Mar 28, 2019



Sometimes all you can do is keep doing it, even if there is no more hope, even if you don't feel that you're going to become successful. You don't have any choice but to keep doing it because you love it, it can't be removed from your system, there is still a place in your heart that is telling you that someday it's going to work. So what if you're failing a lot of times, it's ok, sometimes failing or succeeding doesn't matter anymore. Sometimes what matters is you do the process. If you're still enjoying the process and you feel like you're still improving and growing from it then do it. Never hesitate to do it even if the money is not showing or nobody appreciates you. At least you're taking actions, at least you're doing something good in your life. It is what it is, sometimes the results will really not show the more you want it to show but you have no choice but to not quit if you don't want to have any regrets in your life. Keep working on it, don't get sick and tired of it, one day you're going to see why something is happening. Everything happens for a reason, all you have to do is keep living your life and hope for the best.

Success is the ability to fail again and again until you succeed, you should never lose your motivation and desire to win. One day you're going to get it if you keep on pushing even if you look like a crazy man that is aiming for nothing. I'm telling you the stars will align, the universe will conspire, if you really want it then the universe will find a way for you. Just keep plodding and keep giving your best, one day is going to be your day and that is guaranteed.


Remove the idea of being successful fast, erase that in your head and just focus on the process, focus on enjoying your life, focus on making a small progress everyday. Stop always checking if you're doing fine or not, it doesn't matter anymore, what matters is you never stop taking actions so you won't have any regrets in the end. Always thinking about success will make you a failure, just focus on taking one step at a time and feel happy that you were able to do something for your dream. Because sometimes wanting it so bad will only make you feel bad, wanting it today will make you get frustrated even more. Let go of the idea that you can get it now because you will just keep waiting the whole day for it and you will never take actions, you will get impatient and that will result to being crazy. If it happens it happens, don't worry about it too much, what matters is you take care of your mind and you avoid going crazy because of wanting something so bad and it is not happening yet. Just enjoy the ride, be fast and just enjoy the ride, forget success because it's freezing you and stopping you from trying something, it's making you conservative, it's blocking your mind.


What if the results were not showing up? are you still going to take actions? you should be because that is the best thing to do. It's better than waiting, taking actions will make you happier than just waiting for it and getting frustrated all day. Just move and have fun, that is what success is all about. Success is not about the results, it's about enjoying the process until you get there. Because you can never become successful if you can't have fun, success' main objective is to make you happier by enjoying those little steps to get it. So whatever you can think of to become one step closer to your dreams... do it and have fun, never stop, never quit, just move because if you keep moving forward then you will be alright. Doing something is a win win situation for you because it will entertain your mind, it will make you happier, just don't get stressed whenever there is a small problem, having problems is normal, it's all part of the process.


The universe is listening to you, it will conspire, it will show you the way so just keep doing what you love to do, keep doing what you need to do. Sometimes its delaying success just to test you and see if you really deserve success. So keep believing in your dreams, believe that one day it's going to happen. Trust the universe, it will create opportunities for you, just be mindful and observant, look for signs and grab every small opportunity that might connect you from your goals. The universe is kind, the universe loves you so stop making dramas, stop hating and being bitter if you can't get success right away.

If you're not getting it now doesn't mean you can't get it forever, your time will come so just relax and enjoy the ride, look at your blessings, you're so lucky, all you need to do is appreciate what you have and make your life bigger than yesterday.


Entertaining fears, always worrying will only stop success from coming into your life. You need to remove all the worries and fears, you need to become confident all the time. Worrying will never help you at all, it will never do you any good so why do it? it's a common sense that worrying is only freezing your body from taking actions, it will poison your mind so avoid doing it.

How to stop worrying? The best thing to do to avoid worrying is just focus on your goals, remind yourself why do you want to get it, focus on taking steps one day at a time. Forget about the hard challenges of life, forget about the bad things that may happen in the future. Good and bad things will really happen because that is how life works, it's impossible that only good things will come to your life. Accept the good and bad, have peace with anything that may happen to your life. Be aware if you're worrying because if you're not aware then you will just be on an auto pilot mode, you will never be able to control your decisions anymore, you will take actions that was forced by fear, you will never take inspired actions.


Bill Gates failed a lot of times, Albert Einstein failed a lot of times, Steve Jobs got rejected a lot of times. All the great ones failed a million times, who are you to avoid failure? you are not something special, you are not invincible. So keep failing even more and don't be afraid to repeat it again and again. So if you're not putting yourself on a position where there is chance that you might fail then it means you're to going to succeed. If you're afraid of failing then you will keep losing... as simple as that. So keep failing, keep pushing, keep trying again, the formula is too simple, keep failing over and over again until you become successful one day.

The greatest ones will fail repeatedly but those failures only serves as a fuel for their motivation, it only makes them hungrier even more. So every time you feel the pain of failure... it should make you hungry even more, it should make you faster and stronger to try again for one more time.

Have you every seen a great person who didn't fail? if you can think of someone then I will kiss your ass. But I'm pretty sure you can never show me, it's because failing is all part of the design, if you really want to become great then you need to fail a lot of times, there is no other way around.


This is the best game plan ever... KEEP FAILING. Failures is the best magnet for success, it will attract success, it's because the universe is hearing you. The more you fail, the more you are signaling to the universe that you are ready to receive what you deserve. So if you don't know what to do then just keep failing, don't be shy, don't be scared of it. For every failure you experienced, you are seeing the blue prints, you are seeing the right path, you are getting clues that will lead you to success. So it doesn't matter if you know the right process or not, just try something, just do something and never hold yourself back, don't be afraid of taking actions every now and then. Massive actions equals massive results, failing is part of the process, the harder you fall the bigger your success will be.

SO forget about extravagant game plans, forget about being so technical because it's not going anywhere, just force yourself to take actions now and you will learn a lot later, you will become technical too. You need experience, you need to see the reality, if you're just thinking about something the you will never get it, you need to experience every little wins and losses to get there.


If you're trying then you're already good, there is nothing else to worry about, success will come in just a matter of time, success will come on the right time. Just keep trying again and again and you will become successful. There is no harm in trying, keep trying again and again until you become successful because that is what greatness is all about. Be proud of yourself if you're trying because some people can't even try, some people were just taking their lives for granted. So if you see yourself trying and you're really serious about it then you're already on the right path, just be patient and keep working hard, success will come to you eventually. Just be fast in standing up every time you fall, don't ever take it seriously when you got rejected or of you failed, make it a habit to try for one more time after failing and never let depression control your mind. You need to take actions fast so you will not get depressed, you will forget all of your problems if you will surrender to the process.

Trying is free so don't be afraid to try for one more time. Nobody can stop you from trying, you are the only one who's stopping yourself.


1. Because they think that it's painful. It's not really painful at all, failing is all in the mind. If you will consider yourself as not a failure then you're not. But if you will think that you're a failure then you are, it all depends on how you think about it. Remember that you are the judge if you fail or not. Your success doesn't come from the opinions of other people.

2. They think it has no benefits. They think that failing is just a waste of time. They don't know that they get stronger and better every time they fail. You will learn a lot of things if you fail, you will know who you really are if you fail a lot of times. Failing will make you a better person, it has a lot of benefits that you can't see.

3. They were afraid of being judged by other people. They always prioritize what other people will say, they don't prioritize what their hearts are saying. They were so afraid that other people might laugh at them because they keep on failing. The truth is... if you will just ignore people then you will become braver, you will take more risk. 


It's because only few people are willing to fail, only few people are brave enough to take the risk. They were always thinking that success is not possible for them. They will quit immediately once they got the taste of their first failure, they will become scared to try again. The equation is simply like this: "if you're not afraid to try again for one more time then you will become successful". It's too simple but most people don't believe it. They believe that success should come fast and you should not work hard for it.

Success is all about figuring out how to get it, it's simply about moving forward all the time and facing your fears. If you're not scared to face your fears then you will become successful one day, as simple as that. So what is the thing that scared you the most? it'st taking actions right? face your fears and you will become successful. Sometimes it's better to focus on what scares you the most and face it. The moment you're not scared of anything anymore is the moment you will become successful. 

If you wan to become one of the greats, make sure you will be the one who failed a  million times. Don't be afraid of it because it is nothing. Failing is just another day, it is not a big deal. You fail now and you will win tomorrow, the cycle is only repeating, you can corner success by simply repeating over and over again.

Fear is just a feeling, all the failing can give you is emotion, if you're not scared about it, if you're willing to embrace it then you will become successful.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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