Mar 15, 2019



Laziness is destroying your life, it is little by little putting you down, it's poisoning your mind, it's making you depressed... basically it's turning your life into a miserable form and you can't do anything about it. You feel stuck, you feel you're trapped in a quicksand and no matter how much you love to move... you can't even move your fingers, your emotions were so heavy and you feel that there is an invisible force stopping you. You don't know what it is that is holding you back, it is such a negative feeling, you feel so lost, you feel useless but your ego is still telling you that your life is still ok and you don't have to worry for as long as there is someone supporting you.

You're in a downward spiral, you can't accept that you're in big trouble, you're still fooling yourself and making yourself believe that everything is going to be alright.

The only way to cure laziness is to accept that you're lazy, accept that it's all your fault that's why your life is going down everyday. Once you accept that it's your fault and you stop blaming other situations and people... that will be the start of turning your life around.

MOVE NOW! Even if you don't know what to do... JUST MOVE! The best time to take actions is when you feel like you don't want to do it. That's the best time, because you will never feel comfortable. Looking for comfort means you're not exerting the effort. You have to take matters into your own hands, whenever there is a small opportunity that will give you some momentum... do it, grab it and never wait when it feels right. You will never feel right, you're lazy and not yet a hard worker, lazy people always feel there is something wrong, their timing is off.

Laziness will never go away, it is always a part of you. The difference between a successful and a not is a successful person can always fight his laziness fast. He can move fast even though he feels lazy for the whole day. You have to do it even if you don't want to do it... that's the cure to laziness. Move fast, start fast and never let your mind think.

You need to force yourself, get mad at yourself and always feel guilty if you're not moving. Slap yourself if you need to. You need to be hard on yourself or else you will never be able to take actions.


Smash your playstation, throw away your cellphone, block all of your friends in facebook, burn your bed, break all the bottles of beer in your refrigerator. You need to change your environment if you want to start a new life. You will go crazy a little bit here but it's the only way to change your life. Some foods, some friends, some form of entertainment is making so lazy, it is controlling you and poisoning your mind... you have to get rid all of them if you want to become a new and better person. It is what it is, those things were making you fat and unproductive, are you just going to let those things poison your mind?

Don't look for fun, don't look for easy things, stop patronizing the instant gratification, you need to be moving now, you need to change your behavior now before it's too late. There are lot of things and situations that are making you slow, you must get rid of them right away before you completely turned into a useless person, before your life into a complete mess.


Your time, once it is gone... it is lost forever. Lazy people always think that their time is unlimited, they think that they all have the time in the world to do something. They always think that they can do it tomorrow. Basically, their lives were just like that... they wake up in the morning or in the afternoon then they open the TV and do nothing. And even during the work, they feel so heavy, they were doing the easy and ordinary 30 minute job for 2 hours or more, They feel so comfortable wasting their time. And that's whey they can't feel like a winner, that's why they can't make a progress. If you will always waste your time then you are wasting your life, you could have been a millionaire for now but you waste a lot of time and energy for useless things that will not even make your life better at all.

It is better to be working hard and not getting significant amount of results than to waste your time and expecting for huge results. Wake up, stop expecting something big if you're doing small. You have to become a big time when it comes to taking actions. Stop stopping yourself, stop being conservative and just take massive actions. Push yourself one day at a time, be relentless, be the hardest working person in the world.


Curse yourself, be ashamed of yourself, hate your old self. You're fat? don't look at the mirror and just keep running, keep pushing yourself. You hate being fat right? so work hard and run for 30 minutes or more everyday.

You hate being poor right? you're so sick and tired of people disrespecting you so starting today, work super hard to get a lot of money, raise your status, level up. Be ashamed of yourself for being poor because you're not doing whatever it takes to get that money. If you want to become rich then stop making excuses and just do the right thing. Laziness is next to ugliness, it creates poverty, it creates depression. The only way to become happy is to start working on something and never give up until you get it.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...