Jun 22, 2021


Are you really listening to your heart? Are you really doing what you want to do? are you doing it your way instead of following the crowd? Listening to your heart is the best way to make yourself happy, the only problem is... you're always thinking about what people say and that's why you're having a hard time being real. 


Don't follow the herd, stop following the masses, stop following your boss, stop following your coach. It's not that you will disrespect them, it's that you're going to follow your heart because you feel so right. Be rebel in a nice way, still be respectful, pretend that you're following or listening them but listen to your heart all the time. 

If a coach is telling you to not shoot then shoot the ball, forget about getting scolded, forget about getting benched, what matters is you follow your heart because it's the best feeling in the world. If your parents is telling you to just take a course related to politics or medical field... don't follow them, if you want something else then do something else. Even if the salary is too low, still follow your heart because it's what makes you happy. 

Because you will only be able to follow your heart if you're a rebel. Most people are doing what they hate to do because they're afraid to lose what they have. They're afraid to lose their job, they're afraid to lose their reputation and that's why they will follow orders that they don't even want for a second. 

Do it your way and not other people's way, this is the best reward you can give to yourself. Why will you follow other people if it's no making you happy? don't do it for the sake of money and security, don't do something for the acceptance of the society. Be unique in your own way, if what you want is simply sipping some pus to get paid then why not do it? if it's making you happy then why not do it? 

It's really fun becoming a rebel because you can do whatever you wanted to do, you are opening your life to scrutiny and failure but you will experience a great adventure. 


Stop giving yourself an identity that you're special, because this kind of mentality is making you allergic to working hard. You think you're entitled of getting something even if you're only giving less. you're better than that. If you will never think that you're special then you will be able to unleash your creativity, you will be able to follow your heart, you will follow your instincts and gut feeling. It's like opening your heart, it's like turning yourself into a blank canvass and you are open with any kind of experience. Because if you will always think that you're special then you will never do everything to succeed, you will never follow your heart, you will always think about what people say, you will always think about your identity. If you will think that you're just an ordinary person then you will feel lesser resistance, the chip on your shoulder will be lifted, you will never feel scared anymore because you have nothing to lose. 


Because you're not listening to your heart by doing that, remembering the past means regret. Thinking what you could have done better, thinking about what went wrong, thinking about your mistakes, you're disrespecting the power of the now by doing that. Remembering the past is weakness, there's no control on that matter. Because your heart is whispering you something that you can do now, it's giving you a clue, it's whispering you an idea and you can never execute these ideas if you're always thinking about the past. Thinking about the past is stupidity, it's useless, it's powerless, it's like being a zombie that is waiting to be beheaded by a heartless warrior. There is no future in the past, you can never have a good life if you're always attached with the past. If you want to become fast, if you want to follow your heart then forget the past, your heart wants to be in the present moment, ideas were residing in the present moment. 


Once you follow your heart you're already fulfilled, there's no need for extravagant results or success. There's no need for appreciation from other people, if you really followed your heart then that's the reward itself. It's hard to follow your heart if you're failing but the greatest ones are the ones who never give up following their hearts despite of numerous failures and mockery from other people. 

So follow your heart no matter what, keep believing in yourself. Keep moving forward even if you're not making any results. That's what greatness is all about... moving forward even if it's too hard and impossible, it's believing your own creations, it's pushing despite of challenges and distractions. 

Because at the end of the day, your life is all about you. It's not about success, it's not about what other people say, it's not about their judgement... it's about being happy with who you are and being real everyday. 


It's still following your heart, just because you're not original doesn't mean you're not following your heart. It's ok to imitate if you're really happy doing it, if there is no small part of you that is against it. It's still an art, it's still an expression. There is nothing wrong with imitating something if you truly love it and you're not ashamed of it. Everyone needs an inspiration, it's better if all of your works were original but there is nothing wrong if you're copying someone's style too, just make sure you're also doing your own style every once in a while. Don't be afraid to imitate even if other people were judging you, you need to imitate to at least make a momentum and make your skills better. 

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