1. Don't be needy for an attention. Don't do the things that are not connected to the real you just to get attention from other people. You will become more attractive if you're not making yourself look like a crook. Just be natural and just go with the flow, don't make looking for an attention as your goal. Just speak when you need to, just take actions that you really want to and make your timing a genuine timing. The reason why people can't get attention from other people is because they want it badly, if you will not be needy of any attention then people will start to recognize you. You will have fans, you will have supporters. So stop proving yourself because if you know yourself then there is nothing else to prove.
2. Be yourself. It's hard to be yourself but once you mastered it... you will achieve true happiness, you will look attractive to a lot of people because you will become super confident. You will feel loose and creative. You will release a very strong energy that will catch the attention of people. The key here is just do what you are good at, don't be afraid of what people say, don't be defensive and just enjoy living. Use your talents, use you skills, use everything you can use to rise to the top. Don't stop yourself from expressing yourself.
3. Infuse pain in your life. Infuse pain that has benefits in the future. Pain in passion, pain in exercise, pain in building your brand. Pain will make you grow and if people are seeing you growing... they will like you, you will become an interesting person. They will ask you how you did it and of course you will put on a humble smile but deep inside you are proud of yourself.
4. Be the best in something. Whether it is about opening bottles with your fingers or teeth... be the best at it. Whether it is about playing an unknown musical instrument... make yourself really good at it. People wants someone who is really good, they love greatness, if you're great at something... you will standout and become attractive. That is why there are lot of not so good looking musicians who were dating hot chicks... they were great and that makes them really attractive.
Something that powers your mind. It is about motivation, self discipline, mental toughness, success, self development, achieving goals, techniques and ways to give you advantages in life.
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