Aug 25, 2019


rugged breed

Just look for a small progress everyday and your dreams can happen no matter how big it is. Dreams are to be conquered, you have to get it no matter what, and the best thing to get it is by being patient and making yourself one step closer from it every now and then. Never underestimate yourself because anything is possible, you can make any dreams come true. It all depends on how deep your faith is, do you really believe your dream? do you really believe that nothing is impossible? are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true? do you have that burning desire? can you sacrifice big time to make your dreams a reality? are you willing to do something that not all people can do? are you willing to change yourself to change your life? it all depends on those small things that can attract big things.

Whatever you are dreaming of... don't be afraid to chase it. Go for it with all your might, stop thinking if you can get it or not and simply get it. Never care if it takes 10 or 20 years or even forever to get it, what matters is you're going all out to get it and you don't care about anything else. It will be yours if you will make it yours, it will fall into your hands if your mindset is very clear and bold, nothing can stop you if you will not stop yourself. So go all out and stay committed, claim what you think is yours, you deserve it. If you're really working hard for it then you deserve it, as simple as that.


Whatever belief you choose to... trust that belief and never change it. Believe in yourself, believe in the process, always think that you can make it. Just push yourself constantly everyday and never feel tired even if you're tired. Stop complaining, stop blaming the people around you, stop hating your situation and try to make the best out of it. Try to make a progress every now and then. Doubts will only make the situation ugly, it will only create resistance. Stop doubting yourself and go for it. If you're very patient and you're willing to wait and do whatever it takes then it will happen. So don't feel bad if it's not yet happening now, simply start chasing it, go for it no matter what and never ever let anything stop you. Never let a storm stop you, never let a problem stop you, never let weakness or tragedy stop you... you are unstoppable, you just need to believe in yourself a little bit more and go further as much as you can. It's all about pushing yourself to take the next step and having fun while doing it. Even if it's boring or too hard... have fun with it so that time will run faster. It's all about entertaining your mind, it's all about making your belief stronger than ever and not complaining about how hard the process is.

Because what is the use of doubting yourself? what is the use of engaging in fears and letting the world control you? you have to create your own world and make your own rules, that's how to live your life to the fullest.


Do whatever it takes to make it, focus on getting it, focus on doing the step that you can do and look for another one after it. It's all about continuity, it's all about following through and not stopping. You can make yourself unstoppable by being relentless and taking massive actions. Because you're the only one who's stopping yourself. Success is a mental game, if you can just make your mind tough then anything is possible. Never care if the road is rough and the process is too hard, never care if you're having a hard time figuring out what to do next... just do something, for sure there is something you can do and you have to do it now. You have the power to do it if you will do it and force yourself to make things happen. Make it happen now, do it now, don't hold yourself back and just set yourself free from procrastination.

Because if you have the will to make it happen then it will happen, all the opportunities will be attracted to you, the universe will help you, you will find a way out of no way.


Stop looking at the clock, stop preparing yourself if you're ready or not... just do it. Force yourself to do it, force yourself to do what is necessary. Take the first step, execute and stop looking for an easy way out. Just do it, do it again and again, never give up when it's hard, always find a way how to make a small progress now. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to do it again, repeat the whole process if you need to but never waste time over thinking and worrying if it can be done or not, of course it can be done if you will believe in the power of taking small steps. Just take one small step and then follow through, take one more step after the other and just let your rhythm take over. Once you have the momentum... never kill it, keep pushing until you win.

Do it now, stop waiting for something to happen before you do it... do it now, shut your mouth, destroy all of your excuses and do it now.


Anything is possible if you will believe, all you have to do is try and try over and over again, use the trial and error method. If something is wrong then try another, try and try until you make it right... that's how to get it done. Anything is possible if you will believe, you can do it if you will believe and execute the necessary steps. Even if an idea or step looks so corny and will not make an impact at all... still do it, still execute. Be fast, once an idea comes... do it, don't hesitate, don't think tiwce... just do it. It is only impossible until you make it possible.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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