Mar 31, 2021


We all wanted fast results, fast food, fast cure, fast change fast rise, fast success, fast improvement, fast money, everything fast... that's what we want and if we can't get it... it leads to frustration and depression, it leads to an unmotivated life without direction. If you can't get it fast then it means you have to slow down, I don't mean be lazy and don't do anything, what I mean is you have to be patient and take it one step at a time, avoid looking for shortcuts, avoid wanting to get lucky, just stick with the process and appreciate the small progress that you are getting. It doesn't matter if you're the last who will get it, it doesn't matter if you're so slow, for as long as you're making progress... you will be fine. 


You have not other choice but to work your ass off, if you're asking for millions then don't give an effort that attracts pennies, you have to show them that you're willing to outwork everyone and be the best that you can be. You have to stop thinking and simply focus on grinding, this is too basic and simple... just work and keep moving forward, never mind if you're not getting yet the desire results... you will get it later. This is grind season, you have to put in a lot of work first before reaping the benefits of your labor. Don't feel bad grinding, don't get overwhelmed with massive actions because it's leading you to the right path. Just grind, forget about being successful fast because it will never happen, wishing for it will only create misery, it will make you lazy which is a very bad thing. Wanting it fast is the mindset of losers, you've got to be patient and technical, you have to wait because you can't force everything. 

Grind like hell and you will see heaven, most people want to see the paradise, they want to see success, they want to go to the top of the mountain but they're not willing to climb. You will never go far if you will never go further, you have to push like your dream is the only thing that matters to your life, there's no room for laziness and complaining, there's no time for stupid parties and entertainment. You have to try with all your might, you have to go all in and give everything you can to make your dreams come true. Never care if it's hard, you should forget the difference between hard and easy, you should only know how to work and enjoy process along the way. 

Grinding will give you everything so why be afraid of it?


Consistency can make you fast, even if you're slow and weak... if you're doing something everyday you will develop a natural speed, you will be able to master your craft and your skill will go to another level, you will become inhuman, you will be able to create magical things. Consistency is the key to greatness, if you are discipline enough and can force yourself to work even if you don't want to then you will achieve greatness in life. Consistency will surprise you with the results that you will be getting, you will never notice that you're already becoming big. Just trust the process and do whatever it takes to reach the next level, be satisfied with the tiniest result that you may get and keep repeating everyday. Patience and being content with what you're getting is the key. Always maintain the mindset of improvement, always look for the next push, always aim for the next move. 


If you constantly compare your way of living or way of getting things... you will never succeed, jealousy will make you bitter, it will avoid you from focusing your own work. You will become unproductive and will be tempted to make wrong and fast decisions. So what if they're making it fast, this is not a race, this is a marathon. The victory belongs to the most persevering and enduring. Comparing yourself means not believing in yourself, it means you don't want to work hard, you don't believe in hard work and you don't love your own life. You have to love everything about your life including the struggle, pain and imperfections in order to become more motivated so that you can take massive actions. You are a unique individual, your life is unique, you have no duplicate, you need to celebrate your life everyday and see what is possible for you. 


Trust me, if you can push as hard as you can and still go further whenever you feel you have nothing left... the doors will open, you will find the way to success, your struggle will end. So endure the pain right now and always think that all of your hard work will pay off. Just find a way how to push, make this your advocacy, make this your mission. Whenever you find yourself having a hard time in your situation... just keep pushing, you will only be able to change your position if you keep pushing. Staring at other people will never get the job done, feeling weak and doing nothing will make your situation worse so just do whatever it takes to make your position better and that's it. 


Ignore all the dramas in the world to have more time for yourself and your journey. Ignore the problems of other people, ignore all the situations of other people, ignore their problems, ignore their issues... it's their life, it's none of your business, your only business is yourself and the goal that you are pursuing. Every second is critical to your success, you have to own your time and never ever squander it for nonsense things. Just take it one step at a time, it's ok if you're slow, enjoy every movement and small improvements. 

Mar 29, 2021


A big change in your life can happen in just one day. All you have to do is disrupt yourself. Always be aware of what you're doing and be brutally honest with yourself if what you're doing or thinking is taking your life to another level. What you're doing right now can be a lot of fun but where does it take you? how can it help you grow and evolve? how can it make you a master of your own destiny? don't you know that every thought, every word, every action is essential for your journey to greatness? if you're doing the same ugly habits over and over again then don't expect change, expect misery and destruction. It's all up to you, just like what I said... you have to guard everything that is happening in your system.

If you keep seeing the same people that annoys you, if you keep seeing the same place that you hate then it means you're still looking at those things, it means you're still interested with all of them and that's why you keep feeling the same way. You need to learn how to avoid the images that makes you feel the same type of shit everyday. So never place your eyes on things that you don't want so you won't feel negative again. I know it sounds ridiculous to not feel bad because it's impossible to live that way, the point here is to minimize negative feelings so that there will be a lot of room for motivation. Be aware of what you don't want to see and once you see it... ignore it right away. Most of the time you're not aware of what you don't want, you're just hating it once you see it, you're just feeling bad once you see it. Don't you know that you can ignore it every time you see it? don't you know that you can feel nothing about those things if you discipline your mind to focus mainly on what matters to your life? 


What are you thinking before you sleep? what are you thinking when you're almost awake? are you thinking about the past? are you thinking about your problems? are you thinking about nonsense things? You must be strict about the thoughts that are running inside of your head because it is dangerous to cater thoughts that are negative and useless. You're harming yourself every time you think about thoughts that doesn't help you to become confident. Realize that it's all in your mind. Every time you think about money and get excited with it your body will move naturally and find ways how to make money. Every time you think about not getting it or how hard it is to get it your body language will become slouch, you will never work hard, you will feel lazy and weak. 

You also lose confidence every time you think about the mistakes in the past. Every time you remind yourself bout the embarrassment that happens in your life you're only attracting that situation again, it is likely to happen again because it's still in your psyche. Replace all the bad memories with possibilities, always think that you are good enough to create a new life. 


You don't need to go to a different place or wish to have a nice mansion or what, you just need to rearrange the things that you see. Remove the unwanted things in your life, clean your bathroom if it doesn't make you feel good, throw away the objects in your room that makes you feel suffocated. A little change day by day can change your life. A small movement and adjustment can make you feel a little bit better and more motivated. 

But what if you can't remove the things that you don't want in your life? let's say for example your toxic relatives or let's say the community you're living in is so ugly but you don't have a money to move to another place? The answer for that is very simple... ignore them and focus on the things that you really like, focus on your goals, focus on making your life better bit by bit. And sooner or later you will be able to get rid of them once you become powerful, focus on success, focus on greatness... that's the answer. 


Stop being a consumer, stop consuming things or thoughts that will make you fail. There are lot of garbage thoughts in your mind... the people you hate, the past events, the things you wish didn't happen, regrets blah blah blah... There are lot of things that you don't need that are still in your life, throw away all of it because it's taking a lot of space in your environment... it's a bad energy. Remove all the distraction, remove all the garbage that's making you weak. Remove the unwanted thoughts, toxic friends, weak habits, remove everything that's pulling you down. You know what are these things, you just can't get rid of them because part of you loves them. But the truth is it's not helping you, remove it now or else you will have a hard life. 


Never let yourself worry about what will happen in the future. Don't allow yourself to think about failures, discomfort, wrong timing etc. You have to attack now, act now and do it now. Be fast so you will never get stuck in the moment. It's fun being quick, it will make you feel powerful and productive, it will make you achieve more and do more. It's uncomfortable in the beginning because that's the point of disruption... it's really uncomfortable but it will create a sure change. Because the truth to the matter is... you're faster then your current speed, you're just pretending to be slow by doing a lot of stupid stuffs and catering your laziness. You need to push yourself so bad if you want amazing things to happen. You always have an opportunity to finish but you're not doing it because of loving procrastination too much, you can finish it now but you're allowing yourself to become slow, stop living this way, you've got to have a killer instinct if you want to evolve and live a new life. Have that finisher mentality, you have to be good in smelling blood and capitalizing all the time.


Keep working hard, keep disciplining yourself and see your life goes up. All it takes is patience and commitment, if you're committed to something then you will get everything. Commit to the process, commit to the goal and see your life goes up. It's easy to make your life great, just work hard and stop doing the bad things or useless activities that will never give you money, freedom or rewards. You have to stick with the activities that will give you something in the future, it's like investment, you invest with the things that will make you a better person and see your life become better and better in the future. 

Enjoy every moment of your life even if you're in the process of disrupting yourself, I know it's uncomfortable and stressful because there is a change happening in your system. But don't worry you will get use to your new life and system in just a matter of time, just be patient and always be aware of what you're doing. 

Mar 26, 2021


If you want to make an impact in this world, if you want to change something or at least introduce an idea that you think will work to change some lives of people then the revolution should start with you. Don't talk about it, be about it. If you're introducing a way of life or a belief then you should live it. Stop bragging that you know something, stop telling them how to do things and do it yourself. You have to make sure that it really works, don't be good in words... be good in taking actions.


Test something, test your idea and make it work before talking. You have to make sure that it has proven facts that it's successful before you preach it to other people. You have to experience it by yourself before letting other people experience it. Most people were inventing stories that they become successful but the truth is they're really not.  Don't be a fake because it will come back to you in the end. Be the real deal, you've got to have an evidence that you really made it because people will doubt you if you can't show them that you're the man. If you want to lead then stop fooling yourself, stop fooling people and show them results. Show them that you really made it and you can do it again, show them that you're not a fluke. Be about your idea, be about the success that you're talking about. 

So shut your mouth and do the work, be the hardest worker not the loudest talker. Anybody can talk but not everyone can do the hard work. Show them that you mean business. Go all in and never look back, give your heart and soul to it, be so passionate that you already forgotten that the challenge is hard. Make it work no matter what, do the impossible and never give up when it's really hard, just keep pushing and you will see that you're almost done. 


You've got have an unparalleled will, you have to show them that you really want it and that you have a big heart. You have to show them the heart of a champion, the heart of a warrior. It's about pushing yourself to the limits even if you're weakening during the hard times, it's about going all in even if you don't have the right cards on your hand. It's simply about doing it and not making any excuses, you find a way or you make your own way. 

Because you will only win if your willpower cannot be defeated. You only need willpower and nothing else, everything you need will show up, it will be attracted to you if you're really pushing yourself to achieve something. So keep pushing even if you feel weak, you will find that strength later. It's ok if you're not too brave, it's ok if you don't have the talent, what matters is your will is unbreakable. It doesn't matter if you don't have anything, if you have a vision and your willpower is one of a kind then you will become successful. Every obstacle will give up on you, they can never make you quit. The willingness to move forward no matter what will put you on top. 

Take the next step without even thinking, just move, move your hands and feel, move your body, do the simplest thing that you can do that will make your situation a little bit better. Always think that every time you take actions you will become more confident, you will have more energy, your chances of winning will go high. 


That's why you have to be serious with your idea, you have to take it really serious, your focus should be unbreakable and and everything that you do must be about your idea. Stop playing around, stop delaying your actions, do it now, execute now and make things happen... as simple as that. Don't let your mind wander off anywhere, focus on what you need to do and never stop until you're done. If you're really serious about your idea then you will have a lot of energy to push, actually your energy will become unlimited. Success will be yours, you will be able to conquer everything. Because it at the end of the day you're only wasting your time if you're not serious about it, your level of seriousness should be insane. Your desire to win, your tenacity to push will make you victorious. If you're really serious about your idea then you will get addicted to it, you will execute it 24 hours a day, you will become obsessed, you will never see any obstacle. 


Even if nobody believes in you, even if the whole world is laughing at you, even if it's really a struggle... you still need to believe with all your heart, you need to keep the faith and keep working on your idea. Your Belief about yourself should never bend when the going gets tough, it should keep getting stronger everyday. If you can believe in yourself even if the world is against you then for sure you're going to succeed. Because that is the biggest test of your journey... can you still believe in yourself even if nobody believes in you? can you still trust your judgement even if you can't see any hope anymore? You will doubt yourself for sure but it's your responsibility to motivate yourself and believe in yourself again if you really wanted to win. It's not about how good you are, it's how much you believe in yourself. You may lose everything, you may lose help, you may lose friends and money but never lose your confidence because that's what you need to make a comeback and become victorious. 

It's all about hard work, believing in yourself and not giving up... as simple as it sounds. There's no complicated formula here, you don't need to become a Nostradamus to succeed, you don't need to become an Elon Musk, all you have to do is work every waking hour and make your dreams come true. Execute whenever you have an idea and always push for more, stay hungry all the time, forget about what time it is and just do whatever you can do to make yourself closer from your dream. 

Mar 25, 2021


If you're chasing a goal there must be something that is working in your life, there must be something that is giving you some energy, inspiration or something to use in order to survive. You can't be chasing your dream to become a millionaire singer and putting all of your energy to that dream but at the same time no money is coming in to your life and your family is getting skinnier because of hunger. You can chase your dream but it's not working for now but it doesn't mean you have to give up, you just need to look for something that is working, something that will support you while you're chasing your impossible dream. You have to find a work that can give you some money even if you don't like it, you have to do it or else you will get overwhelmed in the end and you will give up. 

You can't be singing for free and you're not getting anything, you can't be working for something and all you get is sweating your shirt and a little bit of appreciation from people. You have to have something that will keep you alive or else you will get lost in the end. 


If you're willing to die in hunger, if you're willing to die in frustration, if you're willing to lose everything like your family, friends, social status, joy etc. then you can go all in, only few people can do this. If you are willing to hit something that is deeper than the rock bottom then you can go all in. But if not then you should try something that is working, it's like working for a double job... one is giving you some money and the other is not giving you something for now but has a potential to explode in the future and can make you a big time. It's like experimentation, you keep living a normal life and that is having a job that gives you food and at the same time you're trying to chase an impossible dream that is not working for now but will give you everything in the future. It's playing safe a little bit but you're also taking risks. Because you can't be like living a rockstar that is struggling in the beginning and so sure that will make it in the end, it doesn't work that way, you have to have something that will support your dream because chasing a dream alone will take a very long time, it's a lot of process and you won't be able to continue if you're not getting any money. You have to see a little bit of progress and positive in your life because most of the time you're not seeing any progress or improvement while chasing your dream. 


You saw your high school nemesis driving a Ferrari and you immediately got jealous, you saw your crush's ex boyfriend winning and you wanted to win too, who do you think you are? you are not suppose to get what they got, you have your own journey, you have your own life. Stop getting jealous because that's the thing that makes you mistakes and forget the process. Patience is the key, it's ok if you're slow for as long as you're consistent and really working hard. This is not a race, take your time because if you will always look for success then you will end up being a failure. Wanting it so bad will make you forget to do the necessary work, you will just always look for results and will give lesser and weaker effort. You don't need to compare your journey with other people's journey. Mind your own business, mind your own life and simple give your very best and that's it. You have to trust your own decisions and actions.


This is the trick to success... always look for something that is working so that you will feel motivated and confident. If everything is not working in your life then how the hell will you have the energy to keep pushing? keep in mind that there will always be something that will work for you. Try everything, just because it's not working for them doesn't mean it will not work for you too, you are different, you're cut from a different cloth. Don't ever think that life is so unfair and you already tried everything but nothing seems to work, if you already tried everything then you don't know what to do anymore, there's no more ideas popping in your head but for sure there is still something you think may work but you're not trying it. Even if an idea seems to look so impossible to work... still try it. 


If you will really work hard for it, if you will really give your heart and soul to it then you will achieve it. Nothing is impossible if you will try. Just try, mix things up. All you have to do is keep pushing forward and never quit, take perseverance as your weapon, use it to go to a different level. Persevere when things are hard, keep pushing even if you don't know what to do anymore. Always look for a way, always go the extra mile and you will be able to conquer any dream you have.


Once you already mastered something... look for something to master again. Something that is different and that has a possibility to become big one day. For example you already found a job, it's giving you money, it's supporting your needs. It's a good support to support your dream, it's time to become experimentive, it's time to become creative. Chase a harder goal, build your business, chase your dream of becoming a dancer. If you fail at least you still have a job. 

Mar 24, 2021


It's not about the people who disrespects you, it's about you being soft and taking it all personally. It's not about the crowd booing you and making you perform at your lowest level, it's about you not digging deeper and not trusting yourself. It's not about the difficulties of life, it's about you submitting to every challenge along the way. It's not about the goal too impossible to achieve, it's about you not giving your all. It's not about the missed opportunities, it's about you not hungry enough to grab every bit of it. It's not about the girl who crushed your heart, it's about you not being able to move on and look for another girl to victimized. It's not about your coach stopping you from taking shots, it's about you stopping yourself. It's not about the world not giving you opportunities to shine, it's about you not looking for more opportunities. It's not about you being likeable, it's about you not liking yourself. The whole blame should be pointed at you, it's you that is creating your own results. It's you creating your world and not them. As silly as it sounds but it's the reality, if you can't accept that it's your fault and not theirs then your life will never change. 


If an opportunity gets away it means you don't want it bad enough, it means you're not so serious of getting it, it means you didn't work hard enough to secure your position. There is an opportunity infront of you everyday and it's your duty to devour it, get it or else it will go away. Get it now, as fast as you can, stop waiting because you will never get anything by having that kind of mentality. Be fast, if it's not for you then it's not for you, you will find something better. But the point here is you have to try now, you have to give yourself a chance to win and shine or else you will regret it in the end. Because you can get it if you want to, the reason why you miss a lot of opportunities is because you let fear distract you, you let fear freeze your body. The mindset should be every time you see an opportunity you should grab it and forget about failing or not making it perfect, you should stop overthinking all the time. 


Just like what I have said before... you have to enjoy yourself, study yourself and make your life all about you. Blame yourself, groom yourself, love yourself, educate yourself, make yourself as big as you can be. Be super interested with your own story and try to make it as epic as it can be. Because success comes in discovering yourself, building your identity and style, you will achieve greatness and happiness if you will give more time for yourself. Discipline your mind, choose the perfect thoughts to feel much better so you can take more actions. Entertain only the most inspiring thoughts that you can choose. You have to feel really good about yourself and it will only happen if you keep on improving physically, mentally or financially, there should be growth and you must focus all of your energy for that growth. 

It's a little bit boring in the beginning especially if you can't find a room for growth. But if you will persevere and focus solely on yourself trying to make your life a little bit better and being patient about it then you will love life even more. 

The best way to enjoy life is to enjoy yourself and not enjoying other people's stories. You can create your own story, own kingdom, you can define your own success. It's not about isolating yourself, it's about giving yourself a chance to experience greatness because you only have one life, you need to realize that this blessing is not going to happen anymore, it's a one time thing, devour every situation and be the best that you can be. 


You really wanted to see a radical change in your life? don't give time to any of those crap for a month. Use your time for making yourself a little bit richer, a little bit healthier, a little bit cleaner, a little bit wiser, a little bit braver. Use a lot of time for yourself, treat yourself, groom yourself and let's see if you can't feel good. Let's see if you can't feel great. You don't need to study self development, you don't need a guru to tell you what to do... you just need to be selfish, when I mean selfish it's not that you're not generous, it's not that you're greedy, you just need to use all of your energy for yourself and your reality will be altered for the better. Most people were complaining with their lives, they're looking for something that will change their lives right away, they don't know that change happens if you're taking care of yourself and looking for that small space for improvement. It's all about being mindful of what you're doing and thinking, you should feel bad for yourself if you're wasting your time for useless things, people and activities that will never even help you to grow, what's the point of doing that? it's better to be failing trying to shoot for the stars than to fail because of being unproductive and lazy. If you want to win in life you should have a tremendous focus for yourself and the goal that you're chasing. 

Forget about what other people are doing forget about what other people are saying and just focus on improving yourself bit by bit. Little by little enjoy the pain of transforming yourself. It's hard because change will never happen if there's no pain. 


Something that's making you feel bad is a trap. You should never give your attention to something that makes you feel bad. If it's useless and not making your grow then it's time to let it go. The news is making you feel bad, the people that you don't like always make you feel bad, useless entertainment is eating a lot of your time. You always fall into these traps everyday and that's why you can't focus on yourself, you have to feel yourself every now and then, you have to enjoy being yourself and always pushing forward for a little growth that you can harness. Be aware of these traps, you don't know how good and productive you can be. You have to be smart nowadays, don't just do something because you think is fun. Something will always try to manipulate you and it's your duty to never leave your guard down. 

Mar 23, 2021


There are lot of negative inputs everywhere, everyone is infusing negativity, someone will try to scare you, a news will try to make you crumble, even your friends... they will destroy your confidence and will make you feel scared or threatened. Some people are overreacting nowadays and will try to spread fears all over the place. Never let those morons threaten you, never let a news or a random information stop you from doing your thing or living a fearless life. 


You're still in a good position, you're situation may not be perfect but it's still good and giving you advantage. You're not losing, you're not dying, you're not in jail, there is no reason to be scared. You still have something if not everything, you are still free to do anything you want. If there is a problem you can still do something about it. You have to see what you have and appreciate it to become more confident. You still have the cards, even if your cards were both jokers and 2's... you can still win, it's all about the mentality to win. You can never lose if you have a very strong mind. So check your mind, what's going on in there? Is it full of negativity or is it full of positivity? you have the necessary tools to shape your mind. Discipline your thoughts, remove the negativity inside of your head and your life will completely change, as simple as it sounds. You can apply it to your daily life, it can start now. It's going to be a lot of fun. 


Whatever challenge that is... you can adapt to it, you can conquer it you can face it and defeat it. Don't be afraid to any challenge because it's all part of your life. Just because it sounds scary doesn't mean you can't adapt to it and become triumphant in the end. It's all in the mind, what's happening inside of your mind will be your reality, as simple as that. Your mind and body is too powerful, nothing can make it quit if you decide to persevere no matter what. Whenever you get intimidated to anybody or anyplace or anything... just believe that you can adapt, all it takes is time. Wait for a moment, don't go away, stay on that place, wait a little bit and your body and mind will start to feel comfortable. Just a few seconds or minutes, feel everything and you will learned that it's not a big deal. If a place or a person is useless then what's the point of staying there? but if you have a business going on and you really need to stay for whatever reason... just wait, enjoy your fears enjoy being overwhelmed, enjoy everything and you will find your power. 


However you feel, whatever is happening around you, even if you're on a worst place... choose to move forward instead because it's the only way to make you feel a little bit better, it will give you the confidence to keep fighting. Don't be afraid of anything, for as long as you can move forward... you will be alright, for as long as you have a little amount of energy... that's enough. You can go further, you can do more and make unbelievable things. It's all about going further as much as you can and never minding about the current situation, focus on what you want to happen and do whatever it takes to make it happen, as simple as that. This is not a complicated technique, it works 100 percent for anyone. So if you're struggling a lot... just be patient and move forward. Never quit, never think about giving up. All it takes is the decision to carry on and detach from what's really going on. Moving forward is the best thing you can do, the good thing about this technique is you can do it anytime you want to, nothing can stop you, all it takes is a vision and a decision. Decide where you wanted to go and move bit by bit to go there. 


Never let somebody just push you around, you have to retaliate if you need to, don't let anything just scare you or bully you for no reason. If there is someone who can push you... let it be yourself. Push yourself to the limits to succeed, push yourself to work hard. Never let anybody push you because you can do it yourself, do it in a positive way. Push yourself to make yourself better. Never let anybody push you to feel worse or feel worthless, you can avoid that or stop that by focusing on your strengths and knowing who you are? redefine yourself, what are you made of? if you know you can survive anything then what is pint of being afraid to anything? Nothing can scare you if you know what you are made of.

Never let a news, a person or an unexpected even push you to become scared or worse. Remind yourself what you can do, go to your strengths, always remember that you can adapt to anything. Never feel inferior just for a second, you have to know if you're feeling that way. Remind yourself that how you feel is how people are going to treat you. If you feel superior then they will respect you but if you feel like a useless punk then they will just push you around. Know your worth, remind yourself how tough you can be. 


Stay calm all the time and focus on how you feel. If someone offended you just ignore, don't smile, don't react and just stay calm. Focus on your thoughts and emotions, always think that the person who's tying to offend you is just another worthless clown who doesn't deserve your attention. Keep living, keep breathing and just live in the moment. If something is threatening you don't move, stay relaxed, don't panic and just think slowly. Most people's reaction when threatened is to move fast and think fast, just slow down, take a deep breathe and remind yourself that everything will be alright no matter what. If your mind is on the right place then a threatening situation will be a right place too, it can never harm you just for a second. 


Fear of failing, fear of suffering, fear of the future, fear of what's going on... these are all illusions. You give a worse meaning to it that's why it's scary. But if you will focus on your breathing, stay calm and poised... no fear can ever disturb you, it will go away naturally. It's just a feeling, everything is just a feeling. You get pissed of by a person who disrespects you but what if you do not know that he disrespect you? will you still feel bad. It's just an emotion, everything becomes worse because of the perception you attached to it. You can become fearless by detaching from it or not giving it any meaning, you can feel invincible by treating everything as nothing. Stop giving negative meaning to what happened and you will feel free. Stop getting too attached. If you have the ability to move forward no matter what then what's is it to be scared of? if you can treat anything or anyone as ordinary then you will never feel bad anymore. 

Mar 22, 2021


You're moving too much, you're engaged with some type of activity too much but the only question is what are you doing? are you really doing what you are suppose to do? or are you doing it because you love killing time and procrastinating? are you doing it because it's fun? are you doing it because you wanted to forget your problem? or are you doing it because it's too easy?


It only happens if you stop doing the easiest things. You stop procrastinating, you stop watching porn hub, you stop daydreaming, you stop thinking about the past, you stop watching TV, you stop the excessive use of social media, you stop all these nonsense entertainment because it's only derailing your progress, it's giving you a lot of stress in the end because it destroys your momentum and stops you from doing the right thing. You know what are these nonsense activities, you just need to accept that you can't do them anymore if you want to become successful. Success is just a matter of small correct choices combined together, every movement you made should be related to success or at least helps you to become better. If it's not putting you on the right position then why the hell do it? 

Forget all the things that can't give you anything in the future. It's all about investing, you invest with the right actions and you will reap the rewards in the future. Always practice delayed gratification, always choose the harder path that will give you a huge chance to succeed instead of choosing feeling good now but you will become miserable in the end. 


The moment you decide to do the harder things but has benefits will be the start of your progress. It's a simple decision that will give you a momentum, it's a little bit hard decision but it will make your life much much better. Start doing the right thing, start manning up and facing your problems, start facing your fears because that is the best starting point to turn things around. Face what needs to be faced and never mind what's going to happen next. Take the first step and never look back, stay relentless, stay aggressive all the time. Time is fast, once you start you will forget the time especially if you're enjoying what you're doing. You will push further as much as you can and never look back anymore. It's hard to start because you're always thinking about different things, you're overthinking too much. 


Some people will decide to do the right things, they will make sacrifices but they will look for immediate rewards right away and that's why they can't sustain the sacrifice, they end up going back to their habits that results to failure. Work super hard now, sacrifice all the entertainment that doesn't help you. Most of the time you're so eager to get the rewards but your effort is not enough yet, you think you already deserve something. Change this attitude, you better work super hard now and never check the results, let it come in naturally, attract it don't chase it. Always remember that hard work will never fail you, it will give you everything you need so just relax while moving and never feel bad if you can't see any progress in your journey. Because the real reward is you transforming yourself into a beast, the real reward is the person you become, you improve a little bit, you're thinking right, you're doing the right things... that's the reward, opportunities will be attracted to you if you're the best version of yourself. 


The best time to start is when you feel uncomfortable, the best time to shoot the ball is when you are afraid. The best time to start a business is when you don't know what to do, the best time to say sorry is when you're so shy. The best time to say I love you is when the girl least expected it. Waiting all the time will never give you anything, waiting game is the game of losers, you have to think fast and move fast. Start now while it's uncomfortable because every time you procrastinate and set aside what you have to do... things will get worse, you will no longer be able to do it. The time is now, embrace chaos, forget all the things and people that are distracting you and simple start now, nothing can stop you if you will decide to just do it no matter what. 

Look at your life, you can't make any improvement during comfortable moments right? you can't start something when it's comfortable right? it's because you're satisfied with your situation, you think everything is under control. The magical things is hiding behind chaos, you have to take risks, you have to embrace all the negative emotions and push forward. 


Greatness is not an identity that will stay forever. Every great person is still hustling everyday and doing something to make themselves better. A great athlete can become a bum as fast as he can if he choose not to work hard anymore. A rich man can become broke in just one month or less if he chooses to relax and spend all of his money for luxuries and slutty women. Greatness is a process, it's not a final thing. Just because you feel great today doesn't mean you will feel that way forever. 

So if you're this type of person who has a lot of regrets in his life because of the mistakes you did in the past... forget al of it. You can still become great even if you're too old or even if you did a lot of wrong things in the past. Just become great today, push yourself to the limits today and you're already great. Then do it again tomorrow, do it forever. Be happy doing it everyday, be happy taking it one day at a time. Make it your habit to become great. Install it in your system forever. Greatness is simply trying to win and improving yourself bit by bit. It's a culture, it's a discipline, it's something you maintain and not something you should aim. 

Mar 20, 2021


Don't feel bad too much about yourself if you can't give your best. I know you're still procrastinating, I know you're still doing stupid stuffs that will not help you but the most important thing is you feel guilty about it and you wanted to change. Your intention is to become successful and you think about it all day long so it's ok you're still on the right path. I know your work is not enough but you're trying, I know you know you can do more but still you're discipline is not that sharp. I know your commitment is not strong enough but the good thing is you know what you really wanted to happen and you're trying to get it every single day. What matters is you still have a good attitude and your belief is still there. 


By simply moving forward and pushing yourself to take actions. Don't be lazy, force yourself to do something useful even if it's only making a little impact. Believe that everything you do is taking you further. You are getting closer and closer to your goal every time you're moving. If your action is positive and its intention is to succeed then it is the right action, stop questioning if it's right, stop doubting yourself and keep executing. Don't worry about making mistakes, don't worry about failing and starting all over again. Because at the end of the day you will still repeat something, you will still take actions. The right action and the wrong action is not different from each other if both have similar intentions. If you feel you need to do something then do it right away, if your instincts are telling you that it is right then do it, what are you waiting for? stop waiting too much, stop overthinking because it will kill you, it will poison your mind, it's the root or procrastination and depression. If you want to feel much better... keep moving forward all the time and never stop, that's what it is all about. 

Nothing can stop you from taking actions, you can start and move whenever you want to, you can start now, even if there are some distractions... you can ignore it completely and focus on your dream. If you are consistent and not stopping you will never even notice that you're already improving.


"If you have a dream you have to protect it" - Chris Gardner. Don't let anything ruin it, don't let anybody stop you, don't let your dark side stop it. You can still chase your dreams despite of having a dark side, despite of your bad version of yourself still controlling you. For as long as your vision and dream is in your head and you're thinking about it and doing something for it... you will be alright, everything will fall on its proper place, you will have a breakthrough one day so keep moving forward and stay relentless as you can be. It should be embedded in your heart permanently, never let a failure or unexpected changes change your mind. It's important to have a dream, that will be your direction, it is your blueprint for a better life. No matter how impossible your vision looks... keep chasing it and never give up, it's like laying one bricks at a time and enjoying the small progress. You stay on your lane even if some people around you is getting it fast, never get jealous, focus on your own journey. Always water your dreams everyday, feed your mind with positive stories from successful people Like Oprah, Tony Robbins, Jom Roh, Les Brown, RSD and any more. 


Sometimes believing is all you can do, visualize your dreams everyday, believe that you're getting it and your body will automatically move and do something that will somehow create a small improvement. Go all out, give your all and never make any reservations, stop conserving your energy and never be scared to get exhausted. You have what it takes to win, all you need to do is stay committed, never ever give up when it's hard, keep pushing and keep your dream alive. Because at the end of the day it's not about the degree of difficulty, it's about the strength of your belief. If your belief is pure and strong then your body will follow, you will be able to do unbelievable things that most people can't do, you will attract small opportunities that will lead to bigger success, you will find a way out of no way. You will be able to do what most people are afraid to do. Protect your belief, protect your mind, never feed your mind with subjects like failures, complaints, impossible and any other form of negativity. Choose to become an optimist but keep working hard everyday. Don't just believe... force yourself to move every second too.


You push everyday, you believe everyday, you don't stop, you just keep pushing even if it's not rational anymore. You don't mind if they think you're going crazy, you don't care if you keep failing again and again. It's a constant push, you turn yourself into an animal, you become a beast, you're a machine that never gets tired, you keep going and going and going... that's your identity is all about. If you're moving then you're already progressing, keep that in your mind. Even if you're not seeing any results yet... you need to move or else you will never win. Keep moving forward all the time, non stop, push yourself to the limits and go all the way. Your body is capable of pushing 24 hours a day, you just need to make it a habit. The reason why you can't push is because you're thinking too much, you're judging yourself that you're not going to make it, you already concluded that you can't make something even if you haven't started yet, you already counted yourself out. Forget the time remaining, forget the consequences and just keep pushing forward no matter what. You can feel unstoppable, you can feel invincible if you will not look for results and just focus on the process, it's about moving and it's not about getting. You will reap the fruits of your labor later so be patient, it will come if it's time to come but for the meantime do the work and keep pushing whenever you can. 

Mar 18, 2021


The number one reason why people can't move and can't succeed is because they were so afraid of exhaustion, they're so afraid of burning out. They want results right away even if they only give 10 percent of their strength. They hate hard work, they hate overtime, all they want is to get something. And this puts them to category of losers and whiners. You can't complain in life if you want something, you have to get it, do whatever it takes to make it happen or else nothing will happen in your life. Most people can't become successful because they care so much about how they feel, just a little pain is making them fold and quit, a little bit of discomfort is making them complain and this results to being unproductive and stuck. 


You should feel that every action is a work of art, this is how to have more energy, force yourself to become passionate, you should breathe greatness. Even if your work is just a garbage collector... fall in love with collecting and segregating garbage... this is how to have more strength and avoid stress. Just work and feel no remorse about it even if it's hard. Some people have self pity when they are working hard, they're looking for sympathy and appreciation and that makes their lives even harder. If you work hard... don't be proud about it, treat it as a normal thing. You will have an unlimited energy if you will enjoy every step. Look at the most passionate and successful people in the world, they never get tired because they love what they're doing, they can work for 3 straight days without sleeping, and take not they're not using any drugs. Every step can be a lot of fun if you will feel it, if you will imagine that there is something good happening in your life. 


Mentally and physically, laziness is killing you. You thought that laziness is cool? you want to do the easy things? you just want to sit and watch TV while eating popcorns and pizza? Stop kidding yourself, you're just fooling yourself and wasting a lot of time. Your life will become worse if you're lazy. Laziness is next to ugliness, it's the one that's making your life miserable. Just work super hard for a year and forget about the results and let's see what kind of life will you have. The truth is... it doesn't matter if you don't have enough sleep, it doesn't matter if you're not feeling good... you can still move if you will use your willpower. Lazy people were always tired even if they're not ding anything, it's because they're bodies were not familiar with hard work, they get exhausted with small amount of actions so fast. 


No talent, no help, no exceptional skills, no supportive family or friend, no need to worry... If you're the hardest worker on earth then you will still have an awesome life. Hard work never fail anyone especially if you pair it with a strong belief. Just believe in something and work really hard for it and you will get it, too simple formula that can be used by anybody. Greatness is for everyone who wishes and work for it. You already have an award if you're the hardest working man in the planet, there is a good place waiting for you, the prize is waiting so keep working harder each day and never feel so bad if you're tired. If you're tired keep going and you will reach another level. Sure win if you're the hardest worker on the planet, you will never lose. Because every time you fall down... you will get up fast and try again, you will repeat the same process until success submit itself on you. Sometimes you need to pressure success, you need to strangle it, you need to corner it, you need to keep chasing it until it can't run from you anymore. Leave no room for it to breathe, make it give up, suffocate it with relentless pressure, be the one who's pressuring not the one who gets pressured. 


The main reason why you feel so weak is because you're not starting, you're not trying, you just need to move and you will have more energy. Just try it, just take the first step and keep following through, you will be surprised that you already finished your task. Stop acting like weak because you're not that, you need to force your lazy body and train it to become a mover and not a waiter. Stop wasting your time, execute now. Move your body, it doesn't matter if what you're doing is right or not... just move, don't overthink everything, don't worry about how you look and how you feel... just move, enjoy every action and never stop until you're finally done. This is how to become stronger... by not stopping, by forcing yourself to take actions. Trust me you will feel much better when you're done with your task, not doing anything will make you stressed even more, just move forward even if you're slow, just take it one step at a time and you will succeed in the future. All it takes is the courage to start and go further, just start now regardless of how you feel, forget about what will happen next and just pull the trigger. 


Most people looks like they're working so hard, working so hard for what? they're burning themselves out doing stupid things that will not even put them on a better position in life. Some people are just trying to look buys and cool, they're pretending that they're doing something special. Some people will just do something to entertain themselves. It's such a waste of time and energy. Everything that you're doing must be related to your goal and ambitions, it should make you grow and successful in the long run. Don't just do something now for the sake of surviving, use your time for your own evolution and greatness. Don't worry if you're alone, don't worry if you're not making money yet, don't worry if you can't see progress just make sure you are doing it for yourself. Believe that every effort that you exert will make you big one day. Don't pretend that what you're doing is important, if it's not making your life or skills better then how the hell it is important? be real, do what is necessary and stop burning time just going down. Do what takes you to the top, do what will give you rewards in the future.


The prize itself is the process, no matter how much you deny it.. that's the reality. Because even if you made it in life you still need to move and do something or else you will go crazy. You still need to chase a goal or else you will become bored and depressed. Life and success is all about continuity, it's all about pushing forward whenever you can. It's no about resting, it's not about comfort... it's about facing your fears and overcoming all the obstacles along the way. 


Just try this method... work as hard as you can every single day, never stop, let your motor run forever, don't be afraid of getting tired, push yourself to the limits and see what you can get. If you have a different and stronger energy than yesterday then you will get more, you will attract success and opportunities. The dots will connect, they will notice you, money will come after you. You will not be denied if you are relentless, you will always get something, you will never get zero. 

It's all about the push, it's not about wins or losses, it's all about pushing yourself until you get what you want. So if you keep attracting failures and ugly circumstances it means you're lazy and unfocused, your desire is weak. You've got to have a burning desire and unparalleled will if you want to get something big, this is not going to be an easy thing, it's not a walk in the park, you will have to swallow bullets and color the air if you need to. 

Success is to be attracted, you can become a magnet of success if you're making hard work look like an easy work. Hard work should never feel hard for you, it should feel like an easy work... that's how to produce massive actions. You should feel like playing while doing it, it should make you feel good, you should feel weak whenever you're stopping or resting. 


And that's why they can't become successful, that's why it's really hard for them to make their lives better. They will never take risks, they will only do something if they're so sure that it will give them some money. They're not thinking about the long term, all they want is to have something now, they will never try to invest and believe that a bigger thing will come if they wait and work hard even if results were not showing yet. You will have a hard time figuring things out but you will figure it in just a matter of time, of course it is very challenging but the reward is so big. Whether success is guaranteed or not... focus on giving your all, that's how to become a winner. If you're always looking for the prize then you will lose concentration, you will become greedy and needy, you will stop if you can't get paid, the passion will go away, it's not the love for work anymore, you're already working for the love of money. 


Choose to believe, choose to move forward. You only have two choices in life... it's to move forward and do whatever it takes to win or move backwards and complain all the time. The choice is yours, you can work hard now even if you don't know what to do. Giving everything you can is the greatest feeling in the world, you will feel so powerful and in control, you will feel like a superhero that can conquer the world. Believing is free, you can believe in anything and make it happen but belief will become weaker if you're not moving, it only become stronger if you're taking actions and moving forward no matter what. So go all out and take what is yours, put yourself on the best place to succeed. Believing is free, pair it with relentless action and you will become super unstoppable. If you can believe it then you can get it, as simple as that. When I say believe you must have no doubts, you must be ruthless and bold, you must be single minded and never change directions even if it's too hard. Believe even if there's no reason to believe, be faithful to your dreams and it will come into fruition. 


You must have a laser like focus, your concentration must be solid and unbreakable. Discipline is the key to success. It's not about what you can't or what is missing in your life, it's what you do with what you have. Disregard all the crappy information and negativity, never look on what you don't want. Never feel anything about something that isn't pleasant to your ears, never give time to something or someone that doesn't help you grow. You have to be mindful of your actions and thoughts because every second is critical for your success. Never let a stupid subject control your mind, you have to be super disciplined here like a military. Be aware if something is not serving you and reject it immediately without second thinking, just reject it and focus on the grind. It's so simple right? just don't stop and that's it, there is nothing complicated about this approach, it's a simple and effective technique. Get rid of everything that is slowing you down, life is fast but you should be faster. Focus is a very powerful thing, what you keep on doing will be your reality, what you keep on thinking will come into your life. So focus on the right thoughts, never use your mind to create havoc or destruction in your life, use it to put yourself on the best position to become triumphant. 


It will solve all of your problem, it will put your mind on the right place, it will give you good emotions. If you're having troubles paying your debts just take action and you will solve it, as simple as that. You will feel more confident, your worries will go away and little by little you will be able to pay all of it. Just be patient, it takes time, there's no need to rush here, you don't need to solve all of your problems right away, take your time and just give your best, there's no need for panicking. Relax while working hard. Don't stop until you solve all of your problems. 


Your problem will only become bigger every time you procrastinate. The real problem is you being lazy and not doing anything at all even if you can do something. You feel so depressed because you want something to happen but you're not doing anything to make it happen, you're holding yourself back, you're so afraid of failing. Move and you will get your confidence back, move and you will feel much better. Regardless if there is a prize or not... work hard and don't stop. 

Mar 16, 2021


What you want already manifested, you're just slow or scared that's why it didn't fall on your hands. You're so hesitant to get it, you're thinking about the consequences if you get it now. You're thinking about the next moment of your life, you're thinking about the future already even if it's not yet in your hands. 

The girl you've been looking for is already infront of you, you're dreaming of her everyday she already manifested in your life but you can't have her because you're so afraid that you might get rejected, you're so afraid that it might not work out. You're already thinking about the future and that's why you can't bring that chick in your house. 

You want to become a star player in your team, the game is down the wire you are open but you didn't take the shot because you're so afraid to miss and the whole team will get mad at you. The opportunity already manifested but you didn't take it, the result is... you're a bench warmer forever, you didn't shine, you remain on the same status as you were before. 

Money is already knocking in your life, there is a job interview waiting for you but you're so lazy to go out because it's raining. You're making excuses, do you really want the money or not?

SUCCESS is already manifesting, there is an idea inside of your head, you feel it's going to work, your heart is telling you to start but you don't want to start for whatever reason. Months and years have passed but you haven't started anything yet. Success was gone completely, you're looking for it but you're planting your feet on the ground. The ideas were buried in your head and you can't revive them anymore. 


It's all about getting it and never thinking about what's going to happen next. Be present and believe that you're going to have it no matter what. Always push for what you want and never be afraid that you might fail. Every time you're scared of failing... you already failed. Force yourself to get it because you have nothing to lose, you don't have it in the beginning so why will you be afraid of losing it? You have the authority to get it, allow yourself to rise, allow yourself to become deserving of something. Nothing can stop you, you're the one who's getting on your way, change the belief now, change your mindset, once there is an opportunity... devour it and treat it like the only thing that matters in your life. If you really want it then you will never notice anything that is stopping you, you will just go for it and never stop until it's finally yours. 


Why are people so afraid of trying? why are people so afraid of risking? it's because they're thinking about the future, they're thinking about losing. You will never win in life if you're playing it safe, you have to take risks, you have to put yourself in danger and expose yourself to embarrassment. Don't be afraid to try and try over and over again, don't be afraid to get humiliated and ridiculed by people. Life is just like that, if you don't want to have any regrets then go all out and give everything you've got, give your strongest effort. Success and wants will only manifest if you're making yourself very close with it, give yourself the biggest chance to win by having the willingness to fail. If you really want it then you will try, you will never think about the consequences of losing, you will just try and expect to win at all cost. 


You have to work hard for it in order to create manifestation. Just because it's already close to you doesn't mean you don't have to work anymore. You can't get it because your effort is not enough, you're exerting a weak and mediocre effort, you're playing the weak game. You have to step up your game and think big, believe that you already have it and work hard for it. hard work will never fail you, it applies to everything, it can conquer everything, all you have to do is work hard and you already give yourself a very big chance of winning. Hard work is everything, it can attract anything. It can attract hot women, money, success, opportunities. Everybody loves a hard working and dedicated person. So if you can out work everyone and you have a vision then you will become very successful. Hard work is your ticket for manifestation, it's the only thing that will give you a chance if you don't have anything. Enjoy working hard, enjoy pushing and chasing your dream. 


Even if you're just an underdog, even if your skills were inadequate, even if you feel that you can't do it... still try because anything is possible. You have what it takes to make it happen, always position yourself to the closest place to succeed. Try everything you can, forget fear, forget what is missing in your life and simply try with all your might. You will never know if you can get it unless you try. No hard is impossible to a persevering heart, you can make it if you will not stop. Just push whenever you can push and never stop until your dreams come true. That's what it is all about, you can never quit until it manifested into your life. The one who can follow through and push despite of pain will win, as simple as that. 


When I say focus think about it all day long, don't think about how hard it is to get it, just think about what will you do to get it, imagine it falling into your hands. Don't think about any other subjects, don't think about failing or losing it... just get it and give everything you can. Never let any negative image occupy your mind, focus your mind to what you really want and never pay attention to anybody or anything that is only draining your energy and not helping you at all, focus on what is working, focus on your momentum and energy. Discipline your mind to simply entertain the thoughts that will make you push further, never entertain ideas that will discourage you. Don't think about failures, enemies, challenges, difficulties, critics or anything that will try to poison your mind and stop you from moving. 

Mar 14, 2021


Do you feel being stuck in a place that is hard to escape? do you feel that it's forever and there's no way you can't get away from it anymore? is your life too repetitive and boring? is it too painful already? are you getting frustrated and impatient? Don't worry because you still have a chance, you can still change your life and make it better, you can still do something about it, it's up to you if you're going to make your life better or feel bad about it. You're one decision away from progressing and living a happier life. 

I have an advise for you on how to get unstuck, it's simply freeing your mind, it's simply changing your perspective and moving forward everyday. It's all in the mind, some people were living in a very difficult situation but they feel progressing, some people were really poor and looks like their lives will never get anywhere but they still manage to become happy. 


Don't judge anything, don't feel something about anything, don't think of it as something bad, just think that it's all part of your life and you have no choice but to just enjoy it. Be appreciative and do one positive thing at a time... that's how to avoid getting stuck forever. You need to condition your mind for improvement, you need to feel happy all the time even if it's hard. Because it's easier to become creative and work hard if you're loving what's happening in your life. Don't feel ashamed of your life, don't curse it, don't feel guilty, don't feel regretful. Remind yourself that today is another day to become better, today can be a very good day for you if you will work hard and do whatever it takes to succeed. You're so attached with your situation that's why you can't get out of it, you're feeling bad about anything, you need t feel different and your emotion should be created within and not with what you see around you. 


The truth is... you feel stuck because you're not doing anything, or maybe you're exerting a little effort but it's not enough, you need to get serious with your situation if you want to make it better. Overthinking makes you stuck, overthinking is procrastination, it is a form of laziness that looks a little bit better because it looks like you have a plan. But a plan without execution is an illusion. If you don't want to feel stuck... work hard, be faster and never overthink. 


If your situation really sucks... embrace it, love it and make it better. If you don't have money, appreciate that you are still alive and work hard to get some money. Being greater than your situation simply means you will avoid repeating the same actions and decisions yesterday and you will do better today. Just a little improvement is good enough to say that you're already greater than your situation. Just one positive choice and action will make an impact, it all depends on you, you have the power to change your life because you have the power to move and take matters into your own hands, focus on what you can control and never focus on your weaknesses. 


If you have an idea and you're so afraid to execute it because of thinking too much about failing always remember that it could create the breakthrough you've been waiting for, it could open up an opportunity that will change your life, that one small action could be the spark plug, it could be the missing requirement to your success. Just one step at a time, one failure at a time, keep failing because it's the only way to get unstuck, keep pushing forward and try again like nothing happened, never feel anything about failure, instead feel blessed because you were able to take actions. Just stay positive, keep believing and everything will be alright in the end. Always remember that failing is part of the process and you shouldn't get discouraged about it, it's part of the design. Just try again and always think that every action is the right action. 


You have the ability, you have the potential, you have the skills and knowledge. Whatever skill or knowledge you have, even if you're just on an elementary level... never belittle yourself because it's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove. Greatness is for everyone who wants to take it, the question is are you willing to take it? are you willing to do whatever it takes to become great? are you willing to sacrifice everything and become extraordinary? it's not an easy thing but it's so possible to achieve. Keep pushing and keep motivating yourself because one day is going to be your day, you will experience a different life if you push yourself to the limits and make yourself relentless all day long. Always make it a habit to give your best. Be faster, work harder, be passionate and more creative, take our work seriously and you will get serious results. 


These tiny steps if executed consistently will make a very huge impact in the future, actually it's already making an impact now you just haven't seen it yet because you're expecting too much. Relax and be patient, don't expect big too much if you're just starting, just follow through everyday and always believe that what you're doing will become successful one day. One day at a time, one inch at a time, never get tired of taking actions because it's bringing you closer and closer to your goal. Whatever you can do... do it, never hesitate, never overthink, just do it without worrying. Always think that every action is a must, it is essential, you need to do it even if you think that it will never work. Just give it a chance, give every idea a chance and believe that it can become big. 


You will become a master if you are doing it everyday, you will soar, you will go to another level. It's only hard in the beginning, don't complain because it is what it is. Eventually your mind and body will adjust to the difficulty, you will become familiar with it, you will be able to embrace it and think of it as nothing. You will even laugh at yourself because you're so afraid in the beginning because you think that it's impossible, but now you're doing it effortlessly and not sweating anymore. Stay consistent and never miss any single day working, it will become easier and easier, you will be able to develop your own style, you will create your own technique, you will discover things and ways that will make your work smoother and easier. So embrace if it's hard today and remember that it's not hard forever, it will become easier as the days go by. 


If your world is chaotic, if it's all about difficulty and discomfort... just enjoy it, enjoy the unpredictability of life. Accept that your life is really like that and all you can do is become better each second. A Chaotic life and a good life is no different from each other, they are both lives, so appreciate everything and never complain. Because the more you complain and look for sympathy... the more you will have a hard life. Just enjoy and have fun with what's going on right now and everything will be alot easier. 


Has it ever happened to you where you think you deserve something but you didn't get it? did you ever feel jealous because someone you think who's not better than you is winning? did you feel that the world is unfair because you're working hard but you're not getting the profit, appreciation or recognition that you deserve? you know what... you will only become deserving if you already have it. If it's not yet yours then it means you don't deserve it, that's why you have to take matters into your own hands, stop whining like a 3 year old kid and go get it yourself, you have the power to do it, you just need to believe and work harder. Trust that the universe got your back, every setback is a setup for a bigger victory so stop feeling mad because you haven't got it yet, it will be yours in just a matter of time. 


You're a victim if you're complaining, yeah maybe the world is really unfair but what else choice you have? you can only move forward and try again. Complaining is for the losers, it's for people who doesn't want to work hard and just get results the easy way. It's better to just take actions rather than complaining, complaining will never get the job done. Use your energy for taking actions, move now instead of asking what you deserve, move now instead of being needy and looking for a sympathy. These people will just laugh at you, you better keep moving forward if you want your life to change, as simple as that. 


We all have different paths, your path is different from theirs, what if your path is harder? aren't you going to take it? are you just going to quit? The hard path is not the issue here, the main issue is are you willing to give your all with all your heart? The hard path is nothing, it's hard because you think that it's hard, it's hard because you're always thinking about becoming successful instead of grinding and being patient with the process. There is a time for reaping and there is a time for grinding, you're still in the grinding season so never stop working, if results were not showing yet then it means you still need to work and give more effort. Expect that it's going to be hard and the process will going to be easy, expect that life is hard and your problems will become lighter. 


If they can get it so you can get it too, there are plenty of success scattered around you just have to pick it up. So don't get jealous with other people's success because you will have your own success too. Time will come and you will find yourself on top if you stay positive and ambitious. Keep working harder each day, improve each day and you will go further, as simple as that. If you have an abundant mindset then you don't have to worry anymore, you don't have to be scared if you're last on the line, what is for you will be yours, you will get what you deserve, all you need to do is take your time and relax while working hard, keep moving forward and never stop... that's all you have to do and one day the world is going to be yours. 


All you have to do is repeat, repeat what is working a million times. And even if something is not working... still repeat it, it still has a chance to become successful one day. Repetition is genius, repetition is the key. You have to repeat over and over again in order to become successful. The more you repeat the more you become better, be patient and everything will work out. Never hesitate to take actions, just make sure the next step is for your dream, if it's for your dream then it's the right thing to do. Be proud if you're repeating over and over again, not all people can do this, most people were quitters, they will always look for the easier and guaranteed path for success, they will never dare to persevere and work until the end. Always remember that you get better every time you repeat, doing something for a million times will make you a genius. Have no conscience in taking actions, do it until you can't do it anymore. 


Chase it like a lion, outwork everyone, outrun everyone, make them look weak, be the fastest and the baddest, chase your dream like it's the only thing that will give you peace, chase it like you're going to have it anytime soon, be confident that you're going to win no matter what. Chase it like a hot woman in playboy mansion, chase it like a hamburger with grilled cheese, you have to go and get it even if there are lot of obstacles along the way. Fall in love with chasing, treat this like a game, run after it until it can't run and hide from you anymore. Go hard as much as you can and be happy even if you're not getting it yet. Chase your wildest dreams, never feel bad if you fail, always remember that you only deserve it when it's already yours. 


Some people were so hungry of success, they want it so bad, they go crazy if they can't get it but they're not committed to the process, they're not working hard, they're not giving their all, all they do is wish for it and beg for it the whole day. You know what? you will never become lucky if you're not committed, you have to take actions every waking hour, you have to give all of your time and energy for the process if you want to become a winner in life. Go all out again and again, never stop until you're done, this is simply hard work and staying committed, there is no need to become special here, you just need to focus on what you want and give your all to get it, as simple as that. 

Mar 13, 2021


You have a lot of time if you will use your time wisely. Some people say they don't have time but the reason for this is because they're not using their time wisely, they don't know that most of their time goes to nonsense activities that are not bringing them to the top. It's all about the small actions that will make you successful, it's all about the wise decisions that will give you a better life. If you will just use all of your time for yourself, building yourself up, making yourself better and putting yourself on a better position then you will become very wealthy and successful, as simple as that. These baby steps are lethal and effective, you may not see huge results yet but it's making an impact, it will have a compound effect in the future and you will be amazed with how big you finally become. 


The reason why you feel weak and sick is because you're squandering your time like you will never run out of it, you feel so immortal, you feel that there is no effect in wasting a lot of your time. But that's not the reality. It will affect your mental health, financial status, momentum, relationships etc. Wasting time for no reason is like going down without knowing it, you're addicted to what's going on, sometimes you know that it is wrong, sometimes you know that it's ruining your life but you still love it. That's what happen when it becomes your habit, the pattern is so obvious but you can't stop it anymore because the habit was so deep and it's hard to remove it. You've done it for a long period of time and you will feel like dying if you change right away.

That's why I recommend to start now, while your mind is still right, while you're still a little bit of in control... start living your life now. Stop wasting time, stop chasing people and start chasing your dream. Chasing people is a negative activity too, it's making you lose sight of your onw reality, you're not living your life anymore because you're more interested with other people's lives. 

If you will have to study people or know what they're doing... always put it on a business side. Make sure you will get something if you give them some time. If you're watching an NBA game, make sure you learn something from it that you will use on your business. For example, you will make a story about a player and upload it on your you tube channel, not only you get entertained but you also give your chance of earning some money. 

If you feel so weak it means there is something you need to do but you're not doing it. Maybe it's your assignment, maybe it's the laundry, maybe it's washing the dishes, maybe it's calling your business partner etc. You will feel so weak and lost if you're procrastinating now and not doing the right thing. So you better start doing what you need to do before it's too late. Wasting your precious time is like killing yourself little by little. Don't you know that every second is an opportunity to easy money? every second is an opportunity to improve your health or skill. Every second is a big deal, you need to use your time wisely if you want to go to the next level. Little by little put yourself on the best position to succeed, little by little improve yourself and put your life on a better position to succeed. It's all about ding the small things that has a chance to become big one day. 


Most of your time goes to gossips, news, negativity from different people, entertainment that has no content or less, you're burning every minute of your life focusing on subjects and information that will not even help you to improve a little bit. Look at those people who are wasting a lot of their time... their minds were infested, they're so interested with news, they love gossips, they love problems that they will not even solve or they don't have any connection with. They love the problems of the country, lives of other people, they want to stalk their enemies, they want to get connected with the problems of the world. It's because they don't give themselves enough time to grow, they're not grooming themselves, they're not growing, they're not making themselves better. 

If you want to live a happier life then invest on yourself, invest on making your life a little bit better than yesterday. Stop squandering time like most people do, your time is sacred, it can't be bought. 


Success, living a happier life is simply not wasting your time. Most people look for advise on what they're going to do with their lives. It's simply doing what you love to do or doing what you need to do in order to avoid depression or being broke. Just work hard, chase a goal even if it's impossible, do whatever it takes to succeed and you will live a very happy life. It's a step by step process, there's no rush needed here. Some people will look for advise because they want to waste their time, it's an excuse, they just don't want to take actions. Be productive and you don't need an advise anymore, if you're all about actions and not all about results then you will do it your way and figure it out yourself. 

Advise is for people who doesn't want to fail. I develop myself not looking for an advise, the advise will come naturally, you will find it anywhere unexpectedly, experience is a good teacher... it is a good adviser. If you keep taking actions and remind yourself that life is a journey then you don't need an advise anymore, you will think that every path is the right path and every action is the right action. 


Focus on yourself an not on others. If you're thinking about your enemy you're no growing, if you're thinking about the person you hate you're just feeling bad, if you're thinking and studying the life of your idol you're having fun but it won't last for long... sooner or later you will find out that your idol didn't even love you and you've invested a lot of emotions for him. Focus on growing and you will keep growing, as simple as that. 

Grow your mental game. Expand your mind, meditate, focus on winning, focus on entertaining positive thoughts. Never watch news, never talk about negative things or engage on a conversation that talks bad about people. Don't enjoy dealing with negativity because it will affect your mind, it will destroy your ability to focus. You can grow your mental game by simply guarding your mind, making connections about everything. If you find yourself scared you need to tell yourself that you need to keep moving, if you find yourself feeling lazy you need to tell yourself that you need to move right away. If you find yourself depressed you need to tell yourself that it will be over anytime soon and all you need to do is embrace that emotion and keep moving forward. If you find yourself thinking about the same thoughts again and again you need to tell yourself that you should stop thinking about it. 

Grow your skills. Simply pick a skill to develop and then keep doing it. I can be singing writing, dancing. I'm a terrible writer before, I couldn't even write a few sentences but I did it everyday and look at me now... one of the best and fastest writers in the world. All writers were no match to my skills because I never had a writer's block. 

#time #motivation #success #greatness


Everything on social media is fake, everything was just a marketing, everything was just trying to impress other people or make views for mo...