Nov 10, 2024


Math will give you direction, math will give you philosophy. Stick to the math, use math to your life so that you can overpower any adversity or at least have a direction when things are falling apart. For example in lifting weights, at least do 50 to 100 repetition everyday, that is a good math. In applying for a job, pass at least 20 resumes to different companies everyday. Math will give you something to aim for, it will give you confidence, it will force you to take actions even if you are lazy and scared. Another example is doing 10 minutes of work in trying to build a habit everyday. Studying for 15 minutes everyday if you're trying to learn a new skill. Sticking to the math will give you a sense of direction, it will give the blueprint for success. Adding math to your life will force you to do the work, it will give you a quote, something to aim for, it will make you more disciplined and committed to improvement. The mental struggles, the depression, the drama and self pity will go away if you're following the math. Math is a philosophy, set a number and do everything to get it, this will give you a direction, it will fix your bum life. 


And that is to stop wasting time, that's the only game plan there is. Stop wasting time, stop acting like a bum and just do what you need to do. You have to keep going no matter what. Use math, set number and fulfill it, chase an impossible number if you want to, you can also chase a small number and after getting it... set a new one. It is a never ending process, it is a never ending lifestyle, this is a journey, you have to keep on pushing or else nothing will happen to your life. If you don't want to become a loser then set a number and go for it like your breathe depends on it. If you can stay disciplined for one month and stick to your gameplan no matter what then you will get better, you will attract a different result. The problem with you is you're barking at everything that is disturbing you, you are letting one small distraction destroy all of your hard work and sacrifices. Stop wasting time, everything else is just a noise, you have to stay committed to your goal, stick with your greatness no matter what and never give up. One small action will lead to a bigger action, you have to keep going no matter what and stick with the process even if it's not giving you great results. Just do it, just try being disciplined and committed for at least a month and see where it takes you. Stop wasting time to past, anger, useless subjects, useless people, useless activities etc. If something is not giving you a small edge then why even bother doing it? it's only making you weak and broke, you have to stay committed to the process no matter what. Once you change... everything else will change, as simple as that. 

Chasing numbers is very powerful, you've got to do it, you've got to be comfortable feeling uncomfortable. Just take the first action and never stop, that's all you need to do. 

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...