Mar 6, 2021


You're jealous of what other people have and that's why you're stuck even more, you're not focused on your own life instead you are focusing on other people's lives. You're jealous of their success, you're jealous of what they are getting. And that's why you can't move, that's why you're immobilized in pain. You're bitter, you're always worried about people's achievements and not focusing your energy to your own success. being jealous is making you slow, weak and miserable. It's making you unproductive, it's making you disrespect yourself, you're not confident with your abilities anymore because you're not looking at your own life. If you will focus on your own journey, if you will trust your own process and stop getting jealous with them then you have a chance of making it big. It's just a matter of putting all of your energy into yourself and not minding other people's business. If they are rich they are rich, if they are poor they are poor so be it. Stay humble if you're better than others and never compare yourself to others. 


It takes away a lot of your time, it's the source of procrastination. You don't want to move anymore because you want what they have, you're jealous of other people's possessions and you want to get what they have right now. If you want to have a more meaningful life and better direction then stop being jealous. Don't ever compare yourself, don't ever belittle yourself. Believe in yourself and never blame anyone for your failure, if you fail then just try again but don't ever think that someone is weaker than you yet he still win. If you want to become a winner in life then love yourself. You need to give all of your time for yourself, groom yourself and make your life a little bit better each day. 

Always think that you have something to be proud of, always think that there is something in your life to be appreciative of so stop being jealous and appreciate what you have in life. 


Hard work is a very good form of entertainment. It will mold you into a different beast, you will be able to do what most people can't do, you will go to a different level. Just work hard and see how far you can go. Keep going further, work faster and work for more. Only losers become jealous with other people's success, you're not a loser, you're a winner. So just work hard and one day you will become a winner too. Hard work will make you closer from your dreams, most people are so afraid to work hard because they don't want to get tired. And this kind of mentality makes them stuck. If you want to make a progress then just work hard instead of watching other people's lives which only makes you feel bad. You can never climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts. 

Hard work will give you everything, master it and you will have a special life. You don't need to worry anymore, you don't need to become scared anymore... just keep working harder and see how far can you go. 


Be positive, always appreciate what you have and never compare your life to others. You are a unique individual and you have no clone so be happy for your life and just try to make the best out of it. The reason why most people are sad is because they were always comparing, they can't be satisfied of their lives. Actually, they hate their lives, they thought that living the life of others they thought better than them will make them happy. The truth is... you don't need to feel happy all the time, you don't need to have a perfect life. You don't need to become popular, you don't need to become successful. What will make you happy is by being yourself and giving your best. 

Stop wishing for something that is hard to get and just take actions to get it. Wishing and hoping will never give you anything, it will make you unhappy. Doing something for it will at least give you a bigger chance to get it, even if the possibility is very little... at least you have a bigger chance than just wishing for it. Taking actions will make you feel more alive, it will give you instant happiness, you will feel good about yourself and you will become more confident. It's easy to become happy, just do it, just focus on doing one positive thing at a time and never look for results. 


Master something that will make you a better person. It can be anything, it can be about music, sports, business or any other activity that will give you a useful entertainment. 

Master discipline, teach yourself how to become more effective and fast. Teach yourself to think the right way and only do the right things that matters the most. If you can become really good at something then you will never get jealous anymore, you will just move forward, that thing will consume you, it will eat a lot of your time. You will become better and better each day, you will feel more energized, you will feel really great. Don't waste your life being weak and has no special skill at all, you can develop anything if you will repeat it a million times. That skill can simply be ignoring negatives, or not procrastinating at all or simply being the hardest worker. It can be being early, being fast, not thinking, not hesitating. These are not so popular skills but if you can master it and embed it into your subconscious mind then you will have bigger results in life, you will have a brighter future. The key is to think about it all the time, apply it to your life all the time and embody it, make it running in your system everyday. 


Pulling somebody down, feeling bad about someone's victory will never take you to the top. It will never make you better, it will make you worse because all of your energy and attention were going to other people's lives, you're not focused on your own story anymore, you're focused on hating somebody and it's making you unproductive and useless. It's a waste of time hating on somebody, just hate yourself if you're not taking actions, criticize yourself if you're not giving your very best. You can become successful too if you will go all out, use your willpower to make something happen and stop making somebody looking bad by talking bad about him. 

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