Aug 16, 2019


rugged breed

Reset your mind to default, and that is no thinking at all. Empty your mind, remove all the unwanted thoughts and then start right away, Start now, forget about anything else and start. Once you start something, continue then never stop. Forget the ending, forget the outcome, forget the future and never look at the time you need to spend just to finish the task that you're doing. The reason why you can't finish a task is because you're always wanting to finish fast. Just like a young man trying to be a millionaire, all he think about is the money that is why he almost forgot to do the process to get there. It's all about the process, it's all abut the follow through, it is nothing about the result. You will get results no matter what, but the magnitude of our result all depends on the level of your work. Did you really work hard? did you really give your best? if not then you will never achieve amazing things.


Who in the world history did ever become successful fast? did you know someone who did something great that become successful overnight? did Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, Oprah became successful in just one or two years? of course not. They failed a lot of times but they never get discouraged. They know that success is a work, they know that it's not something that you just wish for and will be given to you right away. So if you want to get ahead in life then just start and continue, follow through and forget about the outcome. What will happen will happen but what you want to happen will never happen if you will not work. So work now and never check for results, work now and keep pushing the pace, keep climbing that high ladder. It's all about taking one step after the other, it's simply forcing yourself to work to make a small progress every now and then. Patience is what you need and also relentless effort. Never let a small setback demotivate you and poison your mind that you can't do it, of course you can do it, only if you're willing to take a million steps and forget the time needed to get there. You will get old, you will get weak, you will miss a lot of things by chasing success but life is not how fast you get it, life is simply giving your all to become successful.

Once you start, everything will be a lot easier, you will create a momentum, you will feel good, you will forget your problems, you will have a lot of confidence.


They don't wait to feel good they just start, they don't care about anything else, they just start. They don't care if they feel good or not, they don't care if it's uncomfortable... they just start, they don't care about what is happening around then. They don't care about the economy, they don't care about what is left for them, they don't care if it is practical or not... they just start. They never look for approval from anyone before they start, they just do it their way, their minds were so fast to click, it's always on.

So if you want to become really successful in life then start fast. Whatever you have in your mind... execute it, start it and don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Keep hustling over and over again until you figure out how to do it right. Trust me, the more you struggle the closer you are of reaching the pinnacle. You have to start and trust yourself that somehow you're going to make it.

So whenever you feel uncomfortable... remember that it is the best time to start, whenever you feel lazy... it means there is an opportunity waiting for you. Good things will happen if you feel uncomfortable but you still power through.


Forget about being successful, forget about the details of how are you going to make it, forget the specifics, go general and just start. Gather all the general ideas, do all the basics, stick with the process and always think that you are progressing every time you're doing something. Because the reality is you're going to make it if you will never stop, just start something... continue it and just enjoy the next step ahead of you. Because the right steps will be revealed in the end, you will see it, you will discover it once you already made a lot of mistakes. Just keep going and never quit and that's it. It's too simple, the only question is are you tough enough to endure all the pain? are you tough enough to swallow all your failures and still move forward? It's simple but it's not going to be very easy. Just forget how are you going to make it and make yourself closer and closer from success.

Because always thinking how are you going to do it will only may you stuck, you will overthink, you will worry, you will never be able to make fast decisions. And in chasing success, you need to make fast decisions, you have to be moving all the time, you have to stay dynamic and progressive or else you will lose a lot of opportunities. Sometimes a great opportunity is already in front of you but you can't see it because of thinking too much.

And the truth is... you can even make it even if your process is not perfect, you can always make results even if you're struggling or experiencing a rugged path.


This is the simplest and most effective formula if you're trying to become successful in life... don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to try something. Because if you have nothing to lose then you have everything to gain, you will be able to appreciate all the small things in your life, you will feel good all the time, you will feel so lucky every time you get a small blessing. So if you're ready to lose something you will get more of it. If you're ready to leave your toxic friends then you will have more good friends, if you're ready to leave your company then you will get a bigger company that pays more, if you're ready lose money in an investment then you will get more in the future because you will become smarter and more experienced. If you're ready to lose now and fail then you will become a winner in the future, as simple as that.

So start now and keep losing, start now and keep trying, always continue and never stop... that's the only path to get to the top.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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