Nov 3, 2024


Yeah you heard me right, I am not going crazy here, you must develop the ability to become scared over being fearless. Because there is no such thing as being fearless, that is an illusion, you cannot achieve that state even if you think you are super brave. You are a normal human being so you are suppose to be scared. But what I mean by developing the ability to become scared is you know you are scared and you have peace with it, you accept it and you are not resisting. Some people are scare and they don't know it they are letting the emotion control them that is why they are panicking. You can become scared but relaxed and not rushing. The idea is to fee the fear and move anyway, never let fear control you or immobilize you. At the end of the day life is simply about emotions, it has nothing to do with external circumstances, you can become friends with far if you will learn to feel it and be in the moment. Nothing can ever intimidate you if you understand that fear is happening inside of you not outside of you. train yourself to face your fears and feel it with all your heart, once you learned that you are scared of something... face it, get closer to it and feel it like it's nothing because it can never kill you, it can only make you grow, it can only make you better. Make friends with your fear and you will see how powerful you are. You will see that fear is just an illusion, it's a feeling that was developed through negative thinking. Once you get use to your fears... you can extinguish it as fast as you can, sometimes all you need to do is be aware that you are scared and it will go away anytime soon. Fear is the feeling that you must not rush to go away because every time you do that the longer it stays in your system, you have to learn how to be slow while feeling it, be patient and learn to breathe all the time. Focus on your breathing and that fear that use to scare you will get weaker and weaker as the seconds pass by. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself that you are scared, be in the moment and never panic, it's ok if you are scared, it's normal because you're just a human being. Even the presidents and millionaires were scared, the only difference is they master how to embrace it. You too can do it, try it now, feel your fears, get closer to it and feel it second by second. So stop hoping to become fearless, stop comparing yourself to other people who looks fearless because there is no normal person that is fearless, if there is a fearless person then that person is suffering a mental illness. Never feel bad for yourself if you are scared, have peace with it and move forward anyway. 

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Just be fast, do something and never stop, as simple as that. That's the only way to change your bum life, that's the only way to be...