Aug 21, 2019


rugged breed

When you work for a company, you don't know anything in the beginning, you're ignorant, yo're like a nomad with no skills and experience. But after years of working from that company, you must equip your mind with a lot of knowledge and experience, you must be a better man, you must be like a sponge who can absorb anything it can absorb. It's like taking away you can take from that company... the money, the experience, skills, everything. Earn as much money as you can, make yourself rich from that company, if not at least a man with extra savings, get a lot of security and growth from that company, you come empty handed and you will go away with hands full, never resign unless you really have something that you can be proud of or may use for your next journey.

The reason why a lot of people were broke is because they come empty handed and they go away or leave empty handed too, they didn't gain anything. I don't care how big or small your salary is, I don't care what your position is... the point here is you can always gain something, you can always get something, it's up to you how to get it, if you're lazy and you don't have a great game plan then you will never get anything. Or maybe you have a gameplan but you're not following it, still you will become broke and useless. You should expect growth everyday, you should get everything you could get and never leave anything. Life is all about gaining something, happiness is about making a little progress everyday, it's your fault if you can't make yourself evolve after working for how many years.


Grab it, snatch it, get it, I don't care how you get it but the truth is you can gain something everyday, it's all in your mind, it's all in your belief. Are you just going to waste this day not getting anything? it's fun to be getting something especially in a legal way. All you need to do is work and appreciate what you've get, make it grow, once you get something today work harder tomorrow to double it. Double the effort double the results. Everyday is a new day, everyday is a good day, everyday is a new opportunity to make your life better. Never waste this day for nothing, use it, utilize it, capitalize and always make yourself expand. It's like starting on a blank canvass and you paint anything you can or like, you make your day beautiful, you make it meaningful and unforgettable.


All you have is time, if you're empty handed for now... all you have is time. Time can make you great, time can hone your skills and make you legendary. Time is limited but if you use it wisely then you will get a lot from your life. Just do something everyday and become good on it and one day you will get a lot from it. Just take your time and do something consistent everyday and you will be rewarded one day. Time is fast so never waste it, never let it get away. If you still have a time to gain something and make things right then do what you are suppose to do now. Your situation is never permanent, it doesn't matter if you're on a bad situation now, what matters is you are using your time the right way and your mindset is committed to improvement and gaining something everyday.

It doesn't matter if you have nothing, what matters is you will use your time very well and you will never squander any second of it. Enjoy the process, enjoy the journey, it's only just a matter of time before you become successful. Start now and be the best that you can be. You will never believe what a person you finally become by using your time very well and focusing on the best things in life.

You can become anything with your time, that's what you need to keep in mind. It doesn't matter if you're only poor now, it doesn't matter if you're disabled or don't really have anything, what matters is you believe in the power of time and you're using it to your advantage. Time will change everything, you need to go with it, you need to use it to mold yourself into a new person, use time to experience a lot of things that will help you on different challenges of life. Just believe in yourself, use the time you've got and make your life epic as it can be.


Everything else is just a bonus. You have nothing since the day you were born but look at you now... you have a lot now, you know a lot and you already experienced a lot of things. The only reason why you feel empty is because you can't appreciate what you have, you're always looking for more. It's not a bad idea to look for more but keep in mind that you need to appreciate what you have first before you attract more in life. Appreciate what you have, be happy with everything you have and never compare your life with other people's lives, you have your own journey. It's your responsibility to make your journey colorful, never leave any place empty handed. Always bring with you great memories, knowledge, skills, money etc. You can have more but it's also ok if you have less, but keep in mind, you only have one life, you only have limited time so why will you settle for something less if you can have more and be more.

Just do more and more things will be attracted to you, stop being lazy, stop procrastinating and just do what you can do today, allow yourself to become fearless of making mistakes and failing, allow yourself to be the best that you can be.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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