Oct 22, 2023


The mentality of not needing anything, this is what will make you strong and progressive. You don't need anything, you don't need any help, you don't need sympathy and appreciation, you don't need any donation because it only means you can't find a way or you're looking for an easy way out. If the donation comes naturally then accept because it's the real help you need but don't ever initiate it. Don't try to look like you're struggling too much, don't beg for their understanding, just keep moving forward and believe that you can do it. Stop feeding yourself with fear, don't look for comfort instead look for your power to continue, focus on the next move. If you can't move then stay still because you will find a way. Because the truth is help will come naturally, you don't need to beg for it. The more you beg for it the more you can't get it. That's why beggars were begging forever, that's why needy people never made it to the top... they're always focusing on their weakness and forgetting their strengths. Just keep moving forward and that's it. You don't need to worry anymore if you're moving forward and giving everything you've got, it's impossible to lose if you're giving your very best. Anyone can give his best but only few will do that's why only few succeed. It's just a matter of mindset and attitude. 

Because every time you ask for help, it means you already quit, all you have to do is use your own resources and skills, Use your knowledge and strength, don't ask for any help because it will come on the right time, use your philosophy, all you need to do is survive at the moment and keep moving forward. Don't beg for money, don't ask for sympathy, don't try to look weak. Have some pride, you are not here to kneel and look weak. Just don't give up and you have nothing else to worry about, do everything you can with your power and never look for excuses why you can't make it. If you really want it then you will find a way, there's no need to feel weak anymore, if you're really willing to step up and make sacrifices then you will be able to survive everything and make a breakthrough. Remember that you don't need anything, you just need your heart, you just need to practice your belief and philosophy and you will be able to win in the end. Just give your 100 percent and everything will be right. You have the power in your hands, stop playing the sick game because it's not helping you at all.


It 's not about the situation, it's not about what's going on, it's not about the outside events.. it's about what's running inside of your head. You can feel comfortable while being down and in danger, you can feel great even if difficulty is trying to crush you down, your mentality is everything, it can alter the reality in just a few seconds. Breakthrough and freedom happens inside of your head first before it manifest into real life. To create a very strong mentality is to simple be aware of what's going on, stay still and move forward if you need to, promise to yourself to never stop, never complain, never look for excuses, just work hard no matter what and that's it. Focus on your own values and philosophy, never let anything control you and believe that you can survive anything if you just do your best. Don't try to make yourself weaker and weaker by being needy and acting like a victim, stop feeling helpless, all you have to do is take the best next step available, you don't need to make it work right away, you just need to move and do whatever it takes to create a small momentum, a small momentum can go very far, all you have to do is stay consistent and never stop. The mentality to move forward even if it looks impossible, this is what you need to cultivate. 


It's all about willpower and being hungry for success or a breakthrough, it's all about doing whatever it takes to survive and win. Don't think too much, stop planning and just keep on executing, the strategy is to keep pushing forward and never rest, as simple as that. Too many people were overthinkers, they thought they were genius, they thought they can make it by having a well ironed plan, guess what? they're stuck on the same place for a very long time because they couldn't even take the first step. What a stupid way to live, it's better to fail a million times and working hard than to be playing it safe and not failing at all. It feels so weak to be holding yourself back, it feels so boring and disgusting to be giving no effort at all. Promise yourself to move forward no matter what, move forward even if nothing good is happening, never care about the circumstances and focus on taking chances. Your job is to erase all the regrets that might happen, you are not here to win... you are here to see your full potential and use all of your strength and skills to go further as much as you can. 


Don't hate what you feel. If you feel bad so be it, if you're sad so be it, if you're feeling down so be it ,feel it but don't forget your philosophy, don't forget your mission. Always remember that you can still move forward even if you're unmotivated and feeling lazy, your emotions doesn't matter, never let it control you, feel it and don't forget that you need to move and do something or else you will feel miserable forever. Be one with your feelings, never hate any of it. If you're scared so be it but don't ever let it stop you, don't forget your favorite quotes, don't forget your philosophy to keep fighting and pushing even if it's hard and uncomfortable. 


Do it, start it, make it, endure it, face it, feel it. Never doubt yourself for a second. The concept is to avoid perfection, it means you need to take actions right away, be fast, be bolder and never procrastinate because it will only make you weak and miserable. People get crazy not because they're overwhelmed but because of not taking actions and simply taking their lives for granted. You need to push yourself and be the best that you can be, pull the trigger right away and never think about the future. You have to do it now before it's too late. Time is fleeting, never delay anything. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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