Aug 5, 2017


People will brainwash your mind about how the world works, they will tell you that if you don't do this or do that then you will go to hell. Or they will tell you what you must study, they will tell you how you should behave so that you will have a better life.

I was a follower of mainstream before, I believe what everybody believes. I don't want to be different because I think I will look stupid. But then I begin to realize that I must live the way I wanted to live. They say that you have to work on a corporate company to have a good life, good money and secured life. But when I worked for a corporate company for 5 years, I was shocked because I didn't get what was advertised by a lot of people, the corporate company is full of scumbags who just wanted to use you and abuse you. I said to myself "this is not the life that I envisioned for myself and family". So I decided to quit and take a path less traveled, as I was working hard improving myself and looking for another way to earn money... I accidentally came across to the freelancing world. I said to myself "wow I can double my earnings here and I am so free". I was so addicted to the freedom that the freelancing world gave to me, I was even treated like a boss by other people.

If you don't accept the inputs that was given to you... it is time to seek for the real truth, it is time to test life even more. There are more better things waiting for you, more better opportunities if you will seek for it.

Don't listen to what mainstream say because they are believing the traditional beliefs because it is the safest route. And what you will get by following what people say?... stress, doubts, you will lose your confidence. You will lose your passion, you will not see your purpose in life. If you are doubting your religion then leave it, if you are doubting your work then leave it. You have the option to leave, you have the option to seek for the deeper truth and use what will work for you.

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