Jun 6, 2021


People can't get it, that's why they keep avoiding losing and that's why they can't win. What happens if you lose? NOTHING.  You're still the same man, your legs, hands, brain is still there, you can still move, you can still do something big. You lost but you never lose anything, you're still in the game. You can still redeem yourself, there's a lot of chances out there and you have to grab it all. Don't cry like a kid whose candy was stolen, it's not the end of the world if you lose, you can still try again tomorrow or even later. Every time you fall... stand up and try again, that's the key to become successful. Don't be afraid to get zero, don't be afraid to embarrass yourself. 


There will always be another opportunity, it will never run out, you can find it anywhere. Sometimes it will even come naturally into your life. So don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to give your best and get nothing. Don't be afraid to risk it all and get nothing, don't be afraid to lose everything you have because you're still alive, you're still kicking, you can still do something, you didn't lose anything. Never feel bad if you lost a big opportunity because that's not the only opportunity waiting for you. So don't feel that the opportunity that got away is the only opportunity but don't slack off and treating the next opportunities for granted. Always give your very best and use all of your power and skills. 


If you want to win then sacrifice big time, don't just live your life like a bum. Life has so much to offer to you and you can only get a large slice of cake if you're willing to make huge sacrifices. It is what it it, it's hard like a rock. You can't be getting something without having to exert massive effort. If you want massive results then take massive actions... as simple as that. You have to start now, start the journey now and do only the things that will give you something in the future. Never do something that will never give you anything like watching porn or something... you're better than that. You have to use your time to hone your skills or at least invest on an activity that will bring results later. Making sacrifices is like investing the more you sacrifice the more you harvest. Don't waste your time, every second is a must. You want somethin big right? then stop wasting your time for useless thoughts and activities. Remember what your real intention is and take baby steps to get closer from your goal. 


Forget the past, trying to fix the past and remembering your mistakes is making you stuck. You can't do something about it anymore, you have to fix your mind and erase every thought that makes you slow. Fix your mind and you fix your life. Protect your mind from ugly thoughts about the past, your power lies in the present moment. You have to go back to the present and forget everything that haunts you in the past. What is done is done. Never go back to the past anymore. Spend more time for yourself, stop spending time with thoughts of the past that is only slowing you and making you sick. Today is a new day, new opportunities, new chances, allow yourself to win by fixing your mind. Think about winning only and never think about losing. The content of your mind will be the outcome of your life so be careful of what you're thinking of all the time because it will affect your reality. 


Dust yourself off, stand up and be the best that you can be. That's all you need to do, try again and take more risks. It's not about winning, it's about the number of tries. Play to win and not to lose, go all out every time you try again. Give everything you've got, lock in with the process and never hold yourself back. Unleash the beast in you, use all of your skills. Commit to greatness. You have to take your skills to another level if you wanted to succeed, do something different this time. You can only redeem yourself if you will double your effort. 


You're already a better man after failing. You're already on a different level after losing. Failing is a wonderful experience because it will make you learn something, it will make you stronger, you're already equipped with experience that you can use next time. So don't ever feel bad if you lost, it means you become stronger. Most people were so afraid of losing and that's why they can't win in life. You must expose yourself to failure if you really wanted to win in life. 


Test yourself if you can do it or not, test yourself how far you can go. Just go, just do it, allow yourself to shine, allow yourself to become victorious. Never stop until you hands were finally raised, it's all about you, it's not about them. It's ok to fail over and over again, it's ok to struggle. Test yourself because you don't know your full potential yet, you can become something you've never seen before. Never underestimate yourself and always give yourself a chance to win. Don't be afraid to drain all of your energy again, it will come back, your energy is unlimited so don't be afraid to get tired. 


Don't believe what people say, don't listen to critics, you're not a bust, even if you already lost a thousand times... you can still try, you are allowed to try. You can be so much big with the time you have, just use your time wisely and use it for growth, use it to evolve yourself. You are strong, you are incredible, you can do it, stop belittling yourself and unleash the beast inside of you. You have nothing to lose, you can try again. 

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