Apr 25, 2021


If you want to take your life to another level... you must sacrifice every second. You must be aware that what you're doing now doesn't make sense. That's why you need to stop watching TV every time you find yourself doing it, stop playing video games every time your fingers wants to push the play button, stop trolling in social media every time your mind is itching to see all the negativity and stupidity, stop sleeping when you already rested, stop doing what most people are doing... you need to sacrifice every second if you want to see results. Your life can be something special if you're just doing the right thing. This is not going to be easy but who said that success is going to be easy? If it is easy then everybody would have been a millionaire by now. Sacrifice every second to build a new life, be patient and take it one second at a time. Go for what you really want. Because the truth is what you're getting now is not what you really want, what you're doing now is not what you really want. You're just engaged with these things because it's easy, fun and accessible, you can grab it right away. But what you really want is harder, what you really want is so hard to reach that's why you're not taking actions anymore. You're too addicted with comfort, you want and easy life that's why you're having a miserable life. But if you will change your mentality and accept that you really need to make sacrifices in order to build a better future then you will feel relieved a little bit, the resistance will be lessen. Accept that you need to move faster, work harder and decide bolder. Accept that you need to focus on what you want 24 hours a day, think about it, do something about it and never give up. It's kind of draining and boring but it's the only way, there's no other way around, you have to train your mind to think only the things that you need to do. 


If you're getting overwhelmed with life already, if you're too anxious now and feeling lost... just think about the next baby step, do the easiest step, keep repeating until you have your confidence back. Focus on the next step and the next one and the next one, as simple as that. Whatever you are doing is right for as long as the intention is to get better. Don't ever judge yourself if you're doing wrong, just believe in yourself, believe in what you do because that's how to make something grow... faith and hard work. A hardwork without a belief is dead, a belief without hard work will never give you anything. One cannot thrive without the other, just keep working hard and keep believing, trust me you will go further. You will be able to do the impossible. Discipline your mind to focus only in your life and in what you do, do this for one day, do this for two days, do this for one week and see some small changes already happening in your life. It's going to get uncomfortable but the results awaiting for you is super amazing. 


Every second you are building your life, you are building your mind, you are building something. Use every second to evolve and improve. Every second is so crucial to your success so don't squander any of it, even a millisecond... never use it for useless nonsense that will never give you anything. If you want to have an awesome life use your time properly and it will reward you. Discipline is the only key, you have to take massive actions everyday, focus on your work and believe in it. Stop doing what you love, do what you hate. What do you love? wasting time, playing games, watching TV, doing useless stuffs, gossiping etc. What do you hate? focusing on things that matters, guarding your thoughts and actions, choosing the right activities, working hard and facing the pain. The things you hate are the things you need to do, as simple as that. If you're having too much fun right now it means your life is going down but if you're struggling working hard and making sacrifices then a good future is waiting for you. 

It's all about making yourself better everyday, try to improve as much as you can. Take massive actions that has a potential to give you a better life. You can enjoy making sacrifices, it's just a matter of what thought you are associating with your actions. If you believe that you are sacrificing but there's not good life waiting for you then there is a huge tendency that you will give up but if you are sacrificing and knowing that good life is waiting for you then you will never feel the pain, you will be able to enjoy it, you will get excited working hard because you just knew you are going to win. 

Build yourself, as big as you can. Be better, be smarter, be braver and bolder. Face all the uncertainties, face all the problems and make solutions. The power is in your hands. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's not doable, just because there are problems doesn't mean you have to stop and allow yourself to get disturbed. Always build yourself, see yourself winning and conquering everything. 


You can give your very best despite of experiencing a lot of chaos, you can still live a good life despite of struggles and challenges. Giving your best is a mindset, it's a choice. If you will not give your very best then you will get mediocre results but if you will give your all and ignoring all these noises around you then you will be able to overcome and thrive in the end. You can have fun despite of chaos, you can enjoy a difficult life, once you get used to chaos and disorder and your mind is still in the right place... you will become invincible, nothing is difficult to you anymore. Just give your all, use all of your power and belief to succeed, never surrender, never quit. Never look back, once you move forward never look back, always push no matter what, always move one more step. 


Apr 23, 2021


Stop making dramas and acting like a victim, stop having a diva mindset, stop crying about it because you're fine before without it. The more you make dramas in life the more you will get nothing, the universe is just responding to your thoughts and reactions. If you're complaining all the time you will find more things to be complaining about. 


You don't have it in the past but you manage to survive and thrive a little bit, why they hell are you complaining because you don't have it? You don't have anything before right? you're empty handed on the day that you were born so be happy because you have a lot right now. You have money, you have clothes, you have food, you have something. Appreciate all the little things that you have right now so you can attract bigger things. You are ok before without it so you can be ok again today without it, don't put too much pressure on yourself and simply enjoy the process, treasure what you have in your life now and stop complaining because it's a victim mindset, you're not a victim, stop having self pity because it's not helping you at all, it's making your life worse. 


Sometimes you have to let go for a while, sometimes you have to lessen the time for thinking about it. Worrying that you won't get it, feeling too bad because you're not having it is making the process slower, you're not taking actions anymore because you're too focused on thinking about it. It's all about the process and hard work, let it go for a minute and focus on working so that you will create more opportunities and connections for having it in your life. Stop thinking about the results too much because it's making you suffer, you have to enjoy the process because that's where creation is happening. There is no creation or progress in thinking or dreaming about it too much, you have to rest your mind and stop stressing yourself because it's not in your hands. 


You are not suppose to get everything because you will never get it all. All you can do is give your best. Getting rich is a choice, it's not a necessity... it's a choice. Good for you if you choose to become rich but make sure you're doing everything to get it. But don't ever feel bad if you can't become rich because you are not suppose to become one, it's not an urgent thing, it's not a necessity. Don't get frustrated if you can't have a lot of money right now. Be satisfied of what you have and try to make it grow a little bit everyday, try to make your life better. 


What happening in your mind is happening in your life, as simple as that. If your mentality is to complain and cry about it then you will attract more situations that are ugly and will make your life worse. Be appreciative and you will see more things to be thankful of. Guard your thoughts, don't entertain negativity in your life, don't feel the lack, don't ever cry about what's missing in your life and focus in what you have. Focusing on what you have means focusing on your strengths, focusing on what you lack means focusing on your weaknesses. You can feel abundant by entertaining the right thoughts inside of your head. Take care of your mentality and your life will be alright, as simple as that. 


If you want something start from the bottom and keep building it up, work on it don't wish for it. Everyday do something to make it big, work hard every single day and never stop. Just keep believing that it will become big, keep believing that you will succeed. You don't need to get something fast, it won't happen, you have to be patient and take it one step at a time. Be patient, take your time, stay consistent and simply enjoy the process. Something will grow if you're giving it an effort. Just like love, just like a plant, just like a dream, it will grow if you give it the right time and energy. Believe in the power of consistent efforts. 


Most people were just wishing, they want something without willing to sacrifice something. If you want it then get it, there must be something that you're willing to give up in order to get it. Are you willing to give up your useless habits? are you willing to give up fun? are you willing to give up your toxic friends? are you willing to give up TV? the choice is yours, you can't be wishing for something but all you do is watch TV all day long, things will never work out for you. If you really want it then you must show the world that you're serious, you must give up the things, activities, thoughts that are not helping you at all. You have the power to get it you're just making excuses and entertaining negative thoughts that's why you can't make a progress. Just get it no matter what, no matter what the obstacle is... get it. Just do it, whatever you can do that will give you a chance to win... do it, don't hesitate, don't think twice, it's all about doing it and nothing else. 


Hard work can give you everything, it can make you very skilled, it can give you money, it can give you success. Hard work is enough, keep working harder everyday and a lot of things will be drawn to you automatically. Hard work is very simple, anyone can do it. Just force yourself whenever you feel tired or lazy and you will feel energized again, it's simply the willingness to push forward no matter what. Hard work can make you a better person, it can change your life, how good was that? so whenever you feel lost just work hard, whenever you have a problem just work hard, whenever you want something just work hard. It will entertain you, it will give you a direction and will clear your mind from negativity and procrastination. 

Don't pressure yourself too much, without it you're still ok, there's no pressure of not getting it. Without it you're still alive but if you really want it then go and give yourself a chance, give your best, do whatever it takes but don't cry like a little girl if you can't win. 

Apr 19, 2021


This is another strategy that works to any kind of business, career, situations in life etc. Make them go to your level, never go to their level without enough knowledge or experience or else you will look like a helpless bum. You should know what you can do and stay with that level long enough, stay with your own pace and grind and never try to prove yourself that you're better like them too. 

Like a middle class boy that's trying to impress a rich girl, never go to that girl's level. Stay on your level and let that girl enter your world. Never try to enter the girl's kingdom or else you will suck, you will look weak. You have to impose your will and be yourself all the time. Stay busy working on your craft and leveling up a little bit day by day but never try to change who you are just for the sake of impressing the girl and her family because you will be controlled. Stay on your lane, the girl should follow you, she should be under your power. If she can't stand it then let her go. It's up to her if she can accept you but the most important thing is you shouldn't follow all of her demands or else you will be outclassed all the time. Present her something, tell her all what you're willing to do and there should be a restriction to everything. Stay busy doing your own thing while giving her some time so you will always have an excuse when you need to go or push her aside temporarily. 

Just like an old man playing basketball with young kids. Never try to match their speed, never try to outpower them if you don't have power anymore. Play smarter, use your experience, don't feel overwhelmed by their speed, don't match their skills and make them go down to your level and make them pay. It's simply about knowing the situation, knowing how to slow down the game and be patient. Frustrate them, give them something to think about and never enter their zone. You have to stay being yourself and focus on what you can do. If you will try to chase them then you will gas out, if you will try to force the issue then you will make mistakes. You should stay calm like a spider waiting for the right moment to attack. That's why you need to have a lot of patience, you need to slow down everything and think about what you can do that will put yourself on the best position to succeed. 


Define your level and stick with it. Know what you can buy, know your skills, know your perseverance, know what you can do. Know your level and upgrade it bit by bit. The reason why you're always outclassed is because you can't define your strengths. You're always riding on another person's level, you're not being yourself, you don't have confidence in your abilities. That's why it is important to focus on growing yourself every single day. Aim for something, don't just lazy all day and do nothing. You have to look for improvements so that you will feel good about yourself and you can carry yourself in any kind of situation. 


Every time you are trying to prove yourself... you are making mistakes, you are making people hate you even more. Don't tell them what's inside of your mind, don't tell them your plans and beliefs. Don't try to impress someone badly because it will backfire on you, people will see you as someone who is needy. Never try to compete with anyone, stay on your lane, stay calm and perfectly still, if someone insults you just stay quiet and act like you didn't hear anything. If someone is trying to belittle you just keep moving forward and go back to your goals, you will have more peace if you're running your own life or business. If you're trying to prove yourself like wanting somebody to believe you then you're in big trouble, it's because you will do anything even if you can't do it. You will try to impress people the wrong way, you will not focus on your strengths. And if you're not focused on your strengths... you're in big trouble. 


You can do something in any kind of situation. You just need to know what you can do, you just need to wait for the right time when you can unleash your abilities. It's like connecting any kind of situation to your skills and knowledge. You don't strike right away, you don't make a move right away, you're waiting for the perfect timing where you can shine and show them what you've got. There is always something you can do, you just need to trust yourself enough and believe that there is a place or opportunity waiting for you. You may lose everything but never lose your self confidence, you have the power to become anything you want if you keep working hard every single day. Hard work creates opportunities, hard work will give you anything you desire.


In any walks of life you should do your own thing. You should be the boss of your own life. For example if you're always getting benched by your coach because he didn't trust you, you must create your own training and belief. You must create your own journey even if he is in control. Create a new story out of the layout that he presents. For example you are just waiting for your time to go in, you're dreaming that one day you will become a star too. You keep on working hard every single day even if he is not using you, you don't get discouraged, you still believe in yourself. You stay ready and your mind is always prepared. And when the opportunity is there, you take as many shots as you can, you believe in yourself and you take risks. It doesn't matter if you fail, it doesn't matter if your coach get mad at you for not following him... your mindset still remain the same and you will do it again once you have an opportunity. It's like you're running your own show once you're in the game, you don't care about anything else. Don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraid to do it your way, do it your way or else others will do it for you and you will not love the results. 

Apr 18, 2021


Stop looking anywhere, stop pretending that you don't know what to do because you know the answer to your questions... you just don't want to move. You know how to become rich, you know the steps, you know the secret,  there is no secret, it's simply hard work and dedication. It's simply having a vision and doing whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. You knew what it takes to have a healthy and mouth watering body, it's simply diet and exercise yet you're still looking somewhere and searching for a hack how to do it, you even hire a useless coach that makes your life worse. You're always looking for something and that's why you can't move. Why not start now instead of finding a special remedy to your problem? why not create your own solution instead? 

Most people are feeling lost not because they don't know what to do but because they're making excuses, they will choose laziness over just doing it. They will prefer to watch coaches online how to do things, they will prefer to go to a seminar about how to do things that literally they know what to do. They are faking that they don't know what to do but the reality is they hear it a million times, they were knowledgeable enough to start something. 


You're just trying to refuse work, you don't want to grind and hustle. Stop looking for something else because what you need is inside of you, you just need to work. If you need some money go look for a job, stop saying that it's hard to find one, stop making an excuse that it is recession, you're not looking hard enough that's why you can't find one. Excuses are for the weak, it's for people who always see what is missing in their lives, it's for people who always find a detail why they don't need to move. Because if you really wanted to do something you will do it even if it is raining or even if you don't have enough resources to do it. Stop making excuses if you want a new life, go after your dreams, go for what you want. If you want a new life, destroy all your excuses and be a doer. Everything will be alright, everything you do will work if you're serious about it.


It's not the medicine that heals you, it's not the coach that makes you better, it's not the shoes that makes you run faster, it's not the situation that makes you happier, it's not the money that makes you more confident, it's not the support that gives you the power.... it's the process alone. If you are willing to work hard and take matters into your hands then you will become invincible, you will achieve anything you want in your life. When you're moving you're on the right path, it doesn't matter if your process is perfect, for as long as you're moving.... you will be fine. You will get something, you will make some progress. Just move and use what you can use, if you can't find something to use then just move and find a way how to make your situation better. If you're fat and you don't know what kind of exercise to do just jog, just run for a few minutes, it's not that hard if you will just take it one step at a time and embrace the process. 

You're not dumb so stop pretending like you're dumb, you're not powerless, you can move your body and do something. You know what to do to solve your problem you just want to face the pain because you want it fast, you want it now and that's making your life difficult. Be patient, it will take time, you need to wait, you can't have everything right away, there are time for working and there is a time for reaping. 


Feel free to move, feel free to do anything. Just work, nothing can stop you, you're the one who's putting a lot of resistance to everything. You're overthinking, you're over analyzing, you wanted everything to become perfect that's why you can't pull the trigger. Just take the first step and forget if you are perfect or not. You're the only one who can stop yourself, it's your thoughts that creates a lot of resistance, you have to engage with positive thoughts and believe in yourself. Never mind if the process will take long, never mind if you will struggle because it's part of the design. Just do it and push through no matter what. Feeling free is simply trying without expectations, forget the outcome, forget what may happen, just feel free to do what is needed. Always find that little space to operate, always look for a small step that you can execute and focus on it. Unleash yourself, let your body move, work and just do something. 


If yo wanted to do something but you keep on delaying it, you will become scared even more. A lot of things will run in your mind, you will overthink the whole day, you will become stressed and frustrated, you will procrastinate for the whole day. Just do it without judging the situation, forget if it is hard, forget if it is complicated just draw the first blood and follow through. Keep pushing, force yourself to act, later you will feel much better, you will be able to create some momentum that will allow you to finish what you started. Remember that it's not about perfection it's about the push, it's about giving yourself a chance to win at something. Fear will continue to grow if you keep on saying to yourself that you will just do it later. You will feel stuck and helpless if you will not learn to improvise and just use whatever you have. 

Trust me, you will feel much better if you are moving, all of your problems will be forgotten if you stay busy working on your goal. Start it and never stop it, it's the only thing you need to do in order to become successful. You have to continue grinding and pounding to make results, as simple as that. 


You are not doing the right thing if you're not facing the pain. Face your fears, live your dreams. It's painful to start exercising, it's painful to go on a diet, it's painful to pay your debts because you want to use your money for buying useless things, it's painful to swallow your pride and say sorry to fix your relationships, it's painful to accept that it's your mistake, it's painful to make sacrifices, it's painful to leave what you are doing now and do what you are suppose to do, it's painful to face the reality. But it's the right thing to do, it's what you must do in order to live a better life. If you're trying to change something it's really going to get painful, if you're not facing the pain then you're in the wrong direction. The easy path can never change anything, you really have to do what is hard if you want to evolve and get better. Facing the pain doesn't mean you will have to suffer, you can take it slowly, face the pain little by little, endure the process and be patient. Don't rush because it will become more painful if you do so. Leave what entertains you and shift to what give you results, as simple as that. It's painful right? but it's the right thing to do. Just like a teenager that has to choose between playing Xbox and studying his lessons, for sure he will choose the stupid Xbox but it won't give him anything in the future. 


Because they're thinking too much, they want results so fast without even sweating or getting hungry a little bit. All they want is comfort, guaranteed success and assurance that they're not going to struggle. They don't want their efforts to get wasted. They don't believe in themselves, believing is the key, believing in small steps is the secret ingredient to success. If you really want it you will start now, you will forget if it's too late, you will never see reasons why you should not start. You will believe that a little step will make an impact in the future. 


One productivity hack that will surely work is stopping checking anything today. Most of the time it's not stress or lack of resources or lack of energy that is making you unproductive... it's you wasting a lot of energy for nonsense and stupid things that are not even helping you. You don't know how many things you can do unless you stop doing useless activities. 

Don't check the notifications, don't check your email, don't check your subscriptions, don't check your messenger, don't check for results. Just keep working and prioritize your tasks. You're checking a lot of crap that's why your mind was bombarded with different information and your brain can't process efficiently anymore. There's a lot of going on in your mind and this is the main reason why you're so unproductive. There's no hack for being productive all you have to do is focus and that's it. 


You will have more energy, you will become faster, you will be able to do more if you will not check these stupid things that are derailing your progress. Stop check your social media, stop checking your toxic friends, stop checking the news, stop checking what's going on outside... stay lock in with the process and protect your mind from harmful information. It's time to get serious now, it's time to become a beast, this will only happen if your mind is free from thoughts that are not connected to success. The reason why you are slow is because you're concerned with what's going on around you, you're too informed and updated about the world. You have to disconnect yourself a little bit and focus on your own journey if you want to make massive results in your career or business. Be serious, take your goals seriously if you want to achieve it, don't let it die for no reason, don't let yourself lose, make yourself a king, this is too simple... just stay disciplined and try to outwork everyone, be the number one, consumed your mind with images about winning and doing the process. You should feel good working hard, you should feel stronger every time you're sacrificing for something bigger than what you're seeing in front of you. 


If you cellphone have only 2% battery then let it run out, don't charge it, don't worry if your friend can't call you, don't worry if you can't check who's popular on social media nowadays, detach from that device just for this day and see what you can achieve by focusing on the tasks that really matters. Your cellphone is eating a lot of your time, it's making you slow, it's making you unproductive and useless. Don't check it for today just for a change, if you can manage to do this then you already passed the first test of changing yourself. Don't check it, you're so addicted to it that's why you can't improve in some areas of your life. Never mind if you're missing something in the world of social media, never mind if you don't know the latest trend or what's happening in the world, stay ignorant with BS information, know only the things that might help you. 


It's a trap, everything in social media nowadays is a trap. A negative news that was so interesting, it's a trap. A headline about the Kardashians, it's a trap. A headline about a cop beating some black dog, it's a trap. Never let your mind get manipulated with these fake headlines, some of it were not even real, some were just twisted stories, the media is manipulating the story so it will get a lot of attention. Don't get tempted by stupidity and fake stories, protect your mind, you need to have a strong mind that is bulletproof of negativity an fakery. A lot of misleading headlines are trying to eat your time and manipulate your mind, it's goal is to get your attention, never fall into their trap. Be smart enough to know that it's just wasting your time and not giving you anything in return. 


Do the more important things and you will have more energy. Do more stupid stuffs and your energy will drain out easily. A focused energy on something that matters will never run out, if your energy was scattered everywhere then you will drain out easily. That's why a person who is just watching Netflix, surfing the internet and gossiping on social media is always stressed and burned out... he is not using his energy very well, he is using it on randomness that doesn't have any substance. Look at yourself, are you feeling weak? if yes then study what you did earlier, what did you do yesterday? what are the thoughts that are you thinking that makes you weak? are you procrastinating a lot? you will have more energy if you are doing the best things for your life and thinking about the best thoughts that will make your mind a lot better. 


It's better to be not doing anything rather than checking all the time if you have this or have that, stop checking if there's an email, stop checking if your crush is online. Stop checking what your idol is doing, you need to own your time, use it for your own growth and never use it for nonsense junks that is making your life miserable. Use your time for working what will give you a brighter future. Time can make you good or worse, it all depends on how you use it. Be mature enough to detect what is making you worse or better, you know what it is you just need to accept that your life is going to become boring because you will do what is not fun just to elevate your life and skills. 


If you know how valuable your time is then you will never waste it. You can never get it back once you wasted it. Time if use the right way will give you rewards. Your time will run out one day, you have to hurry now before it's too late, do what you need to do, do what you want to do and never have any regrets in life. Be aware if you're wasting your time for useless things, people and activities because it's a mortal sin to do it, it will backfire at you later. So stop checking anything today, stop checking your phone, stop checking what is not really important, you have to value your time like it's the most valuable thing on earth, never squander any second and use all of your energy to create something big. 

Apr 17, 2021


Make the process simple, make the steps not complicated, it's all about making it big, find a way how to make your work big... that's it. Make it bigger and bigger each day, make your mind sharper and faster, make your body healthier and stronger to do more work. Add something that will make your goal closer to you, add something that will make your life better, as simple as that. In other words, don't put something into your life that will make you worse. Level up as much as you can, go further, go bigger. It's all about following through, whenever you're chasing a goal or let's say you're building an empire... you have to follow through everyday, put something on it everyday that will help it to grow. 

This is not a hard thing to do because you can do something whenever you want it, the reason why you can't move is because you're too picky and soft, you're picking the tasks, you're picking challenges, you don't want a hard task. 


Sometimes you're doubting yourself if it will work or not that's why you will not try only to find out that someone who has the same idea as yours happen to make it work. The result is regret in the end, success is about trying, it's about not being scared to fail. Do it even if you think that it will not work. Because if you will do something then you already have an advantage, some people will not even try. If you can try and they can't try then who do you think will win? it's the one who's willing to do whatever it takes that will win. So if you have an idea on your mind, execute it, be fast, don't wait for the right time, don't wait for the good feelings before you move... just move now and stop thinking about anything else. It's simply about working hard and destroying all the resistance that are stopping you. You will only become unstoppable if you will not allow hesitations to cloud your mind. Stop worrying and just execute, don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to make mistakes, be decisive and have no conscience in making decisions. Greatness is simply defined by willing to step up and execute during uncomfortable moments. 


Try everything, anything is possible, give yourself a chance to win. Don't count yourself out, don't doubt yourself. Anything is possible if you will give it a try, don't think that it won't work and just try to make it work. You can become super creative here, unleash yourself and never hold yourself back. The reason why you can't make something work is because you already judge yourself before even trying. Avoid that kind of mentality now and make yourself a winner by thinking positive all the time. Don't give up, make it work, work on it, try and try until you find the solution how to make it work. It's all about the trial and error process, never stop and never feel bad if you can't figure it out, you will find a way if you will just use your willpower and tenacity to overcome these challenges that were no bigger than you. 


Always remember that once you try you're already a winner, it feels much better trying than not trying. If you will try with all your might then you will have no regrets. But if you will just watch the world and do nothing then you will feel so weak, you will have a lot of regrets. Trust me, if you are hesitating to do something just do it and you will feel really good, even if you fail you will still feel much better. But if you're holding yourself back and entertaining your fears... this is a weak feeling, you will never feel free if you have this kind of mentality .You have nothing to lose here so why be scared? you have everything to gain, so don't take any day for granted, take actions now and forget about winning or losing.... just focus on the process first. It is a common sense that you will never win, you will never get what you want if you don't try. Be fast in adding something, just do it, just add it, make it big, make it special, make it something that is serious and really mean business. 


Nobody knows what will work, you can't make a perfect guess. Never care if they are ridiculing you because you're trying something new, just try it, if you make it work then they will kiss your ass. You will only know if you are right if you will test it a lot of times, so go further and never look back... put yourself on the best position to succeed. Always think that anything is possible, give everything a chance, give every process a room to grow, the reason why some process you're trying doesn't work is because you don't give it enough time to develop. Just because something didn't work today doesn't mean it will not work forever, you have to keep on trying, push yourself to the limits first before deciding that it's not going to work. 

Make a guess, give it a try, don't be afraid that it might not work. You will only know if the process is right until you go further and overuse it. Fully believe in the process, trust the process. 


Don't ask yourself why are you losing, don't blame everyone why they don't trust you, it's because you can't show them results. You're embarrassing yourself because of your weak effort, you're not giving your best. And that's why you have to add something you can add if you have a chance, do it now and take massive actions. It's your fault if people were laughing at you, it's your fault if you're not winning, it's because you're not pushing yourself to become great, you're always holding yourself back, you're always conserving your energy. If you want to succeed, if you want to get respected then you better double or triple your effort, you better do something that not all people can do. Strive to become the number one, don't be a joke, stop being a clown who is not being taken seriously. If you want serious results then stop playing around and handle your business very well. 


if you really want it then you will do something for it right away even if you're running out of time, even if it's evident that you're going to lose, you will still add something to it to make your situation a little bit better. You will push yourself to the limits until the end. Don't be afraid of a failure, it's normal, it's the only key to success. Keep adding something even if it's not working for not, you are building the character of not giving up here, you are building a character of simply doing it without hesitation, you are making yourself become an animal, you're a beast now. It's up to you if you wanted to win or not, it will be shown in your effort, it will be shown in how are you pushing, are you giving your all or not? 


People were always looking for progress, they want it fast, they want it right away. They want improvement in their lives, they want money fast, they want fast solutions, they want to heal their sickness in just days, they want to turn things around without having the desire to exert huge effort. This is why they can't make a progress, that's why they're always stuck in a mud.


Enjoy being slow, enjoy the hard times. It's the only way, you have to face the huge amount of work. You can't escape the process. If you need to start all over again then start all over again, you can't be looking for shortcuts because it will make your situation even worse. Just take the first step and follow through, always see to it that you're doing something. Anything that you need to do... don't hesitate, don't think twice, just do it without regrets, do it without attachment that you need to be perfect or finish fast. Just do it for the sake of doing it, don't attach any judgements or expectations. 


If you consistently take baby steps everyday you will go further, it's about consistency, it's not about being the fastest one to make progress, it's not about being successful at the young age... it's about how consistent you are. Baby steps will surprise you, you will see dramatic improvements, your skills will go to another level, your financial status will become better, your health will improve, your relationships with important people in your life will become better. It's about the commitment, take baby steps everyday in any area in your life that you wanted to improve and see small results coming in, these small results will pile up and will become big one day. 

It's like being a boxer that makes jab from time to time, it's like an alone construction worker that's laying one brick at a time to build a castle, it's like an entrepreneur that's trying to build his own empire one day at a time. You keep believing, you keep taking baby steps and one day you will be surprised with how successful you finally become. Don't be afraid to pull the trigger now, keep moving, keep taking these tiny steps that doesn't look making any impact at all. You just feel that it's not making an impact but the truth is it's setting up your life for a brighter future. 

Taking baby steps is the easiest thing you can do, you just do it and never think about what will happen next. Just start, it's not that hard. One step at at time, never look at the bigger picture and just focus on what's happening now... that's how to work hard and make progress.  


It's not a walk in the park, it's stressful, it's irritating but you can only avoid these feelings if you will take it one step at a time. Forget how you feel and focus on what you're trying to achieve. You will feel uncomfortable but it's normal, it's a good sign because it means something good is happening. It means there is a change that's taking place. Embrace the uncertainty, embrace the unwanted feelings. Let them run in your system, sooner or later they will go and you will feel much happier and energized. It doesn't matter if you feel bad, your feelings were so overrated, you don't need to give it a priority, the priority here is to gain some improvements. Embrace the suck and push forward no matter what. People can't push because they were full of dramas, they were so soft and overreacting a lot. This is not how to get the job done, you must push even if you're feeling bad. Your feelings will never help you, being sensitive will only destroy your mind, you are not thinking the right way if you're too sensitive. Just have fun with the process, give your best and if a problem or casualty comes along the way... ignore it and move forward, focus on the positive things of life. 


There will be a slight improvement for every effort that you will exert. Sometimes no matter how strong your effort is you will only get a small improvement, that's all you need. If you can just be happy earning a few dollars today, gaining some subscribers or views in your you tube channel, feeling a little bit better, feeling a little bit faster after training for how many hours then your life will become much easier. The resistance will go away, you will have more motivation to continue and push for bigger rewards. You can improve anytime you want, it's really up to you if you will remain the same bum as yesterday. Hard work can improve your mentality and skill, aim for something in anything that you do, always think that you are improving. For example, a grocery bagger in the supermarket, he works so hard but he can't see any improvement in his life, he doesn't know that his work ethic and toughness is improving, if he will only see it that way then he can appreciate his life even more and he will be able to dream about bigger things. He can't see the improvement because he doesn't appreciate himself. 


If you really want to make a progress then treat every second as a process. Watch yourself, what are you doing now? every second you are building your life. Every thought is affecting your life and health, every negative thought is pushing you away from your dream, it's also damaging your health a little bit. Every stupid decision is derailing your progress so watch yourself carefully and never do something that is not even giving you anything in life, never do something that will only stop you from making a small improvement. Be smart, stay disciplined, stay committed and focus on what you're really trying to achieve. Every second you are making yourself, so always stay alert with your thoughts and actions because it will create a snowball effect in the future, you may go down or you may go up with your thoughts and actions.  


Having a hard time with your work, feeling so overwhelmed with the next task... these are all just an illusion. Just start the task and believe in what you do, believe that you can finish it even if you feel so lazy, take it one step at a time. Enjoy being slow but focused, enjoy the grind, breathe while moving and be appreciative with your work, love it, learn how to enjoy it and have fun even if it is a little bit boring. 

Apr 16, 2021


People will always scare you that something is hard but the truth is... it's really that simple. It's not easy but it's simple and not too hard like the stories they use to scare you. 

My cousin once told me that driving is hard especially on highways but when I tried it, it's not that hard. My friend once told me that I cannot earn by making websites like this, he said that there are too many competitors but look at this website... 7 years and still counting. My boos once told me that I can never make my own niche, that I must stay on his supervision and help the company grow, he was wrong... I am building my own empire now. 

People always tell me that I can't do something but I keep going and going that's why I prevail. 


It's not caring about what people say, it's not comparing your journey with other people's journey. All you need to do is try and take actions, keep trying even if you already failed a million times. Trust me, success will give up, it can never run away from you anymore. Success' space is running out, it can never hide, it can never escape from your hands, it's checkmate. 

You need to move all the time, you can only do that by not caring about what people are saying or doing. Just keep going. Because if you listen to them you will get discouraged, you will lose the motivation to move. Close your ears and have a tunnel vision towards your goal, do everything you can to make yourself closer and closer from it, stay focused, stay on the grind and put all of your time and energy to your dream. It's too simple if you will just work super hard and fast, never waste your time for nonsense things that are only making you slow and unfocused. You have to stay disciplined and committed, never mind if you're already too bored chasing your dream... just keep chasing it, make it your life, make your world revolve around it.


Don't worry if you're lacking something for now, just keep working and you will get what you need. If you're missing something just learn to adapt and improvise, use what is available and never complain just for a second. You will only be able to change your situation if you will not whine and cry like a hopeless beggar. Capitalize whenever there is an opportunity to grow and expand, devour every chances and own it like it's really yours. Go forward without fear and hesitation and you will find whatever you need. Never predict what's going to happen next negatively, predict it positively so you can move. Win or lose, you must move because that's the only way to have a chance of winning. You don't need to worry anymore about what's lacking in your journey, you will find it late if you keep going. Keep persevering and never stop. 


The only way to start without resistance is to start being a mediocre, don't look for perfection right away. Just do what you can do and carry on, find a way how to make things better bit by bit. It doesn't matter if you look perfect or not, don't try to be cute here, you are nothing so you need to work harder than everyone else and have a thick skin. It's all about the process, if you're willing to undergo any process then you will become invincible. It doesn't matter if you're wrong all the time, what matters is you're doing something and you're serious to finish. Take it one step at a time, little by little move forward and never mind what's going to happen next. You will be able to figure out what to do next if you're really serious with the process and have a non stop attitude. Just don't stop and you will finish, as simple as that. It's not really that hard but it's not easy too but you can make it easier if you will start now and do whatever it takes to finish. Make the process simple, don't over complicate it, remember that all you need to do is take action and that's it. 


I don't know why life works this way but some people will really scare you that it is hard, they will say you can't do it, they will say it's impossible, they will tell you a lot of stories to affirm their suggestions. Maybe they don't want to try chasing their dreams and that's why they want to have a company. They want you to be like them... people who didn't even try.  

If you are scared just move forward and that fear will disappear, as simple as that. It's ok to get nervous and anxious, it's ok to think negative a little bit but you have to overpower that fear with action and decisiveness. 


Always be a doer, be a starter and a finisher. Start fast and finish strong, never let your fears occupy your mind completely. You can only destroy fear by pushing yourself to move and just do it. Just start now and forget what may happen next. What will happen will happen but you need to take control and put yourself on the best position to succeed. Don't be afraid of the future, don't be afraid of the next move, just embrace your goal and never back down to any challenge. It's simply about forcing yourself to move and just do it. Detach from the outcome and embrace the process. Whenever you're overwhelmed, just breathe, stop thinking and just do what you need to do. Detach from everything, disconnect form perfect expectations and you will feel much better and relieved. 

You will be able to think more clearly if you will just do it, whatever scares you... just do it. Take it one step at at time and don't rush, you will feel free once you face your fears because you will feel in control. 


Stop scaring yourself by thinking too much about what will happen next. Just like in learning how to drive... stop thinking about the violations, red light, intersections, overtakes etc. All you need to do is focus on what you can do, focus on what you can control, stay in the moment and simply give your best. 

You will only get overwhelmed if you think about every detail along the way. Be present, stop thinking about the next move or the next sequence because you're powerless with that state of mind. Focus on what's goin on at the moment and you will feel more powerful and in control. 

Apr 14, 2021


This proof is so valid that it doesn't need any further study or evidence to prove that it's true. You can test it now, you can try it now and see if it really works for your life. Watch your thoughts, actions and words... your focus creates your reality. It is 101 percent true and nothing can break it, nothing can disapprove it. If you will just study your actions, words and thoughts from the past then you will know the answer why your life sucks right now. 
If you're unhealthy right now it means your lifestyle unhealthy, if your broke right now it means you're lazy like a turtle, if you're a loser right now it means you have losing habits. It's all about what you do and what you think that creates the result of your life. It's not about the people in your circle, it's not about the unfairness of the world... it's your thoughts, actions and habits that produces the results whether it's good or bad. So if you wanted to change then you better guard your habits, you better be careful of what you're saying and thinking because it all affects the world you're living in. The quality of you life depends on the quality of your thoughts.


Some people are thinking negative but are still having a decent life, it's because they're not following they're thoughts but most of the time your thoughts will control you. Some people are always thinking negative but they manage to change their thoughts right away, they're not negative all the time and they're intentions were still good that's why they manage to still live a decent life. But if you're always thinking negative all the time... your thoughts will manifest, it will show on your door in just a matter of time. That's why it's critical to be aware if you're thinking negative, change your thoughts right away and replace it with more healthy ones. 

But beware because if it's already your habit to think negative all the time then little by little you will become that person, you will embody negativity most of the time because it will show in your actions. Your dominant thoughts will control your actions.


Love can change your life in an instant, it can make you feel good, it can attract positive things. Be loving and positive and you will create a new reality that matches your dreams and aspirations. Yes it's hard to become one, it's hard to become perfectly positive all day but you can somehow increase the percentage of being positive than negative. It's simply training your mind, you can see positive things even if negative things are happening, discipline yourself to appreciate everything and see the good side of everything. Everything happens for a reason, if there is something you don't like at the moment... it's happening because good things are about to be revealed later. It's simply training yourself, it's simple doing whatever it takes to stay away from negativity. 

Stay optimistic, stay on the course of creating a better life. Life is what you make it, you get what you put in, what you are pursuing will be attracted to you. 


If you want some money but your focus is on looking for help then you will never get money. If you're always looking for the help of government or any charity then you will never get it. Maybe you will get sometimes but it's only limited, you will never get what you want. Because you will get mad if nobody is there to help you. But if you're focusing on creating money then you will be able to create it. There are some people who are living a luxurious life but their money never run out because they're too focused on making money, they don't care if they're spending a lot because what's coming in is swallowing what's going out. 

So if you want success then do what attracts success, think about success not asking for help. Talk about success instead of complaining. Just because you are getting something doesn't mean it's helping you. Just because you're getting help from the government doesn't mean your life is getting fixed. Look at those people who are completely broke... their focus is to get assistance, they wanted to get luck and that's why they can't fix their lives, they're trapped on that situation forever. Be aware of what you're doing and thinking all the time because it's molding your life. If you're focused on creating money instead for looking for some help then you will be able to generate some money, as simple as that. 


It's random events and information everywhere. See, you are not suppose to know everything, you are not suppose to absorb a lot of information that you don't need. It's necessary to protect your mind. These little interesting information are not helpful, the news, the gossips, you think they are important but they're really not. You have to be bold of what you want, define it and never entertain any information outside of it. LOCK IN, be strict in letting information to your brain, you have to use your willpower to fight any subject or image that is trying to penetrate in your mind. Just because it is distractive doesn't mean you will allow yourself to get distracted. You will feel power if you're focused, you will have more energy for pursuing your dreams if you're focused and determined. 

If you want to become big focus on getting big and not playing small. Stop complaining, stop thinking about what other people are getting because it's not helping you. Just because they are getting something doesn't mean you also have to get what they are getting. It's not ok to get freebies all the time because it's destroying your focus of getting bigger and better. 


Make a list of the people, things and circumstances that you wanted to see in your life and focus on it. Think about it, talk it to the person you trusted, feed your energy off it. Make sure you are looking and spending your energy to things that you really want. Stop giving time to nonsense subjects that will destroy your focus, focus on creating the life that you want and not on destroying your life with random information from everywhere. 

Apr 11, 2021


Block me, hate me, fail me, reject me, punish me, kill me, punch me, burn me, torture me.... I don't care, I will push forward. My mind was fixed, I know I'm going to succeed, I know I will make my dreams come true. It's up to you if you will join the bandwagon and ride with me as I rise or follow the crowd and ridicule me. I don't give a damn, this life was made for something big. I'm ready to leave everything and use all of my power and time to succeed. It's not about winning anymore, it's about me pushing myself to the limits and seeing what is possible for my life. I don't care about what they're talking about, I don't care about what they think of me, I will just push and see what I can get.

I don't care if they call me a fool because of trying so hard, so be it, I will push forward even if the universe is against me. I will use my willpower and tenacity to bend the reality. I don't care about winning anymore, all I know is I must push and give everything I have to know what is possible. 

There's no time for being sensitive and emotional, it's about the willingness to push even if there's no more energy left on the tank.      


I don't care if I am sick, I don't care if I am feeling bad, I don't care if I'm having a worst day, all I care is moving forward. Mind is stronger than the body, if you have a strong mentality then your body will follow, you can force your body to take actions even if you're depressed or sick. So stop making dramas and forget about how you feel, separate the body and the mind if you're not feeling well. Always think that your mind is powerful and it can control any part of your body. You can move even if you feel so damn lazy, that's a fact, so don't ever think that you're not feeling well, don't ever think that you can't take actions because you can anytime you want to. You can move anywhere, anytime and that is your biggest privilege. Whatever you are thinking of consistently will become true, that's a fact not just a make believe statement. Keep thinking about greatness and you will become great. It only means that you have to invest in your mind, keep your mind healthy and strong and nothing will be impossible to you. 


Greatness is simply pushing your body and mind to work hard. It's not about accomplishments and wins, it's about forcing yourself to work hard because most of the time you're doubting yourself and feeling lazy, most of the time you're scared to even just try. If you do what you need to do today then you're already great, as simple as that. Never mind their definition of greatness and simply follow your own intuition, follow your heart's desire, just move and never stop... you will come up with something one day. So if you can force yourself to act whenever you're scared, feeling lazy or depressed then you're one of a kind person, you're already great because most people were soft and full of drama nowadays. Never complicate the meaning of greatness, it's simply doing what you need to do, doing what is right and trying to push a little bit to go to the next level. You can play with greatness, you can have fun with it. 

Never stop pushing, even if your process is not too technical and sound, even if you can't see results as of now... never stop pushing because that's the only choice you have left. You can never complain if you want something big, you can never make excuses. It is what it is, if it's hard so be it, you can blame everything but that kind of mentality will never help you, all you can do is trust yourself and keep grinding everyday. 


Because you don't want to feel, you want a perfect outcome right away. You don't want to feel the hard work, you don't want to feel the step by step process. It's a work, success is a work, don't every wish for it if you're not willing to work as hard as you can dummy. Just do the first step and never stop, that's it, that's how to become successful, you don't need to study robotics here, just work and keep dreaming. You have to believe that you can achieve something. You have to believe that every work you do is working for you. 

Don't rush the results, you have to keep feeling the process, you have to take it one step at a time. Stay committed to the grind and never give up even if it's too hard. Enjoy the grind itself, feel proud that you are working hard and giving your best. The reward itself is the grind, you become a better person every time you grind, you get more, you grow and you transform into a beast. 

It's also hard to push because you're not focused on what you're trying to achieve. There are so many things running inside of your mind. You're so invested to many things that are outside of your goal. Focus on your goals only and it will be easier for you to work harder, you will be able to push yourself to the limits. It's not hard to push, you just don't wanna do it. Stop acting powerless, stop pretending that you can't do it, start it and you will have the strength to finish it. 


It's harder to push when you're not being yourself. Being yourself means you trust yourself, you focus on your own journey and you never let people dictate for you. Being yourself means you appreciate what you can do and you're doing it no matter how strong the pressure is, you trust your own decisions and you believe that you can overcome anything. 

Being yourself means not trusting anybody to do the work for you, you will take matters into your own hands and you will live and die with your own process, you will accept any kind of result and you will be happy with it because you did it your way. If you want to become stronger then focus on your own strengths and skills, believe that you can do something big. Ever time you feel confident about your actions will take another action, you will keep going further, it's all about not caring about what people say and simply following your heart. It's simply about believing that great things are about to come and ignoring all the problems that are blocking your way. 

Apr 9, 2021


Get ready to leave everything and watch yourself rise. You've been a bum for so long, you know longer know the meaning of being good, you're below the average, you're too near from being weak and useless. Now is the time to watch yourself rise, this is the best time to succeed. This is the right time, stop waiting for tomorrow, stop waiting for luck. If you have something to do that is urgent do it now, what are you waiting for? speed is the name of the game. Most successful people only use one thing... that is speed. You have to stay consistent, you have to devour every opportunity knocking on your door even if the chances of winning is very slim. It's like being an opportunistic gangster that is so fearless of losing. You have to take matters into your own hands, do everything in your power to win. 


Be patient because it will take time, you have to grind like hell, stop talking about greatness if all you do is whine all day long and make excuses. Stop talking about greatness if all you do is make excuses and complain that life is hard, of course it is hard, what do you expect? an easy life? if everything is easy then beggars would have been millionaires by now and lazy people would have been kings by now. Life is hard, chasing success is like chasing forever. But you can't quit, you can't give up just like that without giving a good fight. Keep going no matter what, keep pushing even if nothing is happening, that's what it is all about... not giving up while all people already given up. Never underestimate the small steps because it will pile up in the future, it will create greatness, don't worry if you didn't get anything today by taking a few small steps, stay consistent and you will reap your rewards in the future. 


Just believe and it will come, the great life will come, all you've got to do is keep pushing, keep believing in yourself and do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. There is no miracle needed here, you just nee to sacrifice and work as hard as you can. Target a goal and never stop chasing it, life will become really good by doing this. Don't be afraid to wait. Your time will come, maybe it will take longer than expected but it will come, that's why you can't quit now because it's game over if you quit. You've come this far so don't ever quit, don't waste the hard work and restless nights that you put in. 

All you have to do is believe and work hard, that's it, it's too simple and basic. It's coming, your life will change, you can do something spectacular. 


In order to win, in order to rise... you need to take a lot of actions, you need to work hard and have that feeling of invincibility, you need to feel you can do anything you can. To feel more powerful you need to detach from the outcome, you need to feel good about working hard and having no regrets if you fail despite of giving your all. You will only win if you're focus on the moment and not thinking about what's going to happen next. Enjoy taking actions, you will never win if you keep thinking about the future. Life is happening now, the journey is in the now, it's not tomorrow nor later, it's only happening now. To manifest success you must give your best every single second, always bring your A game to the table and never think about failing, don't be scared if you need to try again, don't feel frustrated if you need to  try a million times.


Upgrade your mentality, you need to have a new mind, a strong mind that can withstand any kind of storm. Don't be like others who were just good in starting but very poor in finishing. Create that killer instinct, it's not about talent, it's not about luck, it's about the level of your perseverance.

Be careful of what affirmations you are using everyday, if you keep saying "my life sucks" then your body will believe it, your reality will be shifted to problems and uncertainties but if you keep saying "my life is great" then you will really have a good life that is full of excitement and greatness. To create a stronger mind you need to be aware of what you're thinking and saying. Every words coming out from your mouth will affect your reality and mentality. Your mind is everything so take care of it, feed it with the right thoughts. 

Your mind can make your body strong, it can heal your wounds, it can cure your sickness, it can change your bum life. So forget about everything but not your mind, your mind is your strongest weapon, it can save you and protect you from anything. It can give you anything you want, so be careful of the thoughts you are letting in because it will harm you in the long run if it's negative. 


What you're focusing on will be your reality, and that's a fact now just a make believe quote. Watch yourself, ever time you focus on getting the money you will get some money, every time you focus on problems you will have more problems. Fix your mind to your goal and make yourself closer and closer from it, as simple as that. Watch yourself getting magnetized by your goal. It's easy to get distracted by a lot of things that's why you need to be mindful of your actions, be aware of what you're doing and detect all the time if an activity is derailing your success. Disregard all the things and subjects that are outside of your goal, focus on thing only and that is success. You will become faster, more skilled and powerful if you are focused and determined. 


You can fly, you have the wings, spread it and use it to soar. Don't be scared to fall, don't be scared to fail. It's all about taking risks, if you wanted to fly... take risks and don't be afraid of what might happen next. What will happen will happen, the beauty of life is taking all the opportunity being presented to you. Use all of your power, most of the time you're just using 30 percent of your power, you must go all in every single day and discover your full potential. Be an eagle that glides to the air, fly the highest, soar and never look down. 

Apr 8, 2021


Stop fooling yourself, you know what to do, you're just too lazy to execute and start. You heard it from time to time from different people that all it takes to become successful is hard work and nothing else. Why do you still need an advice? you can read, you can write, you can work hard, you can do everything, you're just pretending that you don't have the knowledge yet. You're pretending to be inexperience, not knowledgeable or weak but the truth is you know what to do but you're just procrastinating. In any career that you choose, all you need to do is focus, work hard and strive to become great, what's so difficult about that? your journey becomes difficult because you're thinking too much about what to do, you're over complicating things by overthinking and worrying about what will happen tomorrow. You're full of dramas and weak stuffs, you're full of excuses that are not excusable. 


Admit it to yourself that you're just making an excuse, you really don't want to work. You're lazy, there is nothing wrong with you, you're just too lazy. You already knew what to do, you're just trying to postpone the work. Stop pretending that you need an advice, you already heard it before... hardwork is all you need. Stop looking for a magic pill or magic wisdom, you just need to work like hell and believe in yourself. 


You just want to burn time, you're having fun hearing the advices of these gurus but the truth is you will never execute what they preach, you will never do it. You're already happy hearing their words, you really don't have the will to take actions and do whatever it takes. You're just trying to be cute, you're pretending that you're learning something and that your life will change after hearing what they say but the truth is you're not going to do anything, you're still the same bum as before you hear their motivational stories. 


By procrastinating and always asking for questions how are you going to do it, by looking for motivation all the time... you're only making the situation worse. Stop making your life miserable, don't you see that every time you seek for an advice your life gets worse? it's not helping you at all, the best advice is not taking an advice, figure it out yourself. 


Even if you heard the nicest advice in town, even if you already know what to do... you're still a bum if you're not moving. Most people will clap their hands after watchin a motivational speaker but it didn't changed them, they're the same bum because when they go home they will still do the same crap that they've been doing for years. 


You can win, you can become successful if you want to. All it takes is heart, you've got to believe in your dreams no matter what. You've got to be the hardest working person in the world and your skills will develop. Just be yourself no matter what, don't judge yourself, and just keep moving forward all the time. It doesn't matter if you're failing for as long as you're moving forward... you're fine, you're exactly on the right place where you want to be. It's all about never giving up, that's it, you keep pushing even if it's hard, you keep grinding even if it feels like hell, it's so simple. Never mind about how you feel, never mind about feeling bad or uncomfortable and just keep moving forward all the time. 


How many years have you been sleeping and not doing anything? how many years have you take your life for granted. Trans form into a beast right now, do whatever it takes to win in life, it's all about action, it's not about knowledge, it's not about technicality or being fast... it's about who can work the most, as simple as that. Transform into a beast right now, you better keep moving or else you will become a loser forever do you want that? 


Everyone has hos own agenda, everyone is just marketing themselves, stop looking for a guru who will teach you how to do things and just teach yourself. Watch yourself, do it your way. Create your own journey, in order to grow you have to keep investing on yourself. Just experiment, use the trial and error method, look for what is working and simply repeat it a million times. These marketing gurus, motivational preachers were just trying to get some load of money from you. You don't need a teacher, you don't need someone to guide you if you're not afraid of making mistakes. Even if you're not fast, even if you're making a lot of mistakes... it's ok. 


Those people who were giving an advice may or may not made it in life. But if some people can become successful then you can become successful too. You don't need to look for answers, just do whatever you can do and that's it, trust the process, fall in love with the process and you will attract success. They're no different from you, they're not cut from a different cloth, they're just human beings too so if they can do it then there's no reason that you can't do it. 


Don't be afraid to fail, keep trying and that's it. When was the last time you fail? you didn't know right? it's because you're not even trying, you're so afraid to fail. Don't you know that failing will show you the answer, it will show you the way, it will take your mentality to another level. Just fail now and you already did the right step. 

Apr 5, 2021


To become successful in life... you need to believe in everything you do, even if it's not working... you still need to believe it. Have confidence in every move you execute, feel joyful with every step that you take and avoid regrets when you fail or made a mistake. It is what it is not all the time you are right but the point here is you must believe in yourself because even if you're right... you will look incorrect if you don't trust your move. Just trust the next step, even if you're not sure about it... believe it and feel confident about it, don't doubt yourself just for a second if you want to have an edge in life. Trust that everything you do is bringing you closer to victory, there is nothing wrong in believing in yourself. 


Every move is a needle mover, maybe some moves will look like they're not making an impact but if you keep doing it... you will see the results in the long run. Just move now and don't stop, chase a goal and never stop until you get it. You can even apply this to a small task, most people were having a difficulty starting and finishing a simple task like washing the dishes or simply cleaning their rooms, it's because they wanted to finish fast. If you have this mentality of wanting to finish or achieve fast then you will never become successful, it's because you're training yourself to become lazy, you're training yourself to look for shortcuts and easy path. Trust me, looking for an easy way is harder than taking actions one at a time because it's impossible to find an easy way. Every person who look for shortcuts failed in the end, there is no such thing as cutting corners when you want to become successful, you have to deal with all the casualties and challenges that is attached with that journey. 

Just do everything to finish the present step, do everything in your willpower to finish something. never stop until you're done, all you need to do is move and you're already on the right path. 


Your life is either moving or procrastinating, which life do you want more? it's either improving or getting worse. You have the choice to move or not, you have the power to make your life a little bit better. Why are you not doing it? it's because you want to have a perfect life right away which will never happen. Never stop moving, there is no improvement if there's no movement, you have to execute now, start now and finish strong. It doesn't matter if your execution is perfect or not, what matters is you are moving and you're not slacking off. Every action is the right action because it's putting you on a better position than yesterday. If you can just move now then you already improved. So if you want your life to change then move now, be aware if you're not moving. 


A man who made a move is much better than a man who's planning to move, a man who didn't know what he's doing but did it anyway is much better than a man who knows what to do but it procrastinating. You already have an edge once you move, movements create opportunities, it opens the door of possibilities. Always think that whenever to take actions you're already winning. Most people are slow nowadays, they can't decide, they can't execute the first step. They're stopping themselves for whatever reason. A person who's willing to fail already won because he will not stop until he become successful. You never know, maybe the next step could server as bridge to the break you've been waiting for. You have to keep trying even if you already failed a million times. Choose to be a mover rather than a result seeker, choose to take actions over complaining and looking for reasons why you can't become successful. If you can take massive actions then you will attract massive results, as simple as that. So if you can be just a trier and a hard worker then you can outpace everyone, you can get on top, you already have a huge advantage. Most people now are waiting, they're so lazy and weak. Maybe they're better than you but if you can outwork them then they're no match for you. 


A small action may not attract the results you desire but it can create a momentum to put you on the right track. It can spark progress, it can be a bridge to a bigger picture. Be a believer of the process, fall in love with small actions from time to time, taking actions related to your goal must make you really happy. It can be done, you can control your emotions, it's just a matter of conditioning your mind and repeating affirmations about actions and success. You must be obsessed with small actions and never look for immediate results right away. Never care if it's tiring, you just need to adapt to hard work and it will never become a hard work anymore, train your body to work hard everyday and everything will become easier for you. Believe that hard work will pay off, believe that you're getting something from the work that you are putting in. The next move is always right because your intention is to win, it's right because you're thinking positive about it and there is hope. 

Just believe and work hard, that's it, there's no complexity about it, it's simply about working hard and doing what is right. 


If you can make it a habit to push everyday then things will be different, you will attract more results, you will go to another level, as simple as that. The reason why most people are stuck is because they don't want to push. You will become stuck in a mud if you're always looking for results, it's a common sense that you need to work. Push your body and mind, make sure you are elevating your game, make sure you are getting better, make sure you are working harder than yesterday. Always remember that your life is working if you are working, things will get better if you're doing whatever it takes to make your life good. Just simply push, you will feel better if you do this, you will feel powerful, you will gain more confidence. Go all out every single day, be a man on a mission, if you want results then make this day count, never take it for granted, do everything in your power to make your position better. Push yourself to the limits to get answers, push yourself to know your full potential. 



When you say I love you to a pretty sexy woman, you must have an intention to bring her home. When you apply for a job, you must have an intention of really working for the company you apply for a job. When you go to a school you must have an intention to learn and get high grades. When you chase a goal you must have the intention of really getting it, just like a lion who has an intention of really killing its prey. You must have that killer instinct. Because the question is do you really want it or not? don't try to look cute, don't be soft... go for it, give your all, give your heart and soul to get it. 

When you dream about something, you must have the intention of really getting it no matter what. You must get it even if you have to risk everything, that's how to become a winner. You must be focused, you must be bold, every action should be related to winning and nothing else. 

Just like in doin a simple task, you can never finish it if you don't have a strong intention of finishing it. You can never make a simple task amazing if your intention is weak. 

Don't just do something for the sake of having something to do. You must have a clear intention why are you doing it, this kind of mentality will make you a winner, it will make your life much much better. Always ask yourself before doing something... why am I doing this? can I get something from this? 

Make up your mind, do you really want it or not? if yes then make sacrifices, if not then stop thinking about it because you will never get it. You must exert a very strong effort, you must show that you really want it regardless of difficult circumstances. 

No drama will save you, no weak moves will give you advantage. You must show that you want it so bad and you're willing to die for it... that' the only way to win. Stop playing games, you must be serious here, you must do what most people can't do. 


Some NBA teams will join the league and will tank for a lottery pick, they will never try to win because they want to get the highest pick next season. What the hell did the join the league for? they don't have an intention to win, they just join the league to become a loser, I can't get it. And when the next season comes... they still didn't improve even if they get the lottery pick. 

Never join a competition if you don't have an intention to win, it will become your habit, it will become your culture. No matter how strong your opponent is... have that intention to win so that you will win. If you will think that you can't win now then you will never really win, as simple as that. You must have the baddest intention if you want to get more. 

You will never win if your one foot is thinking about winning but the other foot is not even moving, you can't be half hearted if you wanted to win. You should go all in, you should execute the first step fast and execute the remaining steps with power. Be aggressive and always look forward to win no matter what your position in life is, you must be hungry and decisive. 

It's not about how strong you are, it's not about how good the cards you hold on your hands, it's about how strong your intention is. Do you have the burning desire? are you willing to do the impossible? are you willing to work for it and do the things that not all people can do?


An intention crates progress, it creates direction, it creates something. Just like in playing a guitar, what's your intention for playing it? some people will just play it to show off, they will just hold it without even know why they are playing it. Every time you play you must have the intention to improve and play good music, you must have the intention to make your sound much better so that you will be able to play good music and make your skills better. Some people will just play the guitar or whatever instrument they are playing for nothing, they will just hold the instrument and play lazy or without any goal to improve or become better a little bit. And that's why they sound worse. 

You will become more disciplined if you have an intention, you will watch your actions and ask yourself why are you doing it? doing it for what? if you have an intention to become better then all of your actions will be related to upgrading your skills and life. You will never do stupid things, you will stay focused and consistent. 

If you're lost then it means you don't have an intention to win in life, it means you're just going with the flow that is wrong and has no direction. 


Believe that you can get it and you will get it. Believe that every action is making you closer and closer from what you want. Some people will want something but they're not going all out, they're intention is weak, all they want is to dream and think about it. If you have a strong intention then you will do the extreme, you will go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to win. If your intention is really strong then you will never notice the things that are outside of your goal, you're locked in to your goal, you don't care about some other things anymore. 

If you wanted to win in life you must know what you want and you must be willing to do whatever it takes to get it. You must be willing to do everything to position yourself on a better place to win. Don't ever think that some actions were useless. You must think that every action can contribute to your victory. 

#action #motivation


This is the way, no hesitation, no doubts, no worries and just do it. Take actions and never give up. No matter what thought is distracting ...