How many times you said to yourself "I will do it later, I will do it tomorrow" then those times never come. You didn't do it forever.
You are always thinking about it but you don't have the pure intention to do it, that is why it hangs in the air forever, that is why you are full of worries and doubts. You lost your confidence because you trust the words "tomorrow" and "later". That is why you build a strong habit of not doing it right away.
Just like starting your goal, you said yesterday that you will start it now, but the day is almost over and you haven't started yet. Then you will tell yourself "tomorrow I will really do it, I will never lie this time" but did it happened? did you even take the first step?
If your procrastination issues is getting worse then you better do something about it immediately or else your life will become miserable. You will become a man who can't be trusted because you can't finish things on time, you can 't even start something. No one will believe in you anymore.
You will tell everyone that you will do it but you will not do it and you will hide if they are looking for you. You will make a lot of excuses and make dramas so they won't get mad at you.
The cycle of your life will be like that, you will always use the word tomorrow until you didn't do it forever. You will always become worried, you will think about finishing it fast but it seems like you are frozen and you cannot even more your fingers.
So just do it now even if it really feels heavy, it will only take a few minutes before you feel light and motivated to do the work. Just do the first step and destroy your habit of always using the words later and tomorrow.
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