Sep 30, 2022


They say history repeat itself, they say if it's not yet done by the greats then you can never do it. They say if it's not approved by the so called professionals then you have no right to test your own process. You are the owner of your idea, you are suppose to test your beliefs. If you believe that you can do something great even if you are too old or is lacking the skill and experience... test it. Don't believe what other people say, stop thinking that what the majority says is your reality. If they say you can't do it then do it, as simple as that. Stop listening to your doubts, stop entertaining doubters and haters, you have to give everything you've got and allow yourself to succeed in life by your own way. 


The formula is this, every time you push yourself to do what you don't want to do that is important... you get better. Every time you make sacrifices, you go to another level. That's how simple it was. So if there is a resistance... fight it and make it weak, if something is stopping you... face it and try to make a breakthrough, that's how to go to another level. It's too simple yet most people can't do it because they're too weak and soft. They don't want to do what is hard, all they want to do is go to the easier path. Greatness is sacrifice, it's delayed gratification, it's patience and being focused. There's nothing else beyond it. If you want to become great then find one thing where you wanted to become great and try to make yourself better everyday.  


If you will just start, if you will just continue, if you will just do it then you have a very big chance of winning. Just do it without any attachment from anything and you will become very powerful and unstoppable, do it even if you feel uncomfortable, do it even if you don't know the next step, do it even if you're not sure that you're going to win. Doing it will level up your mentality and skill, it will take you to another level. A man who just do it is 1000x better than a man who's overthinking and planning all day long. You already won if you do it, you already gain an experience, life is simply about experience, winning is just a bonus. So stop checking for facts if it can be done or not... just do it with all your heart, use all of your strength and tenacity to make it happen.  


You have to believe that you can do everything and achieve anything, you have to think of yourself as someone who is fast, strong, bold and can do whatever it takes to win in life. You have to believe in your ability to just do it and go further. Think like a beast and move like a beast. No hesitation, all action and grind. So starting today, behave differently, act differently and do something you haven't done before. Become a beast, treat yourself like someone who is ready for the kill, you have to stay hungry and decisive even if you're not motivated at all. 


It's a lifestyle, it's a pledge, it's a responsibility. Greatness is a continuous climb, you have to keep climbing even if you're already on top. Care about the push not the result, greatness is a forever push. Never care about your money, never care about your winnings, never care about your subscribers or followers... just keep pushing and keep doing something to become a little bit better. Stop wasting time focusing on what you can control and simply focus on what you can control and that is your effort and thoughts. 


To avoid being overwhelmed and to keep going just do a mediocre work, execute a weak step, even if you feel lazy and unmotivated... just do something even if it is ugly and imperfect. Don't worry about greatness or doing an extra ordinary work, remember that you need to execute so you can build a momentum. Most people loves to be perfect and that's why they can't take any single step. What you're going to do if you feel so low and lazy? push!!! just keep pushing and never stop. That feeling will never go away but that doesn't mean you can't take actions. You don't need motivation, you don't need to feel good... just push and you will feel much better than before. It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, what matters is you keep moving forward and you have no plans of quitting and starting all over again. Doing a mediocre work, being fast in starting and following through is 100x better than doing nothing at all. Overthinking will your dreams procrastination will make you crazy and sick. You have to pull the trigger right now and stop acting like you have the luxury to waste your time. Time will come and you will run out of time, while you still have the strength and a little bit of sharpness... do it now, try with all your might and never waste your time checking some stupid random posts on social media. You have to use your time for greatness only, pursue your drams and stop checking for facts if it can be done, stop checking for history that someone already did it, you have to force fate and bend the reality, you have to just do it and forget about what's going to happen next. 


Just don't give up and you will win. Successful people persevere like hell, they don't quit, they don't look for a free pass, they do it by themselves no matter what, they believe that no matter how long the journey is... they will still win in the end. Many people could have win their journey but they give up too soon, they didn't even dare to try again. The truth is... you will only lose, you will only fail if you give up, many people were blinded by the struggle and hardship, they thought that it is impossible, they thought that they were stuck forever but the truth is being stuck is just a perspective. Believe in the power of monotonous, believe in the power of consistent baby steps, the compound effect is real, you will reap the rewards in the future if you keep going. So push yourself to try again for one more time, this time give everything you've got and never worry if you're going to fail or succeed, focus on the process, trust the grind, trust that it's only just a matter of time before you win. 


You have to face the pan, you have to embrace challenges and never look for an easy path. An easy path is the path for the weak and failures, you have to choose the harder path because it is where growth resides, you have to feel ok getting tired and stressed everyday. You have to believe that every work you put in is only preparing you for a big opportunity in the future. Just believe in yourself, believe in your ability to power through despite of these obstacles and adversities. 

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Sep 29, 2022


At the end of the day you can only make people believe in you if you're showing results, if you're making progress and winning. You can tell them that you are giving your very best, you can show them some post on instagram that you're working hard but if you can't show them real results when it matters... you're just another pony in town, you're a fraud, you are nothing, you are a scumbag. Nobody will believe in you if you're not making any result to show them. You can tell them that you're doing great, you can tell them about your plans and what will happen in the future but if you can't show them any evidence of your work then nobody will believe in you, you will become a laughing stock, they will not trust you, they will never listen to your stories anymore. 


If you're not making result then you're not really working hard. If you think you're working hard but still you can't get any result then it means your effort is not enough. You have to check yourself if you're really pushing yourself and feeling uncomfortable all the time. If you're really working hard then why the hell are you always checking your crush's stupid Instagram account? she will not text you back, she doesn't care about you. Just focus on the grind and get better, once you become rich that bitch will beg for you to text her. If you're really working hard then you will never rest, you will never have any room for stupid activities that doesn't matter, you will be on a sense of urgency, you will never give any attention to something that isn't helping you to get better. If you're really working hard then you will go all the way, you will never check for results, you will use every second of your life for making a small progress and moving a small inch, you will take it one step at a time and you will be very patient of the process. 


Stay consistent with your grind, do what most people can't do. Give everything you've got and never hold back. Make scary sacrifices, don't ever follow the crowd who are wasting their time all the time. Focus on working hard and getting better every single day, focus on your own life and never mind what other people are doing. You've got to choose whether you want to become great or not, every action will dictate where you are headed to, every action will affect your future. You can play around like a clown today but it will have a bad effect in your future. You can work harder today and tire yourself out but it will give you best rewards in the future. It all depends on what action are you going to take. 


If you want to get lucky then work really hard, as simple as that. You're not lucky because you're too lazy and needy. If you think you deserve something then you need to work for it, don't ask for it, don't beg for it, go and get it yourself. The harder you work the luckier you will get, keep this in your mind. Work hard for one month, really really hard and you see that your life will change. You can create luck through hard work alone, you don't need connections, you don't need breaks, you don't need help, you don't need a free pass. If you want it bad enough the the universe will make a way for you, you will attract different opportunities, you will create your own break. Luck is to be attracted and not something to wish for, you will only attract luck if you're doing whatever it takes to succeed. 


If you will just think that difficulty doesn't matter at all then you will be able to do anything you want. The reason why it is hard is because you're focused on the difficulty. You think that you will struggle right before you even start. You're so afraid of getting lost, getting tired and making a mistake. You're so afraid of the journey and long hours of work. That's why you couldn't even start, that's why you can't make a small progress. But if you will stop checking for the results, if you will stop looking for shortcuts then you will feel easier and lighter, you will be able to move faster and nothing can stop you. Forget about the difficulty, accept that you will have a hard time, accept that nothing is easy and everything will be a lot easier, the pressure will go away, the resistance will loosen up. Don't be afraid of any struggle and it will feel like you're not struggling, don't be afraid of any pain and you will never feel it, don't be afraid of getting tired and you will be able to push for more and go further. Difficulty doesn't matter at all, it's not important, you should stop complaining if it's difficult, you are suppose to experience the hardship of life, accept it and be thankful of it and the process will become very easy. 


If you're willing to have flaws, if you're willing to look imperfect and cool then you will be able to make a progress. The reason why people can't make a progress is because they're too afraid of what other people will say. If you can just start no matter what you know or what you have then you will be able to make a small progress. A small progress is better than no progress at all. Only mistakes can give you clues, not facts, not what they say. If you will make a mistake now then the ball will roll, the momentum will shift on your side, you will be able to figure out what to do next. You don't need to worry about anything else, if you are moving forward then you will be alright. Forget about perfection, forget about winning right away... just do something and find a way. 


Dominating yourself means controlling your emotions, controlling your impulses. You don't react, you avoid temptations, you focus on what matters the most. You are disciplined and you don't care about anything else that is not making you better. Dominate yourself, avoid instant gratification, don't get angry on petty things. Learn to move whenever you need to move, learn to drag and force yourself into taking actions. Because at the end of the day only actions does matter and nothing else, you are nothing if you are not moving, you will become a weak person if you're not doing something. You have to move, learn to master your emotions, learn to ignore negative feelings and simply move forward. Never let your mind think, never let worries penetrate your brain and move right away. Once you are moving you will feel good, all of the fears will go away. Become a beast, become a doer not a dreamer, become something that you are not before, become something that will push himself to the limits just to forger a small progress. Don't be afraid of getting tired, don't be afraid of the time running out... just keep moving forward all the time and trust the process. 

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Sep 28, 2022


Focus creates greatness, your life today is the result of your focus. If you're broke then it means you're focused on being broke. If you're rich then it means you're focused on hard work and making money, as simple as that. The reason why you can't become productive is because you're too focused on stupid things that doesn't even matter at all. If you will focus on what you need to do then you will be able to take massive actions and accomplish a lot of things. Believe in the power of boredom, you become bored when you focus on something but at the same time you have to remind yourself that it's making you great, it is putting you on a better position to win. Focus is the key, look at yourself and study where you are focusing on, make an inventory of your thoughts and actions and you will find out why you are not succeeding. 


Believe in the power of hard work. Believe that every action is the right actions because it is true, if you're moving then you're already making a progress, you're already improving, as simple as that. You can improve, no matter what age you are, no matter how dumb you are... you can improve. Focus on getting better instead of doing a lot of stupid things that are only bringing you down. It's just a matter of disciplining yourself, you can get better everyday if you will watch your thoughts and actions. be patient and believe in the power of making sacrifices and practicing delayed gratification. Choose the harder path because that is where the benefits is. 


Make yourself a doer, MOVE even if it feels so heavy. Always remind yourself that you can do it even if you're feeling lazy or heavy. Just force yourself, wake up and stop staying on a low vibration, turn your energy on and take it one step at a time. Nothing else matters other than your actions. Just do the first step and take it slowly if you need to. You don't need to rush, you don't need to get ahead of everyone, just be yourself and choose taking actions over doing nothing. 


Once you feel better, once something is clicking... never kill the momentum, keep the ball rolling and never stop. You can create a new momentum everyday, just work hard, just do it and never look back. If you're taking actions and using your willpower then you already have a momentum. Strike while the iron is hot and never allow yourself to get called. Move fast while you still have some energy and never let anything stop you. Once something is clicking, once you feel you're on the rhythm... never stop moving forward, that's what it is all about. Just keep pushing for greatness, be a machine, always go for the kill. 


If you are chasing a goal there is a big chance that you will quit especially if the goal was too big. You will quit because you will see no progress, you will get overwhelmed with the millions of steps that you need to execute. And that's why it is recommended to just do what you can do. Never stop taking actions and that's it. It's too simple and basic, just work hard every single day and focus on what you can do. Never hesitate for a second, look for what you can do and then do it. Stop worrying about what's going to happen, just do it and never go back. It's all in the mind, it's hard because you're acting like a punk, you're pretending to be weak, stop selling yourself short and do the best you can to win. 


When you start making excuses then you will never going to make it. You have to think that it is possible. You have to go all the way with all your might even if the odds were against you. Just see how far can you go, try with all your might, keep running, keep moving forward and never stop. It's too simple, just don't do stupid things and finish one task at a time, you can do it if you really want it. Learn to force yourself to think and move the right way. There's so many unnecessary movements that you've been doing that's why you're stuck and can't make any progress. You can become relentless, you can become unlimited, you can become powerful. 


The biggest problem with you is you care too much. You care about what people say, you care about the situation, you care about how you feel, you care about the results. If you will never care and just do it, if you will clear your mind and simply focus on what you can do then you will be able to move faster and double your effort. Focus on what you can do and never care about what you can't do. Be patient and never rush, keep pushing a little bit and never mind what the world is doing or thinking. It's on you if you want to become successful or not. Stop comparing yourself to others, stop focusing on your weakness and simply execute. Execution is the key, if you're moving then you're already winning, as simple as that. 


The social media posts, the new topic of a fake influencer, the concert of a Korean stupid band, the news about the trending topics... these are poisons. You need to stop poisoning your own mind with these non sense information. If something is not making you better then what is the point in giving it some time? you need to be strict on yourself, discipline yourself and never waste your time for nonsense subjects. You are investing in your actions, what you are doing now will have an effect later so if you keep on wasting time then your time will be a waste. Every action is critical, it's either you are going down or going up. Look at yourself and study what you are doing, be honest with yourself, if you're doing something stupid and useless then stop it right away. 


You have to keep in mind that you're not giving yourself any favor every time you're trying to escape discomfort. You will eat every time you are stressed, you will do some other things that are easier every time you're struggling, you will watch TV and delay the process every time you feel so stressed. It's not helping at all, it's only making the pain more painful, it's only adding more stress. You have to embrace the stress and learn to enjoy it. The key here is to stop thinking about the future and just be in the moment. Don't look for an easy way out because it will only make your problems bigger. If you need to finish something, finish it. If you need to do something, do it, as simple as that. Life will get easier if you will stop looking for an escape. Don't try to escape from the discomfort, face it like a real man, all you need to do is stay calm and do what you can do. Stop worrying about the thins that you can't do because there is no point in doing that, you are only making your mind ache if you're doing that. Breathe instead and just do what you need to do. Make it simple, make it basic, just face the pain and never try to resist. 

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The reason why MOST people is powerful than you is because you give your time to them. You're always thinking about them, you're crazy about them, they're making you feel something. If you don't have any ill feelings or admiration about somebody then nothing can control you. You are being controlled once you get emotional and attached towards somebody. You should learn the art of detaching, stop being too attached to something or someone because it's not helping you at all. 


Feel free to do anything now, detach from the outcome, never think about the future. Just take actions now and push through. Never stop, never think twice and just do it. Do everything you can to improve today and learn how to get rid of the bad habits in your life. It's simply about setting up your life for greatness. Don't be dumb, don't be lazy, don't waste your time, don't let these stupid entertainment fool you everyday, don't let anything eat your time and not getting anything back in return. These celebrities, influencers wannabe is only making you broke and miserable. You think they're making you happy? no they're not, they're not giving you the right information to have a better life, all they do is get your attention so that you will contribute to their fame but they won't love you back like how you love them. So wake up and stop being weak, stop following the crowd, stop giving away your time for free. 


If you're not a disciplined person then you will feel a lot of pain in the future. You give your time for stupid TV programs and that's why you have a lot of failing grades. You give your time for partying and that's why you don't have enough energy because you're lacking of sleep. Focus on doing the right thing even if it is hard and boring. This kind of approach will lessen the pain, it will make your life easier, it will make you improve a little bit. Improving a little bit is much better than degrading and falling down. Improving a little bit every single day is much better than doing nothing at all. 


You're not ahead of them, they're not better than you. Everyone is equal, you can make this happen if you will not think that anybody can command you. If you can stop giving your time for free to anybody then you will become powerful. Celebrities gain power because the stupid fans are giving it to them. If no one will give them any attention then they will lose their power and popularity, as simple as that. So if you hate a celebrity or anybody for no reason, just ignore him, stop hating him because you are still giving him power because you are giving your time and you are being too emotional. Ignore the people you hate and they will become powerless over you. The more you feel something about something or somebody, the more it controls you. It's eating a lot of your time that you could have use for greatness. You have to use your time not for falling in line 


If you will just use your time correctly then it's impossible for you to lose. It's because you will get better everyday, stop using your energy for nonsense things, activities and people. You have to use your energy for your own good only. You will ascend if you're disciplining yourself and stop doing a lot of BS that stops you from making a progress. You have to fight for that small progress that you're trying to gain, you need to control your mind and develop the habits that will make you successful and will take you to another level. It's impossible for you to lose if you will just stick with the basics and stop acting like you have all the time in the world, time will come and you will run out of time. You better believe this, you better start acting now and go all the way, do whatever it takes to succeed no matter what. 


Nothing or nobody is valuable if you will never give it any attention or time. The more you become selfish with your time and use it for yourself... the more you become powerful and valuable, as simple as that. The reason why you're not valuable and feeling weak is because you're giving all of your time for free and use it for useless arguments, topics and entertainment. You're trying to prove yourself by trying to become right all the time but you don't know that it's wasting a lot of your energy that you could have use for making yourself better. 


Stop commenting on facebook, stop engaging in twitter wars, stop criticizing, stop stalking hot girls in Instagram and live a real life. You're not getting better every time you waste most of your time on social media. Social media is fake, it's a waste of time, there is nothing real in there because people are only showing the good side of them, they're only showing their victories and not defeats. People will do everything just to look good on social media. Social media will make you weak, slow and unproductive. Use it only for business or messaging your friends, never use it for entertainment or simulation because it will make you a zombie. It will poison your mind, it will make you dumb. 


You're not stupid anymore, you already knew what is keeping you down, you already knew what is making you weak and that is wasting your time and making yourself dumb because of these stupid activities that's not helping you at all. You're a new beast now, you don't give away your time for free just like that. You're making sure you're using your time for best things only. 

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Sep 22, 2022


Decide now if you're going to do it and just do it, what the hell are you waiting for? time is running out, you have to move fast and avoid overthinking. Overthinking is the number one killer of dreams. Overthinking will make you weak, slow and useless. You have to just do what you need to do and never think about complexities or what IFs, you have to learn how to pull the trigger without being attached to anything so that you will know the answer. Just start and stop thinking too much about the future, what will happen will happen. You don't need to worry about that because you don't have control of the future. Just live your life now and forget about the problems that doesn't really exist. You are creating your own problem by focusing on what you don't want. But if you will focus on what you really want then you will never have any problems anymore. 


You want something but you really don't want it, why? it's because you're always thinking about the reasons why you can't get it. You're focused on the obstacles, problems and difficulties. If you really want it then you will never feel any resistance at all, you will just get it no matter what. You will never be afraid of troubles and failures, you will just get it with all your power. You will never care about time, you will be patient, you will endure all the pain just to get it. If you really want it then you will rely on your willpower alone, you will never see anything that can stop you, you will feel unstoppable, you will be so hungry to get it. If you really want it then you will never do anything else, you will focus on it and be like a robot, you will never do some stupid things that are outside of your goal, you will focus on it like your life depends on it. 


Once you smell blood go for it, never think about the consequences, just go and get it, follow your heart, follow your gut, you want it right? then what the hell are you waiting for? just do whatever it takes to make it yours. If you can use speed very well and get addicted to it then you will become unstoppable. Nothing can stop you if you will not stop yourself, what are you waiting for? Christmas? nobody will wait for you, you have to go out there and execute, jump in, just try and never stop. Push yourself to the brink of failure and embarrassment, make sure you use all of your strength to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish. Never hesitate, never pause, never rest, you have to go all in no matter what. What will make you successful is simply moving forward, not thinking backwards, not hesitating nor procrastinating, not being slow, not holding yourself back. It's simply about moving forward and giving everything you've got, as simple as it sounds. 


If you will just do it you will feel much better, you will feel really good and confident, you will feel free, the heaviness on your shoulders will go away. You always feel heavy because you're hesitating and worrying all the time. Just do it without thinking about the results, just do it and let yourself fly. Be in the moment and never think about the consequences, just work hard and give everything you've got. If you got rewarded then good, if you didn't get anything then it's fine too. You have nothing to lose when you move forward, you will see the answers, you will know what you are mad of. It's a win win situation for you. You can fail anytime you want and feel nothing about it, it's about controlling your emotions and managing your thoughts, failing is much better than doing nothing. Failing but giving your very best will make you feel proud of yourself. But if you fail and didn't even try then you will feel like dead. 


To level up and become great.... you need to feel the pain, it's good when it's painful, it means you're on the right path. It means you're getting better. Don't be afraid of pain and difficulty, face it and embrace it, accept that it's going to get harder if you wanted to win. There is no easy path, keep this in your mind and the resistance will become weaker. It feels heavier and harder because you're always looking for an easy way. Accept that there is no shortcuts and feel the fire, burn, struggle and keep pushing forward. Just don't quit and the pain will go away, as simple as that. So don't ever feel sorry for yourself if you're struggling like hell, it's ok, it means you're growing and leveling up. Be happy for it and be proud of yourself because you're fighting. 


The negativity is controlling you, the past is controlling you, what people say is controlling you, being so attached with the results is controlling you. Social media is controlling you, these stuffs are making you weak and slow. It is making you inefficient and unproductive. Get rid of what is controlling you and stopping you from taking actions. remember that the idea is to become very fast and stop wasting time. If you're wasting a lot of time then you will have lesser energy but if you're using your time for greatness and useful things then you will have unlimited energy. If something is controlling you then you better stop it right away even if it feels good. You have to stay disciplined and committed to your goals if you wanted to win. 


Why will you get stunned if it is uncomfortable? why will you feel so scared if you're not on the best position that you want? why will you get overwhelmed with the big responsibility ahead of you? why will you crumble when the challenge is so big? it is suppose to be that way, winning is hard, going to the next level is really hard. what is new about it? if it is easy then everybody would have been great by now but it is hard that is why only few are great. It is uncomfortable so what? that doesn't mean you can't move and do something, that doesn't mean there is no chance to win. Embrace the discomfort and keep pushing forward, do whatever it takes with all your might. 

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Sep 21, 2022


Why will you be afraid of them? why will you be scared of what they say and what they believe? they don't even mater, the they're just riding on your journey, there is no need to give them enough attention, there is no need to be scared of what they are doing or saying, just be yourself , what people say is none of your business. The only business you have is focusing on your life and getting better everyday. Focus on your life, focus on improving one day at a time and never let people make you feel something, never let them make you emotional. You are in charge of your emotions, your thoughts controls your emotions, think correctly and you will be able to handle any kind of negative emotion. Believe in the process, believe in your own values and never let people affect your decision, they're just riding on your journey, they don't have any power over you. 


Create your own rules, process, ecosystem, technique, economy and philosophy. Create your own world and never let anybody command you or make you do something you don't want to do. It's your life, you can tweak it, manage it and customize it to your liking. You can become anything you want if you work hard and give everything you've got, the choice is always yours. It's either you become weak or become strong, it's on you. You are in full control here so don't ever complain that life is hard, yes it is hard but you still have the power to make decisions. If you don't want to have a weak life then take matters into your own hands, work super hard and never let anything stop you. You can become unstoppable if you want to, all it takes is will power and burning desire to succeed. If you really want it then you will find a way how to make it happen, as simple as that. No circumstances can stop you if you're decided that you're going to get it no matter what. 


Even if you made a terrible mistake, even if you're struggling, even if you're looking like a clown... don't ever judge yourself, don't put yourself down and always believe that you can thrive no matter what. Problems and challenges were all part of the design, it's all part of the process. Because your number one ally is yourself, your best friend is yourself, who will always be there when you're down? yourself right? why will you doubt yourself? you need to believe in yourself to the fullest and keep fighting for what you want. It's not about being successful, it's about not giving up. It's a hard statement but it's the reality, you will never lose if you don't give up so keep pushing everyday and always think that everything you do is setting yourself up for a big success. You are your own best friend, you can also be your worst enemy if you judge yourself. Love yourself and learn how to trust your skills and decisions, believe in yourself everyday even if you're not making any progress. You are the star of your own life, you are also the director, don't feel sorry for yourself, learn to trust everything about who you are. 


You get better and better every time you work hard and push yourself to the limits. Hard work will become very easy if you're doing it everyday. Make sure you are giving your all and there is nothing else to worry about. You are worried, scared and always doubting yourself because you're not giving your all. But if you will work hard and push yourself to the limits then you will become very confident and sure of yourself. Do whatever it takes, take your journey seriously and nothing will bother you anymore. If you will just go all in and stay lock in then you will become invincible, as simple as that. Preparation, sacrifice and discipline will make you a special human being. Because if you don't know what to do anymore then why not try hard work instead? you've been a lazy bum for the fast few months or years, does it even work or help you? 


Eat mud if you need to, crawl if you need to, eat shits if you need to, no matter how slow your pace is... keep moving forward. It doesn't matter if the progress was very small or no progress at all, just give your very best every single day and never give up. You have to enjoy the slow pace and always believe that all of your hard work will pay off one day. Never get tired waiting, never get bored. Don't worry about being slow, don't worry about failing everyday, your life will change if you persevere and never give up. Life is not a race, it's a marathon, it's a journey. People who got it fast also fall fast, it's ok if you're not getting what you want, just don't give up and always believe in yourself. 


Don't worry about what you can't do, don't worry about what you can't achieve and just focus on what you can do now. If you have this kind of mindset then you will become very productive and fast. The reason why you are so slow and inefficient is because you're too worried about accomplishing greatness. The truth is greatness can only be achieved by a series of small and consistent steps. You can never become successful if you're always thinking about it but not doing something to get it. If all you can do is wait so be it, if all you can do is heal so be it. Don't rush anything but don't slack off, just be in the moment and focus on giving your best. Your best thought, best action, best reaction, best training, best belief. Coz you will never know when are you going to become successful, it will come on the right time, if you keep on begging for it then you will only become frustrated and unproductive, this will lead to failure. Forget about achievements and simply focus on the process. 

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Sep 20, 2022


Forget the result, forget the money and success. Just do it because you wanted to see how far you can go. This kind of mentality will make you take massive actions. Just see how hard can you go, just see how big you can become with your chosen style and process. Don't do it for the money, do it for the numbers, see how much you can accumulate. Don't do it for success, do it for yourself, see what you are made of, see what you can become if you really work hard and push yourself to the limits. Make it a game, lessen the pressure by forgetting the results, accept what the outcome maybe and never judge yourself according to what you achieve. Just play this game of life and discover what is possible for you if you give your best and go all the way. There is really no pressure here, you are here to test yourself. 


If you want to witness greatness, if you want to know your true capabilities or potential... you need to embrace a boring life. You need to accept that you need to make sacrifices and choose the harder path. You can never see your full potential if you're always having a good time, it is what it is... it's going to get harder everyday, you will feel tired and stressed, you will feel weird and unhappy but that's the price of wanting to become great... you will get bored everyday. But don't worry because once you get use to it... everything will become a lot easier. It's boring but once you learn how to have fun and embrace the process... you will get addicted to it because you will see yourself getting better everyday. 


You will never force yourself if you always feel that there is tomorrow, you will waste a lot of time if you're not in a sense of urgency. If it is one month get it in one month, if it's two months then get it in two months. You need a timeline so you will be obligated to take massive actions and never waste any single second. Just start fast and never stop, it doesn't matter if you fee good or bad, it doesn't matter if you know it or not... just start and never hold yourself back. You have to be fast in starting and strong in finishing. Because you will never make a progress is you're always thinking every now and then, stop thinking too much and just focus on the execution. Never disrespect the timeline, you have to take it seriously and never look for extensions, you have to really push yourself and move faster, never make excuses, never stop... you have to do everything you can to achieve what you're trying to accomplish. 


If you will not force yourself to take actions and fail then you will never succeed, as simple as that. You already failed if you didn't try. The only path to success is through failure. Failing is what makes the journey beautiful, you fail over and over again until you finally become successful. Never care just move forward, at the end of the day you will still fail if you didn't give your very best, you will become a failure forever if you don't push yourself to the limits, there is no harm in trying. The truth is you will make mistakes again, you will fail again, you can never stop it from coming, it will happen to you today or in the future. But the point here is... if you don't want to face it then you will never become successful, you have to try now, you have to do whatever it takes to get to another level. You have to feel nothing about failures, embarrassment, humiliation, rejection and unrewarded efforts. You have to keep going everyday and feel like a man possessed. You must be relentless and unstoppable, be fast, do it now, start now and never think about what is going to happen next. 


Force yourself to move, pull the trigger, just do it, don't ever relax, don't slack off... you've got to be moving forward all the time and never procrastinate for a second. Just take one step now and then follow through, forget about the result, forget about the future because it's only making you slow and worried. Stop thinking and just move forward, it's too simple, the results will come naturally if it is about to come. But for now, don't worry about it and just focus on doing something, focus on getting better one day at a time.


Your experiences, the past is programming you to think a certain way. You are judging yourself based on your past, that's why you always lose your confidence every time you fail. Past is no longer present, it's just a memory, it's no longer helping you so why dwell on it? if you failed a lot in the past... forget it and rewrite your new life now. Past is no longer serving you, it's just poisoning your mind and making you believe that you are weak. Thinking about the past, thinking about your failures and shortcoming is not making you better, you have to focus on the present and prepare for the future. What is done is done, you can never get it back anymore and do the right thing, all you can do is embrace the present moment and do whatever it takes to win. 


If you will just do it step by step then everything will be a lot easier, nothing is hard if you will just take it one step at a time. Take the first step and then follow through, never stop, just keep going, just keep moving forward all the time. You can adapt to anything, you can do anything if you will put your mind to it. Everything becomes harder because you don't want to take the first step, you're a pussy, you're a coward. Stop being like that if you want to experience a new life. The time is now, you have to pull the trigger and never waste any single second procrastinating and acting like a bum. Force fate, force the issue, command the universe through hard work and perseverance. 

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Sep 17, 2022


Most of the time you think you're smart, you think you already knew it all, you think nobody is better than you and that's why you're lazy and not pushing yourself, that's why you're not making any momentum. What if you admit that you're dumb and that you need to work harder so that you will make a progress? what if you admit that you really need to push yourself to your limits and kill your ego that is telling you that you're entitled of something? you need to go harder every single day and stay disciplined. You're not pushing yourself because you think you're smart, you think that you will get lucky one day, you think that you can do it even if you're not working hard. And that's why you keep on failing, that's why you're always quitting when something is not going on your way. 


You've been so jealous to people who were born rich, with good looks, liked by everyone, with everything in life. You think that they're so lucky and you are not. Guess what? so be it, admit that you're not blessed, admit that you really need to grind and hustle like hell just to get what you want. Accept that you need to double your effort while other people are getting it fast. The reason why you can't succeed is because you're in denial, you think there is an easy path, you're wishing that you have their kind of life too. But that's not the case in your situation, you are nothing, you're not special. You have to accept that your path is harder than them, you need to accept that nothing will be handed to you, there is no freebies, there is no shortcuts, there is no help, you have to go and get it. 


It will give you soul and substance. It will make you stronger and tougher. It will take your mentality to another level. It will make you creative, it will develop your perseverance and belief, it will make you a beast. So keep struggling and pushing, you will find a way, if there is a will there is a way. If you really want it then you will get it, as simple as that. So keep struggling and never give up, you're almost there, you just need to believe in yourself more and be faster than yesterday. Don't act like you have the luxury to rest and take it easy, you have to go hard every single second and treat your goals like your life depends on it. Just because you're struggling doesn't mean your situation is going to be like that forever, of course your life can still change, it's on you if you want to change it or not, you have the power to change your life or make it worse. Struggling means you want to improve, it means you're aiming for something, move even if you're struggling and one day you will make a breakthrough. 


It's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up. Show up every single day and keep fighting for what you want, don't quit when it's hard... go harder when you're not seeing a progress, grind alone and do whatever it takes to become a little bit closer from what you want. You can make it if you really want it, you just need to become faster and bolder. Stay aggressive and always go for the kill. Don't stop and just keep trying, you will never become a loser forever, it's impossible to fail over and over again, one day you're going to succeed, you just need to believe and make yourself relentless to taking actions. It is what it is, it's not going to be easy but you can make something happen if you will try and commit to the process. Make yourself the hardest working person in the world and you will find out what you are all about, yours elf esteem and belief will become stronger, the results will come out faster. You just need to keep pushing and never complain just for once. 


Appreciate your struggles, appreciate the challenges, appreciate life. If you can appreciate everything then life will become easier and lighter, the resistance will go away. Hard or easy... accept it and appreciate it, don't complain, stop whining and making dramas. Stop playing like a victim and be a doer instead. You're becoming a victim because you're not taking actions, but if you will move and do whatever it takes to succeed then your life will change in an instant. You will never get the results fast but your emotions and energy will change, your mindset will become better, you will have a better approach and perspective in life. Because life will get more beautiful and easier if you will become appreciative. The power of gratitude is real, look for things where you can be thankful of and it will multiply. Just say thank you every now and then, appreciate what you have and you will feel much better. 


The key to success is to stop being a pussy, expose yourself to failures, you are not special so who are you to avoid failures? you will never become successful if you're so afraid of failing. Don't be afraid to fail because you will learn something from it, it will make you tougher and smarter, it will take your mentality to another level. Once you're no longer afraid of failing... everything will become a lot easier, you will become dangerous, you will have nothing to lose, abundance will be felt, you will become fearless, you will be able to work super hard and fast, you will become very productive and valuable. So keep trying, try somethin now, start now and never wait for tomorrow, never waste your time, just start because time is running, the clock is ticking, nothing will wait for you so you have to execute now and do something about your situation. 


Don't look for someone to do it before you start, you have to start believing in yourself while staying humble, believe that it can be done. You just need to double or even quadruple your effort, you need to take your time and focus on baby steps. It's impossible because you're not even trying. Don't look for an example or a proof that it can be done... just do it. No matter where you are, what your age is or how you feel... just do it. Do it even if you feel weak, do it even if you don't have an experience. Just do it and give yourself a chance to win. Because the truth is you can do it but you're so afraid to try, you need an approval first, you don't need any of it, you just need to believe in yourself and work insanely hard. 

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Sep 16, 2022

go all in or don't go at all

If you will try something... go all the way or else don't even try at all, go all the way, all the way. Even if the odds were against you, even if the Gods were laughing at you, even if you are powerless and has no help... go all the way, maybe the Gods will spare you a little bit of a chance if they saw your desire and willingness to win. Maybe they will give you a chance if they felt that you are for real and has no plan of quitting. You have to decide now that you're going to try, go all the way no matter what, forget about getting tired, forget about not making it, forget about making a mistake, forget about failure, just go all the way, go all in and give everything you've got, because this is the only way you can know if you can really become successful or not. Stop making excuses, stop acting like a clown, just start and do it. 


Don't worry about the results, don't worry about what will happen next, don't worry about if you're going to win or not... worry if you're not giving your all. Stop being scared of the things that you can't control and just focus on what you can control, as simple as that. The things that you have power the most is your thoughts and efforts. You can become a believer and at the same time the hardest working person on the planet. Stop being a punk and start believing in yourself, if you really believe in yourself then you will not behave like that, you will do whatever it takes to win, you will go all in and give everything you've got every second. There should be no time wasted, there should be no excuses and foolish actions, you're all in, you're not taking any reservations, you will never negotiate... you will just go out and do it. If you're in a bad situation right now, if you keep on failing... don't put the blame to anybody, look at yourself and see if you are giving your all. Check yourself if you are really disciplined and committed, if not then never complain for a second, it's on you if you want to become successful or not. Stop looking for a scapegoat, stop looking for out of the world excuses why you are not thriving and just check yourself if you're giving your all or not. 


Your own journey, economy, process, style, belief. Enjoy what you have with all your heart. Never give your time for some stupid random post in social media. Keep moving forward and watch yourself evolve, never care about what other people are doing. Fall in love with your own skills, beliefs, hard work and mentality. Focus on being active and becoming a little bit better every now and then. It doesn't matter if you are slow, it doesn't matter what other people are doing or achieving, focus on your own life and you will become very happy, you will be in full control. 


Your mindset is the key, if you have a very strong mindset then you will never fail, as simple as that. Your mind is everything, if you can control your thoughts then you can control your life. Your mindset is the game changer, work on it, make it strong and positive and you will have a very good life. Pick the right thoughts, never entertain thoughts that will make you feel regretful, bad or guilty. You have to feel good about your thoughts, it should make you feel blessed and lucky. Most of the time you're entertaining problems and resistance and that is why you're having trouble in making a progress. 


You think that it's not working but it is, you just need to be patient more. You just need to wait while working hard, never think that you're just wasting time grinding for nothing, you are getting better and better every time you work your ass off. It will work if you persevere enough and stick to it until the end. Stop being a quitter, stop being a coward and never be afraid to lose. It's ok to fail again and again because something will click in the future, success will be felt in the long run, just keep on plodding and do whatever it takes to succeed... that's how to get the job done. 


If something is not making you better or at least improve your situation a little bit then never do it. Why the hell will you do it? that's a pussyass move. You're only wasting your time, energy and effort. You better do something that will put you on a better position to succeed. Every time you waste will damage you and will make you slow and broke. Your time is your only commodity to success don't ever waste it for a stupid tik tok influencer that doesn't give you any knowledge to at least gain an advantage in life. Stop consuming a lot of information that will never take you to the next level. It's all about how disciplined you are, every second counts, every second is an opportunity to get better or at least put yourself on a better position to become successful. 


You're hard on yourself, you hate yourself, you hate your situation because you don't know what you can do. You're so afraid to try, you're so afraid that you might fail but you want to get to the next level. The real reward is discovering what you can really do and that will only happen through hard work and perseverance. Because you will always ask yourself if you can do it or not, you will only get the right answer if you will try and push yourself to the limits. 

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Sep 9, 2022


You don't know what will happen next but you still have to believe. If you will believe that you're going to succeed then you will be forced to work harder. The reason why you're sloppy, unmotivated, weak, slow and unproductive is because you don't believe in your work, you're always hesitating and doubting yourself. But if you believe in yourself then you will become faster and stronger, you will become more aggressive and hungrier, nothing can stop you. Believing is the key, you need to imagine yourself winning all the time and don't be afraid of failing because willing to fail means you're believing, you trust the process and you know that one day you're going to succeed. If you believe then you are willing to wait for a long time, you will become more patient, you will find a way how to survive your journey and you will do whatever it takes to make a progress. You will fall in love with baby steps, you will appreciate every work that you put in and you will never feel discourage at all.


Work harder and never expect to win right away, make it a habit to work harder and faster everyday. Make yourself a finisher, once you start something... finish it right away and focus on taking one step at a time. Never procrastinate, never compare yourself to others, never believe in what people say. If they say you're not going to make it just focus on your work and keep moving forward. Forget about the results, forget about your situation and just move forward. Take actions as much as you can and never stop. You can move now, execute fast and never look back, keep taking that baby steps and never regret any mistake that you may commit. It's all about doing the next move, that's it. Keep moving even if you're struggling, take your chances, a breakthrough will happen if you don't give up, as simple as that. 


It is normal, you're just a human being, you will be tested, you will be scared everyday but you need to still push yourself and do your very best. You're not crazy that's why you got scared, if you're not scared then it means you're a psycho. But you have to understand that fear is just there to make you feel something, it is there to alert you that you need to move faster and bolder so you won't feel it again. Stop hesitating, stop feeling weak, stop holding yourself back, stop wasting time and just pull the trigger, as simple as that. Fear will be overpowered by your actions and intentions. If you really wanted to win then you will never let fear take over.  


You can make something move, you can make your money move, you can make your health go up, you can make your brain go to another level, you can make your business move, you can make anything move if you will just believe. You have to keep it moving, you have to do something now and never get caught with stupid nonsense thoughts and activities. You can make a difference if you will believe, believe today and believe again tomorrow, this is a non stop process, you have to consume your mind with positive beliefs that will reinforce your motivation to take action. 


Set your intention. If you really want it then you need to use all of your strength to get it. Believing doesn't mean you will believe and you will get it fast. Believing means you will be tested, you will face a lot of adversities, a lot of things and circumstances will try to stop you but you keep moving forward anyway. Mental edge is real, if you really believe in yourself then you can control anything, even the most uncomfortable situation. If something is not working it only means you don't believe that it will work. If you really believe it then it will work and make a progress. It's better to become a believer than a non action taker or a procrastinator, more good things will happen to you if you believe. Just try it for one year, believe in yourself for a year and really work hard and let's see if this kind of approach still doesn't change your life. 

You have to check if you are stunned or overwhelmed and go back to your references, never care how are you going to do it, just do it, just push yourself and never give up. If it's hard then it means you're getting closer and closer so don't ever stop. You will be tested, if you are doubting yourself then it means you are being tested. If you can't believe then just put your mind on a neutral position and keep pressing forward. 


Why something is not working? why can't they make a progress? why is it so hard? I am so tired, it is not fair, she is sick, I am injured, he is heavier, they are stronger, the government is corrupt, the weather is bad. Everybody will make excuses just to avoid work. They don't want to work hard, they're so soft and picky. You need to learn how to live in fire, learn how to adapt, learn how to create your own energy. Choose what builds strength and stability and that is taking actions whenever you don't want to, stay disciplined and committed. You are not entitled to make excuses. Who do you think you are? son of a sultan of brunei? are you rich? are you talented? are you blessed? you're just an ordinary poor guy trying to make it in life, and even if you're not poor... you're still not special, you're just a clown so make yourself better by believing and trying, work as hard as you can and do something magical now!!!

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Sep 3, 2022


What are you waiting for? Christmas? you want everything to become perfect first before you start? you want assistance, help or guidance? you want luck? you want assurance of success before you work hard? and that's why you keep on losing in life, you're always looking for something before you start. You want a new shoes before you run, you want a kind teacher before you go to school, you want to become rich first before you start your own business, you want to become successful first before you try. That's why up to now you're still a loser, if you don't want to live like that forever then you better take actions as fast as you ca, stop waiting for something, you don't need everything to become easy first before you begin. Take actions and drag yourself to finish line even if it is hard. Your willpower is the only thing you need, you're too lazy so you must force yourself to move and forget about how you feel. 


They will never wait for you so why wait for them, waiting is the number one game of losers, you have to keep in mind that time is running and it will never stop for anyone, you have to devour each day and make the best out of it. Stop entertaining negative thoughts or unwanted thoughts that are only stopping you, remember that the game plan is to move forward as much as you can. Be fast in taking actions, be fast in taking the first step, never wait for anything or anyone before you start, you have to take matters into your own hands and force fate. You're in control of your life so why will wait for something, they will never wait for you so just start and keep the ball rolling, once you start you already have a momentum, you just need to follow through and move as fast as you can. 

You can go now, you can start now, always step on the gas and not on the brakes. You have what it takes to succeed in life, all it takes is the willingness to take matters into your own hands and do whatever it takes to succeed. Take actions now, remind yourself that you are getting better and better every time you take actions, there is nothing to lose if you try, you will gain more experience. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to repeat again and again just to succeed. Life is really just like that, you have to trust the process, you have to believe in yourself more than you believe others. You need to bet on yourself and decide for yourself, never let others control your life. Taking actions is very easy, you can finish any task, what makes it difficult is you're always thinking about the future, you're always thinking about fast success that's why you're always hesitant to move, you don't want to fail, you don't want to get tired. But the truth is you will only grow if you're tired and still pushing yourself to take one more step. You will only level up and evolve if you're forcing yourself to move even if your body doesn't want it anymore. 

You are not special, they will never give you a special treatment, they will never wait for you that's why you need to be fast, you need to make your own decisions and take actions that will put you on a better position to thrive, you will never progress if you're always waiting for something. Asking for help or assistance will only make you weak, if you can do it by yourself then never wait, you have the power to move now, you have what it takes to finish something now and make a little improvement. Start now and never wait, the right time is now, every action is the right action, don't be afraid to make mistakes and repeat again. So stop feeling entitled that you are bound to get what you want every time you want it, you need to take massive actions and stop thinking that a savior will save you. 


If life wants to dance with you dance with it, if life wants to challenge you challenge it. The most important thing here is your attitude and the willingness to not give up forever. It's not about winning or losing, it's about how you play with your life and push yourself to the limits. You can control your destiny if you're using all of your time only for yourself. Never waste time for things and people that doesn't contribute to your growth, you know what is good for you or not, you have to drop everything that is not helping you to grow. Control your destiny by choosing the right thoughts, words and actions that will mold you into a different beast. Your thoughts and actions will play a major role in how you life your future so watch yourself closely and never do something that will derail your progress. At the end of the day it's only about what you are focusing on, focus on greatness and you will become great, focus on problems and lack and you will have more of it. You become what you think about, your thoughts will manifest if you repeat it a lot of times. 


you can hustle every single second, you don't need to worry anymore if you're going to succeed or not, just hustle. Hustle is the way, keep moving forward, trust the process and never stop believing. That's all you need to do, what's so difficult about it. There's no need to worry anymore, just train yourself to become a fast mover and you will attract success, kill your hesitations, the only thing you must not be afraid of is failure, keep failing everyday, keep trying and never stop, that's the only formula you should follow and you will become successful. 

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Sep 2, 2022


You have no idea how strong you are because you're always holding yourself back, you're thinking about a lot of things, you're not focused, you easily got distracted by nonsense information and events. You can't control yourself and that's why you always feel weak. Discipline is the key, you have no idea what you can do if you don't push yourself to the limits. What the hell are you waiting for? do something, stop being a cabbage, you're not a vegetable, you can do something, you can turn yourself into a beast if you will just drag yourself to take actions every single second. Make yourself a doer, stop watching other people's lives and focus on your own life, claim your life, never let them use your time. Use your time only for yourself and never give it away for free. Time is very important, it is the most valuable thing in the world, you can create a lot of money but you can never buy some time. If you will just use your time for your own greatness then you will have an unbelievable life, as simple as that. The time is now, you have to take matters into your own hands and run your own show. Never let anything distract you or stop you. You are unstoppable if you will try to become one. Just do something every single second, make sure all of your actions were related to your dreams, if not then cancel it right away.


Delete your social media accounts, be a ghost for one year and work hard on your dreams. The social media is ruining your life, it's running your mind and you don't know it, never let the trend affect your daily living, never watch other people's lives because it is the path to being broke and miserable. Focus on getting better everyday, focus on doing something positive for yourself. Your mind is the operating software for your life, if it has a lot of virus then how can you live a more meaningful and happier life? you need to stop all the distractions, stop all the nonsense and reject all the trends that are not helping you to become a better person. Delete all the negative programming, make sure your mind is only filled with the right information that will put you on a better position to succeed. What's going on inside of your head will be your future. So if you keep on thinking about celebrities then you will just be a slave of those celebrities but if you're thinking about becoming successful and visualizing it everyday then you will become successful, as simple as that. 


Try working insanely hard for one year and let's see what you will become. The moment you wake up... push right away and keep moving forward towards your goals, stop acting like you need some rest because you don't need it. Every single day... work insanely hard, never care if it's Christmas or New year, forget all the bitches on the clubs and just work on your dreams. Because the only reason why you're failing is because you're not living on the edge of your skills, you are always exerting a mediocre effort. You have to do something different today if you want to see a different result. It is what it is, it's going to be difficult but not trying is even more difficult. Being lazy is ten times more difficult because you're not getting anything from it, you are just getting stressed with overthinking, stop thinking now and just do something, as simple as that. try pushing yourself to the limits, go to the edge of your skills and never get satisfied, stay hungry everyday, even if you're succeeding already... always stay hungry and never stop. You can push yourself, stop pretending to be weak, stop pretending that you have limitations, go hard now, go hard forever. 


Everyone is different so stop comparing yourself to others. So what if they're getting successful fast? let them be, you have your own journey and you have to love it and live it even if you have a slow pace. Never care if you're only improving a little, never care if you're not winning, just keep improving everyday and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Comparison is the thief of joy, it will make you weak, jealous and bitter, it will make you unproductive. Be happy for them if they are succeeding, if you can't be happy for them then just shut up and focus on your own life. You have your own timing, you have your own journey, just focus on your own life and appreciate everything that comes along with it. Stop complaining, stop hating, stop being bitter, you have to appreciate your own life and try to squeeze everything from it as hard as you can.


Just try everything you can try, try now ad never wait for the right time. There is no harm in trying, you will feel happier and fulfilled if you're trying. Not trying will only create stress and regrets. The reason why most people are not happy is because they don' take risks, they're not even trying, they're just watching other people making it and get bitter with it. Just try, the best time to try is when you're not ready. Because you will never become ready, you have to start now and try to win. Today is the day, don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for any help or luck, you have to force fate and do whatever it takes to succeed. Just try, repeat after failing, repeat a million times, that's the only way to become unstoppable... never give up and never listen to what other people say. Let them laugh but just keep moving forward and dare to win with all your might. 

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Push it, push it to the top, make it bigger, make it stronger, get it, go as far as you can. There is something you can do today, don't waste this opportunity, everyday is a chance to get better and put yourself on a better position to win. Push your body, push your mind, push your goals and never let yourself exert the same effort as yesterday, you have to make sure you are breaking your own records, you have to make it a commitment to get better than yesterday. It's all about leveling up a little bit, a little improvement is already good, you only need some time, it will take time but the wait is worth it. Don't be like others who are looking for an easy success, there is no such thing as that. You have to grind and hustle like hell, if you're not giving your all then who do you think you are to complain? you can only complain if you lost everything for chasing your dreams, if you're not doing whatever it takes to win then quit whining like a useless diva and work on your dreams. 


It takes a lot of patient to win, it takes a lot of commitment and sleepless nights. Stay disciplined, stay committed and never give up, trust the process and never break it. It's only just a matter of time before you win, you have to keep going and find a way how to make it. Stop making excuses, stop blaming other things, stop looking for a scapegoat. Just do what you can do and learn how to wait. What you are looking for is also looking for you, you just need to trust that it will come while working harder each and every day. Patience is a virtue, you may not think that you're not making a progress but the truth is you're progressing if you're really giving your all. You just need to ask yourself, are you giving your all? are you really committed to success? are you willing to make out of this world sacrifices just to get what you want? are you on a blast? are you on a roll? is your momentum can't be stop? are you turning into a beast little by little? is your discipline like a military style? 


Just try this technique and you will see how productive you can become in just an hour. Work as hard as you can, focus on taking it one step at a time, focus on baby steps and push yourself. Be faster and bolder, stop overthinking and just focus on taking actions. You can easily finish at least 5 simple tasks in just one hour which normally take you 2 or 3 hours because of procrastinating too much. Focus for an hour and never stop. Never rest, never check your emails, never check a stupid instagram post by celebrities, focus on yourself and what you're doing and you will be surprised at how productive and efficient you become. Throw the distractions away and focus on what you're doing. Never get disturbed by a random news or invitation. You have to stay disciplined and committed if you want to take it to another level. 


You're too soft that's why you can't evolve. Your always doubting yourself, you're always stopping yourself from taking actions. Just a little dizziness is making you wanted to sleep for hours, just a little heaviness of your eyes is making you believe that you need to sleep and have some rest. What did you do? if you don't deserve to have rest then don't have one. Burn your bed, throw your willow outside the window, smash your cellphone. Destroy all of the comfort in your life and you will turn into a beast. Comfort and always looking for comfort is making you weak and slow. Stop looking for an easy life and make yourself a doer, make yourself a machine. Try really going hard for an hour and let's see how you will feel. Of course you will feel tired and uncomfortable, you will feel stressed but that is where growth happens, growth will never happen in a comfortable situation, it will only be achieved through discomfort and pain. It's hard because you're not use to it but once you were able to adapt a little bit and do it for a multiple times... it will be a lot easier. 


You will feel proud and confident of yourself if you're really pushing yourself and giving your all. Only few people can give their all, they're always distracted and tired, they're letting their emotions run their day and that's why they can't improve or make a breakthrough. If you want to feel good about yourself then really give your best and never stop. Keep pushing and grinding and never hold yourself back just for a few seconds. Always be on a move, take the process seriously and never stop until you're done. Most people were not proud of themselves because they're too lazy and making excuses. They get tired easily after a few minutes of work, they're making excuses, they're looking for an easy way out and that's they they always feel weak and unaccomplished. You have to take matters into your own hands, you have to give your all and take full responsibility of your life. Your life is what you make it, if you're focused on useless activities then you will never thrive. But if you're focused on getting better then success will be attracted to you. 


Stop waiting for a perfect time, stop looking for a right timing because there is no such thing as that. The right time is now even if it doesn't feel right. Don't wait for tomorrow, don't say you're going to do it later and just do it now. Believe in the power of being bold and aggressive, believe that a breakthrough will only happen if you don't want to take actions but still do it. Push now, nothing can stop you, nothing can immobilize you. You have to allow yourself to do what is needed and never feel resistance at all. Feel good when you take actions, feel proud of yourself, feel accomplished, feel like a winner. At the end of the day you can make excuses but numbers don't lie, if you're only working for a few hours a day then who do you think you are to ask for more?

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

Sep 1, 2022


If you want to create a different result then you must go over the limit or at least become very close to it. The reason why you're not making a progress is because you're only giving your 20 percent effort or even less than that, you're always pretending to be weak and slow, you're acting like a bum, you're not a 90 year old man but you act like one. You're not focused, you're not going for the kill, you easily get distracted by useless entertainment that will not even help you to get better. If you want a different life then you better change your behavior and be the best that you can be, always give your 110 percent and never stop, go over the limit, push as far as you can go and never look back. You're acting like a disabled person, your hands are complete, your feet are complete, stop acting like there's something wrong with you that's why you're moving so slow. 


If you think you can't thrive because your knowledge is not enough... just try to outwork everyone, make sure you're the last man standing, make sure they can never work as hard as you can. If you can set the bar then you will be able to control your future. Just be fast, if there is something you can do... do it without overthinking, just do it, never let your mind worry or get distracted, just do it now, start fast and finish strong. Speed is the name of the game, if you can outrun everyone then you will become a winner, as simple as that. Stop feeling slow, force yourself to take actions even if you're not comfortable with that pace, just do the first step and forget about everything else. Keep following through, go hard as much as you can and never let anything stop you. Stop what is slowing you down, optimize your skills and speed everyday, optimize your brain, only entertain the thoughts that are helping you to get better so that you won't be stuck anywhere. BE fast and always step on the gas, never use brakes, never let a small obstacle stop you or slow you down. You got this, you just need to decide that you will push yourself to the limits no matter what. 

Look at yourself if you're slowing down and push yourself to become fast again, it's simply about guarding yourself and pushing yourself to get better again. If you want to go to the next level then you need to really push yourself to do what you don't want to do. 


Your stupid habits, your weak mentality and lack of discipline is stopping you from becoming successful. You don't have the discipline to keep going even if there are lot of distractions. You're always using your time for nonsense subjects that will not even help you to become a winner. You need to be mindful every second of what you're doing and stop yourself every time you catch yourself doing some nonsense or garbage acts. You need to get better, your discipline should be on the top of the food chain. It's too simple yet you can't apply it to your life because you're not willing to try and stay committed. You will try for a few hours or days and then you will go back to your old habits again. If you really wanted to change then you need to face the boredom and pain, it's painful even if it's not because you will be force to leave all of the things that are not pushing you further. Look at what you're doing now, look at what you're thinking now... it's you that is stopping yourself. You need to get better, you need to get faster and stronger. Stop stopping yourself all the time and commit to consistent actions. 


You can overcome anything if your mind was set to progress and moving forward. Forget the past, just move forward and push yourself to the limits, keep coming, keep showing up, keep fighting and never give up. Get what you want period. Sometimes all you have to do for today is survive, prepare yourself and thrive tomorrow. You don't need to become superior and dominant all the time, you just need to set your mind for greatness. Just do what you can do, use everything you know, keep taking baby steps and never overthink. Thinking is a sin, it will make you stuck and depressed, focus on taking actions all the time because that's the best thing to do, you can only make a progress if you're moving forward. 


Sleep is eating a lot of your time, you could have been a millionaire by now but you choose to sleep instead that's why the opportunities slipped away. It's all about you, the story is all about you, remember that. If you can just see yourself when you are sleepy and tired and still push yourself a little bit then you will go to another level. Being sleepy means you are lazy, what did you do to rest a lot? you don't deserve it, you have to force yourself to do something. Control yourself, if you are hungry and really serious in what you do then you will never feel sleepy. Just a few minutes of work and you're sleepy again? stop feeling that way, you better be fast and aggressive all the time, your energy will never run out if you will just do it. Start now, do it, make yourself a beast. You have to ignore what you feel and stop pampering yourself, you're not a baby, go hard and stop being soft and weak. Be a fast finisher, your mind is everything, you need to make your mind stronger because it can control your body. That's why you have to keep on challenging yourself, infuse your mind with positive and motivating thoughts, always believe in yourself even if your situation was really hard. 


Crown yourself, believe in yourself, if you will believe in something why not believe in yourself? believe that you can do it, believe that you can become a king if you will push yourself to the limits and work as hard as you can. Never stop, keep pushing forward no matter what. Never settle, never quit. The only way to become a king is to keep moving forward all the time like a shark and never rest. You have a big responsibility, you owe it to yourself to become a king. You only have one life, why waste it following others and following the crowd? you need to go to a different direction. Drop all the things that are slowing you down, erase all the thoughts that are not helping you and focus on what you're trying to achieve, as simple as that. 

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Everything on social media is fake, everything was just a marketing, everything was just trying to impress other people or make views for mo...