Jul 10, 2023


If someone disturbs you, if someone made you feel bad, if someone contacted you... go back to your work right away. You can give them attention if it is really important but don't ever think about them for so long. You are giving useless things a lot of attention and energy that's why you are not getting better. The great ones are very good in utilizing their time and using it for important things that will give them a good life. The weak and failures lacks the discipline and tenacity to do what they hate to do but will make them successful. Rather they let their emotions control them, they want pleasures, they want comfort and easy things that's why they always found themselves on a bad spot. Life is really that simple, if you want to make it better and stay disciplined and committed to your vision. Execute your plan, go to the direction of your dreams and never let anybody still your time for no reason. Your time is very important and precious, you can never get it back anymore once it is gone. 


Social media, mindless scrolling and gossiping. The television, the news that poisons your mind. Thinking about the past, trying to change the past or worrying about the future. Useless partying and rubbing elbows with people that you don't even like, worrying about what people say. People who are great knows the value of their time, they're not spending it for stupid things and people that doesn't make them any better. They knew they have to protect it if they want to become successful. Be always absent on invitations that doesn't even matter. Don't give time to people who doesn't make you feel good at all. Stop spending your energy for things that you don't even like, it's not your obligation to become nice to everything. You need to be specific of what you want and focus all of your energy to it. Never care about the people that doesn't make you feel motivated, never give attention to anyone that doesn't have a place in your life. It's on you if you want to become successful or not, it all depends on how you manage and use your time. Use your time very wisely and never let anything distract you for no reason. It all depends on how you focus, where your focus go the energy flow. Focus on money and you will get money, focus on strength and you will get stronger, focus on weakness and you will get weak, focus on nonsense and you will become dumb, focus on toxic people and you will have a miserable life. You don't need to become reactive all the time, if you don't like something... don't give it any energy or time and go back to your work right away. 


The sexy stupid girls on instagram, stupid random posts on facebook, your enemy trying to bug you, the disrespectful people, noisy neighbors, the news, advertisements of products that's trying to make you a consumer, the useless conversations with people that you don't even like, the invitation that has nothing to do with your goals, people that are trying to annoy you. Everything is a trap and trying to steal your precious time and if you are not disciplined enough to completely ignore them then you will struggle to make a progress. Everything is trying to poison your mind and get your attention, you need to be strong enough to carry on and move forward towards your goal and stop listening to subjects that will not make you better. Those celebrities, those problems, those government officials, those problems of the country that doesn't even connect with you... they are trapping you, they are trying to steal your time that you could have use to develop yourself. be non reactive, stop getting seduced easily, yes those subjects are interesting and fun to talk about but they will never serve you any purpose. It's ok to talk a little bit but never let them make you emotional or invested. be aware of what you're doing, thinking and saying because everything is affecting you, it's either they are making you worse or get better, the good news is the power is yours, you can choose and make a decision which path to take. 


what you keep on thinking will be manifested to your life if you think about it all the time. So be aware of your thoughts because they are critical to your life, it can either make you or break you. if you can't stop negative thoughts then just go back to your work and stay busy there, be productive as you can be, you can still take actions despite of thinking negative, that thought will soon go away, you can also think about some better things like money, fitness, success and growth. Imagine yourself blooming and getting bigger, imagine yourself being the best version of yourself. Visualize the life that you want and manifest it into reality. So be careful with your thoughts and try to discipline your mind to think the right way, the trick here is to be mindful all the time and be aware if you're not thinking the right way. Thoughts are very powerful, it can bring you to places you haven't been before. Make a series of connections with your thoughts, create the right connection. Every time you feel stressed you are always thinking about food, cigarettes, TV, games, resting, drinking alcohol and any other unhelpful vices. When you are stress think about meditation, being mindful, drinking water or exercising. You need to delete the unhealthy connections of your brain and reprogram your mind with new software that will make you stronger, flexible, faster and healthier. 


Hard work pays off 100% all the time, if you're not progressing then you're not really working hard, you're just pretending to be working. Do the real work, hard work is unlimited, you can work as hard as you can, you can beat your own records, you can do better than yesterday. It's time to get serious and focused, it's time to become something you were not. So change your energy, be faster and bolder, waste no time overthinking and just focus on executing. It's the push that matters and nothing else, you will get results every time you push yourself to the limits so never stop, never settle, never rest if you don't need to and just keep working harder each day. Your life will only get better if you did get better. So work hard now, you have nothing to lose, you will only get better if you work hard, you will be able to upgrade your life. Choose greatness over weakness, it's a more difficult path but more rewarding and worth it. Choose hard work over laziness. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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