Mar 7, 2019



Willpower is what you need to become successful in life, without willpower you will never achieve something great. It is the secret ingredient to success, some people were always looking for something, they don't know that they were always failing because they lack the will to persevere and move forward. So don't blame anything for your failures, don't look for what is missing, it only means you're lacking the willpower. But don't worry... there is a solution for everything, you can still increase your willpower by doing some of these easy steps.

1. Take action now. Your willpower will increase every time you take an action, you have to do it now, stop thinking abut anything else and just do it. What is stopping you? nothing right? you can always move, you can always draw the first blood. Stop worrying too much and just pull the trigger. Your willpower will become weak every time you procrastinate. Don't overwhelmed yourself with the long list of task in front of you, take it one by one, you can finish it all. Just enjoy the process, enjoy every action that you take and never feel bad if you can't see results yet.

What are you waiting for? Independence day? today is the independence day because you are about to free yourself from laziness and procrastination. Start fast and finish strong,

2. Stick with the problem long enough. Stick the the problem even if it's too stressful, just breathe and drink some water every time you feel stress. Have this mindset that you are getting stronger and better every time you feel the stress. Remember the quote of Napoleon Hill that says "Victory belongs to the most persevering".  Most people were always there, they will almost win but the didn't persevere long enough, they quit during the hardest times of their lives. They don't know that they were very near. But because they want it fast and they can't take the pain anymore... they quit. They didn't push, they didn't take the next step. All it takes is another step, was that really difficult to do? Sometimes you think the fight is over but it's not. Sometimes you think you have no more strength but there is a lot left in your tank.

3. Write down your goals everyday. Never underestimate the power of writing. If you ca write your goals for today or any long term goal... your mind will be conditioned to pursue it, it will be recorded inside of your brain, it will be ingrained into your subconscious mind. Remember that the dominant thought will become your reality. Writing will make you think about your goals permanently, it will never be removed in your mind, it will stay there forever, it will become your dominant thought, it will become your reality. The moment you wake up... write your goal, it's the first thing that you should do in the morning. Get a piece of paper or notebook and write it again and again until you can't forget about it anymore, it should occupy the large portion of your brain.

4. Find a reason why do you want to succeed. How bad do you want it? why do you want to get it? are you doing it for yourself or for the people that you love? that reason should be deep, it should make you pull the trigger every time you think about it. Is success really important to you? or do you just want it to look great and feel great? what is the deepest meaning of success to you? For sure there is a big reason why do you want to become successful, think about it everyday so you will become inspired even more to take massive actions. Some people wants to become successful for their families while some just want to do it for themselves, whatever works for you... there is no wrong here.

5. Forget about winning or losing and just do it. Sometimes you are putting pressure to yourself too much by thinking about winning or losing too much, you can't decide to take actions because you're so pressured if you're right or wrong. Never look at the finish line, don't rush, the more you think about finishing it... the more you will get stressed, take it one step at a time. Just keep trying if you're making a mistake. It's all about doing it, it's not about succeeding or failing... it's about giving your best every single day of your life. Because the truth is... you will never succeed if you don't take actions. So what what difference does it make if you always think about winning or losing? none, it's not making you progress at all. So stop thinking too much and just do what you need to do.

6. Feel happy if you fail. You should feel happy if you fail and you should never lose your enthusiasm to try again. Have fun with the journey. Treat it as a game, always think that there is always another try, you can try as much as you want and nothing can stop you. how good was that? every time you try you just keep getting better and better, you are leveling up so there is nothing to lose here, you're becoming a winner little by little. Failing will be experienced by anyone. Successful people have more number of failures than number of winning. If you're not afraid to fail all the time then you will become successful, as simple as that. You should feel happy if you're failing because it means you're trying.

7. Believe in the power of your mind. Visualize everyday, use affirmations or self talk that will increase your belief in yourself. Your mind is everything, what you put into it will become your reality. Believe in the power of your mind and always entertain thoughts that will empower you. Never think about the things that will only make you feel weak. Be mindful of what you're thinking, was it making you energetic or weak?

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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