Feb 4, 2021


Train your mind to believe in what you're doing. See the possibilities, see the momentum, feel the growth and enjoy the progress. Always think that what you're doing is working. Forget the rules, forget your situation right now and fully believe in your journey. Enjoy the path you are on. Believe it for a month, and when I say believe it you need to forget the past, you need to forget your weakness and focus mainly on your strengths. One month is enough to mold your mind into a winning mentality, one month is enough to change your beliefs from a doubter to a believer. 


Push for one whole day and you will get results already. Pushing creates opportunities, pushing will enable you to navigate a space that you haven't experience before. Just a little push when repeated a million times will put you on top, just a little push with powerful desire and badass intention will take you further. Push yourself all the time every time you feel lazy, push yourself to just take actions every time you are doubting yourself. Squeeze everyday, get something from it, never let any day be over without getting anything. Make yourself closer and closer from your dream. Keep pushing everyday, never stop until you're done, never stop until you finally get what you want. Because it's all you can do, if there is other way then what is it? shortcuts can never help you, an easy path is not real, you really have to grind, work will only become easier if you will enjoy it and have fun with it. 

Don't get complacent, never get discouraged if you're not making any progress and just keep pushing. One day you will have a breakthrough, one day you will be able to break the tie that is stopping you. 


Never think that you're struggling. It's all baby steps, it's all fun. Convince your mind that every second is fun and that you will get to where you want to matter what. Everything is part of the equation including the struggle. Every disturbance, every distraction, every difficulty... it's all part of the journey. You will get what you want if you believe it and work hard for it. Never mind getting zero for now, don't worry about getting lesser then what you think you deserve, you will get bigger in just a matter of time. Stay relaxed and don't panic, you have a lot of work to do so be patient and just be happy taking actions. Struggling is part of the game, it's part of the design, don't worry if you're struggling because it means you're doing the right thing, it means you're improving. 

Because it really doesn't matter if it's hard or easy, what matters is you believe it. Do you really believe that it's going to happen? because if your belief is legit then you will do whatever it takes to get your dream even if you're running out of time. You will take actions even if it looks impossible to achieve. You will take it inch by inch and believe that one day your progress will become faster. 


Just believe it, what I mean is... really believe it, bought in, all in, give all of your time and energy to something that is bigger than your life. Believe it even if it's not working, you haven't tried this before... really believing in your work. Believe in your brand, believe in your skills, believe that you can make it. Just try it for one month, experiment with the power of your belief, look how your life will transform. Think about your goal for a month, never entertain any information other than it. It should be your life, it should be your dominant thought. Your dream should be the number one occupant of your mind, never consume any information that will distract you nor change your focus. Just believe in it and feel that it's already yours. 

And after believing it for one month and you didn't see enough results, believe it for another month. This is like training your mind and developing the right habits to think about what you really want. It's molding your mind to become a winner and focus on the things that really matters.

Take care of your mind, never let any negativity enter it, never let any words from other people affect it. Once you choose what to believe in... go all in, never change it, never doubt it, you have to make it grow, make it stronger each and everyday. 

So start believing today, stop looking at the things that is making your belief weak. Just believe even if there is no reason to believe in. Choose to believe. Nobody can stop your belief, if you really believe it then you will go all in for it. What they say doesn't matter, circumstances doesn't matter, you will just believe it and go for it. 


Count your blessings, count your small victories, collect small progress everyday. If you work hard really today it's impossible that you didn't progress a little bit. Just starting alone and deciding to work is already a progress. There is a small improvement, your situation move a little bit better. So appreciate the small gains and improvements. If you can't see it then just believe that you are getting better, sooner or later you will see the fruits of your labor. You can produce small wins everyday, it's up to you if you will see it and work for it. Collect these small wins and get addicted with it, try to get more as the days go by. If you get addicted to small wins then you will become big one day. A small win doesn't necessarily need to be a result, it can be a small action, it can be a small positive step towards greatness. 

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