Jan 27, 2021


Some will get more, some will get less which part would you want to take? are you willing to take more or take less? It's all on you. Get use to it, life is unfair and sometimes you will get lesser than what you deserve or work for but you have to keep grinding and keep pushing to get more in the future. It's up to you if you want to get more or get less, what you're doing now will determine your future. So if you're bumming around and doing stupid stuffs then don't expect to have a bright future, expect to have a dark life that constantly go low all the time, stop thinking that the world is unkind to you and you're not getting what you want because the question is... did you fight for your dream? did you fight for what you want, numbers don't lie, your efforts will be seen, your ability work hard will be tested. 


If you want to get more but you don't know what to do the only choice you have is to work insanely hard. Become fully committed to the process, never stop, never settle, just keep pushing all the time. Going hard means you really want it, go to the extreme, face the inconvenience and never fold to any problems. Never care if you can't see results right now... just go hard, go to the extreme, keep pushing forward and never give up. If you want to get more then you must place all of your energy and focus to what you can control and that is your efforts and thoughts. If you go hard you will improve, you will put yourself and family on a better position in life, going hard is simply starting fast and maintaining your pace, don't stop, be relentless as you can be. Going hard will become very easy if you do it over and over again, start now and never stop, make it a habit, breathe with it, put all of your hopes on it. Go all the way and feel how it feels to become great and unstoppable, always remember that if you're moving forward all the time despite of feeling bad and lazy then you're already unstoppable. Ignore exhaustion, love the stress and always believe that you can go further, always believe that your energy is limitless and infinite. 


Focus on one goal, visualize and work the hardest to get it. Stay on the grind, stay on the hustle, make your time the most valuable thing on earth. Believe that you can get more, ask for more, do more and be decisive. Know what you really want and never change it, never change direction even if the path you are on is really hard. Set a number, it can be millions or zillions, believe that you can get it. DO whatever it takes to get it. Always believe that nothing is impossible to a heart that doesn't quit, you can get anything you want if you have a burning desire. Never think that you can only do so much, you are unlimited, the barometer of your success is how hard you work and how strong your belief is. And even if your belief is weak... just take massive actions and make that belief bigger each day. 

Try to outwork everyone, be the hardest worker in the world and let's see if you can't get more. You will be rewarded for the effort that you're giving. You will get more if you will think big and do more, as simple as that. 


Be thankful of what you have right now and push more to get more. The reason why most people can't have more is because they were too needy. They thought that they were deserving of a lot of things but all they do is complain and curse what they have, they were too unappreciative. You have to be appreciative of what you have to have more. Be thankful of what you have and always strive to have more, if you can't have more as of now then still be thankful. Once you start being thankful of what you have... everything else will become a bonus, you will feel so blessed, more opportunities and great things will come. It's because you have no pressure to receive it because you just knew it's already yours. There are two kinds of people in this world one is the appreciative and the other one the unappreciative. Life will be much easier if you will count your blessings all the time. 


You think you deserve more? you think you've been treated unfairly and not getting what is for you? if you really think that way then you need to prove it, complaining too much is just a waste of energy, it will never give you anything. You better stop doing it because it's only putting you on a worse situation. Focus on working so you will get more, as simple as that. Never mind if the work is hard, never mind if you need to do a lot of hard work to get it... just do it. Complaining is for the victim, it's for the losers, why will you do it if you won't get anything from it? they will just ignore you, people hate people whose full of dramas, you can never win by just looking for a sympathy. If you want to get more then just work hard and give your best, it's up to the universe if it will give you more or less. All you can do is focus on what you can control. 


You have to believe from the beginning until the end. Believe even if nothing is working, believe even if you're badly struggling. It's all you can do, pair your belief with hard work and you will become unstoppable. Most people can't see that there is something wrong with them, they feel that they were entitled of something big even though they're just exerting a very small effort. If you really want to get more then you will work super hard even if you're not getting anything yet, you will push the boundaries, you will do the impossible, you will keep pushing until you finally get what you deserve. 

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