Mar 18, 2025


If you're chasing a goal, I mean a big big goal and got to a point where you think it will never work then you better think again, of course it will work, of course you will get something from it. Take a break if you need to but don't ever quit, keep working again and again, keep failing again and again, the only evidence that it will work is you're not stopping. When you're not stopping, when you promise to yourself to become relentless, when you're taking it seriously and nothing is stopping you even if you're not getting any results then you will win in the end for sure. Of course you will feel depleted, gassed and washed, you will feel empty and running out of energy but that is normal because you're just a human being. Rest if you must but don't ever quit, take a deep breathe if you need to and keep on hammering it, hammer it till the bitter ends. You don't need to win right away, you don't need to look pretty, stay dirty and just keep on pushing forward. Make your hands dirty and keep trying something that will somehow make your situation a little bit better. The time is now, stop daydreaming, stop hoping because it will never work. Just focus on taking actions and that's it. You will make mistakes, you will fail, you will have to start again but that's part of the process, you can never escape it. It is really hard but something will click in the end, something will shop up, something will work, you just need to make it work. Keep on tying again and again and never give up, as simple as that. If you're still working then something is working for you, don't think too much and just work as hard as you can. This is the time to get serious, if you really want something then stop giving attention to a lot of stupid things that doesn't even matter at all. Stop all the dramas, stop all the nonsense that is making you weak and slow. You have to keep on grinding, it's your thoughts that matters, nothing else matters other than your thoughts and actions. You are what you repeatedly think and do so if you keep on thinking about millions and progress then you're in good hands but if you keep on thinking about reasons why you're not progressing then you will get stuck forever. Take matters into your own hands and give everything you've got. You got this, if you still believe a little bit then keep on grooming that belief, never get tired, never quit because you will have a breakthrough one day, you will make it one day. You just need to take it seriously and give more time for your dream. At the end of the day numbers don't lie, you can never predict the future but if you're not giving a lot of effort and repetiiton then you are doomed to fail forever. 

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If you're chasing a goal, I mean a big big goal and got to a point where you think it will never work then you better think again, of co...