Dec 16, 2017


Don't think that it's going to get boring, try it first. You might enjoy it, give yourself a chance to enjoy it by trying it and living in the moment. Enjoy every process of it, stick with it and finish it until the end.

You think that an activity is boring because you already judge it from the very beginning. You think it is not fun, you think you're just wasting your time. Let me tell you this, any activity can become very fun if you will manage to control your emotions towards it. If you can think that it s fun then it will become fun, you need to control your thoughts and think the right way. Any job that you think is boring and dull can become a very fun job if you will only give a time to enjoy it and enjoy every process or steps of it.

It's all in your mind, standing in a long grocery line is very boring to a lot of people but if there is a way to enjoy it, you just need to find it... that's the challenge. You can have fun standing on the line, just remember the happy past of yours, just think that you're getting mentally tough by standing on it for a very long time, just think that you are still getting some advantages from it because you really are. Your patience is becoming stronger, you are getting more matured and stronger.

It is boring in the beginning but it you will have a lot of fun if you stay with the process and never quit. Just take actions, think that you are getting something from it, think that you're becoming a better person.

Wait for the feeling to develop, never think about time because it will make you boring even more. Just do it and never stop, just take actions and find the happy thoughts while doing it, fool yourself if you need to, invent some stories in your head why you are doing it.

You will feel good in just a matter of time especially if you are seeing momentum and progress, you will begin to realize that it's not that boring. Just use all of your senses while doing it, be in the moment and you will have a lot of fun. Never try to escape it nor end it.. just do it until the end.

The trick here is to never think about finishing fast, enjoy every second that you are spending with it. Enjoy every steps, enjoy every idle seconds, you will feel good in a while.

You can find happiness in any boring situation, you can become happy while in traffic, just play your favorite music and time will fly so fast. You can feel happy doing your ten year old boring job, just do something different, impress your boss or compete against your co employees, whatever makes you excited... do it and never hesitate.

Life can become very fun if you will find the right thought process how to make it fun, you can reinvent, you can become very creative... whatever works, do it.

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...