comes in discovering yourself, building your identity and style, you will achieve greatness and happiness if you will give more time for yourself. Discipline your mind, choose the perfect thoughts to feel much better so you can take more actions. Entertain only the most inspiring thoughts that you can choose. You have to feel really good about yourself and it will only happen if you keep on improving physically, mentally or financially, there should be growth and you must focus all of your energy for that growth. 

It's a little bit boring in the beginning especially if you can't find a room for growth. But if you will persevere and focus solely on yourself trying to make your life a little bit better and being patient about it then you will love life even more. 

The best way to enjoy life is to enjoy yourself and not enjoying other people's stories. You can create your own story, own kingdom, you can define your own success. It's not about isolating yourself, it's about giving yourself a chance to experience greatness because you only have one life, you need to realize that this blessing is not going to happen anymore, it's a one time thing, devour every situation and be the best that you can be. 


You really wanted to see a radical change in your life? don't give time to any of those crap for a month. Use your time for making yourself a little bit richer, a little bit healthier, a little bit cleaner, a little bit wiser, a little bit braver. Use a lot of time for yourself, treat yourself, groom yourself and let's see if you can't feel good. Let's see if you can't feel great. You don't need to study self development, you don't need a guru to tell you what to do... you just need to be selfish, when I mean selfish it's not that you're not generous, it's not that you're greedy, you just need to use all of your energy for yourself and your reality will be altered for the better. Most people were complaining with their lives, they're looking for something that will change their lives right away, they don't know that change happens if you're taking care of yourself and looking for that small space for improvement. It's all about being mindful of what you're doing and thinking, you should feel bad for yourself if you're wasting your time for useless things, people and activities that will never even help you to grow, what's the point of doing that? it's better to be failing trying to shoot for the stars than to fail because of being unproductive and lazy. If you want to win in life you should have a tremendous focus for yourself and the goal that you're chasing. 

Forget about what other people are doing forget about what other people are saying and just focus on improving yourself bit by bit. Little by little enjoy the pain of transforming yourself. It's hard because change will never happen if there's no pain. 


Something that's making you feel bad is a trap. You should never give your attention to something that makes you feel bad. If it's useless and not making your grow then it's time to let it go. The news is making you feel bad, the people that you don't like always make you feel bad, useless entertainment is eating a lot of your time. You always fall into these traps everyday and that's why you can't focus on yourself, you have to feel yourself every now and then, you have to enjoy being yourself and always pushing forward for a little growth that you can harness. Be aware of these traps, you don't know how good and productive you can be. You have to be smart nowadays, don't just do something because you think is fun. Something will always try to manipulate you and it's your duty to never leave your guard down. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...