Dec 31, 2016


Success is to be shared, that is what success is all about. If you are very selfish in sharing your success and helping others then you are really not successful. Successful people were generous and wants others to become successful too. They want to share knowledge and wealth especially to people who are really deserving. You will become more successful if you want others to become successful too, it is a cycle that keeps on rotating and everyone else in your circle is becoming successful once you touched them.

So if you wanted someone to become successful then you should experience success first, you should bring it to your life and become big as much as you can. Become a superstar so you can have large influence and connections that you can choose to make other people successful. You can also have a lot of resources which you can use for helping others. You can't preach about success or help other people to become successful if you're a broke son of a bitch, you are just setting up yourselves for another epic failure because the knowledge and experience isn't there. 

If you're a huge success then you can make other people become successful easily. You can make requests to the organization you are working with to make the person you choose to help to be given an opportunity to become successful. Example is a politician with a very high position in the government, he can appoint anyone that will work in his office. He can give positions instantly without an further requirements or procedures. He can give anyone a chance to become successful by simply using his power. 

You are powerful if you are successful. Another example is a superstar in hollywood, he can also choose the cast in his movie, he can give a break to his friend who has a quiet career. He can make a request to the producer whom he wants to act in a specific role. And the producers and directors cannot deny his request. A successful star always get what he wants because his value is too high. He can do power tripping if he wants to as long as he gets the job done and make his movie successful. 

So if you wanted to help other people, make sure you're already a huge success. If you try to help other people but you only have few resources or you are not a success yourself, the chances are both of you will fail. You're just giving hope to something that will never go far. You will just create a beginning and won't be able to finish it. 

Success is very easy to share if you have something to share and if you are sure you can share it. You should have power to help other people become successful too, you should have influence and connections so that helping will be very easy and guaranteed.

A lot of people wants to impress and will offer a help, but the problem is they cannot even help themselves to become successful. All they are doing is showing off and nothing more than that. They just wanted to look good and successful but the truth is... they were failures. If you want to offer help, make sure you can do it, make sure you're a huge success so the people whom you offer a help won't get disappointed. 


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You can always do something, nobody can stop you from moving. There is always a solution, there is always a replacement, there is always an alternative. You don't have an excuse for not taking actions because just like I said, you can always do anything if you want to.

If your right hand is injured, you can always use your left hand. It may not produce good result as the right hand but it can still do something.

Just like in mixed martial arts, if you can't punch your opponent then you can kick him. If you can't beat him standing up then you can take him down and beat him on the ground. You can even choke him if you want and put him to sleep. There is always an alternative if you can't do a particular thing, you can always do some other things.

Just because you can't do a specific thing doesn't mean you can't get the job done. You can find ways if you really want it, greatness always find a way. It is all about staying with the moment, never try to escape the situation and figure out what you can do and immediately doing it. Don't hesitate, don't think twice, just do it and you will eventually get the job done.

If you can't shoot with the left hand then shoot with the right hand, at first it looks very impossible to do. It will only look possible if it is the only option you have.

So if someone is telling you that you are good enough and that you can't be good at something... never believe him. If you think that you can do it then for sure you can. They may judge you as dumb if you suck at something and they saw it but don't believe what they say. It is just a matter of figuring out where you are good at and doing it. So if you suck at something and you don't want to do it then don't do it. Find another activity where you think you can be good. If an activity is giving you good feelings, even if it is hard and you are not yet good about it... it is the right activity for you. An activity that gives you good emotions is the right one for you. It is just a matter of mastering it and perfecting it... everything else will follow. Everything will fall on the right place.

You need to keep moving and keep trying to find the things that you can do. You need to be always in motion so you can figure out what is right for you. You can do a lot, you can do more. Don't let a single failure at something defines the real you. Don't let an embarrassment destroy your confidence. Your greatness hasn't been explored yet, it is your job to look for the things where you can be good at and do it forever until you become very successful.


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You will be graded in anything that you do... The only question is what grade do you want? You create your own grade, you grade yourself. Your professors or critics are just recording, computing and telling you what is your grade. 

Your grade is based on your performance. You can complain about it but you know in yourself if you did your homework very well or not. You know if you become lazy or you do your assignments seriously. 

Your grade should always be an "A" because you are the one creating it, you have the control, you were given the time for preparation so what is your excuse for not getting and "A"?.

Having a grade "E" for effort is unacceptable. Everyone can make an effort, everyone can do it. Just do something mediocre to get a grade then you will get a grade. A grade "E" means you get it because they feel pity for you, you get it because you just do something to get a grade. You were already happy of just getting a grade. It is a grade for lazy people so you should be ashamed of yourself if you get something like that. 

People will grade you but you created that grade. You can get a very high grade if you really put in the hardwork to get it. Life is unfair but you will get what you deserve. So don't ever expect a very good grade if you are lazy during your preparation. Life is what you make it, you can play with it but you can't fake it. A lot of people complains about their grades but if you will look at what they are doing... they are simply taking their life for granted. They never do something to make their grade better. 


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Law of averages is true and very effective if you will know how to master it. It is a law that only needs perseverance and patience to be able to make it effective. In other words, you need a lot of repetition to make it work.

It can make you very successful, you can use it anywhere but the only problem is... you don't know when it will work. You can try as many times as you want but you will never know the exact time when will it take effect.

It will also work if you use it in gambling, for sure you will also win. But the only big problem is you don't know when. And the more you try to win and lost, the more you lose money. You will arrive to a point where you still have to try but you don't have the money anymore. The conclusion is you still lost in the end.

So the law of averages works best if there is no means for trying. It works very well in trying to make money without using money, it works very well in making a sales, applying for a job or even trying to find the right person for you. You have to have unlimited tries if you want to use the law of averages.

If you wanted to win in life, don't use the law of averages in gambling because for sure you will become broke. Use it on other things where you you can win without risking anything. Your effort and number of tries should be your capital and not money or other things that has value.

The law of averages works very well for people who doesn't want to give up. It is mastered by people who loves to try as much as they can until they become successful. So if you are not relentless then never use it because you will only quit once you don't see any result.

You need to have a lot of patience and faith if you want the law of averages to work for you. You need to give it a time and put in a lot of effort. So don't stop trying because success is already guaranteed, you just need to bang the door a couple of times until it opens.


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Everyone has his own weakness, nobody is perfect in this world and if you have weakness... don't be ashamed about it because it is only a proof that you're just a human.

Even champions, millionaires and presidents have their own weaknesses, they were just too good in hiding it that is why they look very strong, stable and invincible. Their strengths overpowers their weaknesses because they only focus on what is working. They never give attention to what they can't do because they were wise enough to know that it will only make them fail.

1. Pretend that you don't have a weakness. If someone ask what is your weakness... tell them that you don't have. Or tell them that you don't know. This will project a self image that you are really powerful and you believe yourself too much. People will smell your strength and they will think that you are one of a kind person. They will think that you are arrogant but they will somehow believe in you.

2. Pretend that you are very confident. Always stay calm, never rush things, never show them that you are scared. You can fake it till you make it. Once you project a very confident image... everything else will follow. Everything will become smooth and you will be able to command some people. They will think of you as a strong person that has no weakness and can get the job done. So always project a confident body language, never show stiffness or scared posture.  

3. Don't focus on your mistakes. A lot of people, once they made a mistake... they will feel the pressure, they will feel that people were judging them. One very good key to hide your weakness is once you made a mistake, pretend that you don't know it. People will even believe that you did it on purpose.

4. Be aggressive. Looking aggressive and being aggressive is also a good concealer for weakness. If you are making bold movements then people will feel that you are really strong. They will never think of you as a weak individual. They will be impressed with your actions and risk taking behaviors. They will be stunned and you can control the moment.

5. Be true to yourself. Being true to oneself is a very good weapon to become successful. If your actions were very authentic and spontaneous then people will feel that you are a special person that is strong and not afraid to show his true colors. If they all see in you is strength then they will never expect weakness from you because they think that you are not hiding anything because you are so true to yourself.

6. Focus on your strengths. Once you are focused on your strengths, you will never feel weak anymore. You will do what is effective and you will keep on making results. In that case, you will never think about your weakness anymore, people won't see it because all they see is the good things about you.

7. Don't be afraid to use your weakness. Using your weakness means you are on your way to greatness. It means you are constantly improving and you are not afraid to make mistakes anymore. You are here to win because you are so confident, loose and means business. Using your weakness will make you think that it is not a weakness anymore because you already conquered the fear behind it.


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You have to know when to sacrifice and you also have to see opportunities where you can make sacrifices. You have to be aware of what you are doing and completely be honest with yourself if it is making you progress.

The key here is to be aware if you are having fun at the moment. If you are having fun then it only means two things... you are having fun in your work or you are having fun doing nothing like watching tv, playing video games or simply gossiping in facebook. Yes it is fun doing those things but the only question is... are those activities beneficiary? Are those activities going to make you rich or poor?

Successful people have done a lot of sacrifices in their lives that is why they were so successful. They do the things that they hate to do until it becomes their habits. They do it until those sacrifices become daily actions and they feel that those aren't sacrifices anymore. They treat it as another day in their life. At first it is hard but it becomes easier because they become familiar with it and they were not having a difficulty doing it anymore. When a thought plays in their head and that thought is not beneficiary, they knew it is a time to make a sacrifice. For example, if they remember that today is the airing of their favorite TV show... they will not watch it, instead they will do what they needed to do. They knew that is the moment to make a sacrifice because for sure they will get better rewards by doing it. It is just a matter of conditioning their mind to prioritize what is the most important things first and setting aside the activities that are not beneficiary. They don't even have to think about it, they don't need second thoughts. They were experts in making the right decisions that is why they were always in the right place and always find the best opportunities in life.

For example a champion marathon runner... he will always wake up at 4am in the morning to do some running drills. It looks very hard, it looks like a sacrifice to others but to them... it is nothing. It is like an ordinary day, it is very easy for them to wake up at 4 am because they turned those sacrifices into habits. They do it everyday that is why it is not a sacrifice anymore, it is already a lifestyle. It is not very hard, it is just a simple task for them.

So if you wanted to become successful too, you should turn those sacrifices into habits. Do it everyday, find sacrifices as much as you can and make it a habit. For example, you will do something for your goal everyday... you will do it even if it is holiday or Christmas, you will do it because you don't want to cut your momentum. You will do it because it is the right thing to do. It is only hard in the beginning, it will become very easy in the end.


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Your emotions doesn't matter anymore. Dramatic actors who wants everything but doesn't want to take actions were broke and failure nowadays. People who complain a lot and whine a lot  cannot get any attention from people because they were already exposed. The public knows their hidden agenda from acting like a victim, people already know that they needed something that is why they were acting that way.

People don't care if you feel bad, sick or if you have a fever. It doesn't even matter if you have an LBM or something. You still need to take actions to become successful. You still need to move if you want to stay on top of your game, you need to work if you want to have a long and healthy career. There is no other choice, dramas will never save you, it will only make you look worse. You will look like a weak piece of shit that needs to be clean off.

There will be days when you will really feel bad. You're just a human being, you are not a cyborg nor a super hero. You will also feel weak, even if you don't talk about it, you will really feel it. Fatigue will start to kick in if you're working for a very long time. But the difference between a successful person and not is a successful person will never talk about his emotions, he will not talk about how he feels. Even if he really feels bad, he will never make excuses, he will keep on taking actions until his job is finished. A failure always talk about how tired he is, how difficult his job is blah blah blah. Even if the pain is only small... he will make it as an excuse not to show up, he will tell it to a lot of people so he will never be forced to work hard.

So if you are feeling bad but you still wanted to work... just work. Take it slow. Just stay calm and keep on taking actions. Even if you feel sleepy, even if you really feel bad because you have a fever... just keep on taking actions until you find your momentum. You will feel better once you are doing a lot. Again, you don't need to get fast, all you need is to stay calm and keep pushing forward. Because once you feel angry, once you feel frustrated... that is the time when quitting is bound to happen. You would love to go home and rest. But what if you really needed to finish something? Just relax and make one step at a time . No need to rush, you just need to move your hands or feet and make the necessary steps to finish your assignment. Don't think too much, don't worry, just take it slow, make gradual progress and soon you will see that you've already done a lot. Being relaxed will give you peace, it will put you in the right frame of mind to accept your situation and make a move despite of not feeling well.

Because that is what successful people does, they still make actions despite of feeling something bad. They don't care about how they feel, all they care is making a progress and forging some results. It doesn't matter if they are producing poor results, all they want is to make some results. If you are slow so be it, if you can't work at your best so be it. Accept that you are weak at the moment because it is just a matter of time before you regain your natural strength again. The only thing that matters is you never lose your momentum and you never miss a single day working for your dreams.


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Hoping is praying for something without knowing that it will happen. Faith is different, you already believed that it will happen, it is just a matter of waiting for it to happen. Hope is not sure while faith is very sure. Hope can change anytime especially if the situation is really hard and makes you wanna quit. But faith is different, no matter how hard or tragic the situation is, no matter how long it take to become successful... faith never change, it even become stronger.

So stop hoping, instead have faith. Just believe that it will happen sooner or later. You don't have to get bored waiting for it, you don't have to feel that what you want is very far from you. Just relax and it will come.

A lot of people become hopeless because they hope too much, they keep on hoping and hoping until they don't believe it anymore. Hoping is like begging for something to happen and if you see that it is impossible, your hope fades, it becomes frustration and lack of trust.

But faith... it is something that you knew from the start will happen, you don't feel that it is impossible. You just work and keep moving until it happens. Faith has something to do with actions while hope is simply sitting somewhere and hoping that your life will change.

You have a made up mind if you have faith. You don't care about the things that might show on your way and destruct you from being successful. But if you are only hoping, it means uncertainty on your mindset, you are not sure if you will continue or not. In other words, you are just hoping to get lucky.

So choose faith over hope to ensure success. Now that you know the difference between the two, it is time for you to become faithful to your dreams and do everything to make it happen. Don't hope for something, have faith on yourself, have faith that your dreams will happen.

Having faith requires no thinking anymore, especially if your faith is strong, it is very cool because you will not worry anymore. You will just start your journey and keep moving until your dream happens. You don't care if the going gets tough, you don't care if you made a lot of mistakes. You just move and move and find a way how to become successful.

Dec 30, 2016


You don't need to go to a gym if you really want your body to improve, yeah what you heard is right. Gyms are overrated, I am not saying that it isn't helpful but what if you don't have a money to hit the gym? Are you going to build that excuse or are you going to look for a solution?

You don't need a gym, you don't need to drink those expensive protein shake or something. Just run everyday, do some pushups, push yourself, be consistent and that's it.

Looking for a coach or gym instructor is just an excuse. You can make your body grow if you really want it. It is all about facing the pain, being consistent and persevering until you changed your body.

All you need is willpower and a vision. An image of yourself having that healthy and oozing body. You don't need technical stuffs, you don't need a professional to do it for you. All you need to do is run and lift yourself. Make your body a little bit stressed, sweat and make your self breathe heavily.

If you are suffering it means you are improving and progressing. Just punish your body little by little by every drills you know, just do basic drills, do simple exercises and you will see a dramatic improvement in your body.

A lot of people can't do something because they want the complete equipment, knowledge and support. Are they just making excuses or they can't really do it?

If you really want something, you will find a way how to do it. You can do impossible moves and improvise your own method. You will never make excuses, you will not see what is lacking in your life, all you know is you can do it and you will do it no matter what.

Needing something means setting up yourself for failing. You don't need anything, you can have all the equipment for making your body better but if you are not willing to take actions then you just wasted your money.

Commitment is the key. Just know what you want and promise to yourself that you will not stop until you make it happen.


People are complicating things too much, maybe it is because of the media or news or any outside influences that are spreading negativity and they absorb those information.

Success will become easier if you will not complicate things. If you will just focus on your strengths and stop putting some information in your brain that will not help you. It is all about absorbing references that will make you motivated to take actions and keep pushing until you get what you want.

Your main job is to simply believe in yourself, believe in your own ideas and work as hard as you can. You can't just simply believe that you can do it while not working hard for it. Your belief will vanish in the end because actions is what fuels belief.

Your belief will increase everyday if you keep on taking actions and working hard than yesterday.

You don't need to entertain other thoughts anymore, just simply believe in your vision, work as hard as you can and eventually you will get there. You will get there even if it takes very long to get there.

Because entertaining other thoughts and comments that is outside of your goal is not your job, it will only make you slow down and confused. It will make your brain stressed and cluttered. Just make your life simple, focus on your idea and work on it. Make it better everyday, add something on it and make it grow. It is very simple, focus on the inside and forget about the outside.

And one more thing, you will not become very tired or over fatigued if you are just doing what will make you progress. A lot of people becomes tired and not even reaching the final stage of their task because they are thinking about everything, They were entertaining thoughts that are poisonous and disastrous. They were doing something but they were thinking about the other thing. And this kind of approach makes life very difficult for them.

Your life will become very easy if you will just work hard on your goal and fully believe on it, don't work hard on the other things because your energy will be scattered and confused. Make your life simple by being very basic, straight to the point and taking relentless actions for the realization of your dreams.


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The are lot of advantages that you have that you don't know . It is because You think of the word advantage as something that is comfortable and will immediately make you win. Advantage is not like that, you still have to work, you still need to look around and become very observant. You need to find your advantage and believe in it. It doesn't necessarily need to be a skill or talent, your advantages can come from other people too.

1. A lot of people will quit early. For example in twitter, a lot of people especially the marketing people would love to grow their followers. An average followers that you can get in one year is 15 thousand, and that is if you are active. If you will look at some marketers in tweeter, they were already using it for 5-7 years but they only have hundreds of followers. It simply means, they quit so early. They quit during the first or second year if they don't find success in what they are doing.

It is a big advantage for you, a lot of people will quit and if you are the one who doesn't give up easily... you will be able to destroy the competition. You will be the last man standing and you will become very successful. Not quitting is already winning you just have to keep going. If you see a lot of people quit in your field then it means you will be able to solo success.

2. People were so scared to take the blame. They don't want to even try. In a class composed of 50 pupils, 45  of them were pussies, 3 are trying to look brave and only 2 are the real alphas. It is a big advantage for you if you are willing to take the blame because you will attract a lot of opportunities to grow and experience a lot of things. If a teacher ask the whole class who wants to become president, only few will raise their hands because they don't want to handle a big responsibility, they are afraid to take the blame if the class is not organized. So if you are this type of person who is not afraid to take the blame then you will be able to command people and use them for your advantage.

3. People don't believe in their own ideas. That is why they can't escape the rut they are in. They don't believe in their own ideas. They will dream of becoming something but they will not pursue it, they will not follow through, they will not bring their ideas into life. So if you believe in your own idea and make actions for it then it is very clear that you already have an advantage. You are one of these few people who will make it in life for fully believing in yourself.

4. You can play with everything. If you can treat life as a game then it will be very easy for you to love it and become successful. Treat it like a video game and that you are just playing with it. You are the main character of the video game and you keep on leveling up everyday. If you are very playful, fun and you can find the joy in everything then you have an advantage over the others. A lot of people were mad in their lives and they don't know how to play anymore that is why they can't enjoy their journey. They were full of depression and complaints and that is what they attracted everyday.

5. It's free to dream and take actions. It is one of your biggest advantage in life again... you are free to dream about anything and take actions to make it real. You can dream big or small, it is up to you. If you can dream it then you can have it for sure. You may not know the specific steps on how to get it but if you are willing to go for it relentlessly then one day it will be yours.

6. You have unlimited tries. I don't know why people will stop trying after failing the first or second try. Do they think that trying has limits? You can try as much as you can. You can even do one million tries and the world will still give you another chance after the other. Try as much as you can because it is free and you don't need to count the number of failures you have. Trying is one of your advantages so abuse it and become successful.

7. You are free to try everything. Try to become rich and popular, try to become kind, try to become strong, try to become generous, try to become the biggest person that you can be. You are free to try anything, you are just afraid to try it. No one is stopping you from trying so you shouldn't stop yourself from experiencing everything that you can experience. Just go an try it, try it while you still can because the moment you grow old and weak... you can never try everything anymore. Just try even if the results were not guaranteed.


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A lot of commentators, sports analysts, critics, bloggers and guru wannabes will talk about their "so called knowledge" and predictions about an expected outcome of the fight or game. They will pretend that they know what is going on and when their predictions are right... they will look very proud and will expose the world how good they are.

How can an old man who hasn't boxed even once in his life know what will be the outcome of a particular boxing match? he will simply use his flowery words, pretend that he knows a lot, pretend that he knows the details and people will believe in him. If you will make a statement about something, make sure you have an experience in that field. Just because you talk about something doesn't mean you know a lot about it. Anyone who hasn't experience the same amount of pressure, work, dedication and challenges about something has no right to talk about it. That guy is just a poser and wants an attention.

If you didn't experience defeat, glory and millions of hours of work then it simply means you don't know what you are talking about. You're just an average Joe making wild guesses that you hope will come true so you will get some credits.

Stop talking if you don't have experience about something, stop making comments because your words are irrelevant and you don't have the proof that you have some knowledge on it. Some people will believe you but those people are the mediocre ones who were very easy to convince. The experts and real professionals won't believe in you. The real competitors won't believe in you, they will just laugh at you because you don't really know what is going on.

You don't know what is going on with the minds of the athletes or performers, you don't know what is inside of their heart, and if they are scared or not. You don't know what they've endured to be on that stage so you don't have the right to make predictions and discourage some athletes or performers because you don't know what is going on with their lives. You're just an ordinary spectator like everyone else. Stop pretending like you're some kind of a legend who can guess everything and make influence, you're just another bum with loud mouth and small confidence. Be yourself, you don't achieve anything great so shut up and just watch. You're just a spectator, you never compete or perform, you're just sitting around for long years. You don't know how it feels like to be on a big stage. You don't know anything about pressure, hardwork and sacrifices so close your big mouth and let people do their best.

You will only have the right to talk if you've done some great things but if not... it means you're just an ordinary bum trying to sell some shit. It is better if you will just support some people who are doing their best. It is better to just believe people who knows better than you.


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Dec 29, 2016


Failure is like an ice cream melting. The more you do stupid things in life, the more your ice cream will melt. You keep on licking it because you are so in love with your vices, procrastination and bullshits. You feel comfortable because you are not doing anything, you keep on doing what is fun. You keep on licking your ice cream and it keeps on melting.

The more you lick it, the more your life is melting and going down. Your chances were evaporating. You don't know what to do anymore because your ice cream will be gone in a moment. But just because doing what is fun is easy, even though it is not contributing something to your life... you will continue licking your ice cream. You will never stop until your life is over.

And that is what failure is... it is addictive, you think you hate your life but the truth is you love it. You love what is happening with your life at the moment even though it is something negative. Even if you hate to admit it... you really like it, if you don't like it then why do you keep on doing it? why are you not changing?

And when you decided to change... it is already over. There is nothing left in your ice cream anymore. You want to buy another one but you can't anymore because your life is over. Life cannot be bought. The sad part here is you realized it when you can't do anything about it anymore. It is too late for you to change, you already failed, you can't go back to your past anymore. In other words, you're already fucked up hahahaha!

So do something about your ice cream while it hasn't totally melt yet. Put it into freezer, freeze your bad habits so you will be able to stop your ice cream from melting. Preserve your life and do everything you can to make your ice cream last longer. Stop licking it, stop engaging into bad habits that will only lead to failure. Do it now, do it while it is not yet over.


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People are having a hard time living their lives because they are always looking for what is missing in their lives. They are having a difficulty to adjust, they were having a scarcity mindset and they are having a hard time to adjust with their situation. And this type of mentality will result to failure, depression, self pity and anger.

Look at a wannabe rich guy who has a brand new cellphone last year... he would love to replace his cellphone with what is new in the market today. He always compare, he always look at his friends with brand new cellphones. And if he can't get what he want... he will feel bad, he will get depressed, he will feel outclassed and poor. He created his own negative emotions by looking at what is missing in his life. A lot of people does this that is why their happiness is too shaky and dependent from things that that is far from their reach.

An example is a team competing in the NBA that has a poor standing, a lot of players on that team will complain about lacking a best player, they will look for what is missing on their team. And when a great player comes on their team and eating a lot of their playing time... they will now complain about their playing time, they will complain about the lack of minutes they are getting. It is funny because they keep on looking at what is missing in their lives and that is what makes them stuck and unhappy.

Why will you look for what is missing if you have something? The truth is you're not empty handed, you have something but you can't appreciate it. And when what you want is already there, you will look for another thing that is missing. The vicious cycle keeps on spinning and you don't know that little by little you are going insane. You want more and more and more. Problems keeps on coming, you are making your life very complicated.

Just look at what is inside of your circle. Look at what you have, appreciate it and make it better if you can.

If you keep on looking for what is missing then you will have a hard time growing. Your eyes are always looking for lack and scarcity. You will never feel good because you always feel less. Even if what you have is enough, you will still complain and ask for some other things. You will have a hard time making the best out of the situation. In other words you already quit just before the show started.

Just practice appreciating what you have and never compare with others. Their path is different from yours. You have your own life and journey, you can improve everyday and get what you want, you don't need to look for it and feel bad about it. Improvement, success and growth will come if you will just try to make yourself a better person everyday. Those things, success and abundance will come naturally, all you need to do is work on yourself and improve your game bit by bit. Let go of what is missing in your life and it will come to you.


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A lot of people were having a hard time on their life because they can't let go, they can't leave something that is making their life difficult. They knew what is not beneficiary but they still hold on to it. They now what is good for them but they are not doing it. 

If the company you are working with is not treating you right, not giving you the salary you wanted or if it is making your life like hell then be ready to leave it. Don't be scared to leave it because you think you might not find another work again. If it is stressful then leave it and look for a better company where you can grow personally and financially. You can't just waste your life working for a company that is making your life miserable, you are just wasting your life if you keep doing that. Pack your bags now and slap your boss with a resignation paper. Tell him you're done with his stupid ideas and you are ready to pursue your own fortune. 

Leave your group or friends if your relationship with them is not healthy anymore. You are free to leave, you are just scared because you are afraid to be alone. Let me tell you this, it is better to be alone and happy than to be with a lot of people but you feel unappreciated. You will see your importance if you will live by your rules and learn how to make a decision by yourself. Be ready to leave, don't say something just leave. Real people with the same vision as yours will come if you are very true to yourself. You will find the right people for you if you believe in yourself and not trying hard too much to please people. 

Always be ready to leave if something in your life, relationships, business or work is not doing you a favor. Be ready to leave anything if you are not happy anymore. That will give you power, that will give you confidence. 

But of course, once you do it... make sure that you can build something new, something that will make you happier and at peace. Once you leave, be ready to forget everything. Don't spare them a piece of emotion and still thinking about the past. It is like a fresh start, no more grudge, no more thinking about making a revenge. Once you leave... leave completely and never try to make a comeback. 

Act like a real boss in life and no one can stop you with the decisions that you are making. Always have an abundant mindset that you can be happier on other things and you can find other people and situations where you will be respected more and appreciated more.

A lot of people are just leaving because they want to make dramas, they want people to think about them and beg for their comeback. That mindset won't work, it is a needy tactic and needy tactics won't work. Once you leave... don't think about being pampered and people around you will beg for your comeback, once you leave... leave and build another journey that will make you a better person. 


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Saying no is very hard to do, a lot of people nowadays are becoming a member of the YES man society because they don't want to hurt other people's feelings. The truth is... you are not hurting anyone if you will say no. They are hurting themselves by being too much emotional. And guess what.. sensitivity will attract poverty. You have to have a strong stomach and skin in this generation. You can't be too sensitive because having that kind of mindset will make you weak even more. You will miss a lot of things if you will try to make a lot of dramas.

You don't have to say yes anytime a person ask you for something. By doing that, you will have disorganized life and you will always be in a bad spot. By doing that, you are letting other people take control of your life.

Here are some of the benefits if you will have the courage to say no:

1. You will become more confident. Saying no especially if you really mean it will make you confident because you will feel you have the right to make a stand. You will feel entitled of choosing your own options. Your confidence will soar high because you are able to express how you feel and you are not scared of the consequences that may happen by saying no.

2. You will have more time for yourself. No one can disturb you if you are doing important things. You will say no to people who are inviting you to parties, useless events, etc. You can focus more and prioritize the more important things. You can protect your busy schedule. You will be able to always finish on time, beat any tight deadlines and become more disciplined in any areas of your life because you have a mindset that no one can just cut your momentum and ask for your time.

3. You will become true to yourself. Your decision will always be favored in your side. Saying no means being true to yourself because you will not do things that you don't want just to make other people happy. Saying no to what is being presented that you don't like means you know what you want and you are just being honest with your true feelings.

4. You will become more successful. You will become successful because you are bold and confident to disagree to what you think is wrong. You will reject offers that is not helpful to your growth. You will say no to activities that are not helping you to become a better person.

5. Your decision making will become better. You don't belong to the "YES MAN" society. You will weigh all of your options and reject what is not helpful or what will not give solutions. You are ruthless crossing out choices that are meaningless to get a job done.

6. You will know who are your true friends. A friend that gets rejected and never feel bad about it is a true friend. So if you rejected somebody and he feels bad, it only means he is just using you or he just likes you because he can get something from you. So if you wanna test the loyalty of your friend... say no to him and wait for his reactions. If he is ok with that then congratulations, you found a true friend.

7. People will feel your authority. They will think that you are not easy to convince so they will be a little bit intimidated at you. They will respect you in someways and will not always ask for a favor from you. They will not command you nor bully you because you can always say no and stop what you don't like.


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Dec 27, 2016


You have to be fast to get more, do more and be more. Speed is a great attribute and if you know how to use it well... you will reach another level of success that is very hard to reach.

Speed will give you growth. Just be fast at something, do it fast, do it with your full strength and your skill will reach another ladder that cannot be matched by anyone.

If you are speed at doing something you will find more opportunity. Let's say you're making sales through calls, if you can make a call fast and call as much as you can, then for sure not a single day will pass without you making a single sale. For sure you will become successful because you can produce huge numbers.

Speed will make your produce a lot of things. it will make you explore different things that others can't see because they were too slow. Speed can be developed. You can have it if you really want it. You can use it as a great weapon to succeed, it can be your only tool to reach the top.

How speed can be developed:

1. Don't think. A lot of you folks can't do something because you are thinking too much. You are worrying too much and you were jailed by being afraid of making a mistake. You need to think but only for a second. Don't over analyze because it will create paralysis in your system. Just do something about it, make a move and look for a strong finish.

2. Just do it. No procrastination, no second thoughts... just do it. Do it like you're so hungry to do it. Do it like finishing it is the only thing that will give you happiness. A lot of folks out there has a default of resting, change your default to action. Do it even if you don't wanna do it and you will see that you are getting happier and happier while you are making a progress.

3. Know your target very well. If you don't know your target, you will be forever guessing and that will lead you to slowing down. Know your target and hunt it, if it is about numbers or quota... set a specific quota and push yourself to get it as fast as you can. Never rest until you reached your target.

4. Don't get emotional. Being emotional will slow you down, giving too much importance to your emotions will only make you feel bad. If something isn't nice bothered you, forget it right away and go back to your work. Forget about your emotions and focus on your actions.

5. Forget about the results. Just give your best no matter what, if the results doesn't come on your way... it is what it is. Accept it and just do the next step. Always thinking about the results will make you worry and slow. You will care so much about different things that doesn't matter. You will think about losing and making mistakes. So forget about the results and go full speed ahead.

6. Put some pressure in yourself. A healthy pressure is a helpful pressure. Put some pressure in yourself so you won't be able to relax. Pressure creates diamonds and if you can handle it very well then for sure you will become successful. Put some pressure in yourself so you will be forced to take actions.

7. Be careful so you won't double check anymore.  Be loose but always be careful. Being loose and confident is very different from being arrogant and careless. Be careful so you will not come back and rethink if you did the right things.


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Of course you will be lost, you can't simply take a route to the top and have a smooth sailing the journey towards it.

There will be times when your way will be broken, you will lose your focus, you will create some mistakes and you will think if it is still rational to continue. You will lose your motivation, you will think about quitting because you're already lost big time and momentum is not on your side anymore.

But you have to remember that greatness will find a way. You can find a way even if the road is already damaged and there is no way you can pass anymore. There are solutions waiting to be explored, there are some unexplored terrain that you can use if you will look hard enough to find it.

You may not see it now because your spirit is broken and your mind cannot think straight but once you toned down your emotions a little bit and you keep going... another way will be discovered. A much better and faster way with lesser rocks and bumps will be traveled by your feet and you will be happier this time.

Not all broken ways are broken, sometimes it is just guiding you the right way, it is showing you a way that is really yours. In other words, it is a sign.

And even if it is really broken as it may look like... you can still fix it, you can make adjustments, you can pass on those rocks and obstacles and continue pursuing your journey.

It is either you go back, take another route or force your way to the top. Whatever choice you pick, always make sure you will have no regrets in the end. Because the moment you go back and decided to make a come back.... that way may no longer exist.


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You have to be closer to successful things or people so you will become successful too. It is like feeling their energy and getting familiar with it. If you are closer with them then you can copy their attitude, behavior, mindset and habits so you will have an idea how it feels like to become successful too. You will see things that you haven't seen before, you will discover their techniques and how to get things done. You will learn a lot, you will move into a different level.

Work with big time people even if it is just a part time. It will be easier for you to copy the habits and lifestyle of successful people if you are working with them. You will know their schedule, they way they talk, move and socialize with different people. You will know their secrets and how to handle problems and challenges. If you are very attentive with the way they behave, you will be able to know everything about success. You will adapt to their surroundings and you will discover a lot of things that you thought weren't possible before. You will be inspired more and your self confidence will grow bigger as your knowledge becomes deeper.

Fight a star if you're an ordinary fighter. It is not only about associating, it is also about competing. You have to compete with the highest level to know your level. If you want to become successful then you must be brave enough to fight the champion so your skills will grow and your courage will soar. You can't improve if you're constantly fighting bums that will only teach you how to become weak. If lions don't want to associate themselves with you then fight them and dethrone them. You will learn a lot and become stronger if you are brave enough to face the champions. And even if you lose, you're still a winner because you still gain something, you gain knowledge and experience that will make you a better person. 

Watch and learn instructions from successful people. If you can't find some successful people whom you can associate yourself with, then just watch some of their videos in you tube. There are thousands of them. But also make sure you are watching legit stuffs. There are lot of fakes and wannabes on the internet that just wanted to make some money. Make sure you do your research so you are listening to the right ones. You will learn a lot by just simply watching and listening, you will be able to copy their wisdom and apply it to your own life. Successful people share their secrets, they are not selfish and they want others to become successful too. For them, it is easier to become successful if they will help others succeed too.

It is easy to become successful if you will surround yourself with successful people. You will become more motivated, your mindset will become very positive and you will feel their energy. You will be like them because their attitude is very contagious. You will become inspired and your life will change.


This is one big mistake that most people are doing that is why their success is derailing. They are counting their efforts. If they think that they've done so much.. they will look for rewards, they will look for success and if they can't find it.... they will feel bad and quit right away.

You don't have to count your efforts because you can never count your success once you become successful. Making an effort is a responsibility, it is a requirement. You don't have to ask for something in return because it is your duty to put an effort if you want something.

And besides, nobody told you to put an effort on the first place. Nobody commands you to work hard so don't blame the world if you think that all of your efforts have been wasted.

You don't need to count it, you just need to do it. Do int until you're there. Never stop, never cry and complain that it is hard. Nothing is easy, nothing is free. You have to earn it to get it. You have to sweat for it and stop acting like the world is unfair and that you are not blessed. You can't get what you want because you keep on looking for it every now and then. And when you don't see it... that is the time you really feel bad for yourself.

Counting your efforts is just a waste of time. It is your responsibility so don't ever ask for something in exchange.

You've already been rewarded, you just don't know it. Everytime you put an effort, if you do it consistently then you are getting better everyday. And that to me is already a reward. You're getting good at something, you are about to enter a sage level. Everytime you push yourself and sweat everyday.. you are being hardened, you are getting tougher and sharper. So stop looking for results because the results were already there. Look at yourself, you were better than yesterday so you should be proud of what you are doing and stop looking for something else.

Counting your efforts simply means you don't love what you are doing, it simply means you want it right away and you wanted to escape the process. If that will be your approach then you will never become successful. You don't have to look for success, it will come to you in the right place and the right time if you're already deserving of it.

You are not successful yet because your efforts were not yet enough, as simple as that. So the more you count your efforts, the more you waste time and the more success will try to escape you.

Be patient and learn to wait. Never stop working and believing. You are very close, you just need to push a little more, grind a little more. Stay on the process and don't ever think about quitting. You're almost there, it is just a matter of time before you become successful.


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This process is the best process in the world. It is also known as the unknown process, there is no specific definition, there is no specific name... YOU JUST DO WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER. You will define your goal, make a commitment of pursuing it and then just putting something on it everyday. You just do what makes you one step closer from it, you just do what you think will give you a progress.

Confusion ignites procrastination that will create depression. So if you don't know where and how to start... just do something, just put something on it. Every action is the right action, you don't need to worry too much if what you are doing is right for as long as you are doing something... you are right.

So stop hesitating and do something, do something that will move you. Keep on doing something until you become something.

Everyone is taking about the "process" but they are not consistent on their process, they just do it so that they have something to share with their friends or followers. They were not serious about it. They just wanted to look good and be able to show something to the world.

An unknown process full of actions is better than specific process that is full of shit. You can become successful by just taking actions everyday and thinking about your goals. You can go very far if all of your actions were related to your goal no matter how weird or how small that actions is.

Just do everything that will make you better and bigger... every action will do, it will sum up in the end and you will be thankful of yourself for taking actions and not just wondering what you can do.

So stop questioning yourself if your actions were right or wrong. Just simply do something and don't let a day end without doing something for your goal. Just be patient because all of your efforts will be rewarded for sure. You will get everything you need and want. Have faith and trust your unknown process.


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Beauty is not about how you look, it is bout how you feel. If you are not insecure, if you are natural and you are not afraid to express yourself and your style... then you're already beautiful. Beauty is not about impression, it is about expression. You can become more beautiful if you are not trying hard and doing stupid things to become beautiful. You just make yourself free. You give yourself the authority to become beautiful. You just accept yourself, accept that you have flaws, scars, pimples, ugly teeth or anything that makes you feel ugly. You need to accept all of your ugly attributes and be happy with it. You don't need to hide it, you don't need to feel ashamed with it. Expose it and be proud of it. That is the best way to look beautiful... being fearless regardless of what people might say. 

If you can accept that you are not perfect and you are simply being yourself then people will notice you. If you can become totally true to yourself and your feelings then you will be able to release a very unique energy that will impress people. You don't need to impress them, they will be impressed naturally without forcing anything or doing some attention-grabbing acts. 

A lot of supermodels were very pretty but they can't accept themselves. They always feel that they have to change something on their looks so they will look prettier. They were not satisfied of how they look and they were so focus on the ugly parts of their faces instead of appreciating what they have. The result is insecurity, they always feel that someone is prettier than them. They always compare that is why they can't be happy with their beautiful faces. 

You're already beautiful the way you are, you don't need to change anything. Just feel happy with your looks and people will be attracted to you. 


You always have to have something to show so you will get the job done. You have to present people something so they will believe in you. But what if you can't show anything? the answer is very simple... just present anything then just replace it later when you have time.

For example, if your client is asking you for samples of your work but for whatever reasons you didn't bring your portfolio or you forgot to bring it... just show something you can show, download some images on the internet, download some files and show it to your client. It may or may not work, it can backfire at you but one thing is for sure... if you didn't show something to your client then you will not get the project. Your client will not trust you because you can'st show something. He will think that you are not for real.

So just get something from anywhere and show it. But also make sure that you can really do what you have shown. Make sure that you are not over promising something to your client and you can back up what you are saying.

You are not lying if you can prove that you can do it, it just happens that you can't show something for the moment so you have to improvise. Don't be afraid to take chances, be confident that you can still win even if you are incomplete or not prepared.

If your client needs a mockup of the product that he is expecting and you don't have it... again just present something that you can present, get it somewhere, find something that you can show. Just replace it later when you already have time. There is nothing wrong in showing something that you can also do.

Because you can never convince anybody if you don't have something to show. You have to improvise so you can rise.

Don't be shy or afraid to show something to the people. The intention here is to convince them and make the believe that you can do the job. But you must do this if you can really do the job, you must not do this just to scam someone. Because at the end of the day, people will know the truth, they will know if you can really do it or not.


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Success is not all about believing, you will also become successful if you will not believe some things. Because there are things that if you believe will only make you weak, it will destroy your confidence, you will not take actions anymore and all you will do is take life for granted. So you have to be careful on what things to believe in, you must only believe what empowers you and can bring your motivation to another level. Get rid of those things that will lower your self esteem.

1. Talent. If you believe that there is such thing as talent then you will not work hard anymore to improve any skill that you have. You will envy people that you think are talented. You will not push yourself to become the best especially if you think that you don't have any talent at all. You will just accept your fate even though sometimes you are thinking of becoming great at something. If you believe in talent, talented people will eat you and you will not be able to compete at the highest level.

There is no such thing as talent, there is only skill. You can become great at anything if you will practice it everyday and become obsessed with it. Pick something and do it for at least 5 hours a day for one year, you will see tremendous improvement on that skill and some people who doesn't believe in hardwork will even call you talented.

2. Destiny. If there is such thing as destiny then you don't have to work anymore. Just sit around all day long and let life decide what are you going to be. Destiny is for losers, the always say "this is my destiny that is why I fail, I try but I am not destined to become successful". They were always full of excuses and they always blame circumstances for not being successful. If you will believe in destiny then you are destined to fail because you will not trust yourself, you will simply accept what life will throw at you. You will not try to force anything and use your willpower. You will become satisfied of the results of your life.

3. It is not for you. When some people say that it is nor for you and you believe them then it is not really for you. You don't have to believe that phrase because it is for losers. Try as much as you can to see if it is really for you. Try many times, try for as long as you can still try. You will only know that it is not for you if you can't try anymore and you are not yet successful. Everything is possible, anything can become yours.

4. Age. They will say that you were already too old to try something or they will even say you are still young to lead and become successful. If you will believe that age has something to do with success then your belief will go down. You will never try because you think success has an age limit. Age has nothing to do with success. Success will be attracted to you if you really believe in yourself no matter how old or young you are. If you can do the things needed to become successful regardless of your age then everything is possible for you.

5. Luck. Losers will say they have no luck that is why they were failures. They will say that luck is not on their side that is why they weren't able to make a momentum to become successful. Luck is always part of their vocabulary and guess what? they never get lucky just for once. If you will believe in luck then you will never get lucky. Luck will only happen to people who work so hard and make their hands dirty to become successful.

6. It is nor your time yet. There is no such thing as timing, success can happen anytime, You don't know when is the right time so you have to give your 100 percent effort everyday. If success didn't happen, it doesn't mean it is not yet your time, it only means there is something that is missing in your efforts. You need to make the necessary adjustments and try again next time.

7. You already past your prime. You can reach your prime over and over again. There is no prime stage. There are even some people who become successful then they fail repeatedly and become successful again. If you will believe that you've already reached your prime then you will feel depressed, you will feel regretful and sorry for yourself because you think you can never become successful anymore. Stop believing in prime because if you really want it... you can always release the beast in you.


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The most ugliest image that you can ever project is looking very needy. It is the most disgusting image of all time. You will look weak, unattractive and people will stay away from you. Why? because you are making life harder for them. When they see you, they will feel that you need something from them. You are not offering something, you are just there to suck some resources that you can see.

You will look very dependent. People will never trust you because they know you can't be trusted and you don't know how to give time and effort, they know that all you can do is ask a favor from them.

Being needy will attract poverty because you don't have an abundant mindset, you feel like you always need something and you can't provide it on your own. You don't have confidence in yourself, you will not see opportunities that were already in front of you. All you know is you have to ask someone for help and you will feel bad if your wish is not granted.

Have you ever noticed that having that needy attitude is not helping you? look at your life, you are experiencing the same thing over and over again. If you have some problems, you will always try to look for someone to solve it for you. You will not even try your hardest because your mindset from the first place it to look for someone to rescue you. Your life will never change if you have a needy attitude.

And the worse is, you will always feel bad if people didn't help you. You feel like they are mean and selfish. You will act like a victim and you will look for sympathy from other people that you thought will help you.

Look at those beggars, even though some of them were still young and capable of working... they will not even try because they were already poisoned by their neediness and they think that all they can do is ask for free money and food. Their lives never change even though some people are giving them help.

You have to change your mindset from being needy to being independent. You have to get things yourself and stop asking help from other people especially if you can do it on your own. You think you can't do it because you're not even trying, you are afraid to struggle and you want an immediate relief. If you will take your time and do your best to do things on your own then you will be able to do it.

Stop looking for fast solutions and shortcuts. Try to stick with your problem as much as you can and produce solutions on your own. That needy attitude of yours will bring you to nowhere, it will make you look like a baby that is not capable of doing even the smallest and easiest things. People will be disgusted at you and they will never join your company.

You have to use your skills and resources available to solve your problems. Your skills, knowledge and strength is enough to carry yourself and provide yourself everything you need. You have to step up your game and be the most independent man that you can be if you want to win in life. \


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This is the way, no hesitation, no doubts, no worries and just do it. Take actions and never give up. No matter what thought is distracting ...