May 16, 2024


If you're wondering why you have no energy at all, if you're always drained and feeling tired then it means you're taking too much rest, yes you hear me right... you're resting too much and not taking actions. You're feeling lazy because you're lazy, you will only have more energy if you're always using your energy and not worrying about getting tired or fatigued. The more you take actions the more energy you have. Just try it, do more and you will feel more alive, you will have more energy and motivation. It's only hard in the beginning, the first step is always the hardest. Stop acting like a chicken and just do what you need to do. Run more, read more, try more, push more. Your body is too weak and slow because you're not forcing it to do the right thing. You love comfort that's why your life is too uncomfortable. If you're always resting, taking a break, procrastinating and prioritizing the useless activities that are easy and fun then your energy will drain out. You will never run out of energy if you keep on moving forward, the reason why you feel so weak is because you're acting like a weak person, you're not using your body, you're not moving at all. You better shut your mouth and stop making excuses and start taking actions. Take the next step and the next one and the next one, keep going further until you can't go anymore. 


If you are making sacrifices, if you are focusing on the right things, if you are not getting distracted easily then you will have an endless energy. The reason why you're feeling so weak is because a lot of things were going on with your life, you're not focused, you want to do something but you're doing the other thing. You want to finish an important task but you're doing a stupid activity that is eating a lot of your time and draining your energy easily. You will only become productive if you are focused on doing the harder tasks that creates a lot of resistance. The easier task will never make you stronger because it's tricking your mind that you need to prioritize comfort. If your life is too comfortable then you will become uncomfortable in the end, as simple as that. Welcome the pain, endure the discomfort and face all the resistance. Focus on taking the next step and the next one and the next one. Never stop, keep moving forward until you finally finish what you are suppose to do. Once there is a distraction... immediately ignore it and go back to the more important task. Making sacrifices will give you tremendous amount of energy, it will give you power, it will give you more time. There are only two people in this world one is distracted and one is successful. If you feel so weak, if you keep on failing and can't make a momentum then it means you're distracted with a lot of things that doesn't resonate with your goals and real purpose in life. Focus on taking action, do more, you don't need a lot of energy to pull the trigger. Just do it and keep following through. You can become what you want to be if you will just focus and force yourself to stay on the right track. It's not going to be easy but it is really worth giving a try. If you want to become productive and a high performance individual then shut down all the noises surrounding you. Ignore all the distractions and stop giving any attention to subjects or problems that doesn't even matter. Stop listening to the news, stop giving time to people and activities that will not help you to go further. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...