Apr 19, 2023


You don't know the real definition of strength that is why you are so weak. You think someone is already strong but he is really not that's why you're so afraid of him. You think you're already strong but you're not that's why you're not working hard, you think that something is impossible that's why you're not exerting any effort to become closer to it. You're easily get overwhelmed with someone doing better than you, you easily got fooled by something that you think is impossible to get. You don't know what real strength is, you don't know how to get it because you're not even trying


Strength means not giving up, strength means trying again and again and not being afraid to lose or get embarrassed. You need to try even if you're coming up short continuously. There is no harm in trying, you need to become delusional if you wanted to make a break through. It's all about fighting, you can fight even if you are weak, you can still push through even if you feel so uncomfortable. You can fight for as long as you want, nothing or nobody can ever stop you. It's easy to quit but it will give you a forever regret, it will never make you sleep at night, there will be questions in your head that cannot be answered, you need to avoid "what ifs" and start pushing through, go further as much as you can and never care if you fail or succeed. It's all about the actions, it's all about trying and nothing else. 


You feel weak, unaccomplished, loser, useless because you're not pushing. You have a lot of regrets because you're not pushing. If you don't want to feel uncomfortable then you will never get anywhere. Greatness starts by embracing the discomfort and following through no matter what. So ask yourself, are you pushing or are you pulling? the choice is yours, never hold back, never feel threatened, you need to push yourself to the limits and never mind if you fail big time. because you will never see who you really are if you will not push until the end, you need to test yourself so you will have answers to your questions about greatness.


The mentality to keep going and never give up is all you need. You can do this by doing a lot of difficult things, you can do this by simply testing yourself how long can you go further. Just do something for a very long time, don't stop and don't think about quitting. Keep pushing yourself, keep facing new challenge everyday and when it is hard... keep going, when it's tough... get tougher. Never stop doing what is best for you, never stop taking the next step. Build the mentality to outlast any kind of storm. 


Driven not by the results but rather driven by testing yourself and trying to see your full potential. Fall in love with the process, be a journeyman and always give your best every single day. Be happy if you're struggling it means you're getting stronger, there is no effort without errors so forgive yourself every time you commit an error and go immediately to the next step. Don't be afraid to miss the target. Once your mind was able to adapt to the situation, once you stop caring about anything else other than your goal... you will become invincible and unstoppable, nothing can detail you anymore, you will become a different type of beast. 


never care if you're already 70 years old, just go out there and scrap, fight for what you want, fight for your goals. Stay competitive, stay aggressive and never back down to any challenge. Keep pushing forward and believe that you can make an impact, always think that you can make a difference. Even if you are slow, even if they're underestimating you... just go for the kill, attack your dreams, execute your ideas and always believe in yourself. There is no harm in trying, you're in a win win situation if you try. 


Don't be a slave to your genetics. never care if you are born small, weak, not talented or smart. Just do your thing, keep getting better everyday, try to improve something in your attributes. You can have zero talent but still succeed, you can have zero support but still thrive. No excuses if you really want to become great. If you really want to become strong then you need to face the pain of working hard, stop being a baby, stop being soft and just do whatever it takes to get you to the next level. You need to feel powerful, you need to change into a new personality to create a new reality. Forget everything that is not in your life, forget what is lacking in your bag and just force fate to submit to your will. 


If you're just waiting for your money to grow then it will not grow, if you're waiting for your confidence to grow before you take actions then it will not grow. If you're waiting for something to happen before you become happy then you will never become happy. You will only get what you want if you will go for it. Stop acting like you're entitled of something you didn't work for. You need to force yourself to move fast and do whatever it takes to get what you want, as simple as that. Nothing will help you, nobody will come to save your sorry ass. You need to man up and decide that you will be responsible for everything that comes to your life. Your status now was made of the decisions you made in the past. You better make a stand to discipline yourself to do the things that you need to do even if it is hard. Stop being weak, you need to force yourself to take the next step and try again whenever you fail. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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