May 30, 2024


You will only become proud of yourself if you work so hard, you will only gain confidence and trust in yourself if you're giving your all every single day. The reason why you feel so weak and not confident is because you're too lazy. Laziness creates weakness and emptiness, the solution to your problem is to become a monster. Get stronger and never become a weak chicken anymore, work hard every single day and strive for greatness, always push forward to the next level... that's how to win in life. Because nobody will be there to save your sorry ass, you need to force yourself to work hard every single day and give everything you've got. 


That's the time you will become successful, when what use to be hard gets easier through repetition and hard work, when you make something special look common... that's the time you were able to arrive to the next level. anything that is hard will get easier in just a matter of time, it's just a matter of repetition, repeat something hard over and over again and it will get easier, it's because you leveled up skillfully and mentally, you know what to do without even thinking about it. You will become an expert, people will think that what you're doing is easy because it looks easy but when they try it... they will learn that you're on a different level, because you really are, you already mastered the art of pushing and consistency. 


The truth is what's stopping you is what people say and all of the excuses in your head. You can become unstoppable if you want to, you just need to detach from any resistance that you are feeling. BE aggressive and never think about losing, always think about winning no matter what, even if you're losing... keep taking actions and believe that you're going to make it. Always be on the attack mode, never rest, never get satisfied, never think that it is ok to slack off, never think that you already did your best if you just gave your 25% or even less. Stop thinking that you've had enough if you're just making excuses. You can become unstoppable if you will just believe in the power of pushing and taking chances. It's on you if you want to become great. One step followed by another one will make you unstoppable, this is your journey, you have to believe in yourself and the things that you can do. 


Keep struggling, keep failing, keep working harder, it is suppose to be hard, what do you expect? that life is easy? that success will be given to you? shut up and do the work, as simple as that. Always attack no matter what, forget the results and keep attacking, give yourself a chance to win, move forward even if you're struggling and having a hard time to move. The next action is what matters the most. Be proud of your struggle, struggling means you are ok, struggling means you are trying. You're on the right path, don't worry about the results because it will come later if you already did the work that you need. 

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May 28, 2024


Every time you work hard, make sacrifices and make an effort... believe that you already did get better. Every time you discipline yourself and do what is needed, believe that you already get to another level. Believing in yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself. It's not the shoes, car, house, money, girls or success that matters, you don't need it, all you need is to believe in yourself and that's it. You will get better if you are not doing things that has no meaning or purpose at all. Why will you watch TV for 5 hours straight? are you learning something from that? why will you scroll on social media the whole day? are you rich to waste your time? do you really think that it's not affecting you? the time you wasted could have been use for a better activity that will put you on a better position to succeed. You could have use it for learning and doing something that will enhance your skills. The reason why you don't want to work hard is because you think that you're just wasting your time, it's so funny because you're wasting a lot of time for entertainment and relaxation but it doesn't get you anywhere, you're still on the rat race and you're wondering why your life hasn't change. Stop fooling yourself, you know you're failing because you're doing a lot of stupid activities that is frying your brain and making your body weak. If you want to get better then do what is hard, do what is boring but very beneficial. Effort is the key here, hard work plus belief will make you an unstoppable human being. Stop looking for fast results because it is the fastest route to failure. Stop looking for shortcuts because it will only fail you in the end. You better start believing in the power of grind, hustle everyday and do whatever it takes to take your life to another level. At the end of the day you can never make excuses, the only question to be answered is did you gave your all or not? did you push yourself to the limits or did you get satisfied with a comfortable but mediocre life? It doesn't matter if you win or not, what matters is you gave your all and you didn't give up. 


Be scared if you're not giving your all, be scared if you're taking your life and time for granted. You can never control success, sometimes you really worked hard but still fail, it's ok, but one thing is for sure... you already lost if you didn't prepare for success, you already lost if you get satisfied of being lazy like others. Failure is nothing, the real failure is when you can do more but you did less, that's the real failure. You can stretch yourself but you hold back because you're afraid of what will happen in the future. Don't be afraid to take the blame, don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to repeat again, don't be afraid of what people say. Be afraid if you're wasting your time and potential, be afraid if you have an idea but you didn't execute it, be afraid if you somehow believe that you have a chance but you didn't devour the situation to put yourself on a better position, you didn't take the risk because you're so afraid of what might happen next. It is what it is, stop playing safe because it is the real path to mediocrity, if you knew that somehow you can do something great then never stop yourself from giving it a try. Just keep trying, don't worry about failing because the only thing you can control is your effort and bravery. Take the risk and let yourself fly, rise on the occasion and be the best that you can be. 

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In anything that you do.. the real challenge is you, it's you against you. It's you that is being scared, it's you that is not taking actions, it's you that is freezing when something overwhelming is happening in front of you. You are the one who is making your life worse, admit it and you already started your journey to change your life. Most people can't change their lives because they thought that someone is making them suffering, they though that that the world is unfair, they really believe this and that's why they can't move and do something that will give them a chance to have a better life. If you can discipline yourself then your life will get better, as simple as that. This is very basic, you don't need a life coach or a fraud teacher to tell you what to do, if you really want something... you will go all the way to get it, nothing can stop you, even the rains of fire can never burn you, you will keep going no matter what. 


If you want to make a breakthrough then don't stop. Focus on what you want to get and never stop taking actions to get it, it's too basic. If you can work as hard as you can then you will become unstoppable, the only person that's stopping you is you, your thoughts and stupid habits is what's making you struggle. Be basic, focus on hard work, think about what you want and do whatever it takes to get it, this is too basic and you don't need an instructor to tell you what to do. Don't be afraid to suffer, don't be afraid to go all the way. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions, that's they only way to become unstoppable. Be aware of what you're doing and ask yourself... is it taking you closer to your dreams or is it just making your life difficult? small actions were underrated, many people thought that a small action will not make an impact but if you stay consistent and repeat it a million times then you will go to a different level. If you want to become unstoppable you need to guard yourself and everything that you do. Be aware if you're clowning around and immediately stop yourself from doing it and go back to the grind. Anyone can become unstoppable but most people choose not to. At the end of the day you've got to choose what lifestyle do you want, do you want a lazy lifestyle or an active lifestyle? the choice is always yours. You can become the hardest worker or the laziest bum alive, what do you want? you have the power to decide, nobody can decide what your destination will be, you are the captain of your life, the driver of the steering wheel, you've got to choose which path you want to go. You are free to do anything with your life, nothing can stop you, it's you that is being an enemy to yourself because of your laziness and foolish acts. Turn yourself into a machine, focus on getting better. If you are doing something positive for yourself then you're already getting better. Whether it is walking, jogging, learning a new skill, building a new business, trying something new, building your own empire then it's good, you're doing yourself a favor. You can become unstoppable if you keep going, never let anything stop you because anything is possible if you believe and work as hard as you can. 

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If you want to improve your health, strength, mentality, looks, body then you need to run or jog every single day for at least 30 minutes without skipping even if it is holiday or your birthday. It should become your lifestyle, you should embed it into your system. If you keep telling yourself that you don't have time to go outside because of your work then buy a treadmill and do it during your free time. I am very sure you have a free time because you even spend hours and hours on facebook. If you're making an excuse that you don't have money to buy a treadmill then buy a one dollar jumping rope, I am very sure you can afford it. See, there is no excuse if you want to become successful, there is always a way. The excuses in your head is what's making you stuck, it's not your ability or resources, it's not that you don't have the strength... it's because you're making a lot of excuses. Push yourself to just do it, that's the only way to break any kind of resistance or doubts. Fear will start to take over and it will make you lazy and weak if you're not going to force yourself to just take the next step. You don't need to think abut this anymore, you just need to take actions, take baby step and never stop even if it is hard.  


Whatever idea you have in your head... do it, do it without restrictions, do it without attachment. If you have something in your head... do it even if you feel that it won't work, just do it, be a doer, being an action taker is 100x better than a thinker or a procrastinator. You will never achieve anything if you're just a talker or a planner, your thoughts will never come to reality if you don't execute it. Most people were talking about their goals, ideas and dreams but they're all just talk, they never push themselves to go any further. Be different, just shut your mouth and work the hardest, get rid of all the things that are not bringing you closer to your dreams. This is too simple... just work and never give up. Start now and never stop, go further as much as you can and give everything you've got. You have to be moving forward all the time or else you will never win, you have to give yourself a chance to win, feel free to express yourself, be fast in starting and be strong in finishing. Stop doubting yourself believe in the power of actions, believe that hard work pays off, something will click one day, you just need to keep pushing forward and stop hesitating. 


Be selfish with your time, give it only for family and real friends, never give it for free. Never let a social media post, a stupid dancer on tik tok, a post from a frenemy make you waste your time, avoid these poisonous things because they will never make you better. You have to be a no nonsense guy, discipline is the key to freedom, making sacrifices is the ingredient to success. Focus on what you want and never let any useless entertainment make you lazy, it's making you weak so why the hell are you focusing on those things? giving away your time for free means you are giving away your money, energy and opportunity to get better. Be smart, this is very basic, why the hell will you do something that will make you worse? focus on what gives you an edge, focus on what can make you better, as simple as that. 

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It will never help you, it will never make you stronger, it will only make the situation worse. You will never get anything from it, you need to check yourself all the time if you are being fearful. Fear is just an emotion because you want something to happen according to your expectation, you want everything to become perfect AND THAT is why you can't express yourself to the fullest and do what you are suppose to do. Fear is a compass, you do what you are scared of that has a benefit. Don't do something just because your friends are teasing you or provoking you, don't do it just to impress someone. Do something that scares you that will improve your career, mentality or situation. Focus on useful fears not on the useless ones, if doing something scary will make you advance then do it. If something is just trying to bait you if you are brave or not and in the end it will put you on a bad spot then just ignore it, you don't need to prove to anyone that you are brave, be smart, give only attention to something that really matters. If you are trying to prove your bravery to somebody then you are coward, you need to prove it to yourself... do something that is scary that has a benefit in the end. Take risks that are meaningful not meaningless. 


Fear is nothing, willpower can make it weak. You can still fight, move, take actions, decide, think and be happy with willpower. Willpower is everything, no fear, no amount of threat can stop it. Fear is your best friend, it will make you stronger if you endure it. Feel it with all your heart and never rush, try to feel comfortable with it and be in the moment. Use your willpower to move and do what you are suppose to do and you will see how powerful you are. You can play with your fear, you can make it your slave, it can never harm you if you use your willpower. You don't need to use brute strength, you don't need to panic, all you need to do is be conscious. Stop feeling insecure, stop feeling needy, don't look for help, don't look for an escape and feel your fears while moving forward. Fear is nothing but an emotion, it can never kill you, it can never change your life, all it does is threaten you and make you forget your power. But if you remind yourself about your willpower then fear will evaporate in just a matter of seconds. All you have to do is decide to keep moving forward while feeling the fear. Make yourself vulnerable to people's judgements, critics, opinions and you will feel powerful. Make yourself open to failure, fatigue, stress and nothing can ever stop you anymore. Fear is just anticipation of the future. If you will feel every second of your life and use your willpower then you will find your inner strength to overcome anything or finish anything you need to do. Fear is a guide to keep moving forward no matter what. Without fear you are nothing, so use your fear to propel yourself, use your fear to move forward towards your goals. Willpower can erase your fears, Trust yourself, believe in the power of pushing and intention. If your intention is to win then your willpower will force you to take actions that will make you closer to winning. 

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May 27, 2024


If you want to become successful you should be the one who's making people react not the one who reacts. Meaning you should be the one eating their time not the one who is giving your time for free. You need to be the one who is eating their time, this means you have a high value, this means you have something that they need. If you are letting them eat your time then you are losing, success is a battle of who can manage his time very well and not be poisoned or manipulated by different information or subjects that doesn't help you to get better. It doesn't matter if you're not entertaining, fun or have a few followers, what matters is you don't waste time for other people that is not helping you. There are only two people in this world, one who is successful and one who is constantly distracted. If you easily get distracted all the time by different subjects, posts, news, gossips, petty problems, useless arguments then you are failing... as simple as that. You need to be mindful where your time and energy goes, if you want to improve then you better focus on trying to develop yourself only and forget other people that doesn't contribute to your growth. Don't let them use you for their own good, you have to use them, waste their time. Because at the end of the day a person is wasting his time if he is using his energy for other people's dreams and goals, that's why most people are failing... they don't know the trick here, they just follow what is fun and entertaining, they don't know that everything is a trap nowadays. This era is full of time wasters and if you're not aware where your time goes then you're in big big trouble. So if you want to thrive all you've got to do is stop getting too interested with other people's lives and problems, never mind what's going on with the world and work with your own craft, never mind the entertainment, ignore all the stupid posts that is making you weak and manipulated. You have to trust your own journey, have fun with your own life and look for continuous development everyday. Never follow the crowd because they're all followers, never idolized stupid people that are pretenders, just because they're popular doesn't mean you need to follow them and obey them, stop worshipping these false idols because they're no better than you, They're just ruthless, fake and good in pretending to be good. If you want to get happier and experience freedom then you need to take care of your own business, build your own empire and stop following what the crowd is doing, you need to stay disciplined and committed to your own goals. Keep pushing everyday, keep making sacrifices and never give up, study yourself, have fun with your own journey and never compare yourself to others. 


Be present and be aware of what you're thinking and doing, if you easily get distracted by useless problems and different subjects that doesn't matter then it means you don't believe in yourself and your goals. If you really believe that you're going to win then you will focus on your own journey and do whatever it takes to get better, you will use all of your time for your purpose only and nothing can ever distract you. Be conscious, never put yourself on an auto pilot mode and strive for progress all the time. Stop living for others and start living for yourself.  

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May 26, 2024


Don't be scared of time, don't look at the clock, don't be afraid if your time is running out because it's not, you're just scared that's why you think that there is no enough time left. If you really believe in yourself then time doesn't matter, you will make it no matter what. Mind over mater, always think that you're going to win, always think that you can finish anything no matter how much time left. Stop thinking about time running out and just show up, just live life and never be scared of anything. This is a journey, you can't go wrong here, don't worry about time and just be in the moment. Your power comes back when you're present. You can start anytime you want, you can start anywhere, the truth is nobody can stop you so don't worry about time. Don't worry if you're late or old, don't be scared if you think that there is no enough resources, just keep going and think that life is a journey, every action and decision is right, you just need to make a stand and enjoy every challenge or adversity. 


If you're hustling then something is working, as simple as that. Just work hard, show up and never give up... that's all you need to do. Just hustle so you will forget time, so you will forget problems, so that everything will get easier. You will feel that nothing is hard if you're focused on hustling. Hustling will give you results, you just need to become unstoppable and feel unstoppable. Because nothing can really stop you other than yourself. It's you that is stopping yourself that's why you're having a hard time with your life. If you want something to work then keep hustling forever and forget about what will happen next, for as long as you are moving forward... you will be alright, you will feel much better and confident, how good was that? Keep hustling and never be afraid of getting tired, keep trying and never be scared of what people say. Never care if it takes a lot of years to win, just move forward no matter what. Time will come and everything will end, while you're still playing the game, while you can still play... have fun and never stop. Fear is nothing, action is everything, it's not about the time... it's about how you feel. If you can enjoy every moment of your life no matter how dangerous it is, if you can have fun during the pressure times then you're a real winner. You can become happy no matter what, be happy during down times, be happy during scary times. So what if the deadline is near? you can still take actions, take baby steps and make the situation a little bit better. If it ends it ends but don't stop playing the game. Discipline your mind to keep moving forward despite of your fears, despite of problems, despite of adversity... show your animus, show them what you can do. Show them that you're no ordinary person and that you can become powerful anytime you want to. Time can never stop you, pressure and deadlines can never punk you, you are here to win, you are here to push the boundaries and push yourself to the limits. You are here to test possibilities, don't believe in time, believe in taking actions. If it's too late s be it, if the end is near so be it, just keep fighting and never give up. One life, roll the dice, time is not real, you are in complete control here. The only real time is now, not the future not the past, focus on the moment and give everything you've got. You will never run out of time, you have forever to chase your dreams or finish your task. 

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Being fearless is not real, a man without fear is a psycho and psychos were in jail or mental hospital. And if your mind is still sane and you want to become fearless then you need to get insane that means you will become a criminal or a maniac and in the end you will end up inside a cell, do you want that? mind is a vey complex thing, you can reprogram it but you can never make yourself a fearless person unless you want to become crazy or a man that loses his touch with reality. But if you want to become great you need not to become fearless, they say that great people were fearless but the truth is they're not, they just promise to themselves that they will embrace fear no matter what. You can never become fearless but you can override it with your philosophy. Know that facing fear is the only way to override it, it is the only way to thrive. Whatever you feel right now, just stay calm and laugh inside telling yourself and adversity "come on, bring the hell on and let's see who will remain standing". It's not about being arrogant, it's about facing your emotions and being one with it. If you are scared so be it but never let fear immobilize you, never let it restrict you, keep pushing forward no matter what and create a miracle on your own. You can become scared but you can still move and fight despite of being scared. 


Don't fight your far, accept it and you will only be able to do it if you are aware of it. Most people were just rushing, panicking and going loud and out of control. The only way to control fear is to stay calm and be aware that you are scared, admit to yourself that you are scared and watch your feelings go away. You're just a human being, you can never stop your fear but you can still take the right actions without panicking or rushing something if you are aware that you are scared at the moment. fear is part of life, you can never get rid of it ever, the best thing to do is to embrace it. Great people embrace their fears during scary moments, they don't feel ashamed of it, it's not new to them, they just knew that they're going to get scared every now and then, they just knew that fear will be there in everyday of life. It's ok if you are scared, you just need to know how to deal with it and the best way is to stay calm and keep moving forward, just don't believe it, always think that everything will be alright no matter what, always think that you can make it. Fear is just testing you, it's just a reminder that you're just a human being, it's just a thin line between greatness and mediocrity. If you want to become great then you need to face your fears, embrace it and have fun with it. When you're scared, that's the best time to take the risk, that's the best time to take actions. If you're not scared then there will be no thrill in life, life means facing your fears and doing the best you can. Believe in yourself even if you are scared. Be in the moment and feel everything, don't shy away from anything because everything you see, everything around you is just part of your life. Everything has a use, you may think that it is scaring you but it is there to make you better. If you want to become great then be aware all the time, be conscious and present no matter what you feel. Be one with your emotions, don't judge it as something bad, feel it and move forward believing in yourself. Never let anything stop you including your fear, you can become unstoppable by being scared, just don't stop taking actions, little by little... face adversity with all your heart. 

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May 25, 2024


The only way to feel confident is to get serious. Work as hard as you can, don't waste time, stay disciplined, stay consistent and committed. Be a no nonsense guy, if you're taking it seriously, if you believe in your work and you trust the process then your confidence will soar high. The reason why you don't feel confident is because you waste a lot of time and energy for nonsense things that doesn't matter at all. You're making yourself weak, you're making yourself look like a bum because you don't push yourself as hard as you can. You're not focused, you can do more but you always choose to do less that's why you keep on failing and struggling, that's why you feel so weak and depressed. But if you're taking your life and work seriously, if you're passion is to get better every single day then you will never feel weak anymore, you will never feel inferior just for a second. You will become vibrant and extra ordinary, you will stand out, they will look after you because you're becoming an inspirational human being. If you want to feel confident... make sacrifices, do more and work your ass off, stop giving time and energy for activities and subjects or even issues that will not even give you energy and motivation. The more you work hard the more motivation and energy you will get. You will feel so weak if you're lazy and slow. You need to be decisive, aggressive and bold. You need to just do it even if you feel tired, focus on taking one step at a time and never care about the future. What will happen will happen, you will only find out if you can make it or not if you will push harder and never give up when things gets harder than ever. You need to take your life seriously, focus on self improvement and get better everyday. Never feel weak or lazy because that's the start of your falter. DO everything you can to produce something, invest on hard work and preparation, invest on trying to optimize yourself. Because it's really worth it, if you're using your time and energy trying to make yourself better then success will come naturally. You will attract it, it will come to you naturally. If you don't want to feel weak then stop doing weak things, stop engaging on pleasures and nonsense actions that are easy and fun but has no essence at all. You need to have a purpose and reason why are you doing something. Do it for yourself, do it for your family, do it for success. You will have endless motivation and energy if there is a reason why you're doing something. All sacrifices will never feel a sacrifice or pain in the ass anymore if you believe that you are doing it for something larger than life. Confidence comes from the intensity of your preparation, it comes from hard work and sacrifices. You will never feel confident if you're just acting like a winner that didn't prepare, you can never fake confidence, it will show up in the end if you're for real or just like a poser like everyone else. 

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If you are being consistent every single day, if you are working so hard and giving your all then the gap from where you are and your dreams will become very small. It will get smaller and smaller each day, you will become familiar with any challenge that is trying to stop you and you will no longer be afraid of it. Just like running for a few kilometers everyday, it's hard right? but when you do it everyday then it will feel so easier. I was running everyday in our subdivision, I thought the subdivision was big but once I get used to it... it feels so small, I feel like I can run on every corner of it, I began to master the distance and I am no longer intimidated of it. Just like doing 100 push ups everyday, you feel a lot of resistance in the beginning but once you did it for a few weeks... it will no longer scare you, it will feel like a normal thing. If you expose yourself to something that is hard everyday... it will get easier. If you expose yourself to traffic everyday it will no longer feel like a traffic, your mind and body will learn to adapt. In other words, anything that is hard will get easier and easier each day if you practice patience and learn to persevere from the beginning to the end. Struggle, pan, challenges and facing your fears are the only thing that will make you better and stronger. Any knowledge is nothing without execution, any idea will never make you great if you will not face the obstacles along the way. It is what it is, you are going to face a lot of challenges everyday but it will get easier because you are beginning to get familiar with it. 


Maybe the reason why you can't make a breakthrough is you've been holding yourself back for a long time, that's why you can't make the gap smaller. Starting today... be an attacker, be aggressive and trust all of your decisions. Decide, be decisive and never be scared of what the future holds. What will happen will happen, never care if you will fail. You can move now, you can start now, all it takes is decisiveness. Just do more, never care if you win or lose... do more, allow yourself to go further and further. Because you will never win if you're always worrying about what's going to happen next. Become a starter and a finisher, if you need to start something... start it now and look forward to go further as much as you can. Push yourself and never stop until the job is done, as simple as that. You can make life easier if you will just continue to move forward no matter what. Attack the goals, attack the to do list. Never stop when it is hard, never give up when you feel so tired. Just keep going no matter what, your energy will be renewed. Stop trying to look cute and just keep pushing no matter what. You're trying to look cute and perfect that's why nothing good is going on with your life. This is just a matter of who is willing to try and fail over and over again, be a failure, stop trying to win perfectly and fail with dignity. Something will click one day, something will work, you just need to attack every now and then, you just need to give yourself a chance to win. 

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If you have a discipline you can go further, as simple as that. If you're doing something everyday that is making you a little bit better then you already have an edge. Discipline means habits, it means being early, it means making sacrifices. I don't know what discipline means to you but for me it means you need to pick what is harder but has more positive effect in the future. If you can stop yourself from getting addicted to entertainment, pleasures, laziness, unhealthy foods, procrastination then you already have an advantage. Your main problem is you're not trying to stop your addiction, you love your vices more than you love yourself. You're doing it even if you don't have to do it. Focus is the key, focus on where you're trying to get and don't stop working until you finally get there. This is too simple and easy, just focus your mind and never let it be penetrated with useless thoughts that are only making you weak, lazy and slow. You have to do it your way and never be discouraged by failures and critics. Look at yourself, are you disciplining yourself or are you allowing yourself to become a pig? 

Navy seals are sharp, strong, alert, focus, smart and successful not because they were born that way but because they have a very strong discipline and commitment. Never prioritize your pleasures, you need to make hard work and making sacrifices as your number one priority, if you can do this then you will get on top. 


most of the time you are just using your energy for nonsense things that doesn't even matter that's why you are losing, that's why you can't make it in life. You have unlimited energy, the reason why it's getting lesser and lesser is because you are using it to make yourself worse. Stop acting like a fool, you need to force yourself to do the things that you need to do in order to get better and be on the right track. The reason why your life sucks is because you know you need to do something but you're not doing anything. You couldn't even get started, it is easy to start... just do it, start now and keep following through. If you want your energy to become unlimited then have some unlimited discipline. Stop doing things that are not taking you any further. Force yourself to build the right habits that will bring success and good energy into your life. The reason why you feel so weak is because you're doing a lot of things that makes you weak, you are sabotaging your own life, you are not doing yourself any good that's why you keep on struggling. But if you're just preparing, conditioning your mind and body to win then you will have a much much better life. You are your own worst enemy and not other people or certain circumstances. You are the one who is clowning around so stop looking for something to blame, stop looking for a scapegoat because the real culprit is you. Looka at yourself, are you disciplined enough to expect bigger things in life? or do you keep drowning yourself with pleasures that wastes a lot of your time and energy? the call is yours buddy. 

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Slow internet, ugly and old shoes for running, invented exercise, slow pace, rusty car, soap as shampoo, heavy rocks as weights, ugly girlfriend, cheap foods, small house, empty bottle, broken slippers etc. Anything will work if you're using it, appreciating it, trying to make it work and adapting with it. The problem with you is you're too picky, soft and acting like a spoiled diva retard. Anything will work if you will try to make it work, the only problem is you're too picky and perfectionist. You're acting like you're entitled of something bigger than what is available, you're acting like a celebrity but the reality is you haven't done anything great yet. Push yourself to adapt, improvise if you need to and never make excuses, never look for what is missing, never put your mind into lack mode. You need to feel abundant and blessed, you need to be appreciative of what you have. Because anything will work if you appreciate it and believe it, anything can give you something, all you need to do is make a little effort. Push and power through, never act like a victim, never compare yourself to others. What you have is all you have but the good news is you can make it better, you can make it grow, anything is possible, the potential is unlimited. Just believe in yourself, believe that what you have will work, have a winner's mindset, have that killer mentality. Never make excuses, never think that it is not enough. You are enough, all you need is you, the resources you have is just a bonus. Just do it, never mind if you look like a fool, your self image doesn't matter, what matters is how you see yourself, how you feel about yourself. You can draw the state from within, the power is within, never let your power come from any other place like things, people, opinions, comments, help, promise, guarantees etc. Let your power get stronger inside of you. It's all in the mind, what you think is what you will become. If you think that you can get better, if you think that a situation will get better then it will get better. All you have to do is condition your mind that you can thrive no matter what, you can survive any situation and you can win even if you don't have what they have. Mind over matter, always believe that greatness is about to happen. 


Stay hungry, devour the situation. Never think that you need something in order to win, if you are hungry enough then you will do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. You need to make yourself something in order to get something new. Delete the old version of yourself and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. All you need to do is stop being a soft chicken, stop acting like you don't have a backbone, make yourself better by pushing yourself to work harder. You can get better now, all you need to do is push a little bit more and stop worrying about getting tired. Stop worrying about what will happen next and focus on the now. Step by step, inch by inch... push yourself to become the best version of yourself. 

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May 24, 2024


It's very simple to have a better life. It is very easy to improve, it's very easy to change, all you need to do is stick with the basics. Be simple, stop being complicated. You're thinking too much that's why you can't make a change in your life, that is why you can't make a breakthrough. This is simply hard work and consistency and nothing else. The more boring your life gets the better it will be. The problem with most people is they want to have a lot of fun all the time, they want the easy route that's why they're attracting a lot of problems and living a miserable life.  Don't let your mind be distracted by parties, tik tok videos, stupid social media post, gossips, news etc. Don't be a consumer of information and entertainment. Stop looking for it and do the process of developing the right habits instead. Keep pushing and trying, focus your time and energy for your growth and self improvement. Always attack your dreams and never quit. 


Use every second to grow, use every minute of your life to get better. It is possible to get better and better every single day, you are doing yourself a favor by committing to the process. You are doing this for yourself so don't ever feel bad whenever the process is getting harder each day, it's like an investment, the more you discipline yourself the better your life will be, as simple as it sounds. Treat every second like an opportunity to upgrade your life, don't waste your time because you will regret it in the end. You could have done more but you didn't, you could have try more but you're so afraid to take the chance. You need to treasure all of your time, use it the right way so you will see how good you can become. You will only be able to see your full potential if you stop wasting your time. Time is the most important ingredient for success, the way you use your time is the way your life will be. If you're a time waster then your life will become a waste, if you utilize your time very well then you will have a bright future, as simple as that. So ask yourself, where is your time going? Time is more valuable than money, with time you can change your life, with money and no time you can never change anything. Money become powerless without time, money is only getting it's speed and power from time that's why ultra zillionaires are buying time with their money, you will understand this if you take your goal seriously. Every second is a must, every second is essential to become successful. The more you move, the more you can move something. The more you procrastinate the more your life gets harder. Push yourself to become a hard worker. You must get disgusted with laziness and procrastination, you must use your time to get a little bit better and better every single day. 

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May 23, 2024


There are many ways how to get something. You just need to try a lot of times, you just need to give yourself a chance to win, all it takes is taking the risk and not being afraid to lose, as simple as that. If you're not afraid to try even if the stakes are high then you're going to fly. So choose a mindset and stick to it no matter what. 


Face the pain, take the risk and never care about what's going to happen next. It is what it is, it's going to be hard but who cares? life is really hard anyway. It's painful, it's hard, it's full of resistance but so what? it is what it is, face the pain and never give up. It's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up. If you will not face the pain now then it will haunt and scare you forever, it will never give you space, it will always make you feel bad, face it now and you will become free. So what if it is painful? it's just an emotion, once you keep on moving forward... you will become unstoppable. If you want to become active, progressive and unstoppable then face the pain. Face the discomfort and never give up, push yourself to do the work needed and never look for excuses why you should stop working. The time is now, go all the way now, whatever you can do... do it now. Just take the next step and never care about your environment, never care about what's going on around you. It's you that is making your life harder because you're focusing on some other things that doesn't need your attention. You don't need to look at them, don't listen to them, don't give them any time because you're only wasting your life by doing that. Always look for ward to finish, look forward to start something useful that will improve your life a little bit. 


Then you need to find a way, you need to do whatever it takes to win. If you're chasing greatness then you don't have a right to complain, you just need to work and work and work. Take the next step and follow through, chase greatness and your personality will change, chase greatness and your life will change automatically. Keep going and never care about your feelings, those who care about their feelings will never get anywhere, they will become stuck forever in one place because they will never move when it is hard. They will always complain, they will always make excuses. They will never even dare to try harder. You have to keep going and pushing no matter what. Even if it is hot or cold, even if you're tired or not, even if the adversity is scary, you need to give yourself a chance to win and you will only win if you don't stop, as simple as that. Go for sneaky ways, there is a way to make a small momentum, there is a step to make a small progress, focus on these things and repeat the process over and over again. 

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May 21, 2024


A stupid post from your celebrity crush about her favorite nail polish, a nonsense story about the addiction of a government official, news about the latest trends invented by a stupid influencer etc. etc. These are poisons, all it does is waste your time and poison your mind to avoid focusing on the things that will make you a little bit better. The reason why your life is getting worse is because you're too addicted with information that doesn't make sense. You're too consumed by pop ups that the main agenda is to get your attention so that they will have followers. Protect your mind at all cost and never let anything manipulate it. Use your mind to your advantage. Your mind is a very powerful tool, you just need to feed it with the right thoughts that will serve you. If you will let it wander anywhere and entertain negativity and stupidity then your life will fall apart. Your mind is either helping you or pulling you down. Why will you think about other people's problems and issues? Why will you care about a celebrity that is wasting his own life? can you help? will it make you better? can you text them? you have their number? you can never help them or change their lives. The funny thing is you're not even related to them, their issues are not making your mind better so why even bother? Mind your own business, mind your own life, that's how to become a winner in life. You are responsible for your thoughts, thoughts creates reality because your thoughts will make you do something that is related with what you are thinking. You have to decide now if you're going to poison your own mind or not. Thinking about negative things will only make matters worse, you have to become a positive thinker, be appreciative and always believe in yourself. Believe that you can win, focus on what you can control and never think about what you can't control. 


If you have a healthy sound mind then you will have a very good reality but if you have a sick mind then your reality will get ugly too. It's what you think and say that will determine your reality, your life can change now, focus on the mind, focus on consuming healthy and positive thoughts. The good news is you can always control your mind, you can always rewire the thought patterns. Focus on what you want and never think about what you don't want. Create a new self image, see yourself winning all the time, see yourself making it, see yourself working hard and having fun with the challenges. If you have a powerful mind then you will have a powerful life, your reality will change, everything around you will be upgraded. Focus on catering the right thoughts and never focus on hate and envy. It's the mind not the reality that matters, it's your mind that will put you on top not the external things or people surrounding you. You have the power to take over now, just prune your mind with beautiful thoughts and believe it with all your heart. Feel your energy rising, feel success coming because good things are about to happen. 

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May 18, 2024


A free time doesn't mean you are free to scroll on social media and waste a lot of hours trying to learn stupid things that doesn't even matter. Use your free time to rest, because if you're using it for stupid and nonsense entertainment then you're building the wrong habits. Don't waste your free time, it's better to rest if you will not do something much better. You can use your free time to read meaningful books, lift some weights, exercise a bit or meditate. Use your free time to make yourself better not to make yourself worse. Your free time is for evolving and not for self sabotaging. You have to keep on growing, keep evolving and never waste your time thinking about the past. Create a new you now, force the new identity to grow into your system and just keep on moving forward no matter what. Your free time should be valued, don't use it to downgrade yourself. Use it to level up and break your own limits. Limits is what you place upon yourself, it's self inflicted you imagine it then it becomes real. Control your imagination, be creative, believe more and do more and you will be able to create a new reality. You have a lot of time, that is your reality, you're just making excuses that you don't have time because you really don't want to do it. Just do it, just start it, you don't need to become impactful right away, you don't need to start strong. Start weak, start mediocre but start fast, begin early and never make excuses. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok of the progress is very slow but don't ever waste some time. Stop overthinking if you're going to do it and just do it. Choose action over inaction and see the difference it does with your life. Always go for the kill, have that killer instinct. Kill your laziness, kill your fears and just give yourself a chance to win. It will only happen if you will take actions, take the risk and never care about what the future holds. 


Look at yourself and see what you're doing when nobody is watching. Look at yourself honestly, what are you doing now? is to going to change you? what are you doing when nobody is forcing you? when there is no deadline, when there is no sense of urgency? what are you doing that will make you a little bit better when there is no pressure to do it? that's what defines your future. If you're too relaxed when the tide is low then you will never change. If you are pushing yourself to get better even if there is no reason to do it then that's how you change your reality. You will be in control in the future if you will face the pain now, create an imaginary pressure to yourself and never give up. Start controlling your mind, start taking over and never stop pushing yourself to the next level. You will only win if you're making yourself uncomfortable even if it seems like you're already in control. Just go all the way. Keep pushing yourself to the next level and never stop. It is what it is, accept that it is a journey. You will make mistakes, you will become undisciplined, you will sabotage yourself but the key here is forgiving yourself and forgetting the past so fast. Be fast when it comes to changing yourself everyday, leave the laziness and start taking actions again, try to become disciplined again. Stop punishing yourself too much, learn to forgive yourself and just do what you need to do.  Every action is the right action if you believe that it will contribute to your greatness. Every step is the right step if you have faith in yourself that you're going to win in just a matter of time. Be patient, don't be hard to yourself whenever you're failing and coming up short, always remember that everyday is an opportunity to improve. Give yourself a chance to win and develop by showing up and not wasting a day doing nothing. You can change your life if you want to, you can change your status and life, just follow your heart and trust hard work. 

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May 16, 2024


If you're wondering why you have no energy at all, if you're always drained and feeling tired then it means you're taking too much rest, yes you hear me right... you're resting too much and not taking actions. You're feeling lazy because you're lazy, you will only have more energy if you're always using your energy and not worrying about getting tired or fatigued. The more you take actions the more energy you have. Just try it, do more and you will feel more alive, you will have more energy and motivation. It's only hard in the beginning, the first step is always the hardest. Stop acting like a chicken and just do what you need to do. Run more, read more, try more, push more. Your body is too weak and slow because you're not forcing it to do the right thing. You love comfort that's why your life is too uncomfortable. If you're always resting, taking a break, procrastinating and prioritizing the useless activities that are easy and fun then your energy will drain out. You will never run out of energy if you keep on moving forward, the reason why you feel so weak is because you're acting like a weak person, you're not using your body, you're not moving at all. You better shut your mouth and stop making excuses and start taking actions. Take the next step and the next one and the next one, keep going further until you can't go anymore. 


If you are making sacrifices, if you are focusing on the right things, if you are not getting distracted easily then you will have an endless energy. The reason why you're feeling so weak is because a lot of things were going on with your life, you're not focused, you want to do something but you're doing the other thing. You want to finish an important task but you're doing a stupid activity that is eating a lot of your time and draining your energy easily. You will only become productive if you are focused on doing the harder tasks that creates a lot of resistance. The easier task will never make you stronger because it's tricking your mind that you need to prioritize comfort. If your life is too comfortable then you will become uncomfortable in the end, as simple as that. Welcome the pain, endure the discomfort and face all the resistance. Focus on taking the next step and the next one and the next one. Never stop, keep moving forward until you finally finish what you are suppose to do. Once there is a distraction... immediately ignore it and go back to the more important task. Making sacrifices will give you tremendous amount of energy, it will give you power, it will give you more time. There are only two people in this world one is distracted and one is successful. If you feel so weak, if you keep on failing and can't make a momentum then it means you're distracted with a lot of things that doesn't resonate with your goals and real purpose in life. Focus on taking action, do more, you don't need a lot of energy to pull the trigger. Just do it and keep following through. You can become what you want to be if you will just focus and force yourself to stay on the right track. It's not going to be easy but it is really worth giving a try. If you want to become productive and a high performance individual then shut down all the noises surrounding you. Ignore all the distractions and stop giving any attention to subjects or problems that doesn't even matter. Stop listening to the news, stop giving time to people and activities that will not help you to go further. 

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May 15, 2024


There are only 2 things to know if you have some power, number one is you are immovable and number 2 is you can move pieces or you can move right away. 


They can't move you, they can't kick you out, they can't just put you to garbage, they can't evict you even if they don't like you because you have some value. The company can't fire you because you are too skilled or maybe you are too disciplined, you have some asset. The landlord can't evict you because he knows you will get an attorney or you will fight back. The coach can't trade you because you have that skills, he can't bench you because you bring some value to the team. They can't simply move you or push you because they knew they're in trouble, they knew something bad will happen. You are a force, you can affect the situation if you're not around, you can fight back whenever a disrespect is happening, that's one sign that you have some power. They can't just ask you to do things and you have no power to say no, you have the power to make no comments or simply take no action, they can't force you to move because you have some power or luxury to make decisions on your own. You're like a rock, they can't just tell you to go away because you have some value, you are respected for what you can bring on the table. You have the skills, you have the assets and you're not a liability. And speaking of being a liability, if you're one of these people who are weak and cannot make something better then you will be pushed around all the time, you will be controlled, you will be a last option and there is nothing you can do about it. 


You can move when you don't like your environment, you can rent a new apartment or take a vacation, you can even buy a new house. You can replace your car, shoes, place without having to ask for help from anyone. You can move pieces, you can make money anytime, you can make an impact, you can affect any situation, you can leave if you don't want what's going on and nothing can stop you. You are decisive, you are bold and you can manipulate elements around you. You are unstoppable, you can instantly buy something, transfer something, change something without putting your future in jeopardy. In just a snap of your finger you can make a decision that will not put you on a lower position. 


Sometimes not using your power is the real power, being patient, knowing that there are some better things to focus on is more powerful. It's good to know that you have some power but using it all the time will make you powerless. You don't need to show them how strong you are, stay humble and just use power whenever you need to. Just be humble and that's enough, you don't need to be loud, it's ok to look powerless, not trying to crave for people's respect or attention is one sign of real powerful man. 


Use your time to create power. Create wealth, develop the right skills, make yourself healthier and stronger. Be an asset, be an inspirational, be someone who can carry the team, be someone who can be trusted. Be the light, be the power. Be disciplined enough so you won't be a liability. Be independent, don't ask for help whenever you don't need to. Stop pampering yourself stop being too soft. Do everything you can to get more powerful. 

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May 14, 2024


It's hard but it is the simplest and realest way to succeed and evolve... focus. Where your focus go the momentum flow. If there is nothing good going on with your life right now it means you're focused on the wrong things. Always focus on the things you want an never think about the things that you don't want. Ignore the haters, forget your enemies, stop thinking about the people you hate and start focusing on how to make your life better. Focus, keep improving day by day and see what happens. You can do it if you really want to make it, nothing can stop you if you will force yourself to grow and see greatness. If you have a very sharp focus, if you have a very strong discipline then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. The main reason why you keep on tripping with your life is because you want a lot of things, you're too open with a lot of information that is making you weak and lazy. You need to turn of the sources that poisons your mind and makes you a useless cold bum. Watch yourself stay conscious and never let any bad habit get away with your guard. Watch what you're doing and thinking, what how are you reacting with everything and you will see how funny you are because you're dreaming about big things but you're not even sacrificing your vices and bad habits that keeps you stuck for a very long time. You need to grow up, all you need to do is sharpen your focus and never think about people and things that doesn't resonate with your goals at all. Let them do their thing while you focus on growing everyday and making yourself better than yesterday.  Your focus is the most important thing in your life, you need to watch everything you do and think, watch where you're looking at. 


Excuses will stop the progress, keep that in mind. Show up and just do it, it doesn't matter if you get something or come back home with nothing, just do the work and stop being a coward. You can lose, you may fail but always give your best even if you're not feeling good at all. All you did in the past is get lazy and make excuses and that's why you can't make a progress now, you have to take matters into your own hands and force fate. Just move forward, never care about what happened in the past, forgive your mistakes, forget your failures, forget your laziness and cowardice. Start now, create a new self image now, someone who is determined to win and doesn't think about anything else other than winning and moving forward. Focus on the push, the next step, the next small progress and you will feel much stronger than ever. Believe in your work, believe that showing up and working hard is the only way to winning. Believe in your work, believe in the sacrifices that you did. 


If you want a new reality then create a new personality, as simple as that. If you're slow before then get feaster now. If you're lazy before then work harder now, if you're a bum before then get serious now. Be someone you haven't seen before, you need to create a new you, a new version that is stronger and faster, a version that will do whatever it takes to win. You haven't seen the vest version of yourself yet, you need to see it now. Force yourself to get better and better and never make excuses why you can't win, find a way how to win. If you will create a new identity then you will create a new reality, as simple as that. Become something you've never was, push harder and focus on the things that really matters. Detach from stupidity, detach from different things that will never give you an edge. You can become something different, you need to detach from the past, stop living in the past and start recreating your new identity. You can become a totally different person if you will just force yourself to become different. Work harder and try to get better. You have never seen the best version of yourself yet, it's time to see it, it's time to work for it because it will never happen overnight. Watch yourself if you're losing your focus, stop the stupidity right away, even if it is a very good entertainment... stop it. Even if you're having a lot of fun, even if it's free and accessible... stop it because it's not doing you any good. 


Trust your belief, trust your hard work, trust your philosophy. Believe that something you believe will work one day, all it takes is commitment and focus. All it takes is decluttering your mind and feeding it with the right thoughts that will give you more energy and motivation to do the right things that will make you closer to success. Trust that what you believe will work, of course you will be tested, your faith will b challenge but that's all part of the process. You need to believe in yourself because nobody will believe in you if you don't trust your abilities and judgements. Because if you don't believe in yourself then how can you go further and advance in life? how can you become successful? it doesn't matter if you're losing now, what matters is you keep on pushing and doing your very best. Something will work if you persevere and endure the pain, just keep failing, if you're failing it means you're getting closer and closer to success. Just try for one more time and never give up. Keep fighting for your dreams, keep fighting for what you want. You will become what you think so be careful where you are focusing on. 

It's not the lack of talent, support or education that ruins you... it's your lack of concentration and focus. Focusing is the hardest thing to do. Any task or hard task is doable, the most difficult part is maintaining your focus and avoiding distractions. You need to wake up and do what is best for your life, stop falling into these traps that are making your life harder. Focus on what you need and want and never let anything stop you from doing the right things. Don't make it harder for yourself, you can make everything in your life easier by staying disciplined and committed. 

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May 11, 2024


If you don't take risks you will remain on the same level, the worse is you will even go down because there is no improvement. No risk no reward, you will remain as the same bum clown forever if you don't take risks. Fake courage if you need to and have fun taking chances. You need to give yourself a chance to win and it will only happen if you will avoid being scared and be vulnerable to failure. Fail your way to succeed, it's ok to fail just try again and again and again. Never give up, it's the only way to get on top. Don't waste time thinking what will happen next, you never know what will happen with the future no matter how strong or rich you are, anything is possible. If you want to make a change, a sudden outburst then you need to take a risk. Not gambling your money, not playing with your life but something meaningful and hard. Take the risk of changing your career, status, position, role, home, personality, team, toxic circle etc. Take the risk of taking it to the next level. Work harder and give more time for your dream, leave everything that is making you a loser behind. Stop being too soft and predictable, you need to take the blame, take the last shot, take full responsibility of your life, bet on yourself and never let anyone define you who you really are. Be the one who defines your destiny, rewrite your history and never take your life for granted like that. Trust hard work and not luck, take the risk of doing it your way and persevere when challenges are making you give up. 


If you want to do something great then get ready to get laugh at. People will laugh at your weird ideas, they will mock you and criticize you, be ok looking funny and weird. That's what innovators and bog inventors experience... they look so different to the point where people can't even understand them. Never mind what people say, ignore them and just keep doing your thing, what they say doesn't count, it is powerless, it will never affect you if you just laugh at it. They are entitled of their own opinion, just focus on what you do and get better everyday. Be willing to lose, be willing to look like a clown for trying something different, let them judge you and never take anything personally, stop being too emotional and never let people affect your mentality. Choose your mindset stick with your game plan no matter what. Never let the opinions of people make you feel bad or unmotivated. Let them speak and talk while you focus on working hard and giving everything you've got. 


be ok having zero friends, getting no rewards, be ok being the last. Just be ok having yourself only, if you are ok having nothing then the resistance and drama will go away, you will feel free, you will take more risks, you will have bigger chances of winning. It's ok if you fail and go home nothing, you can try again tomorrow, what matters is you take risks and you didn't cower like others. Most people just talk but they can't take risks. So what if you get nothing today? you will get something in the near future, something will click, something will work in just a matter of time. Just don't give up and keep believing in yourself. The real security is taking risks, the real risk is not taking the risk, give yourself a chance to win. 

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May 10, 2024


Most people are focused on developing success that's why they can't become successful. They want success right away, they want the easy road, they want it now and that's why they always fail. What they don't know is they simple need to avoid all the useless habits, thoughts, actions and people that are pulling them down. Every day you have a habit that is wasting your time, define that habit and avoid it. That is the best way to change. The only way to get better is to practice delayed gratification and stop being tempted with entertainment or any activity that will only poison your mind and make you lazy. You need to be strong, you need to do what most successful people do and that is to maximize your time with fruitful activities. Stop doing something that has no equivalent reward. Change your mindset, change your lifestyle and you will get more out of life. Avoid all the things that are making you worse, avoid the activities and bad habits that is downgrading your skills and stopping your momentum, you need to make a stand to get better everyday and discipline yourself like a soldier. Just show up for greatness and be absent for mediocrity. All you need to do is stop sabotaging yourself and you will be fine. 


Because you're thinking too much, you're thinking about the process and not the result. You're thinking about the long process that's why you get intimidated too much. It's hard because you choose to become a chicken instead of a warrior, all you need to do is take actions but you choose not to and that's why you keep on losing and being stuck in the same place forever. You will never make a progress if you're always thinking about perfection. You need to force yourself to move even if it's so hard and uncomfortable. It is what it is, it's not going to be easy but you still need to take actions and do whatever it takes to make a small improvement. The time for being a slow bum is over, you will never get anything done if you keep on making excuses and pampering your laziness, if you want something new then create a new personality, create a new identity and live by it forever. Be a doer, that's all you need to do. Be a risk taker and never care if you fail or succeed. 


It's every simple, who can endure the pressure, fatigue and stress and still manage to enjoy it and move forward is the one who's going to win. It's very basic, if you can deal with a lot of pain and manage to think right and do the right actions then you will prevail in the end. Most people were soft, acting like a soft diva and making dramas all the time that's why they can't win or make a progress, that's why they're having a hard time with their lives and can't make a breakthrough. If you will just force yourself to take actions then you will never get suck on the same place for a long time, your life will improve. Look at your mind, what are you thinking when things are hard? what are you being afraid of? do you give up before you even face the real difficulty? because you haven't faced the real challenge yet but you're already counting yourself out, you need to be mindful of what you think and do. You need to practice endurance everyday and train your mind to never give up when things are really hard. 

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May 2, 2024


You will never understand everything and you are not suppose to understand everything. You may work hard, you may be more skilled than other people but they are getting more success and opportunity than you. You maybe a good person, you are doing everything you can but it seems like more and more challenges are coming to you. You may prepare too much, practice too much but still success can't fall into your hands. The world maybe unfair, life maybe unfair, you may never know the answer why is it that way but it is what it is, you are not suppose to understand everything. The only thing you can do is focus on what you can control and that is your mind and actions. Never care if you can't get an opportunity, never care if you keep on failing again and again, never care if the world is treating you unfairly. All you can do is keep moving forward because you will never stay down forever, life will change, something will click if you don't give up. 


One thing is for sure, you will never win if you quit, you will never make a breakthrough if you keep on being a diva and focusing on your drama. You need to get better each day, push yourself to the limits until you finally break the barrier that is stopping you from becoming successful. Forget everything that is stopping you, break your limiting beliefs and start believing in yourself. Don't be scared of failing, don't be afraid to break the rules. Just give your best every single day even if you're no getting any opportunity. Never care about the outcome, don't be afraid of what people will say and just be yourself no matter what. Be bold, aggressive, be a risk taker and let go of any limiting beliefs that are limiting you to reach your full potential. You can do anything you want if you will allow yourself to take over, take charge of your life. Be the best version of yourself even though you are not getting any brakes or opportunities. Create your own opportunity, don't let yourself become a loser forever, you can fight, you can believe in yourself and push yourself to the limits. You will only go to a different level if you're trying to reach the next level. Keep climbing that mountain and never make any excuses. Don't blame anyone for your failure. Don't blame your coach, professor, parents, friends, teammates, government etc. Only weak people do that, you will only get an opportunity if you're trying to break your boundary. It means you need to develop yourself everyday and take matters into your own hands. Work as hard as you can and never apologize if someone is getting insecure to you, you need to be yourself, you need to go to somewhere you haven't been before mentally. Make your mind strong, it will only happen if you're working hard and staying focus every single day. Never let any pleasures or temptations destroy you or make you weak, stay disciplined and committed to greatness. You will never understand why you keep on failing, you will never understand why the world is unfair and some people are mean to you, you can never control everything, the only thing you can control is your effort and dedication. Always remember that hard work pays off. You have to keep on grinding if you want to position yourself on winning. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:


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