Sep 20, 2022


Forget the result, forget the money and success. Just do it because you wanted to see how far you can go. This kind of mentality will make you take massive actions. Just see how hard can you go, just see how big you can become with your chosen style and process. Don't do it for the money, do it for the numbers, see how much you can accumulate. Don't do it for success, do it for yourself, see what you are made of, see what you can become if you really work hard and push yourself to the limits. Make it a game, lessen the pressure by forgetting the results, accept what the outcome maybe and never judge yourself according to what you achieve. Just play this game of life and discover what is possible for you if you give your best and go all the way. There is really no pressure here, you are here to test yourself. 


If you want to witness greatness, if you want to know your true capabilities or potential... you need to embrace a boring life. You need to accept that you need to make sacrifices and choose the harder path. You can never see your full potential if you're always having a good time, it is what it is... it's going to get harder everyday, you will feel tired and stressed, you will feel weird and unhappy but that's the price of wanting to become great... you will get bored everyday. But don't worry because once you get use to it... everything will become a lot easier. It's boring but once you learn how to have fun and embrace the process... you will get addicted to it because you will see yourself getting better everyday. 


You will never force yourself if you always feel that there is tomorrow, you will waste a lot of time if you're not in a sense of urgency. If it is one month get it in one month, if it's two months then get it in two months. You need a timeline so you will be obligated to take massive actions and never waste any single second. Just start fast and never stop, it doesn't matter if you fee good or bad, it doesn't matter if you know it or not... just start and never hold yourself back. You have to be fast in starting and strong in finishing. Because you will never make a progress is you're always thinking every now and then, stop thinking too much and just focus on the execution. Never disrespect the timeline, you have to take it seriously and never look for extensions, you have to really push yourself and move faster, never make excuses, never stop... you have to do everything you can to achieve what you're trying to accomplish. 


If you will not force yourself to take actions and fail then you will never succeed, as simple as that. You already failed if you didn't try. The only path to success is through failure. Failing is what makes the journey beautiful, you fail over and over again until you finally become successful. Never care just move forward, at the end of the day you will still fail if you didn't give your very best, you will become a failure forever if you don't push yourself to the limits, there is no harm in trying. The truth is you will make mistakes again, you will fail again, you can never stop it from coming, it will happen to you today or in the future. But the point here is... if you don't want to face it then you will never become successful, you have to try now, you have to do whatever it takes to get to another level. You have to feel nothing about failures, embarrassment, humiliation, rejection and unrewarded efforts. You have to keep going everyday and feel like a man possessed. You must be relentless and unstoppable, be fast, do it now, start now and never think about what is going to happen next. 


Force yourself to move, pull the trigger, just do it, don't ever relax, don't slack off... you've got to be moving forward all the time and never procrastinate for a second. Just take one step now and then follow through, forget about the result, forget about the future because it's only making you slow and worried. Stop thinking and just move forward, it's too simple, the results will come naturally if it is about to come. But for now, don't worry about it and just focus on doing something, focus on getting better one day at a time.


Your experiences, the past is programming you to think a certain way. You are judging yourself based on your past, that's why you always lose your confidence every time you fail. Past is no longer present, it's just a memory, it's no longer helping you so why dwell on it? if you failed a lot in the past... forget it and rewrite your new life now. Past is no longer serving you, it's just poisoning your mind and making you believe that you are weak. Thinking about the past, thinking about your failures and shortcoming is not making you better, you have to focus on the present and prepare for the future. What is done is done, you can never get it back anymore and do the right thing, all you can do is embrace the present moment and do whatever it takes to win. 


If you will just do it step by step then everything will be a lot easier, nothing is hard if you will just take it one step at a time. Take the first step and then follow through, never stop, just keep going, just keep moving forward all the time. You can adapt to anything, you can do anything if you will put your mind to it. Everything becomes harder because you don't want to take the first step, you're a pussy, you're a coward. Stop being like that if you want to experience a new life. The time is now, you have to pull the trigger and never waste any single second procrastinating and acting like a bum. Force fate, force the issue, command the universe through hard work and perseverance. 

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