Dec 20, 2016


A lot of people were afraid of being hungry, they don't know that being hungry will give them some kind of a motivation that will enable them to get everything they want.

You should not be ashamed of being hungry because it will help you in different ways.

If you are hungry mentally, if there is a n urge to get something then you should follow that feeling. You should pair that with work and do whatever it takes to get what you want.

If you are hungry for success then you should sustain that mental state and start taking actions to bag that goal. Use that hunger as motivation to keep going.

If you are hungry mentally and you are ok with it, you will keep on thinking on what you want. If you are a positive thinker then you will be able to forge actions to make you one step closer to your goal. You should sustain that hungriness, you should always think about what you want and how to get it. Actions will come naturally, your feet will take you to the place where you wanted to go. It is like being automatic, you will move even if you are not sure that your action is the best thing to do. You will just do it no matter what, that is what hungriness will give to you so be happy if you are hungry for something and never lost that state of mind.

Your level of hungriness is the barometer of your success. The more you are hungry, the more you are likely to take actions, the more you are willing to take risks and do everything just to become successful.

Successful people who were not hungry anymore becomes a failure in the end. They thought that they don't need to do anything anymore, they thought that they were fine and they don't need to go to the extra mile. So they will find out in the end that their status in life is going down, their position is fleeting and they can't do anything about it anymore because the urge is already gone.

It is true that the younger you are, the hungrier you are but that level of hungriness can be sustained if you keep on finding something that will make you motivated. You can become hungry forever if you will build that mental habit that taking action and being successful is your happiness. It is not about being greedy, it is about experiencing a lot of things and navigating one territory from another. You keep on exploring and finding possibilities to succeed. You keep on knowing yourself and seeing how far can you go.

So if you are not thriving right now, it only means you are not hungry, it only means you are satisfied with your bum life. There is nothing wrong with that but make sure your mind is always at peace and it is not looking for something else.

Being hungry can be summoned, if you can't feel it then you just need to look for things that will make you hungry. Keep thinking about it and then start taking actions right away to get it. No need for plan, no need for a lot of thinking because it will only kill your hungry state. Just move right away and let your feet bring you to the top of the mountain.


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This is the way, no hesitation, no doubts, no worries and just do it. Take actions and never give up. No matter what thought is distracting ...