Aug 1, 2017


Don't give yourself the entitlement of greatness or something that is big. If you don't want to get disappointed... treat yourself like nothing. Hey, it is not about belittling yourself or looking at yourself like a failure or a loser, it is about killing your ego and accepting what you can't control.

Even if you're so successful, there are some people who will not respect you, some people will throw stones at you but there is nothing you can do about it. Just ignore them and remember that it is not so much of a big deal, it is nothing, treat yourself like nothing, you don't need to make a revenge, you don't need to remind them how good you are. Just focus on moving forward and push yourself to reach a newer level of success. Because that is what is life all about... just simply focusing on your life and welcoming the best options, not stopping by and fighting the people who step on your ego.

If you always feel special, if you always feel like you need a special treatment... you will always find situations that will make you mad. It is because you're acting like a diva, you're acting like a king. You don't need it, you can always feel happy if you will stay simple, down to earth and accepting that there are times when people will be disrespectful of you.

Just like in pursuing a goal... always try, always give your best. Remember that your default is zero, you have nothing in your pocket, you have nothing to lose, treat yourself like nothing so you can gain everything. Don't feel like you're already entitled to win, don't think that you must stay perfect because if you have that kind of mindset... you will become conservative, you will not try risky things that will give you some success.

If you will treat yourself like nothing then you will have no pressure performing at your best, you will not think about what people say and that will give you so much freedom to be yourself, you can express yourself to the fullest and utilize all of your knowledge and skills. If they laugh at you... it is nothing, if you fail... it is nothing. Your goal is to simply be yourself and win every situation, how they treat you and think of you is none of your business.

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Just be fast, do something and never stop, as simple as that. That's the only way to change your bum life, that's the only way to be...