May 1, 2022


Whether it's good or bad... love it, appreciate it. Anything you feel is part of your life, it's part of who you are. You can enjoy fear, anxiety, worries, depression and doubts. Don't hate it, enjoy it until it's gone, live moment by moment, understand that it's normal and you need to feel those emotions because it's part of being human. Don't resist any of your emotion, what you feel is what you are, what you feel is just another part of your life. Feel it and understand it, let it run in your system. Don't panic, don't look for good feelings when you're feeling bad. Don't try to take confidence when you're scared, just stay still and relax, any emotion will come and go. There is no permanent emotion. But you have to know what you are feeling, you have to be aware that you're feeling something. Never let your emotions control you, feel it at the moment and just wait for what's going to happen next. 

Feel happy that you're feeling something, feel appreciative of what you feel because it only means you're still alive. You're dead already if you're not feeling anything. Life is simply breathing, being in the moment and facing your fears. There's nothing else behind it, it's simply about embracing the moment no matter how bad it was. Life doesn't mean you need to be happy, secured, successful or rich. Life is simply about living no matter where place you are, it's breathing and not resisting any situation, it's simply being alive, everything else that was beautiful was just a bonus. Who can make his life simpler and easy is going to be happy. You can still make your life easy even if you're facing a difficulty. Just accept everything, when you're failing accept it, when you're struggling accept it, when you're losing accept it, when you're getting outclassed accept it, accept everything and still fight. Accept everything and still do what you want, do what you believe, follow your own gut and values. 

Your emotions is just an indication that you're just a human. You will feel everything. You will become scared, you will become happy, you will become depressed, you will become nervous, you will feel sad or excited. Never let your emotions run you or define you. There is no such thing as a happy ending, there is no such thing as a sad ending. For as long as you're living, you will feel sad or happy everyday, your emotions will change all the time but you have to be aware of what you're feeling and never let it make you bad or too passive, never let it make you stupid decisions that will put you on a worse spot later. Just let your emotions come and go, never pair it with ego because you will regret it later. If you feel disrespected never make a revenge right away, stay classy and calm. If you feel outclass just stay calm and remind yourself that you are not suppose to feel that way, just be yourself and be in the moment, stay present and you will feel much better again, your confidence will go back in an instant. 


Don't react when you're emotional because there is a big tendency that you might not react classy. There is a tendency that you will do something bad and embarrassing and you will regret it later. Don't react when you're too angry, excited, mad, depressed or feeling disrespected. Just stay still, stay calm, calmness is power, doing nothing is power, you just need to think and be aware of what's going on. Don't panic, it's ok to be scared but don't be stunned. It's ok to just breathe, look around what's going on, feel what you're feeling, understand your emotions and never judge any situation. talk calmly, talk slowly and never let any fear make you fold. Feel the fear, stay still and cool. Talk slowly, move slowly and always feel that you're in control. Always feel that you're still going to thrive in the end. You can impose your will by staying still, calm and unbothered. 


Don't make major decisions when you're so happy or so feeling down because that decision is wrong. You have to know when you're too high or too low. Don't give money when you're too happy because you will regret it. Or even when you're too sad, don't make decisions about money because your will regret it later. Never make and big decision that will affect your life later. Your emotions are making you irrational, some people will take advantage of you when you're too emotional. Let your emotions tone down first before you decide about something. Because you have to use your mind and not your heart when deciding about something, never let your emotions control you, never let it make you do something stupid. A decision based on emotion is a wrong decision, it's true that your instincts are sometimes right but not all the time it is right. Sometimes you have to let your emotions pass first, sometimes you have to give time for yourself first to think. Never let loneliness or happiness control you. You have to think what is really right or wrong, you have to make judgements based on what will give you a better future. 


Detach from what people say, detach from any embarrassment or judgement. Detach from any though that is only making you feel bad. Detach from any result or outcome, detach from any suggestions that you don't even like. You can impose your will by simply detaching from anything, you can become very powerful by being silent and following your own philosophy. Let them speak, let them wrath havoc, let them go loud, let them judge you but never let it affect your mentality. So what if they are laughing at you, so what if they don't like you, so what if they're better than you. Let them be, don't be afraid to do it your way, don't be afraid to follow your own intuition. Be proud of your own judgement and make your own decision. 

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