Sep 16, 2022

go all in or don't go at all

If you will try something... go all the way or else don't even try at all, go all the way, all the way. Even if the odds were against you, even if the Gods were laughing at you, even if you are powerless and has no help... go all the way, maybe the Gods will spare you a little bit of a chance if they saw your desire and willingness to win. Maybe they will give you a chance if they felt that you are for real and has no plan of quitting. You have to decide now that you're going to try, go all the way no matter what, forget about getting tired, forget about not making it, forget about making a mistake, forget about failure, just go all the way, go all in and give everything you've got, because this is the only way you can know if you can really become successful or not. Stop making excuses, stop acting like a clown, just start and do it. 


Don't worry about the results, don't worry about what will happen next, don't worry about if you're going to win or not... worry if you're not giving your all. Stop being scared of the things that you can't control and just focus on what you can control, as simple as that. The things that you have power the most is your thoughts and efforts. You can become a believer and at the same time the hardest working person on the planet. Stop being a punk and start believing in yourself, if you really believe in yourself then you will not behave like that, you will do whatever it takes to win, you will go all in and give everything you've got every second. There should be no time wasted, there should be no excuses and foolish actions, you're all in, you're not taking any reservations, you will never negotiate... you will just go out and do it. If you're in a bad situation right now, if you keep on failing... don't put the blame to anybody, look at yourself and see if you are giving your all. Check yourself if you are really disciplined and committed, if not then never complain for a second, it's on you if you want to become successful or not. Stop looking for a scapegoat, stop looking for out of the world excuses why you are not thriving and just check yourself if you're giving your all or not. 


Your own journey, economy, process, style, belief. Enjoy what you have with all your heart. Never give your time for some stupid random post in social media. Keep moving forward and watch yourself evolve, never care about what other people are doing. Fall in love with your own skills, beliefs, hard work and mentality. Focus on being active and becoming a little bit better every now and then. It doesn't matter if you are slow, it doesn't matter what other people are doing or achieving, focus on your own life and you will become very happy, you will be in full control. 


Your mindset is the key, if you have a very strong mindset then you will never fail, as simple as that. Your mind is everything, if you can control your thoughts then you can control your life. Your mindset is the game changer, work on it, make it strong and positive and you will have a very good life. Pick the right thoughts, never entertain thoughts that will make you feel regretful, bad or guilty. You have to feel good about your thoughts, it should make you feel blessed and lucky. Most of the time you're entertaining problems and resistance and that is why you're having trouble in making a progress. 


You think that it's not working but it is, you just need to be patient more. You just need to wait while working hard, never think that you're just wasting time grinding for nothing, you are getting better and better every time you work your ass off. It will work if you persevere enough and stick to it until the end. Stop being a quitter, stop being a coward and never be afraid to lose. It's ok to fail again and again because something will click in the future, success will be felt in the long run, just keep on plodding and do whatever it takes to succeed... that's how to get the job done. 


If something is not making you better or at least improve your situation a little bit then never do it. Why the hell will you do it? that's a pussyass move. You're only wasting your time, energy and effort. You better do something that will put you on a better position to succeed. Every time you waste will damage you and will make you slow and broke. Your time is your only commodity to success don't ever waste it for a stupid tik tok influencer that doesn't give you any knowledge to at least gain an advantage in life. Stop consuming a lot of information that will never take you to the next level. It's all about how disciplined you are, every second counts, every second is an opportunity to get better or at least put yourself on a better position to become successful. 


You're hard on yourself, you hate yourself, you hate your situation because you don't know what you can do. You're so afraid to try, you're so afraid that you might fail but you want to get to the next level. The real reward is discovering what you can really do and that will only happen through hard work and perseverance. Because you will always ask yourself if you can do it or not, you will only get the right answer if you will try and push yourself to the limits. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...