Jul 10, 2018


If you can just ignore all the negativity surrounding you and focus on taking actions then you will have a better life. You have to accept that negative things and people will continue to disturb you and if your mind is not ready for it... you will have a hard time coping to it, you will have a hard time adjusting. The key here is to don't deal with them, just ignore them, you can never ignore them all but at least ignore 90 percent of them .

Just keep moving forward. Ignore the critics, ignore the haters, ignore the obstacles... find a way how to break through, entertain the most lighter thoughts that will make you happier and more positive. It's all about controlling your mind, it's all about focusing on the thoughts and things that will give you a better life. If you will focus on negative things then negative things will be attracted to you.

You will have more peace of mind of you can ignore the negative things surrounding you, the first step is to detect what is negative label them and simply ignore them. Even if they keep on disturbing you... simply ignore them, once you learned how to ignore them easily then they will not hurt you anymore, you will not even see them. Just think that it's a waste of time and energy giving them some attention, you will only become weak and soft.

Replace the negative thoughts with positive ones, ignore all the disturbing thoughts... they are not healthy for your brain.

Your life begins with your thoughts, any situation you attract... it's all because if your thoughts. If you can't neutralize your negative thoughts then you're in big trouble, you should always be aware if you're entertaining negativity or not.

It's better to think positive than to think negative, negativity will never give you anything good, it will only make you feel bad, your confidence will go down every time you engage with it. Being negative means being a loser, it means you are attracting sadness and misery into your life.

Fill your mind with the right thoughts that will give you a better life, thoughts about abundance, thoughts about winning and success, never entertain any weak thoughts that will will only make you slow and unproductive.

If there is something bothering you and you cannot control it... just ignore it. You don't need to waste your time and energy on it, you can do something that has more benefits and will make your life better.

It's hard in the beginning because negativity is too attractive but if you will only become disciplined to focus on the positive things then your life will change. The reality is... you will feel better if you're thinking about positive things.

There are more beautiful things in life, all you have to do is look for it and place your eyes on it, appreciate the beauty of life, you can live happier if you will only focus on the positive things

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...