Apr 17, 2024

progress is internal

You didn't come this far only to break down, the edge is still on you, progress is internal not external. Work on your game, your mind games, develop internally not externally and focus on improving a little bit everyday. Progress is an inside job, if you focus on the outside, if you're focused on other people or trying to change your situation then you will fail. You will only succeed if you're trying to change yourself first. 


You can never get close to perfection, it's just an illusion, nobody can tell you if you're perfect, you can never tell if you're perfect. Accept yourself and just give your very best, it doesn't matter if you look so worse, it doesn't matter if you are slow, ugly or not making any improvement at all. It's all in the mind, you can never control the outcome, all you can do is be the best version of yourself no matter what. Slowly build yourself into something better, just take it one step at a time, one second at a time. Study yourself, watch your thoughts and actions. Be honest with yourself, make an inventory and you will see how stupid you are because you're wasting a lot of time for things and people that will not even make you better or will not even give you a good life. You're better than that, stop wasting your energy going down, you need to force yourself to go up. Upgrade your habits, get rid of the bad habits that are weakening you. You are broke, defeated and weak because of your useless habits and vices. 

Keep trying, keep losing and never give up. The real prize here is the evolution of your mind. You never care about the external and you only care about what's going on inside of you. If you can keep the spirit alive, if you can maintain that burning desire and be passionate with your life and work then you're already a winner. You will never lose if you can control your thoughts, actions and emotions. Winning starts within you. If you can create the right mentality for every situation and stay still no matter what then you will become unbeatable. 


Not mental block, not mentally stifled but a neutral mind, a still mind that has no worries or judgements. Empty your mind and just let the positive subconscious mind take over. let your belief control you, let faith, trust and letting go take over. It's ok if you are pressured but you have to know when you're feeling it. Don't be like others who were pressure and doesn't know that they are panicking, you have to be aware of your feelings and unfollow it, never let it control you or force your to make bad decisions. Stay still and just breathe, don't think, don't worry about the future and just live life. Enjoy every single second as much as you can and learn to detach from the outcome or any expectation. Good things will be attracted to you if you leave yourself open and vulnerable. What will happen will happen, you don't control the next sequence, all you can do is embrace everything and you will feel more powerful. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


No complaining, no excuses, no social media... do these things for one straight month and see the difference. The reason why you can't take actions and make progress is because you're too distracted, you're too lazy and making a lot of lousy excuses, you're delaying your responsibilities and you're prioritizing comfort and entertainment too much, you want your life to get easier but you're only making it harder by avoiding the things that you need to do. And that's why you're stuck in a mud, that's why you're a bum and your life has no direction. You have no sense of urgency, you're not taking your life seriously, you don't love the process and you're not making your goals as the most important thing in your life. You're too busy doing a lot of things that has no value at all. Don't waste your time, stop thinking too much and focus on working, focus on grinding and give yourself a chance to win, as simple as that. Give everything you've got, push yourself to the limits and always believe that you can do anything you want if you will just grind and make yourself greater than the situation. Don't be scared of any kind of work, you can take it one step at a time, you can finish anything, all you have to do is believe in yourself and push yourself to the limits, do what you haven't done before and always trust your power, trust your skills, trust your ability to persevere. Never waste time, stop overthinking because it will only make your situation worse. Be a doer and not  waiter, always strive to finish, never stop when it's hard and keep going further. Work as hard as you can for one straight month, focus on self development and see where it take you. You will become a better person, you will attract different opportunities, you will see the best version of yourself. Just do it, once you need to do something... do it and never think about doing something easier. Never look for an easier path and do what is hard. Use all of your strength, be powerful and keep going no matter what. Always remind yourself that you can take action anytime you want, any positive step will make an impact, you may not see it for now but it is really helping you because it's giving you a momentum. Stay consistent and committed, keep going further and focus on what you want. Stop being negative, stop dwelling on petty things, be decisive and always bring your A game. The real challenge is not winning, it's not quitting and sticking with the game plan. Are you for real? that's the main question, are you a doer? do you love the process or do you simply love the outcome but is not willing to grind and use all of your power to go further and see what is possible? are you willing to see your full potential? are you willing to become patient and improve a little bit for one month? are you willing to go all the way, take risks and never back down when the going gets tough? because you will be tested, you will be punch on your throat and it's your responsibility to keep fighting and pushing until you finally make a breakthrough. Time is running, don't ever waste some time because it is your most precious resources. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Apr 15, 2024


Your life gets harder and harder because you're always wishing for an easy life. You're being a diva, you don't know that life is really hard and that's the price you have to pay for living. Just be happy and embrace your responsibilities. Looking for an easy life is boring, it will make you weak, it will make you depressed because you will no longer feel the essence of life. Life is about facing your fears, it's facing the challenges and overcoming all of it. Even the richest ones are suffering, nobody is immune to it, it all depends on how you carry it, you can still become happy while suffering, it's all in the mind, it's all in how you play the game. A right mindset and perspective will make your life lighter, not so comfortable but it will give you the strength to survive and get happier a little bit. The key here is to stop acting or wishing to become strong or fearless rather embrace your fears, be scared but learn how to navigate while feeling it, welcome your fears, embrace the pain and keep moving forward. Learn to have fun while feeling those negative emotions, stay calm because it will be gone ASAP once you focus on breathing and living in the moment. 


Do it just do it, make a move and never stop. Whenever you can move... move and never complain, never wish for an easy way because that will make your life even harder, don't wish for someone to save you. You can move anytime you want to, you just need to force yourself whenever you feel lazy, this is too simple, there is nothing complicated about it... just move and set yourself free, allow yourself to express yourself. Never give up when it is hard, never complain and make excuses. It's on you to change your life, stop being a spoiled brat because it won't help, do your responsibilities, do what will make you better. WHATEVER GET THE JOB DONE... DO IT, whatever gives you a little bit of a momentum... do it. You will only gain confidence if you are preparing and taking actions. Inaction will only give you doubts and fears. so stop delaying, stop procrastinating and make a move. You can become anything you want to be, you can transform yourself into a beast if you will just move. It's hard, it will feel heavy but that's the challenge, once you created the right habits... everything else will become automatic. You will never have a hard time moving anymore. Don't waste your time, overthinking is overrated, it never get anything done. If you will just feel free to take actions and express yourself then everything will get easier. At the end of the day there is nobody to blame but you if you have a bad life, you are in control here but you choose to be controlled. You are letting laziness, other people, fear and useless information control you and waste your time. It all depends on how well you manage your time, are you using it to get stronger? or are you using it to get worse? it all depends on your choices. You have to pick the right choices if you want to fix your life and improve. This is not going to be easy, you need to stay disciplined and committed but it's worth it. Every pain, sacrifice and delayed gratification is worth it because it's setting you up for a brighter future, suffer now and live your life like a champion later. Get lazy and have fun now and your life will become miserable in the end. 


You can never avoid suffering, that is the truth of life. It's either you suffer because you're weak or you suffer to become strong. The choice is yours. Every single second of your life is either making you better or worse. It's like training yourself, it's like preparing yourself for a better future through hard work and perseverance. If you don't move then you will suffer like weak and hopeless man but if you suffer through preparation and hard work then you will get stronger, actually you are getting better now. Every action is the right action, if your intention is right and paralleled to your dreams then you can never go wrong. Nothing is hard if you will train yourself to get hard, nothing can touch you or make you quit, you will never lose in life if you are equipped of surviving anything. Remind yourself that all you need to do is survive today, get better a little bit and you're good. There is nothing else to worry
about other than your mentality, what is your mindset? what are you thinking? your thoughts will make you do something, it is either good or bad for you. Watch your thoughts and get rid of anything that is distracting you to get better. Get rid of all the negative thoughts and just focus on getting better everyday... as simple as that. Suffer to become strong, make sacrifices now, always give your best and always work hard no matter what. Keep moving forward, keep fighting and just do whatever it takes to improve. It's dedication, it's a lifestyle, it's a culture, you will get what you deserve so never complain if your life sucks, it sucks because you suck. You need to check your thoughts and actions, make an inventory of yourself, where do you spend your time? what is your dominant thought? your quality of life depends on the quality of your thoughts and actions. Always remember that getting addicted to comfort creates weakness and more suffering, embracing discomfort will lessen your suffering and troubles, which way do you want to go? suffer now and have fun later or have fun now and live like a loser later? it all depends on you, you have the power to create your life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Apr 12, 2024


A teenage millionaire on instagram, someone who already have 5 million subscribers in just 5 months, a lady who left his job and become a zillionaire in her own business, a man who took the risk and get it right for just a few weeks, a former obese who took a magic pill and lost 25 kilos in a few weeks. These are misdirection, these are making you blind, these are fooling you in short. Most people were blinded by the results that's why they always fail. There is really no shortcut to success, you have to pay the price, you have to push yourself to the limits and do what is impossible to thrive. You can't be looking for shortcuts and exerting a very weak effort and expect big results right away, it's a fool man's game. You need to wake up to reality, hard work is the key and nothing else, hard work plus belief will make you unstoppable. There is no such thing as easy money, you will never get it anywhere. Overnight success is just a marketing tool to convince you and waste your time, stop believing these lies because they're only setting you up for misery and disappointment. 


If you want to change then be aware of what's holding you back, these are bad habits that makes you lazy and unproductive. Always remember that today is every important. Your old patterns is what making you sick, weak, slow, fail and stuck. You need to disrupt it if you want a better life, better results and opportunities will come if you create a new path and live with it. If you really want to evolve then you better be the watcher of yourself, you need to get strict on everything you do. Whether you like it or not it's going to be hard, it's going to get uncomfortable but it is what it is, you want to change right? you need to focus on the process because it's the only thing that will attract the results. Wanting the results will never create results, it will only serve as a distraction, focusing on the process is the only thing that will make you go further and nothing else. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Apr 7, 2024


It keeps you moving, it keeps you aiming, it keeps you dreaming, your struggle gives you power. If you're not struggling then you're not even trying, what is the point of your life? your struggle makes you competitive, aggressive and a little bit of a believer. Sometimes you feel that there is no more hope but if you're struggling then you're still believing, so stop questioning yourself when you're struggling, don't hate it, don't et disgusted if it... enjoy it and have some fun loser! HAHAHA, it's ok if you're a loser, that's what they call you when you're struggling, what they don't know is that a loser will become a winner in just a matter of time, all it takes is a mindset to never give up. Nothing is hard if you will just embrace the grind, it's hard because you don't want to try or you don't want to get uncomfortable. Just keep trying because you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. All you have to do is try and never quit and success will be guaranteed to you, the only problem is you don't know when will it come so you must be patient and find a way how to enjoy the process even more. 


If you will just become a person who never quit then they will become afraid of you. It's because they will have a hard time controlling you. Failure will become afraid of you, challenges will never dare to touch you, people who are competitive will respect you because they will have a hard time containing you, everything will give you some props because they knew you're going to fight until the end. SO if you're a man who never quit then you will gain respect and trust, you will become more powerful. SO use ever bit of energy that you have and keep trying, keep going even if it is hard, never quit, never give up, it's just a matter of trying again and again until you succeed. If you want to become stronger then be a doer, do more, push harder, keep trying and never quit, as simple as that. 

They don't really care.

The truth is, sometimes you hate to struggle because you feel they're laughing at you, you feel that they don't respect you because you're not winning. But the truth is they don't care, you will even impress some people especially the real winners in life because you're showing them a big heart, you're showing them the power of a real warrior. They don't know who you are, they don't care if you succeed or fail, they may laugh at you for a while but they will forget you right away. So stop feeling so special and just try, never care about your identity, never care if you succeed or fail and just keep going no matter what. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Apr 2, 2024

who cares? you're still going to win no matter what.

Never care about your failures, mistakes, embarrassments, bad memories, shameful actions, regrets, critics. Never be afraid of what is lacking, don't be scared of what people say, who cares? you're still going to win anyway. For as long as you're moving forward and giving your best, for as long as you're trying and not giving up, nothing else matters anymore. They can mock you, they can humiliate you, they can expose you but at the end of the day your willpower is the most important thing, if you have it then you will win, you will have the last laugh in the end. It doesn't matter how many embarrassing moments you've got, it doesn't matter if you're the last, for as long as you believe in yourself... you can flip the script at any given time. If you're really working hard then there is nothing to be ashamed of. You can fail a million times and still win in the end, the power is yours, you're in complete control here. It doesn't matter if you are losing now because you will still win in the end, they can laugh all they want, they can count you out but at the end of the day it's your hunger that will thrive. If you really want it bad enough then you will be able to do the impossible. It's only just a matter of time before something clicks. You have a lot of time so don't worry, just don't waste your time being complacent and comfortable, you have to work every single day and take matters into your own hands, force the progress even if it is slow, force the fate even if the whole world is against you. 

Never care about anything else, never care about the challenges, just laugh at your problems, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is your mentality. DO you still have the drive? are you still working hard and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed? if the answer is yes then you are free, success is guaranteed to you. Be patient because it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. It's not the strongest who will in, it's the most persevering. This is you against you, this has nothing to do with other people, difficult situations doesn't matter, if you knew you're going to do what is impossible then you will end up being victorious. 

Believe in yourself even if your teacher, coach, parents or even friends doesn't believe in you. It's your vision, you're the only on who can see it, they can never see it. 

Fail your way to success, this is the surest path to win... keep failing and never give up. Through failures you will learn, gain experience, get tougher and smarter and get closer to success. Just because you are failing doesn't mean you are not improving, you will only get better through keep failing. Try and try again and never get discourage if you can't win. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Apr 1, 2024


Execute all the idea that you think is going to work, face your fears and trust yourself. Never get lazy, get off the couch and do something, try something new, you have to create a new energy to attract a better experience in life. Because most of the time your energy is too weak and passive. You're taking days for granted, it's not that you are weak but you always choose to become weak instead of pushing yourself to get stronger and better. The choice is always yours, are you going to do more or settle with doing less? lesser effort means lesser results, it's equivalent to slow progress or no progress at all. Why work for 3 hours if you can work for 9? why do ten pushups if you can do 20? it's not that hard to add something, all you've got to do is do it and never stop. 


Discomfort means improvement. If you're too addicted with comfort then your life will never change, you will remain as a bum forever, do you like that? it is too simply and basic... do what is hard, do what you haven't done before, increase the intensity and work as hard as you can. Comfort is for the weak, it's for people who are stuck forever, it's for thinkers and not doers. Feelings is not important at all but you think that it is important that's why you can't move. You're so allergic to taking actions, you're so afraid to move, you don't want to get tired, you don't want to exhaust yourself that's why you're stuck on the same place forever as ten years ago. Look for exhaustion, exert a very strong effort. 


It is hard to believe when you're on a difficult situation, it's hard to trust yourself when you keep on failing but that's what the real challenge is... still believing in yourself and moving forward even if the whole world is against you. You can't trust nobody but yourself because yourself is your one true ally. And even if it is hard, so what? are you just going to take the opportunity for granted? are you just going to give up like that? It's ok if you fail, it's much better than doing nothing at all, if you fail by giving your all then that is something you need to be proud of. Stop playing it safe because it will never get the job done, you need to fail more and risk more. You only have one life why will you waste it overthinking and being scared of something that can't kill you? make the best out of your life, use it to the fullest, maximize it and make sure you did everything you can before your journey is over. 


You don't need to rush here, you just need to move and that's it. You are powerful beyond your measure, all it takes is consistency and the willingness to go further as much as you can. You will become unstoppable if you will love the process. Step by step do it, enjoy the process and never quit when it is hard. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


If you don't love what's going on with your life then it means you're in the wrong pattern, you have the wrong habits, you're in the wrong circle. You must have wrong thoughts, wrong reaction for every small problem, wrong attitude. Watch yourself, all you need to do is make a small adjustment and your life will change. Maybe you need to work a little harder, discipline yourself more, stop showring yourself with instant gratification and start making sacrifices that will make you stronger, sharper, smarter, richer, faster and tougher. If you can stop yourself from wasting time or doing something useless then your life will get better so fast, it will be easier to evolve and change. All you have to do is stop the nonsense and you will grow, all you have to do is get better again and again, you don't need to make changes fast you just need to admit to yourself that you're bumming around and wasting your life, you just need to say to yourself that is enough is enough and that you will force yourself to create a new pattern of thinking and actions to live a better life. It's not the people around you that bring you down, it's not the government nor unfair treatment from everyone that makes you fail.. it's your old pattern that is corrupting your life. You're better than that and you can get better than that, it's time to make a change. Start doing what is hard today, force yourself to do what you don't want to do but has a potential to give you something in the future. Learn to exercise, study, develop a new skill, stop wasting time and give your all today. Learn to focus, once you start something... finish it, never stop until it is done. The idea is to become a doer and not an overthinker, you think too much that's why you're stressed even more, that's why you're getting crazy. You're consuming a lot of information from social media that you don't even need that's why you can't become productive. 

One pattern that is making you slow is procrastination. Watch yourself, you tell yourself you're going to do this or that but time has passed and you haven't started yet, stop fooling yourself because you can't live that way forever if you wanted to grow and make an impact to your own life. Another pattern is being a negative thinker, you always think about negative things, you always judge people, you always see what is bad from other people, you love gossips and negativity that is why you don't have time for yourself anymore. If you keep on thinking about what other people are doing or saying then you will have lesser time for yourself, no wonder why you're not getting better... you are full of crap, you want negative subjects that doesn't help you to develop into a better human being. 

Develop a pattern if using most of your time for your growth, self development, family and real friends. Never waste your time and energy for nonsense subjects that makes you worse. You are depleting your energy every time you focus on the useless things. Time is important, you need to take care of your time so that you will never have regrets in the end. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Wanting to win so bad creates pressure, it creates fears, it immobilize you and stop you from taking actions. It freezes you and make you an old tree that couldn't grow or bear a single fruit. But if you are focus on facing your fears then the pressure will be lessen, you will move, you will force yourself to take actions and you will start winning little by little. The problem with people is they're too focused on the outcome and not on the process that's why they can't move a little bit, they're overthinking, they're too worried about what's going to happen next. Life and success is a journey, it's not a destination, you will feel so much better if you will face your fears, take the risk and give yourself a chance to express yourself to the fullest. Ask yourself what do you want and then face all of your fears to get there, the fear of taking actions, the fear of failing and repeating again... face all of these and you will feel free, you will already feel successful even if you haven't got the reward yet. Because the real reward is the person you become, it's your growth and transformation, it's you changing into a different type of beast. Face your fears and you will feel happier, you will feel proud of yourself. Embrace it, don't be afraid to become afraid. Be scared and still move forward, feel uncomfortable and still work hard, feel like a loser and still try to win, that is what it's all about... trying to see your full potential and detaching from the outcome or what people say. At the end of the day results doesn't really matter, what matters is you give your all because it will erase all the regrets in your head. If you will face your fears then you will be liberated. 


Train yourself to face your fears all the time. Do the work when you're lazy, face the opponent who is stronger and bigger than you, take risk even if you have no chances of winning, embracing your fear is an exciting way to live your life. You will feel more energetic and has a purpose, you will never get bored anymore because you're life will be like an adventure. So every time you are scare of something... face it, make sure to deal with it but make sure it's a challenge that is worth it and not something that you do just to brag that you are brave. Face challenges like working hard to get better, taking risks to elevate your status, building your own business, taking the last shot in a game, making your health better, executing your ideas, doing it your way or even just resigning from a company that you don't like. Face your fears and never look for winning right away, you need to persevere first and endure the difficulties before you et the prize. Starting today... study what scares you the most, it can be a career move or just a simple task that invites growth, it can be riding a bike or simply going to a place that you are not familiar with. Face your fears, look for the benefits you will get by doing it. Remember that fear is just an emotion, it is not real, it is a liar, whatever you are scared of hasn't happen yet and it is unlikely to happen. Go forward even if you are scared, just give it a try, live your life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Mar 31, 2024

your fear is useless

You lose your friends, you lose your money, you lose the support, you lose your 1 million subscribers, you lose your ten billion followers, it doesn't matter because you're still alive. You can still bring it back, you can still make a comeback and do get it all. What you can't lose is your belief and work ethic. That strong character you built is the most important thing in your life, it's your mindset, it's your toughness, it's knowing that you will be alright no matter what, you will never lose this game because you're already winning when you're trying. Don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to start again because this is a journey not a destination. 


You can never use it, it will never make you feel better, it will never help you at all. What's the use of it? nothing. It will even make the situation worse. So calm down and just do your best. If you can't take actions then just breathe but never let fear control you or make you do something stupid. Never let fear make you stuck forever because you can always get better than your situation, you can always improve and make a positive impact to your life. Your fear is a liar yet you still believe it, your fear will never help you so stop focusing on it. Create thoughts that will empower you a little bit. In desperate times you need to believe in yourself, stop believing in your fears, stop believing in people that doesn't help you to get better or stronger, stop believing in something that doesn't give you an edge. Believe in yourself and keep moving forward. Your fear is a trash, all it does is corrupt your mind. Whatever scares you, it can be your coach, the crowd, the result, the bullies, the future... don't believe in it. Believe in something that gives you courage a little bit. Fear is useless, all it does is make you weak, it will never help you to win so what's the point of believing in it? 


You will be alright, you will never lose. For as long as you entertain the right thoughts that will make you feel better and move... you will still win. It doesn't matter if you are down, it doesn't matter if your situation is really bad, if your mind is really strong then you are fine. If you can still move, if you can still fight, if you can still believe then you don't need anything else. If you can still continue, if you can still breathe, if you can still smile a little bit then you will still win. It's just a matter of hanging on. This is not survival of the fittest, it's survival of the ones who can adapt. If you can just survive and accept your situation and still move forward a little bit from time to time with your belief then you will win, it's only just a matter of time before it happens. You don't need money, power, strength or help. You just need yourself and your mind, you just need to survive and try again for one more time. This is pretty basic, master your endurance, master your willpower and tenacity. You can make it if you really want it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

progress is internal

You didn't come this far only to break down, the edge is still on you, progress is internal not external. Work on your game, your mind g...