Mar 12, 2025


Sop striving to become the strongest, stop striving to become fearless, stop striving to become the best and just learn to face all of your fears, learn to be in the moment, learn to feel and embrace everything. Just take actions and never look back, as simple as that. Striving to become fearless is like striving to become fly. You will never become fearless but you can embrace all of your fears and do everything you can to win or simply survive. Be scared, be nervous, be anxious but know and understand that you can still take actions, you can calm yourself and be in the moment. Slow it down if you need to, the more you slow things down the more you gain control, be in the place of understanding and control, be in the place of awareness and consciousness. Most of the time you're not in the moment that's why you lose power, that's why you become weak. If you want to become powerful learn to be in the moment and never shy away from any embarrassment, pressure, defeat, struggle or pain. Just stick with it and never try to rush things, never try to look for comfort, be in the moment and never try to escape. Looking for comfort means weakness, avoiding pain and discomfort is the path to weakness and more pain. If you want to get stronger then never avoid discomfort, just deal with it and never complain. You will get stronger and stronger in life the more you face the pain and never complain about the situation. Never let your ego make you do stupid things. Your go creates weakness, just deal with whatever is infront of you and never judge yourself, never judge the situation, never judge people, don't react. Be cold and always remember that breathing is power, it's enough, make your life simpler and you will become more powerful. Don't think too much, stop worrying because it's inviting stress and weakness. Just be in the moment because that's all you've got, being in the present moment is power, it will make you more and more powerful, it will give you what you need, you don't need anything anymore if you will stay in the moment. You are enough, what you have is enough, accepting this will give you more energy and resources. Most people think that they don't have enough that's why they feel powerless, distracted and jealous. If you will not try to prove yourself, if you will stop thinking about perfection, if you will stop worrying about what people say then you already won. Not trying to prove your point, not forcing everyone to believe or like you is power. Having this kind of mindset and perfecting it is a blessing, it will make you invincible, nothing can ever hurt you anymore. Of course you will still struggle and feel the pain but you will be able to neutralize it fast with your thoughts and beliefs. 


No need to ask for questions, just do it, just try and never stop, keep pushing forward and let your mistakes make you grow. Asking for stupid questions that has no gains is a waste of time and energy. Just live life and you don't need to question anything anymore. Every mistake, failure, embarrassment, repetition is all part of your life. There is nothing wrong with your life, there is nothing wrong about being wrong, it's just a judgement, it's just a perception. 

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Sop striving to become the strongest, stop striving to become fearless, stop striving to become the best and just learn to face all of your ...