It will not work in the beginning because you are still on the testing stage. Success is testing you if you deserve it or not. You face a lot of pain, disappointments and setbacks. But those things are normal and you should be happy if you face a lot of them. The more you face challenges, the closer you are to winning it.
All you have to do is work until you have it, don't worry about suffering, don't worry about stress because those things will only make you strong. So why will you worry about the things that will make you strong and a better person? Face the pain, face the challenges, don't be scared if things are hard because it will be easier in a moment. Just persevere because everything will work in the end.
It may not work now but for sure it will work in the end and that is guaranteed. So be confident and never stop working, never stop grinding, never lose your momentum and keep the fire burning.
The harder the road, the sweeter the victory so don't give up. Challenges and obstacles are just preparing you to have all the strength so you will be able to defeat harder tests in the end. You will be harden as you defeat each victory.
Don't be deceive by how the situation looks right now, it may look messy, it may look ugly and no direction but if you keep on going and hammering... everything will change, everything will become beautiful, easier and attractive. It is just a matter of hanging on there and moving little by little.
Trust the process, make small progress. That is all you need to do, you don't need to overthink and make every little thing complicated, you don't need to worry a lot. Just make consistent improvement and everything will be fine, everything will fall into its designated place.
Because if you don't believe that it will work then why are you still working now?, you should have quit earlier while you haven't exert a lot of efforts yet. It is too late to quit now, you have to reward yourself, you have to reward all of your efforts, you have to keep going.
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