Jul 4, 2023


NOTHING CAN STOP YOU if you will never stop yourself, as simple as that. The only one stopping you is your mind and your laziness. If you really want it then you will force your body to move and do something about it, you will not pamper your emotions, you will not act like an entitled person, you will simply do it and push yourself to get to the next level. All it takes is your willpower. Just focus on what you want and never think about what you don't want, as simple as that. It's your thoughts that are stopping you and nothing else. Make an inventory of your mind, check your subconscious mind and do whatever it takes to filter it. You can become something else, remind yourself about this, you can become powerful, you can get on top if you will just use all of your time and energy for self development. 


How strong your belief is will become your barometer, your work ethic will become the fuel for your success. Do you believe yourself enough? are you working really really hard to get what you want? that's a very simple question. If you don't believe in yourself, if you have a poor work ethic then you will never go further, as simple as that. You can become a beast in just a matter of months, you just need to focus and stay consistent. That's the very key to have a better life. Stop wasting your life, stop giving your energy to random events that will only lower your vibration. Focus on the things that you can control and that is your work ethic and belief. You can never control the exact results, people, places, situations, numbers, events, bosses etc. You can only control the way you think and move, and by doing that will make you powerful and progressive. Just make your body fast, make your mind tougher and you will become one of the best. 


Stop loving people, stop getting interested with too many cool people. Stop following celebrities, stupid influencers, athletes, motivational gurus etc. You need to follow your own life, be your number one fan, it's not about being a narcissist... it's about treating yourself right, your energy must only go for your goals and ambitions, stop giving too much time for people who will not even pay your rent or groceries. Those people never like you at all, they never care for you, you need to think more about yourself and the journey you're embarked on. People are useless, they will only eat your time, everyone is a bate right now, they're trying to trap you with their stupid posts and ideas, they will try to take your time from you and you will lose if you allow them. You will only be able to take your power back if you will stop getting interested with people and start getting interested with yourself. Take care of yourself, grow as much as you can and never chase anyone. Be the strongest version of yourself and they will be the one to chase you. 


Never explain yourself if nobody is looking for your explanation, don't feel guilty, don't look for validation, don't be scared to try something new, don't be scared to exe cute your ideas and follow your vision. Asking somebody if you're doing well is a chicken move, you don't need to ask them, you need to follow your heart. You can start anytime, anywhere. Nobody can stop you if you will give yourself the authority to just do it no matter what. It is your life, you are free to do whatever you want with it, nothing can stop you if you will feel unstoppable, you have the right to chase something big, you are allowed to dream big. The only obstacle is your mind and the limits that you accept. You should feel unlimited, you should go all the way and never back down to any challenge. Because if you really wanted to win then you must feel really uncomfortable and tired, you must feel that you are about to give up but don't ever do it, move slowly if you need to, take a pause if you need to but don't ever surrender.  


Just because it takes longer doesn't mean it is hard, it is not hard, it's all in your head that's why it is hard. Learn to eat dirt, get your hands dirty and do everything you can to finish the task, enjoy the mud, enjoy the struggle and find a way how to make something better. Always keep the hustle alive and never stop grinding until you make it through. Stop feeling so special because you are not, you are here to struggle and experience a lot of pain, that's what life is all about... fighting until the end and not giving up. 


It's avoiding the stupid things that makes you weak and sick, it's avoiding all the activities that are not making you better. Use your power, learn to push yourself and never stop even if it is really hard and brutal. Don't be afraid to go hard even if it is hard, don't be afraid to use all of your strength even if you're already feeling weak. A breakthrough will only happen if you feel that there is nothing more left in your tank but you still keep on pushing and fighting. You will never make a breakthrough if your life was too easy all the time, comfort is going to stop you, that's the only secret to success... get uncomfortable and never mind everything that is distracting you, ignore all the obstacles, give no time to critics and haters. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...