May 25, 2024


If you have a discipline you can go further, as simple as that. If you're doing something everyday that is making you a little bit better then you already have an edge. Discipline means habits, it means being early, it means making sacrifices. I don't know what discipline means to you but for me it means you need to pick what is harder but has more positive effect in the future. If you can stop yourself from getting addicted to entertainment, pleasures, laziness, unhealthy foods, procrastination then you already have an advantage. Your main problem is you're not trying to stop your addiction, you love your vices more than you love yourself. You're doing it even if you don't have to do it. Focus is the key, focus on where you're trying to get and don't stop working until you finally get there. This is too simple and easy, just focus your mind and never let it be penetrated with useless thoughts that are only making you weak, lazy and slow. You have to do it your way and never be discouraged by failures and critics. Look at yourself, are you disciplining yourself or are you allowing yourself to become a pig? 

Navy seals are sharp, strong, alert, focus, smart and successful not because they were born that way but because they have a very strong discipline and commitment. Never prioritize your pleasures, you need to make hard work and making sacrifices as your number one priority, if you can do this then you will get on top. 


most of the time you are just using your energy for nonsense things that doesn't even matter that's why you are losing, that's why you can't make it in life. You have unlimited energy, the reason why it's getting lesser and lesser is because you are using it to make yourself worse. Stop acting like a fool, you need to force yourself to do the things that you need to do in order to get better and be on the right track. The reason why your life sucks is because you know you need to do something but you're not doing anything. You couldn't even get started, it is easy to start... just do it, start now and keep following through. If you want your energy to become unlimited then have some unlimited discipline. Stop doing things that are not taking you any further. Force yourself to build the right habits that will bring success and good energy into your life. The reason why you feel so weak is because you're doing a lot of things that makes you weak, you are sabotaging your own life, you are not doing yourself any good that's why you keep on struggling. But if you're just preparing, conditioning your mind and body to win then you will have a much much better life. You are your own worst enemy and not other people or certain circumstances. You are the one who is clowning around so stop looking for something to blame, stop looking for a scapegoat because the real culprit is you. Looka at yourself, are you disciplined enough to expect bigger things in life? or do you keep drowning yourself with pleasures that wastes a lot of your time and energy? the call is yours buddy. 

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