Jun 27, 2021


Regrets are part of life, if there are no regrets there will be no lessons. Regrets makes the life bitter but at the same time will make you wiser if you look at it differently. Don't think that it's something bad, don't think that you did terrible in the past because you don't, at that moment it's the decision that you think is best for you. What you didn't do in the past was already gone, there is nothing you can do to being it back, there is no more chance of turning back the clock and trying to do it. Let it go, let it be a history, don't try to revive it, don't ever whine because you didn't do it, accept that you didn't do well in the past. Everyone didn't do well, everyone has his own regrets, you're not the only one who's thinking that way.. 


There is something you should do and if you will not do it then that's the one you should regret, never regret what you didn't do in the past, regret what you will not do today. Meaning focus on what you can still do and not on what you can't do anymore. Past is past, there is nothing you can do to change it anymore. Just let it go, focus on your pending tasks, focus on the mission that you must do. You have to know what you need to do and simply do it without any second thoughts. Past is past, you already learned, now is the time to apply the new wisdom that you have. Never do the same mistakes again, be smarter now and work harder now. Devour every opportunity that may come on your way. For sure there is something you want to do, for sure there is something you want to achieve and for sure you already failed yesterday because of not taking actions, do you want it to happen again? it feels like hell right? so you have to take a different approach now, do your very best now. 


Whether you can only do it for about 5 seconds or 5 minutes... start it, just start it. You need to calibrate your brain for taking actions whenever you have a chance, this is the only way to make you a fast starter, it's the best way to get rid of hesitating. Just do it and forget if you can finish it today, start it fast, don't ever think about perfection. Just start it and enjoy the process. No excuses for not starting, you can become unstoppable if you want to, it's just a matter of deciding to become it. They key here is to just do it, stop trying to look cute and perfect, stop trying to look great... just do it regardless of what the outcome maybe. You're in control of your life, take full ownership of it. The chance is now, there is no excuse for not doing it, stop looking at the obstacles, stop focusing on why you have to don't do it. 


You project already passed the deadline... still pass it. Your client was already mad because you're two months late... still pass something. Your crush already have a boyfriend... still say I love you. The point here is you still did what you are suppose to do and it will lessen your regrets. It will make your mentality better because in the future you will never hesitate anymore because your mind was already wired for pushing yourself to the limits and going further. Whatever time it is... still do it, push and never hold yourself back. Forget about time, forget about if you will still be accepted or not, if there is a chance to do it... do it still, this should be your philosophy. 


Use all of your skills, use all of your power. Stop being lazy, stop being a bum, you can become better than yesterday. Life is full of opportunities, you have to take all of it. Because you're powerful but you're pretending to be weak, you're pretending that you're weak because you don't want to face the truth that hard work and pushing yourself to the limits is the only way to succeed. Give everything you've got and you will feel like a winner already. Push the envelope, see what is possible if you focus and work hard. You have to breathe success, you have to consider making huge amount of sacrifices in order to get what you want. Use all of your power and never be afraid of getting tired or losing a momentum. There will always be a replacement, use your energy now because it is renewable. Execute your idea now and stop conserving because there are millions of ideas waiting to be executed. 


It doesn't mater if you're ready or not, what matters is you show up and do what you are suppose to do. Sometimes you don't feel ready but if you just show up then good things will happen. Sometimes you feel so ready and yet still fail. You don't know what life is going to throw at you. Life is a box of chocolate, you don't know what you will get, so just go out there and have fun. have fun trying and giving your very best, expect the highest expectations, give your very best every single day and never take no for an answer. Push like you never push before, you have to go all in or else you will never win. Most of the time you think you're not ready, you think you need to get ready to start something but did you start something? when was the time you really prepared hard and do something great? you can't remember right? So the best thing to do is face what needs to be faced now regardless if you're ready or not. Devour every opportunity, don't be afraid to get stunned, don't be afraid to get overwhelmed or outclassed. It is what it is, something will really scare you but the scariest thing is not even trying because you already lost your power by doing that. Not trying is also making, it's making your life miserable. The worst feeling in the world is not even trying at all. 


You are not perfect, you're just a human being. There are really some things that you will not be able to do. But today is different, you already knew the feeling of not taking actions. You have to pull the trigger now and never let any opportunity escape. Draw the first blood and stop being afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process. 

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